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Your Wish Is My Command

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"I could be your genie," he whispers, smirk all too evident. "How about Aladdin?" I counter, reflecting his expression. * Ever wanted a genie in a bottle? Or wished for a genie at all? Don't worry - Cal Monroe's got you totally covered. Too bad Kiama Kim doesn't want anything to do with the magic filter... * * * A/N: I think it is also very important to note that throughout the course of the story, I borrow figured from both ancient Greek and Roman mythology; however, in no way do I use them in a way that is 100% factually accurate. Yes, I have done my research on the matter, but most of the mythology mentioned in here is purely for the sake of my own world's lore and should in no way replace real life facts. Just a girlie having some fun with some mythology knowledge.

Chapter 1 - birthday wish

"Happy birthday dear Kiki, happy birthday to you," Hajoon finishes singing, flashing a million dollar smile my way. "Make a wish."

I look up at him through my dyed pink fringe, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Nonetheless, I blow out the tiny candle

"There," I say once the flames have died out. I take the cupcake from his hand and take a large bite. "Happy?"

"If anything, I should be asking you that, Kiki," he answers, taking a quick picture on that I know is just more embarrassing footage of me. He probably has a whole folder dedicated to meme worthy shots of me or something at this point. He is my big brother, after all - embarrassing me is like his part-time job.

"What, because it's my birthday?" I say through small mouthfuls of chocolatey goodness.

"Exactly," he says, chuckling as he began collecting his things. He literally just barged in here from his previous lecture, and now it looks like he'll make a likewise exit. "How does it feel to be a whole year older?"

I savour the chocolate cupcake for a moment before answering, "Well, it feels like I'm one step closer to being a real adult, I guess." I can't help but pull a face at my brother as I take another bite. "But who ages when you still have a brother that treats you like a baby."

He chuckles again before ruffling my hair with his palm. "You're growing up fast, Kiki. Just remember, even when you're all grown, you'll still be my little sister."

I scoff playfully. "You say that every year. Trust me, I know."

With that, we share a laugh, only to be interrupted by someone entering my room. But panic is the last thing that's on my mind, considering it's none other than my best friend waltzing through said door.

"Where's the birthday girl?" Jaeun says in a sing-song voice, long black locks falling ever so joyfully over his shoulders.

"Well, well, if it isn't the master of dramatic entrances," I quip, giving the one and only Kyong Jaeun an exaggerated eye roll. "You'd think you're in a K-drama with that performance."

Jaeun grins that bunny-grin of his, clearly unfazed by my snark. "I do my best for the birthday queen, Kiki." He dramatically presents a gift bag that's practically bursting with glittery tissue paper and ribbons. "Speaking of which, I come bearing gifts!"

I can't help but smirk. "Please tell me it's not another sparkly unicorn onesie."

For my sixteenth birthday three years ago, my best friend thought that it would be super cool for the two of us to get matching outfits. Seeing as I couldn't care less about what I was wearing back in the day, I of course agreed.

Only, what Jaeun had in mind for 'outfits' were purple and pink coloured onesies with more glitter and sparkles than even a damn disco ball. Which he proceeded to gift me. And which I probably only wore once or twice, I think.

If only that was the most extreme gift he brought me...

I swear, his love language has got to be gift giving, because I have at least three or four trinkets from every year since the day we became friends. And I make sure to cherish each one.

Jaeun's wide eyes sparkle with familiar mischief. I almost let out a sigh. "Well, you'll just have to open it and find out."

"Wonder what it is this time," Hajoon says, crossing his arms with a curious look on his face. His back is resting next to him, as if he forgot that he was about to leave. "I personally hope that it's not another life-sized Jaeun cardboard cut-out this year."

"Hey, that was a cute gift," Jaeun says defensively, pouting like a child. "And thoughtful, considering how much she missed me."

"I did not miss you that much," I huff this time, blowing my fringe out of my face a bit.

"You say so, yet Cardboard JJ is still waving hi to guests back at your mother's house," he comments, sticking out his tongue.

"Yeah, because my mom put it there, not me," I retaliate with a crooked grin. "And also, stop calling yourself JJ - literally no one calls you that.".

"Yeah," Hajoon interrupts, a similar smile on your face. "Everyone knows you guys are the Kiki and Jaybay duo."

At that, both Jaeun and high heave exasperated sighs. "Don't call us that," we say in unison, but it doesn't surprise us at all. In fact, if I had a packet of chips for every time Jaeun and I said something in unison, I would have enough to open my own store.

Just best friend goals, I guess.

But what was not best friend goals was the embarrassing nicknames my mother came up for the two of us in our youths. Like seriously, Kiki? Out of all the nicknames that could've come from the name Kiama...

Don't even get me started on poor Jungkook. He's been called Jaybay for as long as I've known him. Of course, he has desperately tried to change this as the years went on, but to no avail.

Poor best friend of mine. Now we're both suffering.

"Whatever," Hajoon says with a chuckle, gesturing back to my present. "Open it."

I start unwrapping the gift. Both my brother and my best friend watch in anticipation as I open it up. As I carefully unwrap the glittery tissue paper and ribbons, I expect to find something silly.

Maybe a funky hairbrush, perhaps a dorky decorative piece of stationery. This is Kyong Jaeun and his infinite playfulness we're talking about, after all.

Instead, however, I discover a small and elegant vintage-looking box. My brows furrow in confusion as I inspect it. I exchange a puzzled glance with Jaeun, who's sporting that mischievous grin of his again.

"Is this some sort of prank?" I ask, my curiosity piqued. Slowly, I gently open the box, despite my instincts telling me that some plastic snakes might jump out of it. If it happened once, it could happen again.

Although, as the lid slides up, I'm met with the sight of a breath-taking necklace. It's a delicate silver chain adorned with a pendant that looks like an intricate filigree of an azure coloured teardrop. It seems to both sparkle and emit a type of dark glow simultaneously.

Instantly, my jaw drops as I take in the beauty of the necklace. It's unlike anything I would have expected from Jaeun, my best friend of twelve years. This is something that belongs in a museum or a fancy jewellery store.

This isn't something I should be getting for my birthday.

"Jaeun, this is... this is..." I stammer, still in awe of the piece in my hands. "Where did you even find something like this?"

He leans in, his playful haze softening into something more mature. "I stumbled upon it in an antique shop," he answers, shrugging his shoulders with an air of nonchalance. "It's blue, and it's fancy, and it made me think of you. So I got it for you."

"You think my sister is blue and fancy?" Hajoon asks, lifting his eyebrow. I can see he wants to be serious, but his heaving shoulders are giving away that he wants to laugh.

"No, not like that," Jaeun says, sounding a bit flustered. "I just meant that her favourite colour is blue...and that it's probably about time I stopped with the childish gifts. I mean, you're nineteen now after all." He looks me right in the eyes when he says that last bit.

For some reason, my heart does a little flip. A flip that I can't explain. Probably the shock from seeing such a gorgeous necklace.

I'm speechless, genuinely touched by his thoughtful gift. I look down at it one more time, trying to formulate words. A part of me wants to reject it, to tell him that there's no need to up his game in gift-giving with me.

In fact, him, Hajoon and my mom are the only reasons I even get excited for my birthdays - I used to hate them when I was younger. Back before my mom and my brother, there wasn't anyone who used to think my birth was any reason worth celebrating.

But then I think that he'll probably be hurt if I turn down such a nice gift. And seriously, who doesn't like a necklace as a present? My only hope is that he didn't spend too much money on it for me.

"Thank you, Jaeun," I say sincerely, smiling my first genuine smile since he got here. Carefully, I lift the necklace from the box and hold it up to the light, watching it gleam even more so.

Upon closer inspection, I notice the intricate detailing that adorns the tiny teardrop pendant. It's almost like a skilled craftsman etched the design with painstaking precision. The pattern resembles delicate, swirling tendrils that seem to dance across the surface. I've never been much of a jewellery enthusiast before, but this is by far the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life.

My brother, now genuinely surprised and somewhat over his laughing fit, can't help but chime in, "Wow, Jaybay, you've surely outdone yourself this time."

Jaeun grins again, satisfaction in his brown eyes. "Only the best for my favourite birthday girl."

I can't help but smile once more as I hold the necklace out for him to take. "Okay then," I say, gesturing for him to help me. "Put it on then, Mr fancy gifts."

Jaeun wastes no time in taking the necklace from my hand. Bending down to join me where I'm sitting on my bed, he is at my eye level in no time. With my hands now free, grip my pink hair and hold it out of the way. I haven't washed it since yesterday, which meant that it was quite oily at the moment. Luckily, I didn't have class today, so the world did not yet see me in gremlin form.

"You know, this reminds me," Hajoon says, tapping his chin in thought. "I should probably get Jaeri something as well. It is out anniversary soon, after all."

Lee Jaeri is, of course, his girlfriend of three years. While her and Hajoon seem to have quite the happy relationship, something about her makes me uneasy. I can't really explain it, but I don't really like her that much. I haven't dared breach this subject since they started dating - which is why I try to interact with her as little as possible.

"I could give you the name of the place where I got this necklace," Hajoon says, breath running down my neck in the count of how close he is. His touch is gentle as he begins to fasten the silver clasp around my neck.

The cool metal of the chain brushes against my skin and in this moment, I can't help but be acutely aware of his presence as he stands behind me. I can even smell the cologne he has on today - the same cologne he has had on for years by now.

As he works on securing the necklace, his fingers inadvertently brush against my collarbone. It's a subtle touch, but it ends up making me jolt. I let out a small laugh at the touch, which he reciprocates softly. We both now that I am dangerously ticklish. Still, something about this particular touch suddenly makes my heart rate quicken. I don't know why...

Once the necklace is in place, he steps back to admire his handiwork, a soft smile gracing his lips. "There you go, Kiki," he says, his voice lower than it was a few seconds ago. "It suits you. Perfectly."

I reach up to touch the teardrop now resting against my chest, feeling its delicate details beneath my fingertips. "It's beautiful," I reply, my voice filled with gratitude. I want to say something snarky, something sarcastic, but my mind spontaneously draws a blank.

As I meet his gaze, I can see a depth of emotion in his eyes. I can tell that whatever's going on in my head is probably going on in his. Or maybe I'm just imagining things. Right?

We stare for a few more moments, not one of us saying a word. He is still so close to me, just a few centimetres away. There's a lazy smile on his face, like he wants to say something but can't. Of all the years we have been friends, I don't think I've seen that precise expression before. I blink, trying to will whatever weird feeling this is away.

I usually always know what to say to my best friend. What the heck is happening now?

Hajoon, still ever present in my dorm room, clears his throat, breaking up the moment. "Well, isn't this a touching scene," he teases, windshield-wiper laughter making me and Jungkook look away. "Are we in a K-drama now or something?" I can practically feel my cheeks turning red and getting ready to explode.

"Hajoon!" I hiss, almost throwing the remainder of my cupcake at him. Of course, all he does is laugh before quickly grabbing his bag and leaving my room in a hurry.

"See you later, sis!" he calls over his shoulder before I can chase after him or something. I huff in mock annoyance, trying to hide a smile.

"Sometimes I swear that you're the older sibling," Jaeun says, still seated on my bed.

"Tell me about it," I say, shaking my head but smiling anyway. "But at least he brought me a snack, so I won't be too mad at him today."

Jaeun and I both chuckle at that, almost like the last few seconds didn't happen. In fact, Jaeun stands up and goes to his side of the room before plopping down on his bed.

Oh, did I forget to mention? Jaeun and I are roommates as well. I look at him for a small bit, absentmindedly fiddling with my new necklace.

I know Hajoon just teased us, but surely what just happened was nothing more than Jaeun being sincere. He's usually playful, so it makes sense that I wouldn't really know his serious face, right?

And my weird flutters just now was because of the necklace. The gorgeous, azure necklace...

"Hey Jaeun," I say, catching his attention again. He lifts his eyebrows in response, awaiting my words. "Thanks again. For the necklace, I mean."

"Don't sweat it, Kiki," he says with a warm bunny-like smile. "But if you one second think that my unicorn onesie gift isn't in the top five best gifts ever-"

"Oh, come on," I say, biting back a grin. "Even you got annoyed by the glitter that was sprawled on the floor the whole time."

"I said that one time," Jaeun retorts, clearly not going without a fight. "The real problem here is that you can't appreciate true fashion when it's right in front of you." I smile again, feeling at ease again with my best friend. No weird shivers and tingles - just two goofs bantering like they always do.

"I wish you could see how unnecessary all that sparkle was," I say with a shrug, as if that was my conclusion to a long essay. "Could rival the sun."

And so the bickering continues between the two of us, and I take no notice of the necklace getting hotter and hotter against my skin.
