The two men watched as Andrea spoke with Sergei, straining to hear what they could. Between the flood lights flickering on and the dwindling daylight, they could at least make out their expressions.
Kyle knew how nervous she could be beneath a calm exterior when they were only in court. When all that was on the line was sentencing of her client. When she had spent days if not weeks crafting what she would say and how to say it. When the rules were clear and the judge was there to enforce them.
When the stakes were not their life or death.
Today, she had no rules to protect her. Hardly any time to prepare. And a vicious, violent, volatile opposition with a short fuse to try and make see reason…
He could only imagine the stress she was under! That it wasn't more visible in her demeanor was a testament to her ironclad self-control.
…Until it was visible.