Are you looking for your essence.. about your world.. about your interests and the reason for your existence in this life. In this novel, or let us say collected thoughts, we will all search for the jewels that belong to us and finally light our lives with the brilliance of these precious jewels.
It is easy for 99% of people to live in luxury, without goals, expectations for the future, stories of the past, enthusiasm for the present.But the remaining 1% of people are the ones who use most of their brain cells to live. They think a lot.. Will I do what I want and what I expect.. Will I live the life I want.. Am I for it.. What is my dream?.. What is my favorite specialty.?!. What is my hobby Maahavs.? and dreams..!!! and the reasons for my existence in this life..!??
What is my existence and my non-existence..?
a question asked by an poor university student no one knows about him expect his cat..
Minto Sareth ( I don't know how I came up with this name ).. University student at the Faculty of Languages.. English language.. majoring in translation...
A young man of ordinary beauty, with black hair and black eyes, he is 1.90 tall, has a rough voice and a natural style, or we say less than normal, because he is from the lower middle class financially ( in general a poor man from the countryside went to study in a big city )