"It's done boss" A shady man whispers to his boss as they sit in a packed circus.
"Good, that'll teach the bastards not to give me my money." the boss retorts, lighting a cigar, "now all that's left is to sit back and enjoy the show."
"John, where's Richard? He's supposed to be here by now!" Mary asks concerned.
"Relax honey, he just had to go to the bathroom he should be back any minute, besides we aren't supposed to be going on until la-"
"Shit, I spoke too soon. We may have to improvise until he gets here." John says in a bit of a panic.
Richard hears the announcement and quickly rushes out of the bathroom promptly bumping into someone. He notices a wallet fall out of the persons pocket and upon picking it up notices the I.D. belongs to Bruce Wayne.
"Excuse me, it appears you dropped this" Richard says as he taps on Bruce Wayne's back.
Bruce turns to him before giving him a little smile, "thanks kid, I appreciate the honesty."
A smile forms along Richard's face until he hears the audience gasping and people panicking and running for help. He rushes out towards the middle of the circus to find his parents laying lifelessly on the ground, their equipment having completely snapped on them midair. He falls to his knees and begins to cry. Bruce's eyes grow wide as he realizes what's happening and charges towards the young boy. He kneels down and places both his hands on the boy's shoulders before looking around. Out of the corner of his eye he spots a suspicious mobster that he recognizes as Tony Zucco.
"Is everything alright over there sir? I'm hearing a lot of commotion coming from that circus you wanted to attend."
"Tony Zucco was here and I think he must've tampered with something. Unfortunately the flying graysons were all killed except their son."
"The last thing we need in this city is scum turning more children into orphans. Is the child holding up okay?"
"I don't know Al, but I'm gonna take him in. I want to help this kid as much as I can, this is a pain no one should have to live through."
5 Years Later
A giant bat appears in the sky. Commissioner Gordon waits upon the rooftop of GCPD in the pouring rain.
"What is it?" A gruff voice calls from behind Gordon. He turns around to see Batman standing there alongside someone he's never seen before.
"The case you've been working on for the last few years finally had a major breakthrough. Tony's guy just confessed everything to us in Arkham. Says he was working for Falcone and when the circus didn't get Falcone his money he sent Tomy Zucco there to tamper with their equipment."
The person next to Batman grits his teeth upon hearing the news.
"The man also told us that Tony and Falcone have their base of operations well hidden check this out."
Gordon hands Batman a map which shows an underground tunnel system below Gotham with an X marked onto the Gotham City Cathedral.
"I sent a couple of cops today off duty to see what they could find and sure enough there's a nightclub connected to the bottom of Gotham City's cathedral that Tony and Falcone have for their base of operations." Gordon says as he turns away to light a cigarette.
"Thanks Gordon," said that man next to Batman.
"No problem kid anyway who are yo-" Gordon goes to ask before turning around to see that Batman and his sidekick have already disappeared.
"Every damn time" Gordon mumbles to himself before taking another puff of his cigarette.
Batman and Robin land on the roof opposite of the cathedral. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go take them down!" Robin says to Batman with impatience in his voice. He gets ready to leap off the building when Batman grabs his arm.
"Remember what I've taught you, this isn't some petty robbery, we are taking down Gotham's biggest criminal empire. We need to have a rough idea of what we are getting into."
"You-" Dick's voice fades off for a second before coming back, "you're right."
"Master Bruce come in"
"What is it Alfred?"
"I've successfully scanned the Cathedrals underground like you asked. There's about 100 armed guards standing between you two and Falcone."
"Does that include Tony Zucco by any chance?" Dick chimes in.
"Yes, he is actually right with Falcone Master Grayson."
"Good, I can finally get my hands on that bastard."
"Keep your emotions in check Dick, we are to bring him in alive."
"I know, I just want to see him behind bard where he belongs. For too long scum like him has taken the lives of too many innocent people."
Batman gives Dick a reassuring nod before the two of them dive towards the building. Upon entering the cathedral they being to conduct a thorough.
"This place looks like it hasn't been touched in months." Dick says wiping the dust off of a bench.
"Gordon said it was attached to the bottom of this place, let's start there."
Upon entering the downstairs portion of the cathedral Batman and Robin begin to poke around for hidden switches and traces of activity."
"Batman, I found something over here."
Batman rushes over to Robin to find a bookcase pushed slightly out of place.
"The cops from earlier must've left this bookcase like this to show us where the entrance to this place was."
"Good find" Batman says as he pushes the bookcase out of place. A staircase reveals itself which has a door at the bottom. Lights and noise could be seen and heard from the door.
Batman and Robin approach the door. Robin gives it a little knock.
"Falcone wasn't expecting any more guests tonight, I am afraid you'll have to lea-" a thug says before opening the door and being swiftly knocked out.
The party stops for a second as everyone freezes and sees Batman and Robin standing at the doorway with the knocked out thug.
Batman and Robin split up to opposite sides of the room and begin to clear out the thugs dodging and weaving between bullets.
"MR. FALCONE IS THE FREAKING BAT AND HE BROUGHT SOMEONE ELSE WITH HIM, YOU GOTTA-" the radio is abruptly silenced. Falcone begins to shake in his chair.
"What the hell, how did the bat find out about this place?" Tony asks Falcone in a worried voice before having a realization.
"It was fucking Louis, he must've ratted to the police on us for not getting him outta prison, I knew I should've just killed his ass."
"Who gives a shit, we need to get out of here!" Falcone yells at Tony before grabbing his stuff and retreating from the room. Before Tony has time to react two silhouettes appear in the doorway to the room. Tony pulls out a pistol but is quickly disarmed by Robin and thrown over the chair he was just sitting in.
"I'll take care of this here Batman, you get Falcone."
Batman pauses for a second, before running in Falcones direction.
"Who the hell are you kid? I ain't ever seen you around before, you must be new. Well guess what, what you don't realize, what the bat don't realize and what the commissioner don't realize is that me and Falcone we run this damn city. That's how we've been able to operate so long, we got the cops under our belt, we got the mayor under our belt, hell we got all of Gotham under our belt. Ain't no- " Robin kicks Tony in the face, promptly shutting him up.
"That's enough from you, I'm sick of hearing your mouth." Robin says placing his boot onto Zucco's throat. "This times gonna be different, you're gonna face justice for all the the crimes you've committed, all the people you've killed."
"Did you not hear me earlier kid, I said-"
"It doesn't matter what you said" Batman says with Falcone in his hands,
"The GCPD helped us get here. The times have changed, you and Falcone are going to Blackgate for life. And Commissioner Gordon is going to make sure of that"
The two men are escorted outside by Batman and Robin. Beaten and bruised they are eventually taken away by the GCPD.
"Thank you Batman and uh" Gordon says extending his hand
"Of course, that's what that big R stands for" Gordon says with a slight chuckle that isn't reciprocated by either of the two.
Batman and Robin grapple away from the scene allowing the GCPD to handle the rest.
"Alfred, have the Batwing sent to these exact coordinates"
"You've got it sir. Oh and congratulations on taking down Tony and Falcone, I'll make us some celebratory tea and dinner."
Robin has a look of dissatisfaction on his face which Batman notices.
"Everything okay?" Batman asks.
"I just-" Robin pauses for a second, "I just keep thinking about what Tony Zucco said. How long is he even gonna be in prison for before he is unjustly let out?"
"That's not gonna happen this time, they don't know that since they've been hiding out down there the GCPD has had a complete shift in power and a new commissioner, they're not going to get out of Blackgate anytime soon. Besides, there is no other way to handle these criminals."
Dick pauses for a second deep in thought, "yeah I guess you're right."
Two Months Later
Batman sits in the damp darkness of the batcave searching through the massive monitor of the batcomputer.
"Master Bruce" Alfred says approaching Batman.
"What is it Alfred, I'm looking into the string of murders that's been going on in Gotham."
"Well I received word from Commissioner Gordon, it seems like a witness turned in a photo of the man who was responsible for these murders." Alfred says as he throws the picture to Batman. Batman's eyes scowl at the photo.
"Slade…" Batman says quietly.
"His hideout is apparently down at the docks, Gordon and his men are already moving in." Alfred chimes in.
"Radio Gordon and tell him I am on the way."
"You got it sir."
"Bruce, wait for me!" Dick calls out while strapping on his utility belt.
"No Dick, you're not coming with me."
"And why not? I was able to help you take down the biggest crime syndicate in Gotham. Don't you trust me?"
"I do, but Slade is unlike anyone you've ever faced before. You've only helped with petty robberies up until two months ago. You'd just slow me down."
"Like hell I would, just-" Dick is interrupted by Batman hopping into the batmobile and driving off.
"God I hate it when he does that." Dick says with frustration on his face.
"I don't believe he means it to be personal master Grayson, he's just looking out for you in his own way." Alfred says placing a pot of tea on the little table next to Dick.
Batman drives down the crowded streets of Gotham in the pouring rain. Eventually he arrives at the docks to find a police perimeter surrounding the place.
"Ah Batman, good timing. We sent in a squad to scout out the area and find Deathstroke a few minutes ago but we've heard nothing back." Gordon says with a bit of worry in his voice.
"Stay here, don't send any more men in until I give the go ahead." Batman says walking through the police tape and entering Deathstroke's territory. Massive crates block Batman's path as he maneuvers through the docks.
"Well look who it is, just who I was waiting for." Batman hears a voice echo throughout the docks.
"Slade, show yourself. What have you done with the cops?"
"They've all been taken care of Batman just like you are soon to be."
Batman peers around a crate to see a bunch of dead cops before promptly getting kicked directly in the face.
Back at the Batcave
Dick Grayson rushes down into the batcave upon hearing a loud alarm sound. Upon logging onto the batcomputer and opening the alert he notices a bank heist in progress.
"Dammit, the police and Batman are still occupied with Slade." Dick thinks to himself before he smirks a bit. "This'll be my time to show Batman that I can handle myself. I won't be stuck in his shadow for long."
Dick quickly changes into his Robin costume before getting on his bike.
"Master Grayson, where are you going at this hour?"
"Didn't you hear the alarm Alfred? Bank heist in progress at Gotham Central Bank. Batman and the police are already occupied at the docks so I figured I could handle this one. Please don't try and stop me Alfred."
"Well Master Wayne won't be happy with you…" Alfred pauses for a second before continuing, "but I believe in you Master Grayson." Alfred says, giving him a little smile and a nod. Dick nods back before leaving the cave on his bike.
Upon arriving at Gotham Central Bank Robin notices almost no activity near the place.
"It's way too quiet here" He thinks to himself as the sound of rain takes over the deafening silence. Upon closer inspection Robin finds two cars parked outside the bank with blood smears on them and signs of a struggle. He sneakily enters the near pitch black building with nothing but moonlight lighting up his path.
"Maybe it was a false alarm?" Dick thinks to himself. Suddenly spotlights all shine onto Robin and bars fall over all the doors and windows.
"WELCOME TO THE JOKER SHOW STARRING BOY WONDER" Joker says with a maniacal cackle that sends shivers down Robin's spine.
The lights all pop on to reveal Joker standing on top of a balcony opposite of Robin inside the bank. Next to him was a blonde woman who was completely tied up whose head he was holding a pistol to.
"I heard our mutual bat friend was busy tonight so I figured I should test out his little birdy to see if he's truly a worthy sidekick." Joker says with a little laugh.
"What the hell do you want from me?" Dick asks with a shake in his voice. He holds one hand behind his back to grab a birdarang. Joker fires a bullet that grazes Robin's right shoulder and causes him to grab hold of his arm.
"I've seen bats use that trick many times, you aren't gonna fool me little bird."
Robin, still holding his arm, scowls at the Joker who still holds the pistol to the woman's head.
"Wow you even make faces just like him!" Joker says once again cackling"
"Just get one with it you freak" Robin says still clearly shaken.
"Freak? Now that's awfully rude of you little bird." Joker says with an annotated expression on his face that quickly fades back into a smile.
"Well anyways the rules are simple! There's currently hostages inside the bank vault right below me with C4 strapped onto barrels with them. You have about two minutes before they all blow up. If you fail then not only do they die but I paint this bank with this poor woman's brains! If you succeed then I'll release all the hostages" Joker holds up his right hand for a pledge, "scouts honor" he bows a little with the red smile on his face.
Robin opens his mouth to say something but is swiftly cut off by Joker, "your time started 30 seconds ago by the way."
Robin frantically begins to try opening the bank vault by turning the pin release lever. When that doesn't work he hits the door a few times out of frustration.
"Only 30 seconds left, I don't think your punches are quite getting through to it." Joker cackles to Robin. Robin pulls out some explosive putty and throws it against the vault door causing it to blow open. He rushes inside the vault to find all the hostages already killed. A loud thump comes from behind him causing him to quickly turn around. A grenade with a note that read "my fingers were crossed" rolls across the floor and detonates, causing Robin to go flying out of the vault barely conscious. Joker knocks the woman he was holding hostage out and heads downstairs to get to Robin's body. Robin, barely conscious and unable to move, opens his eyes to see Joker rummaging through his utility belt.
"You know I always did wonder what kinda cool toys you and bats were hiding in these fancy belts of yours. Explosives, weapons, those smoke bombs and maybe even some bat snacks! What's wrong, boy wonder? Bat got your tongue?" Joker laughs to himself. Robin's vision slowly starts to fade, "I'm sorry Bruce, I-I let you down. I wasn't ready after all." He thinks to himself in his last moments before he completely fades away.
"What's wrong, gone already? I was enjoying our chats so much.
Joker pulls out a yellow can of spray paint and sprays "haha jokes on you Batman" onto the deceased body of Robin. He takes one last look at the utility belt to find a little picture.
December 24th 5 years ago
"He's been here for a couple months now and he hasn't opened up much yet has he Alfred" Bruce asks Alfred slightly worried.
"Rather ironic coming from you sir" Alfred jokes. "But in all seriousness the kid did lose his parents and you aren't exactly around often for him to really come around to the idea of living with complete strangers."
"You're right Alfred it's just there's always a lot to be done."
"I know sir, perhaps we could spend Christmas eve together? Maybe that'll help strengthen the bond with the young master and cheer him up."
"Alfred you know I can't do that with this calendar killer running freely, please just will you take him out to dinner and maybe get him a gift for me?"
Alfred sighs overly loud before answering, "as you wish sir."
Bruce looks down at his computer with a conflicted look on his face.
Dick sits on the couch reading his comics as he hears the door open again. He perks up only to be met with the familiar face of Alfred. His face drops as he goes back to reading his comic.
"Young Master Grayson, would you like to go out for a nice slice of some pizza and a present courtesy of Mr. Wayne?"
Dick sighs, "I guess so, but why can't Bruce ever come with us? It's always something with him. Why even bring me in in the first place if he never wants to spend time with me."
"I assure you master Grayson, he would love to spend time with you, he just has a lot going on right now which is why he asked me to take you out."
"Yeah I know, I'm coming Alfred." Dick says defeated.
Alfred places a little santa hat onto Dick's head before they leave and brings him to Gotham mall. He picks out a stack of comic books to bring home for his Christmas gifts.
"How would you like some pizza before we go home Master Grayson?" Alfred asks.
"Sure, thank you Alfred for doing this" Dick says giving Alfred a little smile to which he shoots one back.
As Alfred and Dick leave the mall they notice a familiar face sitting outside.
"Is it too late to join you guys for pizza?" Bruce Wayne asks with a tiny smirk on his face.
Dick's face lights up a bit before he quickly composes himself, "of course you can!" He replies and hops in the back of Bruce's car.
Alfred walks up to Bruce, "nice of you to join us Master Wayne" Alfred says with a nod.
The three of them eat pizza and head home to Wayne Manor.
"Our first family night out deserves a picture." Bruce says
"I'll take it for you two right in front of the Christmas tree" Alfred says enthusiastically.
"No, you're gonna stand with us" Dick chimes in.
"Yeah Alfred, you're the glue that holds us together. This ain't a family photo without you" Bruce tells Alfred.
A single tear forms in Alfred's eyes as he sets up a camera that takes a picture of all three of them standing in front of a Christmas tree.
Present Day
Joker unravels the picture and a huge smile spreads across his face. In the picture he finds Bruce Wayne, his butler and his adopted son. He rips Dick Grayson off the picture and tapes the picture of now just Bruce and Alfred onto Dick's deceased body.
At the docks
Both men stand battered and bruised as Deathstroke grabs Batman and slams him into a cargo crate multiple times completely disorienting him. He pulls out his sword and tries to stab Batman who is able to dodge at the last second and kick the leg out from under Deathstroke. As Deathstroke falls to one knee, Batman grabs him by the face and slams his right eye into the handle of the sword completely destroying the eyes and the socket. Deathstroke writhes around the ground in pain as Batman gets on top of him and grabs him by the throat.
"Who the hell hired you and sent you to do this Slade? I know you don't work for free."
"I ain't tellin you shit Batman" Deathstroke says before spitting blood onto Batman's face and passing out from his wounds.
"Gordon, you are all set to move in, Slade is down and out. He's gonna need some medical attention."
"Thanks again Batman, we will take it from here."
As Batman is on his way back to the cave he gets an urgent call from Alfred.
"What is it Alfred?"
"It's-it's horrible sir, get back here as soon as you can!" Alfred exclaimed in a panicked and frantic voice. Batman begins to floor it down the streets of Gotham bobbing and weaving through the numerous cars flooding the streets. As soon as he makes it home he flies out of the batmobile and quickly runs inside. He finds Alfred kneeling over the couch crying. He runs over to see what's going on, and upon seeing Dick's corpse on the couch he completely loses himself in a fit of rage and sadness. The tears overwhelm him as he grabs Dick's now cold and lifeless hand.
One Week Later
"Master Wayne" Alfred calls down into the cave. "Besides the funeral you have locked yourself down here and done nothing but go out as Batman. The media is getting scared again, they say you've been extra violent and that you've even been…. Branding criminals."
"That;s right Alfred."
"But that's inhumane! One of the inmates you branded was killed in jail, last I checked Batman wasn't judge, jury and executioner."
"Alfred, do you have any idea what it's like? For too long I've let these criminals get off with just a few broken bones and look where that's gotten me. I failed him Alfred, I failed my son. Batman needs to change, the fear wasn't strong enough anymore. With this brand I can reinstate the fear in criminals that Batman used to."
"This isn't the way Bruce, this just-"
"That's enough Alfred I don't wanna hear it. I will never lose anyone to these maniacs again and that is something I am absolutely certain about."
Batman pulls up Joker's current whereabouts on the batcomputer, "now if you'll excuse me, I have a clown problem that needs solving."
Batman walks away while Alfred looks on in utter shock and disappointment.
He lands on the roof of Ace Chemicals where Joker was awaiting him.
"So this is where it all started Batman, and this is where it all ends huh?" Joker says with a slight laugh. Batman just stares at Joker with intense hatred and anger.
"Oh so I get the silent treatment now do I? Well I suppose it's only natural. I've heard how much you've changed since your little sidekick died…." Joker pauses and turns to face Batman with a smile, "Bruce."
In a fit of rage Batman leaps forward grabs Joker by the collar of his shirt and begins beating down on his face until his entire front row of teeth are completely gone. Joker begins to choke on his own teeth and blood before Batman drops him on the ground causing him to puke up his teeth and blood. Batman grabs out his signature brand, heats it up with a little torch and slamming the brand onto the back of Joker's neck.
"I'm not gonna kill you Joker because someone in Arkham will do it for me."
Batman passes Joker off to the GCPD to be brought to Arkham. That same night he visits Dick's grave.
"I promise I'll never let something like this happen again. I failed you Dick, I didn't put enough trust or faith in you. I didn't train you enough and I couldn't be there to save you from someone like the Joker. I hope you're resting easy wherever you are, son."
Tears stream down Bruce's face once again as he looks at the ripped picture of he and Alfred on Dick's grave.
"My crusade won't end until all the criminals in Gotham are completely taken care of. I will never let another family lose a member ever again."
Joker gets carted through the halls of Arkham asylum cackling and cracking jokes.
"Is that a brand on the Joker? Ain't no way the bat thinks any of us are crazy enough to try and kill the Joker!" the inmates whisper to each other.
"SILENCE!" Cash yells to all the inmates as he escorts Joker to his cell.
"Hear that ole cashy? Not even the craziest people in this city are willing to take me on! What makes you think this psychologist can change that?"
"Shut the hell up!" Cash says to Joker before punching him right in the nose.
"You have 5 minutes with him Quinzel, any more than that and he could start to drive you mad."
"You got it Cash, I'll do my best!" Harleen says as she fixes her glasses and pulls up a chair next to Joker.
"Well well who's the pretty little blond?" Joker asks in his nicest voice.
"My name is Harleen, Harleen Quinzel and I'll be your psychologist while you're staying here at Arkham."
"Tell me Harleen, do you have many friends?"
"I don't see how that's relevant to the topic at hand" she says hesitantly, "but no not really." She answers in an upset tone.
"Well Harley, can I call you that? I can be your friend" Joker says as a smile spreads across his face.
Epilogue 2:
A car slowly moves down the road of the now snowy Gotham roads.
"We're almost there Jason, it'll be nice to have another family dinner won't it!" Sheila says trying her best to keep her son in high spirits.
"I can't wait, it's been so long!" Jason says with a huge smile on his face.
Cop sirens begin to slowly become louder and louder before Jason hears his dad yell, "OH SHIT"
Their car begins to flip instantaneously killing Jason's parents and leaving him with a major concussion. The next thing Jason sees is a man pulling him out of the wreckage of the car.
"My name is Officer Jim Gordon, are you okay son?"
"My-my parents, are they okay?"
Gordon looks at the ground and then back up at Jason.
"I'm sorry son, it was a hit and run. We have people pursuing the criminal now. Unfortunately you're parents didn't make it."
Jason's eyes begin to flood with tears as he falls to his knees and begins sobbing.
Gordon places a hand on Jason's shoulder.
A loud thud sounds behind Gordon who quickly spins around and brandishes his gun. He finds Penguin nearly beaten to death now unconscious at his feet and Batman standing next to the body.
"You're lucky it's me Batman, the other cops are starting to fear you again, they would've blown your head clean off your shoulders."
"I would've liked to see them try."
Batman is interrupted by the sound of a weeping boy. Peering behind Gordon he sees a child mourning the loss of his parents.
"Dick" Batman mutters with sorrow in his voice.