Day two of circus life.
Day one was quite eventful, and I am super excited for this afternoon because, early this morning, my dear uncle came around with some excellent news. He was going to introduce me to the Awesome Acrobats at noon . You may be wondering what this group is or why i'm super happy to meet them. The reason is simple. First of all, the Awesome Acrobats is the acrobatic group my dad used to be in, and it's such an amazing opportunity to meet the people who performed various shows with my father. The second reason is that this group was the first and only acrobatic group, which had a member who could perform the daredevil spin. Yes, that's right. The Stanley Circus is the only circus with an acrobatic team that has a member who can perform the daredevil spin.
Noon came abnormally slow because I was super pumped up and counted every single second down. Uncle Stanley came by and took me to the Awesome Acrobats training tent. I could not contain the shreik that escaped my lips the moment I walked in. The scene that greeted me was way too much for my poor fangirl heart. All the members of the Awesome Acrobats were there practising their spins and duets or their acts in general. My uncle broke me out of my haze somewhat and moved me forward to meet someone. The moment we got to this person, I literally felt my whole body freeze up in excitement. That man was the very man who was able to perform the daredevil spin perfectly without any flaws or falls. I immediately greeted him and began a conversation with him. His name is Matteo or Matt for short. He has black short hair with taned skin, and he's tall in stature. He is 39 years old and a young looking man. During our conversation, I expressed to him my desire to perform the daredevil spin. He had a few tips and pointers I had to take note of and encouraged me to start off with little spins on a normal wire. Once I had gotten that part down, then I could begin attempting spins on the invisi wire, and then and only then could I try the daredevil spin.
After attempting a few spins, Matt noticed my talent for acrobatics. He praised me a few times and told me that I was a natural and that it may not take too long till I was ready to perform the daredevil spin. After this, he told me the greatest news of my life. He told me that he wanted to coach me personally for as long as I'd like. This was like a perfect dream come true moment, and without any hesitation, I said yes.