Chapter 53 - Neville

Royal Road



God of Internet [LitRPG] by NunuXD

29 - School



At that time, I had no idea that my name was becoming more and more famous among the teachers, that my rapid rise in rank with so few followers was attracting so much attention.

But I didn't have to worry about that.

Even if the power of the Internet was made known to the teachers, I was confident that they wouldn't do anything too bad to me because of it, maybe just an interrogation to clear up any doubts about how I was developing the Internet.

Something I had already imagined from the moment I decided to develop it, after all, with how fast I was growing, I would have to be very innocent to believe that everything would happen perfectly without any of the more powerful gods noticing.

And what I really wanted was for the other gods at the school to notice, since I'd have a thick thigh to hold up like that.

From what I had analyzed from the information in this body's memories, the divine world was very complex.

With an extremely large number of gods, with personalities that were difficult to deal with, with a lot of ego involved, and with a lot of individual power, it was obvious that it would be impossible to develop a single government for all the gods to live under.

Internal conflicts were very common, even more so with the large number of gods that existed.

Among the gods, there were good gods who didn't let envy cloud their judgment, and there were gods who thought only of their own benefit and didn't care about the consequences.

As a young Rank 4 embryonic god, I was at the bottom of the food chain in this divine world, so if I attracted the interest of a god with a bad heart who was more powerful than me, it would be very difficult for me to resist doing whatever he wanted with me.

That's why I had to attract the attention of the teachers and directors of the school, who knew how to follow militarism well and were under constant observation, in order to change my image from something curious to be studied to a possible valuable asset for the army.

The army's battles were always between gods against demons, or gods against other gods.

By joining the army, I would have to fight these battles in the future, using both my personal divine power and my army of believers.

The advantage was that if I passed the test I was taking now, my rank in the army would already be higher than the other gods who failed, or even the ordinary soldiers who had just joined the army.

Sure, if I didn't want to follow anybody's orders, I could just opt out of the test and try to find a small world of my own in which to develop.

But what if that little world already had gods running it? Would I be able to deal with the consequences of those gods looking for me in the divine world?

That's why the option of clinging to a thigh as thick as the army's was so tempting.

Despite the duties it would entail, the benefits outweighed them many times over.

Not to mention the fact that the higher my rank in the army, the greater those benefits would be...

But putting that thought aside, I focused on the small world of the test.

I could stop thinking about the outside world, the army, battles against demons, battles against other gods, when I had already finished my test and found out the result.

Just thinking about what I would do when the test was over, with so many days left, was not a good use of my time.

A better use of it was to look at how my improved ranking could be used to further improve the Internet.

With 5% more efficiency in using my Divine Power, I could put 5% more resources into the Internet without decreasing my profit!

Honestly, I really wanted to start developing more complicated things like duel monster battles, but my current efficiency in using Divine Power was still far from being able to do something like that and still make a profit.

If it was just the card game, it would be more feasible, but with a user base that is over 60% illiterate and growing, what would be the point of adding a game that people can't even play right now?

I knew I had to be patient, both to wait for the current believers to become literate with Robert's classes, and to attract new believers who would directly increase the number of literate believers.

It was easy to know how many believers were literate and how many were not.

All I had to do was to look at how many users used [Carrier Pigeon] on a daily basis, since it was an application that was practically exclusive to users who could read.

The number of frequent users of that app was just over 4,000 people, which could be considered a relatively large number, because 4,000 people is no small number, but it still wasn't enough for me to have to think about developing something exclusively for them anytime soon.

Looking around the church, I noticed it was empty.

Curious, I searched for Robert among the believers with active Internet connections, and quickly found him standing in the middle of a large crowd in what looked like a stage for concerts or theatrical performances?

There were more than 300 people around him, 90% of them holding Internet books and the other 10% just listening to his explanation with curiosity and confusion.

These people probably didn't know about the God of the Internet and were just taking advantage of the free class.

Seeing this, I realized a big problem... even if Robert held classes in large, open places like this, the number of people he could teach would not be able to keep up with the growing number of illiterate believers...

Looking at the Internet screen again, I decided to do a test.

With more than 20,000 Divine Power Points available to me, I decided to do another test.

Putting audio on the Internet...

Thinking back to my old world, radio seemed much easier than television itself, and according to the tests I did, putting audio on the Internet was much cheaper than putting video on the Internet.

But the fact that audio was cheaper than video didn't mean that the audio itself was cheap.

Putting one minute of audio on the Internet costs 10 Divine Power Points... that's 20 believers' prayers, if I were to put an hour of audio on, it would cost at least 600 Divine Power Points!

So I did a test to find out how much it would cost to listen to the audio.

Fortunately, since my affinity for Divine Power had increased and my efficiency in using it had taken a giant leap, the cost of listening to the 60-minute audio was only 1 Divine Power Point!

Now it was time for me to think about what would be best for me.

Let the public become literate slowly and reap the rewards later with less investment, or invest heavily and accelerate the speed at which believers become literate?

For the cost of 1 Divine PowerPoint, I could allow each believer to listen to only 1 hour of lessons on the Internet per day, so I would no longer receive the equivalent of 2 hours of profit from each illiterate believer per day, and in 30 days, virtually all of the believers who listened to Robert's audio with the blessing would be able to read and write on the Internet.

But to continue this meant that I would receive 1 less Divine Power Point from each believer per day.

Since my number of illiterate believers was just over 6,000 people, that meant 6,000 fewer Divine Power Points each day...

The more the number of illiterate devotees increased, the more Divine Power I would lose because of these audio lessons.

But when I thought about how much I would earn in the future when everyone could read and write... there was no reason for me to hesitate any longer, I knew that the only viable option was to develop this, to deal with the Divine Power that I would stop earning for a while, but then profit a lot when everyone could read and write.

So I thought about how to develop this for the future, and I started spending Divine Power to make the latest application on the Internet.

