Bi Chanjuan looked unfazed, but her eyes twitched slightly. She seemed bored, a floating cold cherry smile on her lips as she traced the thorny vines wrapping her forearm.
"Natural magic isn't my forte," she shrugged dismissively. The thorns seemed to darken. "But I'm not worthless, like some…others." Yep, she was definitely talking not-so-subtly about Abrial. "I practice shadow magic instead. It's far more fun. Who wants to clear their mind of thoughts, when you can lean into utter chaos instead? It's far more…stimulating." Bi Chanjuan's smile widened into her typical leer again, her eyes glittering terrifyingly. Abrial leaned back automatically. She didn't really know what shadow magic was, but whatever it was, if Bi Chanjuan liked it that much, it couldn't be good.