As the Purple Lightning strikes the Tree destroying it in a few seconds, Raven started to heavily breathing as Black Black travels down to her upper lip from her nose, she looked around to find Nick, Lucas, and Emily looking at her in fear and confusion.
Raven was still heavily breathing with Black Blood on her lip, and Raven looked down to look at Chloe, Chloe was in fear with tears down her face. Raven crouches down quickly to put her hands on Chloe's shoulders.
" Chloe, Chloe! Are you okay? Please don't look at me like that, please." Raven said a very scared expression on her face.
Raven looked at Chloe's ankle and found the thorned vein still wrapped around her, and the thorns stabbed into her skin deeply.
Raven took a deep breath in and quickly took her right Glove off and opened her Mouth, Fangs grow quickly then she bit down on her skin which caused her skin to break with Black Blood filling her Mouth and so release her showing a new bite mark on her arm, Raven carefully picked up the vein and sinks her fangs into the vein making it fizzle and screaming in pain.
Is her blood burning the vein?
A few seconds later Raven ripped a big chuck of the vein and something pulled the vein back to the hole it came from, Raven spite out the chuck of the vein, stood up and turned to Nick, Lucas, and Emily who watched everything and didn't move a muscle.
" Get Chloe inside quickly. " Raven said with a sad tone. None of them moved. " Please quickly, today would be nice! "
All of them snapped out of it and rushed to Chloe to pick her up and take her to the Hospital building when they all left, Raven felt another and very familiar present, she slowly turned around to see a man with Sliver hair, bright red eyes but he was missing his whole left eye because a large scar took up half of his face.
Raven slowly walked back in fear to run to everyone inside.
As Raven reached the hospital, opened the door and walked up the stairs to everyone looking for ingredients to heal her ankle, but Chloe was sitting in a hospital bed with tears pouring out of her eyes
Raven knocked on the open door, and everyone turned to her while Raven was looking down in shame as she wiped her nose with her hand.
Emily and Lucas stayed back, but Nick walked up to Raven.
" Can you help her? Please can you heal her in any way? " Nick said with sadness, and Raven looked at Nick and nodded.
" I can heal her, but you have to let me and everyone have to trust me. " Raven said, looking at everyone.
Everyone agreed, Raven sat down next to Chloe and looked at her ankle it was badly wounded, and the colour was a dark purple like it was being choked to death.
Raven removed her right Glove and pulled out her Dagger and cut her palm perfectly and held her hand over Chloe's ankle when the Dark Blood dropped on her skin, it send a shiver down Chloe's spine.
" Why is your blood so cold? " Chloe said with a surprised expression on her face with tears still there under her eyes.
Raven completely ignored her question and forced her Blood onto Chloe's ankle with a few seconds the Blood began to Glow and as the Glow faded away, both the Blood and the purple colour on Chloe's ankle were gone like it never happen and put her Glove back on.
Everyone was in complete shock, but Chloe was healed, and that is what matters.
" There's no point in me hiding now that you have seen one of the things my Blood can do. " Raven said, looking at the floor and placing her Dagger in her belt.
Everyone agreed again, and Raven took down Hood, showing her shiny Black hair with purple tips at the ends. Next, she slowly took off her Blindfold, revealing her eyes.
They were a beautiful Purple Galaxy colour, and they were the type of eyes that you can lose yourself in, and EVERYONE looked at her in awe.
" Raven... You're beautiful! " Chloe said, being the first one to pop out of it, and Emily walked to Raven and took a closer look.
" You have a very good reason for wearing that Blindfold and not taking it off same with your hair, and how is it so shiny? " Emily asks Raven about her hair while staring at the shininess.
" Um... It's always been like that. " Raven said with a little smile. " And when it's wet, it looks like it's glowing, and I can turn it on and off on command."
" How come you don't always keep your Hood down and no Blindfold? " Emily asked, still staring at Raven.
" The reaction I got from you all is the reaction. I get all the time, and it draws too much attention. " Raven said with a sad expression because people none stop just look at her. " I should go and take care of those veins before they hurt everyone else. " Said Raven as she jumped up and walked out of the room with her hair and eyes still showing.