On the roads of Delhi, while driving Avantika recalls her life of 28 years. She grew up in an orphanage named 'Aasha'. She was found at the gates of the orphanage as a 6 months baby. As she was growing she witnessed her friends being adopted. Even though she thought of being adopted and becoming a family, she seems to be invisible in the eyes of adopter.
She at the age of 22 completed her studies with the scholarships provided by the government and part-time jobs. Avantika joined a multinational cosmetic company as a formulator. As she as no one she donated a part of her salary to the orphanage she grew up and saved the remaining except her expenses. At the first year, when she joined in the company ,she was pursued by a manager Mukesh. As time went by, both fell in love and thought of marrying each other. 'Her dreams of family is becoming true ', she thought .She never thought being an orphan would be an obstacle to her marriage. Mukesh's parents strongly objected it, and Avantika never thought her lover would betray her. But, it happened Mukesh married a woman of his parents choice after breaking up with her.
She was devasted at that news. She thought they would reconcile but was betrayed. She was numb to the surroundings as time went by. Three years went by, now she has everything a house, car but no one to live with. As she recalled the memory of betrayal she failed to notice the traffic signal which had a red sign. She drove straight at a vehicle "dummmmm... trrrrrrr'. Her body flew out shattering the front panel and rolled onto the road hitting at the back of her head. As pain grew she witnessed as blood flowing from her body , she started losing her consciousness.
15th Century AD
As Avantika regained her consciousness , she found herself in a warm embrace. She was unable to open her eyes and thought she was is in a coma. But she was able to move hands and legs. She felt herself in a confined space, as she moved her legs she was hitting a soft wall. She doesn't know what to do, so she listened to the surrounding environment. She heard many voices. Through the voices she concluded that , she is inside a womb. Even though she could not understand the language fully, she could understand the gist of the words as it had some Hindi. She is being loved.
In the Palace of Amber, Bharmal is walking anxiously though the corridors outside to which his wife Champvathi giving birth. Screams could be heard through the door ,it had been four hours since she had been inside. His children and parents are by his side praying for the wellbeing of his and the child to be born. A loud scream with a crying of a newborn could be heard. A maid opened the door carrying a baby swaddled in a silk cloth. She passed the child to Bharmal saying ' Kuwarsa[1] , you wife has given birth to a baby girl.' He carefully held his daughter and saw her pouting he mouth. As he held her his happiness he had boundless of happiness. He was instantly surrounded by his parents. Prithiv Raj removed a pearl string from his neck and rewarded the maid for sharing the happy news of his granddaughter.While his wife Apurva Devi asked him , 'What name are you giving our granddaughter.'
'HEERA', said Prithiv Raj looking at his granddaughter.
[1] kuwarsa - an Indian title denoting a prince. It was traditionally associated with the feudal Rajputs such as the son of a Rana or Thakur.