Chereads / Progress Under the Sun / Chapter 12 - First War Encounter

Chapter 12 - First War Encounter

A man walked down a long hallway, in no rush. He continued walking until he reached a door. He stopped at it, then placed his hand on a security system to open the door. The door opened after recognizing his handprint, and he walked into the room. It was dimly lit with a blue light. He walked up to a throne-like chair in front of a round red table. This table had an art carved into it, depicting a clash of godly beings. The table was also surrounded by a collection of other throne-like chairs, all different in design. The man rested his arm on the top of the chair as a series of white holograms flickered into existence—other people with different masks. One of them spoke.

"I take it you found yours?"

The man who walked into the room replied, "Yes... Now let the conflict begin...."

As General Saijew stood on standby, a familiar face arrived at his tent—a fellow soldier, whose face was terrified.

"Soldier, what has frightened you?"

"Si-sir, I have gained insight o-on the Greeks."

The soldier conveyed his information, and General Saijew's face shifted from intrigued to horrified, as if someone had just been killed in front of him.

"Do you have any knowledge of when they are coming?"

"No, sir."

"Alright, then go get some rest for now. Rejoin the others afterward."

"What will you do, General?"

"I'll get the victors into this one—they've grown."

The winners were currently visiting the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was conducting a physical checkup on them, examining their capabilities and abilities. Unbeknownst to them, the Pharaoh had them all lined up from the most promising to the least promising.

The lineup went as follows: Ren, Poison, Sofia, Sous, Abraham, and finally, Luna.

"Why are we here anyway?" Poison asked aloud.

"No clue. The old man said something about a check-up," Ren replied.

"The Pharaoh is checking our physical capabilities to gauge how powerful we are compared to Team 1!" Sofia said confidently.

"Yeah, right. I know I'm the strongest one here. This is all useless," Ren said, as stuck-up as ever.

"You talk big, Ren. Don't let that big ego of yours get the better of you," Abraham replied.

Ren walked over to Abraham, looking extremely frustrated, having mistaken Abraham's words for mockery.

"Who are you to talk to me like I'm some measly peasant? You got lucky in your match and I didn't. That's the difference between us."

Ren pressed himself up against Abraham, ready to start a fight, as Luna tried to break up the brewing conflict.

"Stop this, you guys… This isn't why we're here…"

But Abraham wasn't about to end it there. "Listen, Ren, you might be the strongest out of us, but you're definitely not the wisest whatsoever."

A white aura suddenly surrounded Ren's body. "Don't you threaten me, you—"

Just then, the Pharaoh teleported down to the winners and levitated Ren into the air, causing him to lose consciousness. He gently lowered Ren back down, catching him.

"This boy... All of you are free to go. I have other business to attend to. I'll take Ren with me. We have a long-awaited conversation to attend."

As the Pharaoh carried Ren on his back, he traveled toward the general, stopping next to the tents. He laid Ren down and began talking to the general about the Greeks. As the two spoke, Ren woke up and overheard the conversation.

"Pharaoh, are you sure the losers are really ready? Your Highness, you do realize these are the Greeks, correct?"

"Of course I do. I acknowledge your attentiveness and caution, but it isn't quite necessary—not yet, at least. These 'losers,' as you call them, have more potential than the winners."

"More potential?! Wait… you know this includes your offspring, right?"

"Yes, I do. My child is somewhat impressive; however, I find more interest in Magnolia and Emma. I sense something special about the two of them."

"Well, I have no choice but to go along with your plan… I do sense something in those two—something very, very important in due time."

The "losers" were casually resting at their base when a messenger of the Pharaoh informed them of the threat that was coming, and how the Pharaoh expected them to respond. None of them believed they were ready for such a challenge, but the messenger assured them that the Pharaoh's plan was flawless. The messenger was instructed to leave out how the "losers" had more potential than the winners, as per the Pharaoh's wish, to avoid boosting their confidence. The "losers" then began making their way to the area mapped out by the messenger, familiarizing themselves with the battlefield.

"You heard all of that, right, boy?"

"Yes..." replied Sous.

"You know what you have to do?"


"Well then, go ahead…"

Magnolia looked extremely mature for his age (only ten) and had a prominent jawline—a result of his connection with Ra, which had shaped and would continue to shape him. Emma looked similar, just taller and slightly older. Kibo also looked the same, except he had more muscle mass and was much more agile. Matthew had a more built body as well, with a very prominent jawline. Valentina had a more built and strong frame, yet she remained lean. Amelia looked pretty much the same, except she had started working out, and in the 3-4 year span, she had gained a leaner body while also putting on muscle.