Chereads / I Want Off This Merry-Go-Round / Chapter 5 - Sell your company to me.

Chapter 5 - Sell your company to me.

Jasper finished up his meeting at the warehouse. He was pleased with his team and glad that he had already authorized their bonus for next month. He had rushed through the meeting so that he could get back to Daisy and knew that it put a lot of stress on his team.

He learned about her company a few months ago. His investment department identified Rapt Media as a potential company to absorb into his own. Someone within Rapt Media had reached out with information and as the President of Cobalt, he was always looking for opportunities.

After researching the company, a proposal was sent over to Rapt. A woman received it positively and Jasper scheduled a meeting at the company to talk about buying shares. I was sheer coincidence that he came early and met Daisy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jasper through the double doors of Rapt Media. He lifted his hand to look at his expensive gold watch. He was supposed to meet in one of the boardrooms on the executive level in an hour. He had been in the area and didn't want to sit in his car waiting before coming in.

His mother had given him grief growing up about his lack of patience. Jasper liked to tell her that he just wanted to get to where he was going quicker.

Luckily for him, Rapt media had a cute coffee shop on the main floor. He joined the line and looked around, noticing that everyone seemed happy and relaxed. That spoke well for the company culture. He knew that changing management was always stressful and if he could keep the current management and existing employees, there would be less company upheaval resulting in less overhead. Assuming, of course, they could come to an agreement on the price and contract.

After getting an Americano, he went over to the back corner. Jasper didn't like sitting in exposed places, but there was already a woman there, so he sat at the table next to her. She was on her laptop and drinking iced tea while nibbling on a sandwich.

She was not conventionally beautiful with a nose longer than could be considered pretty. She had red hair that was pulled back into a tight bun. She wore very little makeup and had on an expensive suit.

Her casual confidence and focus impressed him. He looked to see if she had a company badge, but no luck. As if she could sense his attention, she looked up at him. Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips.

Jasper couldn't help but stare at her lips. He knew he was staring but it seemed thoughts were elusive under her gaze. He felt his lower regions tightened and he couldn't help his wolfish grin.

She harrumphed and gathered her work. Jasper wondered if he had been too rude with his attention. She dropped a folder in her haste, and he bent to pick it up.

"Please don't touch that." Jasper paused just before picking up the folder. He pulled back and he watched her bend over and pick it up instead. He was used to women coming onto him and he couldn't say how many of them "accidentally" dropped things so they could bend over and show him their figure. This woman didn't waste any movements. Her lack of concern for him was sexy by itself and her annoyance triggered something in him. He had the sudden urge to tease her and see just how mad she would get. He held back.

He finished his coffee and headed to the elevator. She was already waiting, and he could tell she was in a hurry. She glanced at him and proceeded to completely ignore him while they waited. One of the doors dinged and a group of people came off. Jasper could hear snatches of a conversation about where they would eat for lunch. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 15th floor. When she came in, she also reached over to press the number 15 and stopped, her hand hovering over the dials.

"Who are you meeting on fifteen?" Jasper looked over at her. She studied him suspiciously. He felt like he was getting scanned at the airport, her eyes were intense and thorough.

"I have a meeting with management."

"I haven't heard anything about a meeting."

"You must not be important enough to know." The woman frowned and her eyes narrowed.

"You should be careful what you assume." Jasper shrugged. He leaned back onto the elevator wall and smiled in amusement. He wasn't sure who she was, but messing with her was fun.

The elevator stopped and they both got off and he headed to the boardroom. She followed him into the room and Jasper wasn't sure what to do.

"I'm sorry, but this is supposed to be a private meeting." Jasper frowned.

"Let me ask again, who are you meeting?" The board room had a large table in the center, and she walked around to the head to sit.

Jasper started to get suspicious. This woman wore authority as if it were a second skin. She looked at him as if he were an insect to squash and he wasn't sure he liked that.

"I believe that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot."

"You could say that," she deadpanned. She leaned back and crossed her legs while tapping her fingers together. Jasper may have mistaken her form as praying, but it was menacingly intense. "If you don't tell me what you are doing here, I am going to call security and throw you out."

"Let me convey my apologies, it was my mistake." Jasper wasn't used to being on the other end of this kind of exchange. It was a unique experience. "I am Jasper Indigo from Cobalt Incorporated. I am her to deliver a proposal today about purchasing Rapt Media."

"I haven't heard about it."

"Is there a reason you should have?"

"General, the majority owner of a company should know if their company is for sale."

Jasper kept his face neutral. The woman before him must be Daisy Pemberton. If she didn't know what was going on in her company, that was a problem.

"Your company reached out to me." Daisy shrugged.

"I doubt it." She shrugged.

"You should consider selling to me."


"Then this meeting is a waste of my time." He didn't know what happened, but if his instincts were correct, Rapt Media is in the middle of an internal struggle. Jasper didn't appreciate being used as a pawn in someone else's game.

"It's a waste of both of our time. I won't see you out." At this, she turned her chair around. Jasper recognized his dismissal. He grit his teeth in irritation and turned to leave. Before he left, he turned back to Daisy.

"If you aren't more careful, someone like me is going to get your company." He could see her back stiffen and he left before his anger began to show.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He had talked with her on the phone after that event, but they ended up arguing. He sighed. He didn't like being right.

He had checked on her company just before he left and someone was reaching out on private channels to see who would pay the most for the company.

He looked over at Daisy and saw how pale she was. She was still lovely to look at and Jasper could feel heart beating in excitement.

He turned to Jenny.

"Acquaintances. I once tried to buy her company."

"You mean steal it." Daisy interrupted.

"I never tried to steal it; I keep telling you someone from your company reached out to me."

"Let's not talk about this now." Daisy laid her head back on the pillows and whimpered. Jasper kicked himself for not controlling himself.

"I am always apologizing to you for my behavior," Jasper grumbled. The corner of daisy's mouth lifted before she forced her face to remain neutral.

"The person in the wrong should always apologize. Could you tell me about what is going on at my company?"

"It looks like they are trying to sell your company out from under you. I thought you held the majority shares?"

"That was true till yesterday. I signed over part of my company to the man I was supposed to marry."

"Let me guess, he scammed you?"

"Bingo, feel free to scold me."

"Why would I do that?"

"You warned me. I didn't believe you."

"You don't seem to be the kind of person to do that kind of thing unless you had your reasons."

"Still, I feel like an idiot."

"Who was it?" Daisy looked at him in confusion. "The one who shot you."

"Oh, it was my fiancé." Jasper felt his anger flicker to life. He and Daisy may have been enemies, but he didn't like the idea of someone killing her. She sounded way too upbeat for such a betrayal.

Jenny silently watched the exchange and her lips shifted into a bemused smile. The two had forgotten she was in the room. She rose and made her way to the door and out of the room.