Chapter 5 - CHAPTER FOUR

They walked in silence for a while longer, before the older man stopped in front of a door, pulling out a keycard from the inside pocket of his coat and using it to unlock the door to the room they stood.

"I will like your answer some day Mr arc but till then trying not to get too much touble ok. "Said the general ironwood

The blonde teen walked in a observed his temporary abode. It was clean and had more than enough space for a single student to reside here in comfort. He set his knapsack down next to the desk, and heard the door start to close behind him, he truned around to spoke to him from the hallway as he prepared to leave.

Jaune let out a yawn before beginning to lay out the clothes he had with him to see what he would wear to the cafeteria. He had a few other sets of clothes as well as a second pair of boots that he had bought when he was back at beacon, so I pack up my thing, I bear with my minsken when leave my dorm room and i walk through the halls of beacon , I feel cold glares and hear the rude insults from all of the students of beacon.
He quickly packed all his things. His wardrobe was pretty minimalistic considering his fashion sense and also the fact that he technically ran away from home to join Beacon. The only other things included toiletries, stationary and any other menial things that he owned. Once he was sure that he had everything he hesitated

He was leaving the room that he shared with his ex-teammates. He wouldn't be able to return ever again. It was starting to sink in very uncomfortably. He wasn't sure what the future held. He wasn't sure what his next move would be.

Glynda placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to pause in his thoughts. "Don't think too much about it all. I'm sure everything will work out. Just have some faith.". She spoke with a light smile.

Jaune was quite surprised by Glynda's behaviour over the past several hours. She wasn't her usual strict enforcing self. Perhaps she didn't want him to feel worse after everything that happened. Or maybe she actually did care dearly about her students, just like Ozpin said.

He nodded and they left the room.
RS: oh look it's the same old loser of beacon .
RS: yeah finally I can teach him a lessons .
RS: yes finally some fun around here I was started to bored.
RS: yes finally he is leaving, I can't stand him being around, his team must be happy that they are finally not going to have a big burden.
Then some random students brought same glass cups , wet paper bell , something else I don't know rocks and insult are thrown at me but I continued to do my work and walk forward to the bullhead. Then as the bullhead started to leaves and hover in the air, I turned my head around one last time to see at the crowed of random people auger and disappointed and happy that I was leaving and there was Rudy and her team RWby , team ssns, team cfvy, team jpnr there eye covered darkness. Has bullhead fly away in has destination.

As the bullhead was arriving to his know destination, I feel my scroll that i left behind I think , I pick it up and saw who was calling me at this hour. I frozned with shock on my face and saw professor ozpin and my family was calling me , has soon has I landed I decline the calls , the last words I may ever get from my teacher's and family and friends so did corrected my scroll and petals in my pocket. I then picked up all my stuff and left the bullhead station then thighs to found post office and it took me 20 minutes to found it, and then I sent scroll and armor by mail and then I started walking to the nearest Town.

As soon I walked in the town I saw people I saw human and fanues they have familia and friends together there children playing together in peace it brought a smile to my face and it's good to know that the world was not doom at all. So I then I keep on walking in the center of town and found a old couple sitting on fountain I ask them about the town history and where can I find inn, they told me the nearest and only inn in the town and a little story about the town itself. So I thank them for there time and started walking to the inn, when I find it took me 15 minutes to get there an old building that say soup bar ( really then say I am bad at nameing things🙄) jaune thought then he entre the inn, what he saw was a nice classic interior this is very interesting and in the middle of the room a fanous innkeeper who was very cutie (now that is very interesting what can I say I like cutie and sexy girls 😉) Jaune thought.

Then I walked towards the cute innkeeper and ask her about inn history and her name and the room, then I got the room, the room was at top floor of the inn was I enter the it was very classic old tables chair, single bed and a nice lamp and window that open to center of town where the couple there sitting. So I unpicked my suffer and I then took a nice long bath after that I was very tired as I was I got into the warm bed and began to sleep.