--back at the observation room--
Third person's P.O.V
"sir should we end the match now… the other player is already dangerously injured and needs to be attended to urgently." A medical head attendant called out to the general, who was still fixated to the screen. As he witnessed the sudden change of events… the 12th representative girl has been pinned down… but something still didn't feel right, it's not adding up. "sir we have to end this match now-."
"Let them continue the match… it's not yet over." The general countered and kept his intense gaze at the screen... but mostly on the 12 representative… "there's still more beneath this façade"
"b-but sir, that player can't keep on going, she has already been injured-." the attendant was immediately shushed but the general's ominous side glare, but he then returned his glare back at the screen.
"it's an order… I demand the match keep on going… now leave." The general ordered and dismissed the attendant away. The attendant bowed and left with haste.
'what are you hiding 12th… just like the rest… you've still got an ace up your selves…' the general thought in a curious way, and decided to let the match continue from here on out.
Mona P.O.V
I kept my sword lunged in trinity's back lower region, as I assumed that the match was over due to her being severely injured by me. I tried to retract my sword out of her injury… but apparently I could not, as she seemed to be grabbing the edge of the blade even in this her injured position. "it's over sister… stop trying to prove that fact wrong… you just can't win against a sacred arm… it's hopeless-."
"there's nothing like true invincibility… a being or relic without a weakness… a god with no end… an immortal king with no hindrance to his rule… I'm afraid not. The order of the existence works beyond that and ensures that everything holds a limit, infinity with its comprehension seems endless… but at the end, it's concept can be confined into mere finite words… indicating it also has an end." Trinity spoke out, while still withstanding her current position. I stared in confusion at the mere words she just uttered and tried to reason with them… but what could she mean… "to sum it all up… your little sacred arm also has its own flaws."
"shut up… what nonsense are you leading at, just accept your very defeat in the hands of the dark vain… you should be honored." I countered her and instinctively pushed the sword deeper into her body… surprisingly she didn't react to this. "the armor was built to perfect… it has no equal-."
"and that's the thing… it has no equal… because it's just like the rest, it has its own strength, its own uses… its own flaws." Trinity countered again, but this time… something within her started to build up, but I had to ignore it, since it shouldn't be possible… she's meant to be severed from the outside world… she can't use magic… right? "all attacks are best situated for different case… all tools are built for a particular reason and challenge… and that is there function… this arm is just a tool at the end… it just has a specific function to follow."
"so what are you getting at here… are you trying to say that the arm is best suited to handle some specific people… that is not so, the arm is said to severe the user from the outside world… and as we can all see… you yourself, are already cornered!" I roared back, and was about to pullout the sword aggressively out of trinity's body… but at that very moment… it won't budge… that couldn't be, after that stab… she shouldn't be able to do that. "what are you doing, let go!"
I started to forcefully pull it out… but to no success, I glared at her with rage in my eyes… but at that very moment, something caught my eyes… I could see a strange mana presence evolving from her front… it was a colored aqua glow and seemed to be around the right hand she is using to have a firm grip on the blade edge.
"I see… so I was a little bit off with my deduction… but of course my reached observation was on point… so in total… it just well off against a magic technique user… its only invincible to a mage." Trinity said with a… somewhat relieved tone, as before my very eyes, she started to rise up while still having a firm grip on my blade… I was about to counter and be on guard for anything she was planning as of now… though the shocked expression never left my face. "… but not a knight."
"w-what do you mean-." Before I could mutter the remaining words caught in my throat, I felt a sudden impact at the side of my face, as this shattered half of the armor's helmet. Ultimately launching me away towards the wall at the far end of the terrain, as I hit the wall with a loud bang and shattered it upon impact, and then following suit was my blade, that seemed to have been thrown at my direction, implanting it into the wall closed to my head…
'what's happening… how did she vanish like that… this can't be possible!' I thought in a startled voice, as I forced myself to get up… I managed to pull my sword out of the wall, and stared out in the distance.
Through the dust filled mirage, a glowing figure could be made out from it… and the aura I was feeling from it was completely different from her mana presence before… was this a different opponent entirely… or was it still… her. "h-how is this possible… I severed you from the outside world… you can't be able to manipulate the outer world mana… you shouldn't be able to use magic."
"your strong… really strong, I'll give you that… but at the end… you still had a flaw…" Trinity called out from the dust filled terrain, though from the gradual increase in the volume of her voice, I knew that she was coming closer. I tried to comprehend the situation in front of me, until It finally hit me… she was not just a mage… or a magic technique user entirely… no… she was a- "have you figured it yet…"
"y-you… bastard… you're a dual user… y-you're just like him…" I said in a panicked voice, as realization started to set in. this opponent before me… was not the real deal she pictured herself to be… she was more, so this was the tiny bit of presence I could feel behind that false wall… 'she's just like lance.' "you're a holy knight… a first disciple."
"took you long enough…" trinity smiled, as the dust was lifted and started to reveal her true form… her normal uniform was starting to be overcome with a sudden transparent covering in form of an armor, and the injury I gave her was starting to release a somewhat white steam… and before my very eyes… it was sealed. She came closer and closer, with her body constantly being rebuilt with a layering of aqua mana… and before I knew it, she was already before me. "I admire your strength and power… but your perception of power is very flawed… you face a new opponent, one without the need of the outer world you severed me from. I will humble you with logic and reality."
"my name is Trinity hashima… the 12th bishop's first disciple… his holy knight." Trinity called out with a bright light covering her whole body… and suddenly, cracking off to reveal her in a white plated armor with the edges laced with gold, she left herself without the helmet… and at this very moment… her power level had transcended. "now it's time to finish this… come"
"…this doesn't change a single thing!" I roared out and charged at her in full speed, clashing my sword with her, which was the same appearance as mine. The shockwave from the clash burst the ground open, as we both started to engage ourselves in a raging battle of swords.
We both distanced ourselves and swung at each other, releasing several wind-mana slices that caused mass destruction around us. I was about to launch another onslaught of mana attacks, but then a sudden shock made me to lose my grip on my sword, and with that I was then hit with a strike that threw me against the wall… 'damn it… the arm is draining my mana drastically… there's only one thing I can do now.'
"already calling it quits?" Trinity confronted her with her usual innocent smile… but then I gripped the handle of my saber, and lifted it up and immediately plunging it into the ground, causing large amount of tremors across the arena. Suddenly gigantic seals started to form around the walls and floors of the arena.
"far from it… though I have to admit it… I'm out classed here, but I won't let myself give up that easily." I commented and rose up to my feet, still gripping my blade. As the light from the giant seals started to increase, trinity just gave a side nod and smiled at me. I returned this gesture and bowed my head towards Trinity… in respect. "witness my final act, as I bid you a farewell for this amazing battle… thank you hashima… it was pleasure facing you… but, I'm afraid it ends here… till next time."
"sacred technique: grand line."
I immediately vanished, leaving my sword still plunged in the ground, as the lights were now blindingly bright, but of course Trinity wasn't affected by this regardless.
Third person's P.O.V
"hahaha… of course… though, I assume it's not over… not by a longshot." Trinity said with a smirk and begin to glow in her bright aqua aura, as a dome suddenly covered her very being… and before anyone knew it… the whole terrain turned white… and exploded in a furious explosion that shook even the mountain core. As everyone in the observation room felt it and even all the representatives felt it from their waiting room.
The smoke from the blast cleared to reveal trinity's dome breaking unveiling her in the very process, as she just made her way back to way she came from… ending her very battle in a tie…
As the next fight was the final fight between this two titans…
--back at the observation room—
"a splendid match indeed… but now it's time for the final face off… saving the best for last." The general commented with a large grin on his face, as he sighted the script between him, where all the battles were recorded… and just at the final part of the list, it wrote
'lance caul… vs… dante sarutobi.'