Ren was working out on the floor of his room. He was doing an intense type of push-up, lifting his entire body off the ground using just his fingertips, like a supercharged Russian push-up. To make it even more challenging, he added weights to his back. His arms showed strong muscles, and his shoulders looked amazing. Sweat dripped from his brow, creating a tiny pool below him.
Next to him, his opticomputer showed a holographic screen. Oddly, it wasn't playing his usual workout music or any tactical training videos. Instead, it was showing a recipe on how to make a dessert.
"You're not the same anymore," the voice sneered. "Gone soft, have you? Forgotten all the reasons you were angry in the first place?"
Close to Ren's hand lay a unique-looking dagger. The handle, as pale as bone, seemed to crack just a tiny bit, releasing a sound that was eerily like mocking laughter.