But even though they were judged they didn't care, let's change the subject?
Back to the king who is afraid of ants? So this king, like the army, had no power and new blood.
he directly gave the title of baron to Herick, he has no qualms about what the other nobles will think, they are not the ones going to war.
unlike the king who had to go many times, one for being one of the strongest in the Kingdom, the second reason is something three generations of kings have been angry about.
the grandfather of the third generation or the fourth generation of the previous kings, made a law that the king should participate in two wars, if they had them per year.
That's why the army was also faithful, because incredibly, the country's leader put himself in the front line, is that stupid? No, it will give the King a faithful army, and it will boost the morale of the soldiers.
That after such measures there was even a qualitative improvement, oddly enough, I think it was emotion, duty, and the fact of his leadership.
being a real leader gives them excellent results, and the pressure of battle in such a state helps to cultivate ki.
King on the battlefield is almost a walking buff, a support exuding pressure buff.
that makes soldiers feel the pressure to give it their all and disheartens enemy soldiers.
What crazy king is going to put himself in front of the battle, only a king who is sure of Victory, and only in Brazil.
after these four generations, Brazil achieved a large number of victories, they were fierce, but they did not fight for land.
What was also imposed by this fourth generation, but any country that violated the rights of Brazilian citizens, Brazil had the legal right to go to war.
This was just a joke, after all which country won't harm a random citizen, it was actually a political move.
This king of the past was very wise, and he knew that the majority of the population would fall into this trap, in fact it worked a little for the Brazilian population.
But on the other hand, Brazil can declare war at any time, after all, many Brazilians will not arrive saying "I'm Brazilian"
Apart from the issue of slavery, which had people outside Brazil selling left and right, buying and capturing people to make slaves.
If such an act was intercepted, through a kingdom that did not free slavery, Brazil has the legal right to go to war.
If a Brazilian slave is found, it is a war to annihilation or subjugation, and it is a war required by law, that is, the king must go to war.
But our current king afraid of ants, has nothing to do with that king who was fearless, in a way he was fearless but not so much.
After all, not everyone is really willing to die for a cause.
Yes, that king died in battle, when he found a Brazilian slave, arrested and being enslaved.
For a nobleman from a super kingdom, much stronger than Brazil, he really looked like a protagonist when he saw that he was going to lose the war.
Of five hundred thousand soldiers, four hundred thousand were left, it was a battle against a million enemy soldiers, heavily armed, with better weapons, ki runes on their armor, but even so the army killed 200 thousand.
no, I don't know if it's training, anger or any other reason. Seeing this situation, the king reached a higher place, and first he thought, and then he shouted:
(100 thousand soldiers died for one person, wrong decision? No!)
"100,000 soldiers died for one person, my wrong decision? No! The conviction that their families will be freed from slavery, in our country, this person was an ordinary citizen as well as the relatives of these deceased warriors, not one died in vain!"
He took a moment and then continued, in an anguished voice:
"It was a lost battle, a lost war, but know that they will remain in the memory! The Brazilian people will remember them! Stay away, I'll close the rear, go, I don't know how long I'll last!"
Many of the soldiers began to speak:
"But King..."
He shouted louder:
"That's an order, I need you for our families, as long as there's faith, there's hope"
All the soldiers started to run, the king by hereditary inheritance had the Ki of fire.
He was a wielder who reached the legendary level of two ki, as in addition to fire he had water.
that's why when he was a kid, many made fun of him, because his Ki was supposed to be non-existent, right?
Water puts out fire, but he took advantage of his weakness, and discovered one thing, joining the two formed a gas that was that of boiled water, steam.
And their active souls were, a giant black widow, an anaconda, an ancient snake animal 30 meters long, and the anaconda was poisonous, and lastly a queen ant.
He had a secret that he had never revealed to anyone.
her active ant soul had an active soul, an active queen ant soul would not rule the ants, the way the readers were thinking, because ants have a soul active soul are superior to her.
But this king's active soul was different, she was a boy with his feet turned back, with hair in the shape of flames, orange red, which caught fire from time to time.
{Author's note: he is the curupira of Brazilian folklore, he is like the guardian of the forest in folklore, he punishes with heavy punishments those who attack nature, in short a myth, popular, but that nobody believes is more than culture, even if it is something else, and such}
If he knew the myth was of the forest, he wouldn't just command the ants.
when the soldiers start to evacuate it is logical that the enemy soldiers went straight to the king.
the king injected poison into the steam about 40 meters away, and he acted as if the poison affected the ants, and so he boldly went, along with a horde of ants, against the enemy horde.
It used the dead opponents' corpses as a shield for the arrows, the weakest enemies who tried to find the breach were killed by the ants.
With poison and his active souls, his sword, and the ants, he killed a total of one hundred and fifty-one thousand soldiers, and the soldier who killed him also died.
When they saw the strength of the opposing King, they sent cannon fodder, to leave him exhausted, after so much loss.
They couldn't continue with such a tactic, in 2 hours one man killed so many people, and a detail with much worse armor, not even a rune, was armor that even an adventurer could use.
Because the king knew that it might happen that in this battle he would die, he went without his crown of truth and without his heirloom armor; he was armed with the armor of a normal soldier.
But basically the normal enemy soldiers had harder armor and runes, the enemies feared more casualties, and sent the strongest soldier to the field, as it was a battle against a kingdom with few soldiers, and they made little case, not wanting to send their true powers.
So the strongest was a man of two active souls with particularly strong ki.
Their active souls were that of a cheetah and a leopard, the king knew that he was exhausted, the enemy's attack was obvious.
But to everyone's surprise, the king let the enemy pierce his chest with the sword, grabbed his elbow, gathered all his strength, ki and poison in his teeth and bit the enemy's neck.
It stayed that way for half a minute, the opponent trying to leave and he wouldn't let it, after that half minute he grabbed the part of the opponent's neck that he bit, pushed him, and spit out that meat.
His last order to the ants was to take his body to the camp, Brazilian he dropped his crown and his sword.
And his deceased was escorted to the Brazilian camp, which took him to the grave.
And those days were very sad for the nation, and the enemies did not pursue, one of the reasons, for fear, is that the King was playing dead.
What the king left to understand, for he showed that he controlled the ants with poison, and another had already obtained the crown of the King.
Which meant this Kingdom lost honor.
but when they were showing the King's crown, in public as a trophy, it began to rain and the crown fell, it began to crumble and crumble, and that kingdom was publicly shamed, among other kingdoms and the people themselves.
In the outside world there were some sayings that said, after these facts occurred, "never underestimate your opponent", "Don't put yourself in front of a King, who has the courage to go to the front of the battlefield", "don't mess with who is quiet", "Have you confirmed that the crown is real, before showing it in public?"
And finally "enslave a Brazilian if you dare".
And Brazil was recognized worldwide, and that's why it now has many races, both human and other intelligent races.
It's not that difficult to see an elf, it's rare to see draconians, and giants, as they like to live in seclusion, but all are well treated and nationalized.
They have their own cities, but there are high-ranking people in Brazil of all races.
this means that nobles do not have prejudice, in addition to being of great help, because the other races are strong.
Prejudice in Brazil is shot in the foot, and people from poor communities don't care if you're a foreigner, just mind your own business.
And maybe become a friend if you buy alcohol, kidding aside, it's usually just mind your own business and be quiet, and don't provoke ants.
The guy wants to kill himself, just stick his hand in the anthill, don't take the city and your relatives together, you imbecile.
Returning to the current situation of our king with a phobia of ants, if he sees one he almost jumps, but if he sees an enemy pierces him with a sword without mercy, when he asked for the agreement; Eric replied:
So the soldiers went to escort him to the king, and the king stood in front of him, waiting for something, and he thought:
(Doesn't he know that even though my great-great-grandfather abolished the need to kneel, to gain the noble title you have to kneel on one knee?)
The minister seeing all eyes and people looking there expectantly, and that the king had an embarrassed look on his face, the minister gave a wry smile, and approached him and said:
"You, have to kneel on one knee, to receive the title"
Herick looked at the king, then at the minister and replied:
"I kneel not, to no man."
Everyone was stunned, the nobles scowled, and the audience looked on intently, trying to figure out what was going to happen.