A look in her eyes changed into something dangerous, something needy, something womanly as she pushed her chest out at him.
"Put your hands on me, Jaune. Touch me, in ways that that man has not touched me for a decade."
His hands grabbed a hold of those heavy mounds, the woman's half-hidden face lingering behind the hair that fell into her face, as she pushed him down onto the desk. She looked at him, pressing him down.
"That's a good man, Jaune. Squeeze."
A soft squeeze, pliant flesh pushing against his hands. Her head rolled back in her neck, a low moan coming from her mouth. He was aware that she was getting closer, and she pressed him down, her pale hands pressing against his own body with surprising strength. He felt as if hands were holding him down, a faint shimmer in the surroundings, but he felt warmth wrap around him, a slimy, slick feeling.
Her mouth opened and a deep gasping groan came from her as she pushed herself down again, meeting with her body once more that hard shaft. She moved with a slow yet gentle push, his eyes roving around the office, spotting the paintings on the wall.
A man who could not be someone else than boss father, still dark of hair, still someone who did not hold his family in his room, no pictures of his son or daughters visible and The man's office, it seemed to be.
This was the place where the CEO of the gangster and Walter Company made business and he was f****g one and only boss on the desk this One way he had to admire her for being so bold as to f*** on her employer's desk, as well as feeling the ache of her tightness around his manhood.
She was bouncing, slowly bouncing with little raises of her hips, her legs making her pump down, feeling that hot wet sheath wrap around his manhood, guttural groans coming from her lips as if she were some animal in heat, seeking to scratch the itch within her. There was only the buzz in his system, his Aura slowly cleaning him up, the poison pushing out of his body, probably because there was so much of it.
He came again, a hot wet sheath wrapping around his manhood like a tight grasping maw, the woman stiffening, something indecent and crude slipping from her lips. A throb and a splatter of his juices, his fingers mauling those full round breasts that he'd been groping. Another searing hot kiss, as he could feel the white goo shoot from the tip of his manhood inside her, a shuddering, hissing hot moment where he was almost assured that he'd reached the pinnacle.
She got up, looking at him, the emptiness in her eyes slowly fading towards satiety, something that seemed to shift. "You must think of me as a horrible person, doing something like this, drunk." Her voice was lighter, her eyes looking down at him with that doubt.
He didn't think she was all that bad. He looked up at her.
"You're someone who needed the company. I'm glad my first time was with you."
It was still new to him, losing his virginity. He had... he had intended to save this for someone special but- Her expression looked haunted, saddened by something, some realisation that he didn't get. Her eyes turned sad, as she spoke softly.
"Oh. Your virginity... I had thought with that-"
She seemed to grow morose again, pulling off him, the heady scent of his seed and his manhood coming from his nethers, the part where they had been joined slick. She looked at him, embarrassment and shame in her eyes.
"You were probably saving it for someone special, I'm-"
She shook his head. Pyrrha had been special, but this woman had needed it. Even if she was just a servant, he'd just remember her, that look that she'd sent at him. She loved one of his friends as if she were her own daughter.
"Someone who loves Weiss as you do, is someone worthy to give it to."
A tired, weary smile on her lips as she looked at him. Her gaze went to the portrait, a bitter look on her face. It was not pleasant in the slightest, but she moved, her fingers brushing over her cheek. He could see tears on her face and felt bad. He'd made her cry.
"If she doesn't see what she's missing within you, she's blind."
It was an honest statement from the woman, a hand pulling out a half-empty bottle of vodka.
"Cheers."The woman drank again and handed him the bottle. He drank without reservation, her eyes approving of him, before she got herself laid on the right side of the desk on her back, her legs spread. "Now that we've got more of an excuse for this debauchery in us..." He watched as her hands went to her buttocks and she spread her butt cheeks, letting him look at that hole as it stood there, a tender hole, a tight hole, he'd heard.
"Just... F**k my ass."
The crude language was enough to make his manhood quiver, rising to the challenge. It would have betrayed him nevertheless, because this woman had something about her rear that was hard to deny. His clock head pressed against her tight sphincter, the woman's eyes opening wide as she shivered, her legs parting slightly.
"Go slowly... Yes, that's it."
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him close. She smelled of liquor and sex, the feeling of her tight nether s enough to make him feel the need, as he pushed in. It was a slow process, as she was tighter than tight, a groaning sound from his lips at the feeling of that tight pucker stretching around his clock head. It was weird, it was the wrong hole but she had told him to F***K it.
"That's it, Jaune. Come, take my final virginity that I had left for you. The Walters always pay their debts..."
A soft groan as he suddenly inched forward, sliding into her, a soft shriek coming from her lips, turning to a deep guttural moaning groan. She felt tight, and she shivered. He looked down, her pussy lips drooling with the slimy residue of his previous orgasms. It might just be the fact that he was trained as a Huntsman or just the natural stamina of the Arc family but it didn't hurt, other than being extremely tight and There was a look of curiosity on her face, something that burned in those eyes that was more than loathing and pain and frustration. Something that he had seen before, the bitterness, the need.
He started to move, her asshole tightly pressing against his manhood, feeling how tightly it clutched at him. She shrieked and whimpered as he slowly tugged out, before pushing right into her again. An indecent sound came from her, but she worried not. Nails pressed against his back as she seemed to go wild with her motions, hissing and groaning, her body writhing against the desk.
"Fuck my ass, Jaune! Fuck it! Show me what I've been missing for all those years ago! Come on! Are you a miner or just some lily-livered bitch for hire again hm ?"
Her voice turned husky, growling and whispering things that no lady of standing would ever utter. He knew that Weiss and Winter would never ever utter such a thing, both too lady-like to even think of asking for someone to fuck their ass... if at all.
"Hmmhmm... Yeah, come on..."
A mess was on the desk, as he got into a rhythm. Pain flared on his back as she raked her nails down over his back. He thought he could feel them pierce the skin, but this was a civilian, so undoubtedly it was just something that was his imagination.
"Fuck me ahaha yes, yes ..me!"
It was despair in the woman's voice, as he swung his hips, the anvil of her behind hammered by the hammer that was his body, driving his manhood into her rear, the feeling of that tight, squeezing rump and then, the feeling of sparks behind his eyes as he came inside her ass.
A slow and shuddering heavy explosion of white-hot jizz that shot into her bowels, his stiff prick hard inside her, a slow rut that made her shriek something that he didn't quite get, and', something else that he blanked out on, just collapsing on top of her as the thick gushing geyser of man-seed met that tightness of her rear and tried its best. The corner of the desk below the two of them creaked dangerously.
She laid there for the longest of moments, her breasts like pillows to support his head. She was smaller than he was, yet she was a woman that he had made love to, that he had fucked again and She had given him her anal virginity and it'd been a lot of firsts... all for him.
He hadn't expected that she would go this far, but the concern he had for her was real, even as the desk creaked. She smiled softly, as her breath still came in deep gasps, her breasts supporting his head, his balls grinding against that tight butt once more.
She was breathing heavily, the softness of those breasts still comforting him. He could feel a tension in his ball sack now, aware that ass was clenching down hard onto him. He pulled out, getting up and then seeing half of the desk collapse as she tried to get up, the woman giving a low 'oof' sound as she collapsed with the desk, the wood looking like it didn't nick or harm her.
"Are you okay?"
He asked with worry, a light giggle coming from her lips as she looked up at him. Her bare breasts were sweaty, her hand grabbing a hold of his own as he helped her up. The woman leaked, not even giving a damn about how she appeared.
"We broke my desk by f***king, Jaune. oww.. just .... Oww..."
She winced a little, her hand going down below to her buttocks, a slimy gooey load slowly leaking from that once-virginal hole.
"That was...Nice."
He grabbed his shirt and started to get dressed. He'd glanced at the time a moment before and noticed that the party was supposed to be ending in about 40 minutes. Given that it likely wouldn't be so very easy for him to sneak back, he hoped that he could get back with the excuse that he'd been at the bathroom for a really long time.
Willow, the nice woman that she was, tidied herself up a little, the pants jerked up and tidied. The brooch put back in the proper spot as the cravat was pushed properly. She did not opt to change much about her attire, the shirt or whatever it was pulled back on again, the belt still supporting her waist. She smiled at him, patting his cheek affectionately.
A soft sigh exploded from her lips as she looked at him, a tired expression on her features as she seemed to look at him. Her expression turned darker, as she looked down, her thighs still damp. The smell of sex clung to her body, as she smiled, a more genuine smile than before. Something seemed to have lifted off her shoulders.
"Can I request a favour, though?"
He regarded her for a moment, trying to formulate a response. Jessica shifted her manner of standing for a moment, fixing him with a look that was imploring. It was a look that his sisters gave him when they needed something, a favour of sorts or something like it.
As He would do that anyways, he knew. Jaune Arc was someone who did not give up on his friends, no matter the cost, even if that was his life and There was a look in his eyes that she saw and she pressed a light kiss to his lips in response to it, surprise in his eyes
It was not the intimacy that they had shared or the liquor. It was the taste of the alcohol on her lips and that faint hint that he'd done something good for something, some sort of reprieve from the woes of the day, a deep and desperate need for something more.
"I'll make sure that I will returns home safely, boss." As then he left her alone in her very office and to her very much thoughts as she knows the truth about him and her standing.
An broken gangsters she might be, but she was at least caring for him as more caring than her own mother sister seemed to be. The woman gave a soft smile, waving him off.
She as Told him to be that you must be safe on and do your best as he left her office and went back to his work as her smile for it away and did as she understood one thing as She actually cares for him, she loves him She will do everything in her path to make sure he is safe for herself even it means she needs to get rid of off his wife Winters if she trys to harm him' hmm let's you are truly woman ' she thought in her chair.
As he lift her office he went straight towards his own car as while wearing his black flat cap on his head as he was now putting his very forehead on the steering wheel has he was thinking as what just transpire between him and his boss as he see some people sleeping on the sidewalk as He knows this is a shady side of the city now.
As he went back to his old classic dimero car and then started to lift up his head and check out the checked the list as she has give him as and he did exactly as she told instructed looking out for any of the cars on the list now as One of the clients is itching for a new car and in some of the gangsters around here need new vehicles for Their up coming heist now.
But true be told jaune didn't really know much about cars at all as Where do he used to live as car's we're not that needed as so I wasn't really anyone who could tell the difference between a Schnee Dilla or an Atlrrari or most of the other models listed that is given but two of them are Atlas cars he as seen winter drive one the other day an- As he stop for a second his eyes were widened a bit he then remembered his wife is an very Atlas military officer and she find out what he is doing in a heartbeat -no no no need to get involved in this situation at all I keep this under wraps don't need to get involved in this situation at all I don't want to be the one who technically steals my own life's car now.
So I was going a spent a good deal of my free time on my scroll searching for the vehicles and there accessories getting an eye for them, 'hmm interesting like this I can start my own business with this' he thought to himself.
In the meantime I was committed to the
grind at my job as a store manager Dealing with plenty of rough drunk customers, some were just normal people that needed to get somewhere fast I need to get moving to working.
Occasionally when I am working at the diner picked up a couple that was
going back to their place to hook up and That is will always awkward, having a couple making out in the morning in his restaurant.
As I drove in the morning in my car I saw some people walking around But here and there I got to see the VIPs of Junior This was exactly what they wanted, they were
the people i wasn't was hoping to talk to or maybe get some intel to pass onto boss but Aside from their VIP status when they used the APP for a ride you could always see that these guys were gangsters.
They almost always wore suits, usually with
red shirts or ties, occasionally they had some bling on as well and They also always checked the back seat before getting into my car when used to pick them up, paranoia as I came to learn was a necessary part of being a career criminal and These guys
were actually my best customers, they never discussed business in my car or at the restaurant so my hopes of passing some quality time was last, But they always had a story to tell, some of them were even the guys I talked too about finding a job at first and seeing me working for boss changed.
As their attitude pretty quickly They told me a little about the neighborhood they live in how they lived in, I learned then that Little Mistral was founded long ago when the city of Mountain Glenn fell to the grimm, Apparently a ton of Mistral and Mantle workers immigrated come back to then we're to help build the city and found themselves refugees in Vale once it fell and then The Council stuck them into this ghetto along with a bunch of Faunus and other native Vale refugee's as a result.
Working around these wise guys started to
become my new history class and Believe it or not most of these gangsters who never finished school but they knew their local history enough to pass Oobleck's class with flying colors and A lot of them liked to talk about "The good old days" when Hei Xiong senior and Walters formed, their families from these displaced masses.
But aside from the history lessons these
gangsters were always happy to tell me the
best places to get a good meal or point me
to the best shops and tell me how to not get
ripped off and Since I worked for boss they
were nice to me and they were certainly a lot more pleasant to drive around than most of my usual customers are not.
But what really made them,so great was the
way they always tipped me at the diner For a bunch of gangsters that didn't need to pay for a ride in my car or at diner they tipped like they wanted to get rid of their money for some reason, well No one else gave me a diamond ring but they were pretty generous with the rolls of twenties they carried but By the end of my first week I wasn't able to fit all those bills into my wallet, so I took to hiding the cash behind my new apartment which is top of the diner entirely I hide in an envelopes in my cupboards with a gun intact.
As for them helping boss partner Tyler steal
cars I finally found my first chance by the
end of my first weekend and then I saw a Schnee dillac f****** hell sitting or parked behind a bar that I used to picked up some guy up at, it was last call so I figured
that whoever owned it might not probably did the sensible thing and caught a ride home and car color is black so not winter's then but the got a car looks a little suspicious at first glance one hurt called the police on it that's what he did he called the police on the car He could steal it but.
It was easy right, just one phone call and I was done right but.... no.. I would not do such a thing I will just leave no one needs to get hurt and no one gets to know so then he just drove from there pretending nothing happened, He just called the police on the car that's it and will be done Then The next day when I came in boss had a couple hundred lien for me in hand for not finding it he was shocked at first 'why oh why' It was Something she told me that the car you found is actually a terrorist car that has explosives inside of it white fang put it in there for an a terrorist attack but you did by helping the authorities locate the car and they gave you a reward money for it, and compared to what Tyler probably made after chopping it and replace It's all parts and reselling it but it was more than I would have made in a single night all by myself.
I used to think that most thieves were
just opportunists working alone but I was
starting to see just how organized these
people were As They were running a network of interconnected hustles and mostly legal businesses.
I started spotting more and more cars that are no her list as I drove around and all I had to do was make a phone call to her or authorities which looked more suspiciousand I would make even double what I would have gotten in dining shift alone now,
Whoever said that crime doesn't pay was an
idiot but which pay are they taking happened, who had no idea what they were talking about at first and they should have kept their mouth shut a while think for a proper answer, In a couple hours I was able to furnish my new crappy little apartment upon the diner so it actually felt Somewhat like a home and as the Most of my fellow coworkers who never shows up when it comes to work decided to go on a new job and they were earning plenty with their for themselves never making so much that they ride to buy themselves proper house and expensive cars and accessories.
Well it's time to go back to work and but first as I need to make home fast as I don't know what will the team rby will do if I give them a whole diner for a day and as having this farm injury at the same time as well something's better than nothing I can do suppose as He kept on Tell him self that.
8:00 am
Wiess stormed across the campus of Atlas in a mood. It was a childish behavior, immature for sure, and definitely beneath her character, but she had a damn good reason for being annoyed at everyone.
How the hell had Jason Derulo a student at Atlas academy beat a her a teacher who has been teaching student's how to fight Grimm and criminals And how did he gotten so good at chess All of a sudden?
She'd warned herself against overconfidence when she farced one of her students little while ago had seen her playing Beretta and insisting that she got to play winner And while Beretta had been, as expected, an interesting opponent, she really wasn't in the same league as Weiss was Weiss had been tutored in chess since childhood, an insistence of Father's, and, unlike many of his demands, chess was one she rather enjoyed taking to. It taxed her strategic and analytical mind to go head to head with a skilled opponent, and she relished the chance to play. And she was confident that Jason a, loud, impatient, and he would be more of a polite contest she'd just have to push through and get back to her homework.
How wrong she had been.
She lost the first game, a surprise, possibly that overconfidence she'd warned herself about. But no, she could definitely tell that Jason wasn't playing at random. There were strategies at play, too many gambits that surely were deliberate. She was no amateur. A rematch was needed. And then, after that stinging defeat, another rematch. And then another.
Jason, arrogant, loud, obnoxious he would had kicked her up and down the length of the board, making puns nonstop and calling the pieces by the wrong goddamn names. And the flirtation... shamelessly alternating board, making puns nonstop and calling the pieces by the wrong goddamn names. And the flirtation... shamelessly alternating between her and Blake, Yang dropped innuendo and implication with every piece she took off the board. It had shredded Weiss's pride and annihilated her patience, and that was why she was stomping across the campus, boiling in fury and- hold on a second.
It was Jay Arc little sister of jaune arc Not something Weiss would normally want to see when she was in a mood, but this was different It was Jay and a blonde woman who had far too much Arc about her to be anything other than his sister and That would have been intriguing enough, except for the much more interesting fact: they seemed to be arguing. Or, at least, she seemed to be arguing, speaking in rapid Old Valean, her voice forcefully authoritative and with a slightly rural accent that made it hard for Weiss's school-Valean to keep up, and Jay... seemed to be failing to defend himself.
She stopped herself, thinking if she wanted, say, Nora at most to see her while she was getting reprimanded by Winter, but she realized, it was already far too late, that she and Jay had made eye contact, and now his probably-sister had turned and made eye contact, too, and it was clear she was going to have to introduce herself. She waved, awkwardly, wishing she had a teleportation Semblance that could get her out of this surely awkward experience.
"Oh, um, hi Mrs Weiss," Jay responded, likely also wishing for such a Semblance. "This is, um, my elder sister, Beryl," which confirmed Weiss's estimation, not that she needed it with how blonde and obviously related to Jaune the young lady was and Though, Weiss did have to admit, she lacked Jay's essential awkward gangliness, and generally just seemed to be a well-put together, though rather provincial, young woman. Which meant that Jay couldn't blame his Jaune-ish-ness on his genes. "Beryl, this is-"
But she wasn't waiting for Jaune to finish. She turned to Weiss in a forceful way and said, "Actually, you're perfect-you know my sister, as your students so tell me how is she doing as a Huntresses?"
Weiss froze for a moment She heard Jay lamely suggest that maybe she wasn't the best person to ask, and she had to agree. How was Jaune as a Huntsman? Wretched. Terrible a waste of space he was Worst in his year, by a long shot The weakest person she has ever met. And... Dead he is now.
"Jay continues to make considerable progress as a Huntsman-in-training. She's successfully led an attack against an elder Deathstalker and his largest confirmed Grimm kill was an... Ursa Major, and a jackalope .....I believe." Beryl's eyes went wide at that, darting incredulously to glance at her sister like she couldn't believe it was possible she Spending so much time in Atlanta, surrounded by other aura users, Weiss had nearly forgotten that, for most people, taking down a Grimm larger than a Creep was an extraordinary feat, rather than homework. "His interpersonal combat record is... not great, but she's demonstrated a good tactical mind for leading her team like he did Team JNPR in group matches."
The look Jay gave her was a mix of gratitude and amazement. But she wasn't sure why she'd said it. It wasn't untrue, of course, but if she'd been asked to give her frank assessment of Jaune family, well, it wouldn't
be nearly so kind. But now looking at his little sister, she had an inkling why. There was something a little too much of her father in her and that woman she called a mother, and the way she seemed set on undermining Jaune as a Huntsman but no has a human being entirely.
"Well, be that as it may..." she seemed to be regaining from the surprise of Weiss's positive evaluation, "No matter what your friends might think, Jay, you have a place you belong. At home. You're needed on the estate, and now that you've had your taste and seen what life is like out here, it's time to-"
"I'm sorry..." Weiss hadn't wanted to interrupt; she'd wanted to get out of there, but she had to ask, "'The estate?' Jay, you've never mentioned your family had an estate." It was hard to process that Jaune Arc, goofy, doltish, hoodie-beclad big brother of Jay Arc was from one of Vale's landed families. And, as thedoltish, hoodie-beclad Jaune Arc was from one of Vale's landed families. And, as the wheels in her mind turned, she was starting to piece together which family it might be...
Jay rubbed his neck. "I, um, well... It never seemed that important at the academy? When you're all so remarkable teacher and-"
"Never seemed important?" his sister's scandalized voice rose into a fury, "You wear the family sigil! You're carrying the family sword! This land has been in our family for generations, Jay, and you..."
"I- I'm sorry..." she felt light headed, "Your family estate, it wouldn't... it couldn't be..."
Jay looked at her, red-faced, "It's not a big-"
"Château d'Arc," Beryl cut him off, "I take it you've heard of us miss ?"
She slumped backwards, feeling the weight of the name come bearing down on her. "Jay," she said in a haunted voice, "I didn't know you were one of those Arcs!"
She threw up his hands. "What other Arcs are there! Why else do you think I've got the symbol of the Arceaux region on my family's heirloom shield!"
"My father drinks Château d'Arc!" she practically shrieked, "They served the '36 Arceaux at my going away dinner before I left for Atlas!"
But in response to that, both siblings awkwardly looked away. "What," she asked, "what does that mean?"
"It means Nothing!" As she just was quick to respond. "It just..." As she her sister took over the whole composition "Not a great vintage as i am not afraid," Beryl supplied.
"The spring was just too cold, rains too uneven, and the grapes were too sweet," he shrugged, "Dad complained about it for most of our childhoods."
Beryl, in a gruff, deep voice, evidently imitating their father, added, "It's '36 all over again!" As to her and sister jay's were much amusement at her very much reaction.
But Weiss was fuming with jealousy and anger They were the richest family on whole Remnant, and yet, of course, her Father had cut corners at his own daughter's celebration and But that gave her more reason to glare at Jay. "How do you, of all people, never once mention you're literal nobility from one of Vale's oldest families hmm ?"
"Um, technically, noble titles were abolished in my great grandfather great-grandad's day, but-" But Beryl was now the one cutting in, and seeming apologetic about it. "I'm... sorry, I didn't intend to cause anger here, What are the reasons are you so angry about me for to offend you but you can understand, right, what I'm asking of her? This is our family's history; it's something very important to as."
Weiss, realize what she just commented Yes she is just a stranger and Jay 'no stranger to issues of the family name', though certainly not expecting that she'd have that in common with Jaune, of all people, was about to respond, but before she could speak, she was cut off by a familiar voice saying, "Jay What are you doing here You should be at class?"
Oh no. Weiss recognized that voice, and in the context of what they were discussing, she was likely the last person who should be hearing it.
It was Pyrrha Nikos, obviously out looking for her missing student, and from the look of stunned awe on Beryl's face, she had definitely been recognized and Not surprising, honestly. Even though their friend group rarely noticed Pyrrha, whether because Weiss was, herself, a teacher with a rather extraordinary reputation, or from the way, after a few months, celebrity became normalcy, but Pyrrha was just... one of the group. Hard to be starstruck when you've heard her complain about her laundry woes, or you've tried to help her unstick a stuck drawer in her dorm. But for someone like Beryl, Pyrrha was Pyrrha Nikos. The Invincible Girl. The Goddess of Victory. A once-in-a-generation talent, with arguably the strongest pre-academy fighting record of anyone since Ozpin was their age. There were furious online debates how she would match up against the late Hazel Rainart for Greatest of All Time. Her decision to go to Beacon had been international news... that her brother had somehow missed, but Weiss was getting the impression that some of Jay's more... Jaune-ish tendencies weren't family traits. Or, at least, not shared with Beryl.
"I was just," Beryl swallowed, struggling to find words appropriate for meeting such a celebrity, "speaking with my sister, here, on returning to his responsibilities back home. I see she's had... quite an experience at Beacon, but he's not cut out for this life and he belongs on the family-"
" She will do no such thing," Pyrrha suddenly responded with a severity that nearly knocked the wind out of Weiss, and certainly sent Beryl's eyes wide. Seemed to surprise Pyrrha just as much as the rest with how suddenly she'd said it. "I- I mean, it would be his choice, of course, but... but Jay has a place here! He has demonstrated his ability, and I can personally vouch that he rightfully belongs here."
Weiss could feel an almost electrical tension between the two, whatever starstruck daze was in Beryl's eyes cleared up real quick as she narrowed at Pyrrha's words. But whatever she was thinking, she opted not to act on it. "That... seems to be what I've been hearing," she ventured, diplomatically. She turned to Jay, "I understand that you have friends here..." she glanced to Weiss and Pyrrha, "And I understand this is a... charged topic. But, please, Jay... I'm your sister, please think about what I've said." She looked to them both. "It was a pleasure meeting you. But I think it's time I took my leave. Jay? Could you show me to the Bullhead dock right ?"
Jay's gave them both an apologetic look, promised he'd catch up with them later, and turned to leave with his sister. But as soon as they were out of sight, Pyrrha whirled on Weiss. "What have you done," she hissed, no trace of the usually polite girl to be found in her fury, "I know you don't like Jaune or his family, but you have no right to-"
"I didn't do anything!" she protested, "I told his sister sh-he's improved as a Huntresses! And it's true, she has-I'm not trying to get him to leave like jau--!"
But Pyrrha, who normally would have apologized immediately for making an accusation, continued to look at her in a muted fury. And then... her face fell, and she couldn't stop wringing her hands, the usual Pyrrha coming back in. "Y-you heard what she had to say, right? Why she wanted Jay to leave right ?"
"I- I don't know," she confessed, "When I came into the conversation, and they didn't mention anything as to why, and I don't think Jay would resist it if, I don't know, there was a death in the family? It just sounded like his sister wanted him back on the family vineyards and- well, has he ever talked about that with you?"
Pyrrha froze for a second, racking her brain, trying to think of what might be happening. "I- I don't know that much about Jay's or jaune background," she confessed, "I mean, he talks about his family a lot, but never mentioned much about the family farm."
"The family estate," Weiss corrected, to Pyrrha's confusion. "Your partner, it turns out to be is from an old Valean family. One of the oldest-the Arceaux region is named because still use to rule it, before Vale was unified. The Arc family estate makes some of the best Arceaux wines and some of It's military knight It's still in Sanus, and your old partner's apparently is related to the king of vale will been, well, part of that."
Pyrrha's jaw dropped. "He- she never mentioned that," she said quietly, nervously, as though she was realizing how much about her partner she didn't know. "Do you think it's something, I mean-" then she cast her eyes downward, and Weiss realized she'd never seen Pyrra-strong, invincible Pyrrha-ever seem so small in front of her. "Do you think she'll leave to ?" she asked in a quiet voice.
"I... don't know," Weiss admitted. "I really don't know anything, but..." she knew she had to marshal her words carefully-she'd already seen Pyrrha's anger roused once tonight and had no interest in seeing another, "Jay's from a really prestigious winery, and maybe there's an opportunity there he can't pass up? And, you know, maybe... maybe his sister does know him better than we do?"
Pyrrha was silent for a moment, the air suddenly feeling quite a bit colder than she was used to in Atlas and Quite a bit more like it was in Atlas dead north. "I... thank you, Weiss, but I'm going to wait for my old partner or student to return. I... would like to be alone right now, if you don't mind."
Leaving Pyrrha alone didn't sound like a good idea, not from the way her voice seemed to waver as she said it, but Weiss didn't know what she could say. She just nodded and stepped back, watching as Pyrrha looked to the Bullhead docks, her body language saying everything she couldn't say out loud. Paralyzed by indecision, whether to stay or go or say something or whether she should text Nora or her own superiors about what she'd heard, or if she should wait for Jay to tell everyone about this himself, Weiss could only carry out what Pyrrha had requested of her. And so, she left.
A long time ago when she was still in beacon She thought she was doing the right thing what she did to John but in reality she was just taking out her anger of her father from him She done nothing but to treat him like an animal She always taught him to be blowing her standards and it cost her a good friend.
After she found out about what was his Fate at the hands of the council and her family She was ashamed afterwards She has become like her own father The one person she wants to escape but in the end she became just like him She was furious at herself she even tried to pay the police extra to find where did Jane go She even helped him Ruby find him to even ask the headmaster The headmaster then told them that he will be back one day that day they kept on waiting years past.. but..... He never came that day we all thought he died We killed him this...
This destroyed Pyrrha she became nothing but Hollow She betrayed her partner trust and she thought she was doing the right thing and it cost her something more precious after a few months of crying and with regret She regained herself again and she gained a new partner Jason then we all graduated together I started opening up to them to him then one day he just disappeared...
There was no trace of him We tried every database of remnant to search for him but he never showed up just like him just like Jane in the end we are all cursed to bring destruction to the people we claim we care.
In the end nothing changed.
Then a few months later the vital festival happened and the attack of White fang and the grims It was a blood bath We fought so hard so many of our friends ,teachers and allies and good soldiers of the kingdom fought to the very end to make sure the kingdom and our academy stood high then there was a dragon grim appeared and it decimated everything in his path, I was just watching as then all a certain bright light just shined and I saw someone standing in front of the dragon challenging it someone very white clothing like a knight But more modern and advance of the same time I saw how it killed it how he defeated the dragon How he defended the night our kingdom and our school some of my friends were injured but were saved by him as we all were going to thank him He just disappeared.
Then afterwards team Rwby was dismantled after graduation I went back to Atlas while the other threes stood at Vale ever since that we haven't met each other but you're a licensed Huntresses and we had our jobs I became a teacher here at Atlas academy then a few months later I started teaching then I met jaune arc little sister jay She looked just like him She reminded me of him of my pain of my... Ideals of the world and now I am suffering for it, but at least I can do one thing to honor his memory at least I can teach his sister to be better from that day on we, me and Pyrrha made a oaths to protect her and be better.
Pyrrha Nikos pov :
She had expected that Jay would be quick to return after that. That she'd walk his "sister" to the Bullhead docks, say her goodbyes for the night, and come back soon as So Pyrrha had stood where she was, feeling time creep both impossibly slow and as lightning fast in alternating moments. Checking her scroll for the time, putting in back in her pocket, then immediately retrieving it to check the time again. Feeling impatient, she resolved to go after them, figuring anything was better than just standing around and waiting.
Her mood bounced between blazing fury and trembling anxiety. At one moment, she was the Goddess of Victory, surely cutting a figure of some awe as she told herself she would not permit anyone to disrupt Team JNPR, and that she would protect her partner from family members who sought to use him for their own benefit, but without a thought for his happiness. She had experience in dealing with that, after all. But then... she would suddenly get a thought that undermined all that confidence, sending her tumbling into self doubt. Jay's loved his family and He obviously loved his family from the way he talked about them. And maybe they just knew better than she did what was best for Jay's.
But that only reminded her that she'd heard Jaune tell her, firsthand, how badly he wanted to be a Huntsman. How much he wanted to live up to his family's reputation, using his grandfather's sword! The idea that all his dreams, and all the work he'd put into achieving them should be cast aside so he could pick grapes and make wine-wines that would be drunk by people like Weiss, wealthy, entitled sorts who had no appreciation for Jaune... she wouldn't stand for it.
And that was the mood she was in when she heard, "Oh, hey, teacher!" from a bench she was just about to pass.
She turned, startled, so caught up in her own world that she almost hadn't noticed that she was walking right past the subject of her thoughts... with her brother.
Beryl gave her a wave. "Jay and I were just talking about how the Malbecs were coming in and must have lost track of time and I hope you weren't waiting on my sister long," no explanation for why she wasn't gone, and Pyrrha rather didn't like the way she was saying her apology.
Jay seemed almost embarrassed to talk about it. "It's... it's a kind of grape that's sometimes used in Arceaux reds in old days Beryl's teasing me because I thought they'd grow well in some newly-drained land my family was cultivating, because it'd get the sun more and..." she realized she'd started rambling. Pyrrha loved to hear Jay ramble, to see him get passionate, but on this topic, and the way his sister seemed to watch him talk, made her feel... it was hard to place. "I just... they just need some more time."
Beryl nodded at that, undeniably taking it as a point in her favor. Pyrrha had decided she did not like Jaune's sister-hopefully the other six weren't like this. It wasn't what she said or did so much as how she seemed to do it. She had a smug mien to her that made it feel like everything she did, even watching her brother speak, was all in service to some inscrutable goal.
Well, one on one combat was where Pyrrha excelled, so might as well bring her strengths to bear.
"Jay ?" she asked, sweetly, "I'm glad I caught you both; I was actually hoping for a chance to talk to your sister, one on one, if you don't mind." She gave them a polite smile so dishonest that her media trainer would have wept to see it, "You know how much I want to learn about my partner's past. I really do," she looked to Beryl, "find your family quite fascinating, especially with the things Jay hasn't told me yet."
Jay blushed, furiously, muttering, "She knows about the dress. And the pigtails." Beryl suppressed a snicker, clasping a hand to her mouth as her brother got up. He turned to Pyrrha before he left. "Listen: you respecting me... it was good while it lasted." Pyrrha couldn't help but smile, a real, honest smile, when he said that.
But then she left, and Pyrrha took his spot on the bench. "Alright," now was no time for beating around the bush: she could see in Beryl's eyes that the feeling between the two was mutual. "What's your game here?"
"My game?" she asked, incredulously, "I should be asking you what you're playing at here with my sister after you did to my brother. You do know-and I don't want to be the one telling you this-that he has no combat training, right? No academy background, no personal training-dad didn't unlock any of our auras specifically because he didn't think any of us should become Huntsmen."
Pyrrha looked at her coldly eyes. "I know about Jaune's story and background. He trusted me enough to tell me not long after we first met. I've been personally training him, and I'd rather not see my effort go to waste."
Beryl blinked at that, taken a little off step. "You're training him to ? You?"
She smiled, a dominant, champion's smile. There was a reason she didn't lose fights, and confidence had a role in that. Defeat the enemy in their own mind first, and the battle becomes much easier. "We have a similar style, though mine favors mobility and his favors defense. And believe me: Jaune's a quick study. He takes to the style like a natural, and he's an exceptional team leader. We're favored to win the Vytal Tournament for a reason."
"No, you're favored to win the Vytal," Beryl corrected. Inwardly, Pyrrha cursed herself for overplaying her hand. Beryl might be underestimating her brother's and sister ability, but she was still his sister, and could likely tell what was implausible to expect. jay will never help you are that and you "Jaune's not helping you there now. You've trained all your life for combat but as for our brother big Jaune's as he just got grandad's sword and too many comic bookshelf." She tensed at that, but before she could reply, Beryl cut her off, "Here, he's only got a sword and a broken dream now and But now you don't know what he had just back home family in his very old life now he is-"
"I KNOW !!!" As she shouted at her as she was really didn't realize as when she was standing or as sitting at the moment as theñ she started to look around her surrounding.
If she saw her surroundings everyone were alerted There was going to fight but she calmed herself down and told her that he was the greatest person who ever came and she is very sorry and what happened to a truly is she loved him and she did betray him does she will carry for the rest of her life knowing that she was responsible for his death.
Beryl's eyes darken a bit she was angry at her what she did to her brother She fear the worst for her sister too well then she heard this she understands she actually regrets it They have done their fair share of damage I think they can do is make amendments She said 'it's okay she can stay for a bit but she needs to come home so'
She understand where they're coming from after What she has done she'll do her best to keep her safe as you will honor him They both agreed invent their separate ways This will be a beginning of a new age for her where she can find a make her amen'
The future holds many surprises.
But maybe I should go try this new diner at vale So my students are from Vale And they're saying that it is quite of good place, when I will visiting next maybe I can go with some my old team members We all do deserve a break Maybe some sightseeings and we can catch up with team rwby That's a bonus.
Hospital doctors
7:00 am
It was either testament to Vale's skilled medical practitioners, or the quality of the painkillers he'd been stuffed with, but Jaune didn't even feel his shoulder being pushed back into place. He heard it, not to mention that he felt the vibrations running through his body, but there was no pain or discomfort, and the whole thing was treated more like a routine than anything else by the doctor. That kept him calm, at least, since the middle-aged man either knew exactly what he was doing, or was an expert at faking it.
"And there we go, Mr Arc," he said, stepping back with a soft smile. "You'll need to keep your left arm in a sling for a while, but there doesn't seem to be any torn tissue or fractures of lately and You're rather fortunate on that front, I expect."
He didn't feel very fortunate, but nodded anyway. His arm felt stiff and lifeless, but that was probably the drugs speaking. He made to move it, but the doctor caught him by the elbow before he could.
"I'd prefer if you held yourself back from moving it too much and The dislocation was clean, so your arm is technically healed with your locked Aura reserves, That said, it will be sore for a few days, and it would be for the best if you didn't exert yourself too much."
"How long?" he asked.
"I would say two to three days as I said before you can remove the sling."
So soon well aura is locked but still that fast ? Jaune smiled stupidly and let out a long breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. That would mean a lost day of revenue, but today is Wednesday day and tomorrow he had Thursday and he can have Friday off - so there wouldn't be any losses that day. If he could get back to work after that, it would be like nothing had ever happened again with yang any other girls helping It will be a piece of cake in no time.
You'll need to rest your arm for several weeks after that," the doctor continued, settling behind his desk as he typed something into the computer - presumably updating his medical records. "I'd say around ten or so weeks to recover entirely, but you should regain mobility rather quickly. Heavy lifting and sports are off the cards, and I'd advise you to push yourself out of bed with your other arm if possible. You'd be surprised how many people pop the joint again like that." The man looked up, and quickly realized the rapid-fire instructions weren't quite penetrating his drug-muddled brain. "I'll write you up a pamphlet you can take away."
"Thank you." It took a force of effort to not move his left arm. It wasn't the discomfort, but rather the fact he'd been told not to, which paradoxically made him want to. "I only work as a acting manager, so it's not like the work is too strenuous."
"And ho ~oo can you tell me you don't have to lift any heavy boxes and work around 12 hours a day right ?"
Jaune bit his lip. There were crates to move when an order came in, not to mention milk and water to be poured into the machines, along with the cakes he had to transport from the bakers to his display cases. The list went on, but his silence was all the answer the doctor needed.
"As I suspected the worst While I have no right to tell you how to live your life, I believe it would be in your best interest to hire some help to handle several of those tasks - at least until you've regained your mobility."
"I'm... not quite settled in enough to afford that," Jaune admitted His cheeks flushed as he did and he looked away. No one liked to admit they were broke. "I'll think of something for the meantime."
"I'm sure you will Mr Arc." The doctor tapped his pen on the table. "As I said, I cannot force the issue and You need to take some time to think about your health, however. If you strain yourself, I'll be seeing you again, and the damage might be greater in the future. I'll advise you to think long and hard on this, Mr Arc. You only have the one body."
"Yeah, I know..."
The Doctor regarded him for a second, before he nodded and went back to typing into his terminal. He paused occasionally to fill him in on several things, from how he should wash himself with the sling, to what exercises might let him ease any discomfort he felt. Come the end of it, he'd been provided with a printed-off list of information he could refer to should he need it. Before he could stand to leave, however, the man stopped him.
"There is one more matter. I understand this injury was caused by a Huntress."
"That's right. It was an accident Bob."
"Are you sure of that jaune?"
Jaune paused. The mood in the small office suddenly felt a lot less comforting. "What do you mean?"
"I am a Doctor, who works for the mafia and I run my own hospital You know what I'm implying right If they have harm you Mr Arc, which means this meeting between us is confidential. You need not fear of anyone finding out or hearing anything from me or . Should you wish to press charges, I can-"
"What? No!" He shook his head. "No charges. I don't want to press anything or brakes on her limbs I mean It was an accident, and probably my fault for not explaining things better that girl is a friend of mine." Sort of. She was Ruby's sister, so that was close enough. "There wasn't anything malicious about it."
"You are certain?"
The man watched him for a few seconds, before he nodded. All of a sudden, the tension that had filled the air dissipated, and he typed something into his computer again. "I'm glad to hear it sir ," he said. "I apologies if the question distressed you in any way. I am just doing my job and I'll report this to the boss.""It's fine, but... why ask in the first place? I already told you how it happened."
"Yes, but it is not uncommon for people to feel they cannot speak out and When the person who harmed you is so powerful-" the Doctor's words trailed off. "Never mind, it's not relevant if you're happy this wasn't intentional. You are free to go, Mr Arc and I will be visiting soon I need a break from here maybe some rice with chow main will do or If you feel anything unusual, or need any further advice, please feel free to seek me out. I have also provided a prescription for some painkillers. You can get them at the front desk."
"Thank you." Jaune took the slip of paper and bit his lip. Despite his attempts to keep his voice even, it wavered a little. "How much do I owe you this time?"
"The bill has already been paid."
Shock flitted through him, and his mouth fell open again. "How?" he gasped. "By who?"
"According to my records, there were two parties who attempted to cover the bill. As The second parties was rejected as there was no account remaining and The costs whole were covered by your we're boss but however, and processed by one your wife the . " The Doctor looked up and smiled at him.