Oṃ vedātmanāya vidmahe hiraṇyagarbhāya dhīmahī tan no brahmā pracodayāt
Lord Brahmā, the creator of all universes is another deity in the Trimūrtī. He is created by Lord Viṣṇu as he exhales, and he himself creates all the material beings, of which humans reside in the middle of the universe, celestial beings, ancestors, demigods above and lower beings below.
He is depicted as golden or red coloured bearded old man, four headed, all facing in cardinal directions(representing four vedas)and four armed, holding Lotus, vedas, a mālā(a bracelet of special beads) and Kamāndalu(A small pot). He sits on a Lotus and his vehicle is Haṃsa(Swan).
His consort is Goddess Sarasvati, the Goddess of wisdom, knowledge and arts. His sons are Angiras, Atrī, Bhṛgu, Citragupta, Dakṣa, Himāvana, Jambavanta, Kāma, Kratu, 4 Kumāras, Mārichi, Nārada, Pulaha, Pulastya, Shatarūpa, Sindūra, Svayambhuva Manu and Vaśiṣṭha. All his sons are mind born.
His other name is Prajāpati.
Vedas were taught by his sons to all the people. Vedas contain all the sciences of this whole world, basically a key of a huge treasure.
Brahmā is the least worshipped deity today, in Hinduism as he is considered as a secondary creator. On our planet Brahmā is called Brahmā, on another world, he might have another name and so on.
His abode is Satya loka, which holds the top most position in the universe or Brahmāṇḍa. Brahmā can be understood as he remains inside the sphere of logic.