Chapter 3 - The Fire Benders

After that the town has learned two elements Hantengu decided to go look for all the element puzzle pieces. Every element has its own piece of treasure. If the person has gathered all pieces the person will get a insanely strong power/element, Galaxy. But the problem is that even if they wanted to gather all pieces of the elements Hantengu and his friends are going to encounter users from every castle/ kingdom. Because no-one will just lend the pieces to someone random.

So Hantengu and his friends trained alot before they could prepare. So they later went to take their weapons and took their flying gear. The first stop was Celestial Dragon The Fire Kingdom. Takimono told Hantengu how strong the Celestial Dragons were and that water is basiclly their weakness. But with the combo Dark and Water is overpowered. Ashira sighs: Its going to be a long journey.

When they reached the kingdom Kouchuhiro starded laughing and said it looks like a town of hell. Hantengu took the joke as a stupid joke. Then Hantengu landed with his flying gear infront of the castle he was greeted by rude guards who wouldin't let them in so Takimono sent all of them flying to the other side of town. When they meet the king Hantengu asked if they could get the piece but they refused and the king sent two his son's to fight Hantengu stepped into the fight and the kings son's name were Nako and Nika. Nako looked happy the whole fight and would use fire dragon abilities the whole entire time.

And they were doing fire combo's that landed on Hantengu. Hantengu easily won over them with Water bending and Dark bending mixing form Dark Water spears and stabbed through both Nako and Nika. The king didin't care about his sons so his sons became furious and joined forces with NightGuards Ledgends. Ashira healed both of them and toghether they destroyed the whole entire town with Fire bending and Dark manupitation mixing form Shadow Blaze.