Chereads / Hero Of Harmony / Chapter 96 - Chapter 96: Offical Adventurer

Chapter 96 - Chapter 96: Offical Adventurer

Ignoring Jackal's disgusting remark, I looked over to Cath, who handed me a few pieces of paper and scanned it with [Heroes Gazes] similar to the license; there were a lot of magic formations engraved on the paper.

"That right there is the contract all Adventurers are given before they become official adventurers. In there, it states everything you'd be concerned about, such as the payout, what privileges and punishments you get, and a few other things, such as how to increase between classes. If there is anything that confuses you, or if you'd like more details about something specific, just ask me; I'm here to help." Stated Cath with a smile as she handed Alexander a pen, which he took with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Cath; this might take a little time. I'm not trying to sell my soul or way or anything." Said Alexander lightly, earning a nod from Cath as he turned around and walked toward a table while Jackal continued to flirt with her.

"So, about that date from earlier, Cath, I can reserve a restaurant for the two of us on Friday night; I'll even come and pick you up." Remarked Jackal with a smirk as he leaned back on the counter, only to get sprayed with a water bottle, causing him to hiss like a cat.

As it was around lunchtime, there weren't any empty tables, and I wasn't trying to intrude on people's downtime, especially since some people gave me dangerous looks, almost like they were waiting for me to say something stupid, so they could fight me. However, after looking around, I spotted Ms. Yuki all by her lonesome eating; seeing her, I maneuvered through the tables and approached her.

"Is that kid stupid? He's going to get killed!"

"Hehe, let him be; it'll be an amusing sight to watch."

"How much do you want to bet he beats that kid to an inch of his life?"

"15 silver, he does."

"Not making a bet, I know I'll lose."

"Fuck it; I'm doing something crazy, 10 silver, nothing happens."

Hearing all those people talking, I was confused about who they were speaking about, though even after looking around, I couldn't figure out who the person in question was.

'Am I blind or something?' Mused Alexander as he tilted his head in confusion before shaking his head and nearing Ms. Yuki.

"Heh, here it comes!"

"Excuse me, Ms. Yuki, I noticed you were sitting alone. Do you mind if I sit here?" Asked Alexander with a friendly smile while nearly everyone in the building, including Jackal, waited for her response.

"Oh no, I should've warned Alex about him; this will be bad." Muttered Jackal with an ugly expression as he prepared to go and assist Alexander, though he suddenly froze, and to everyone's shock, Ms. Yuki's deep voice echoed throughout the building.

"No." Said Ms. Yuki, shaking her head as she looked up at Alexander while eating through a small slit at the bottom of her helmet, allowing her overgrown fangs and sharp teeth to be on full display.

"Thanks." Replied Alexander with a smile as he sat down opposite Ms. Yuki before putting Talis on the table, the two quietly focusing on the contract in hand.

"W-What the hell just happened?" Muttered Jackal in astonishment as he and everyone else silently watched Ms. Yuki and Alexander, though when she looked up, everyone instantly looked away.

"A-Am I seeing things correctly? Why is that kid not sprawled on the ground groaning in pain?"

"I-I don't know; maybe they know each other?"

"That's unlikely; he's been here in Hyphen for over a decade, yet that Kid looks like he just left the house, probably no older than 18."

"Haha, I'm not going to question it; where's my fucking silver suckers?"

While Talis and I read over the contract, well, I was the one reading it while she just sat down next to the paper; after about twenty or so minutes, I had reread it a few times just to make sure I wasn't getting scammed or anything, though I got hung up on a few things.

'What the hell does this mean?' Thought Alexander with a troubled expression as he intently looked at the contract while tapping his head on the pencil, something Ms. Yuki noticed.

"Um, d-do you need help?" Asked Yuki quietly as she looked at Alexander, who looked up at her before nodding.

"Yeah, I'm currently reading the contract to become an adventurer, and I don't know what this is." Replied with a slight frown as he pushed the contract over to Yuki, slightly surprising her, though nonetheless, she hesitantly grabbed the papers.

"T-This means you're required to relinquish all items given to you by the Adventurer guild if you desire to retire." Said Yuki after a little bit of reading, finding the part that stumped Alexander, causing him to nod his head.

"I thought that's what they meant, but why did they have to word it so weirdly? They couldn't have just said that?" Remarked Alexander with a sigh as he shook his head and grabbed the paper Yuki handed back to him, only to stand up and move his seat closer to her.

"Hope you don't mind, but I'm still confused about a few other things." Added Alexander with a small smile as he flipped the page and pointed toward the paragraph with his pen, showing Yuki, who nodded after a little hesitation.



"This means in the absence of a proper leader, whether they were killed or something else, the person with the highest Adventurer rank is promoted to the new leader; in the case that there is more than one person with the same rank, the most veteran will be the new leader." Stated Yuki in her deep voice as she assisted Alexander, who sat right beside her while constantly nodding his head, a sight that shocked many people, though none dared to get close.

"I see; that one completely confused me; what is up with this contract? They're making it unnecessarily difficult to comprehend for no reason." Said Alexander with an understanding nod before frowning in annoyance, something Yuku agreed with.

"Yes, it also confused me when I first became an Adventurer." Remarked Yuki with a nod, feeling comfortable with Alexander's presence, almost as if she could behave true herself around him.

"Well, I'm glad you're here to assist me; otherwise, I might've become a slave without me even knowing." Remarked Alexander lightly with a smirk as he grabbed his pen and signed his name on the last page, causing the ink to glow slightly.

"Y-You're welcome, Alexander." Replied Yuki with a slight smile, which was hidden behind her helmet.

"Anyways, I don't want to intrude on your lunch longer than I have; thanks for your assistance, Ms. Yuki. I'll see you later. C'mon, Talis." Said Alexander with a thankful smile as he stood up and gestured to Talis, who flew and perched herself on his left shoulder.


"Hmm, what did you say, Ms. Yuki?" Asked Alexander as he stopped and turned around, glancing at Yuki, who had stood up, towering over Alexander like he was a child.

"Y-You can just call me Yuki, Alexander." Said Yuki softly as she looked down at Alexander, who smiled in response.

"Well then, Yuki, I hope to see you later. Bye." Remarked Alexander with a smile as he turned around and walked back toward the counter where Jackal was flirting with Cath.

"B-Bye." Muttered Yuki as she awkwardly waved her hand before returning to her seat and mumbling to herself.

While walking back, I noticed I was earning plenty of stares from everyone I passed by, which confused me as I didn't do anything but sit down.

'Maybe it's because I'm the new guy or something?' Mused Alexander as he tilted his head, though he didn't dwell on it for long, and neared Cath and Jackal.

"How about this, let's go on a double date, Cath? Alex and I will both be your date. Hmm, how does that sound?" Asked Jackal with a sly smirk as he tried to wrap his shoulder around Alexander, though the height difference was too large, so he just patted his back.

"I'm confused." Said Alexander as he looked between Cath and Jackal.

"It's nothing, Alexander; please, just ignore him. So, have you signed the contract?" Asked Cath as she shook her head and ignored Jackal before smiling at Alexander, who nodded and handed her the signed contract.

"Yes, it's right here." Replied Alexander as he handed Cath the contract, which she did a once over before sweetly smiling.

"Well then, I'd like to formally announce you as an official Adventurer!" Declared Cath with a large smile as she shook hands with Alexander.

"Now then, since you've already read the contract, I won't go over anything; the quest or job board is over there, hard to miss; the second floor is where you can create a quest or job, and that's about it. Everything else is straightforward and easy to notice." Added Cath as she pointed to the massive board in the distance before pointing above her.

"Thank you, Cath." Said Alexander with a soft smile, which Cath reciprocated before turning and glancing at Jackal.

"Thanks for the assistance as well, Jackal." Added Alexander as he shook hands with Jackal, who grinned in response.

"Ay, no biggie, I'm all for seeing newbies thrive, though later you must tell me how you didn't get beaten to death by that large dude over there." Stated Jackal as he gestured to Yuki sitting by her lonesome.

"Dude?" Muttered Alexander in confusion, though he couldn't inform Jackal as he quickly left.

"I'm out of here. I must return home before the wife gets angry; see you, Kid, and don't die." Added Jackal with a smirk as he dashed out of the building, though not before giving Alexander a thumbs-up.