Chereads / Realm of Ascendance / Chapter 8 - Breaking Barriers

Chapter 8 - Breaking Barriers

I removed my VR set and came back to the real world. My room was familiar and cozy, with posters, books, and games decorating the walls and shelves. The desk lamp gave a soft glow to the papers and pencils on my desk. I felt a wave of satisfaction and joy, knowing that I had completed the game and its deceptive trials.

"That was incredible," I said to myself.

I noticed Whiskers, my cat, sleeping peacefully on my bed. He had been with me in the game, too, as a hidden companion. He had assisted me in confronting Alkom, the lord of illusions, and overcoming my fears. He was not just an animal, he was my closest friend.

I walked over to him and stroked him gently. He opened his eyes and gazed at me with love. He purred and nuzzled his head against my hand.

"Thank you for being there for me, pal," I whispered. "You're the best."

I lifted him up and cuddled him softly. He meowed and licked my cheek.

I put him back on the bed and reached for my phone. I wanted to chat with my friends who had played the game, too. I was curious how they had fared and what they had felt about it. I also wanted to browse the online forums and see what other players had commented about it.

"Did you have fun?"

I flinched at the sound of my dad's voice behind me. He had crept up on me again.

"Dad, you startled me! Don't do that when I'm on the phone!"

He chuckled and apologized. "Sorry, son, I couldn't help it. So, did you enjoy it?"

"Enjoy it? I adored it! It was so lifelike, I felt like I was really there. The graphics, the gameplay, everything was amazing. It was the best game ever. Thankyou for this gift dad."

He smiled and nodded. "That's wonderful to hear, son. Technology has advanced a lot, hasn't it? It can create amazing experiences that make you feel like you're in another world. But remember, don't neglect the real world, either."

I nodded back, appreciating his advice. It was true, while the game had been fantastic, I also cherished the real-life experiences and relationships that mattered to me.

"I won't forget, Dad," I assured him.

"Then pack your bag. Tomorrow is your first day of third year in high school."

That was a mood killer. He made me go from ecstatic to depressed in a second.

"Are you really my dad?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Of course I am your real dad, why are you asking this?"

"Then how could you forgot?"

"What are you talking about, Alex?"

"Dad, don't you know that I don't like going school?, -Do you want me to go some where I don't wanna ?"

"Alex listen, I have thought carefully and I have come to a conclusion that if you stay like this, you won't be able to live your life fully. Are you really okay with hiding in your room and playing games all day? Don't you want to make some friends and have some fun?"

I looked away from him and clenched my fists. I hated when he talked to me like that. He didn't really know what I was going through he only knows what I told him . He didn't know how hard it was to fit in at school, to deal with the constant teasing and taunting, to feel like an outsider. And I can't even tell him the real reason it.

"I have friends, Dad," I lied. "And I have fun playing games. They make me happy. They make me forget about the real world and its problems."

He sighed and sat down on my bed. He put his hand on my shoulder and tried to make eye contact with me.

"Alex, I know you're happy playing games. And I'm glad you have a hobby that you're passionate about. But games are not everything. They are not a substitute for real life. You need to face the real world and its challenges, not escape from them. You need to interact with real people, not just virtual ones. You need to grow and learn and experience new things, not just repeat the same old ones."

He paused and looked at me with concern.

"Alex, do you know why I bought you this VR set?"

I shrugged and muttered, "Because you love me?"

He gave me a gentle smile, sensing the turmoil of feelings inside me. "Yes, because I love you," he said softly. "But that's not the only reason."

He inhaled deeply, his eyes shining with honesty. "Alex, I got you the VR set because I wanted you to experience that the real world can be just as amazing and rewarding as the virtual world. I wanted to help you realize that there are countless opportunities for you beyond your comfort zone."

His words touched me, sparking a hint of curiosity and hope in my heart. Was there really something outside the realm of games and illusions that could fascinate me and make me happy?

"I get how hard it is for you," he went on, his voice full of compassion. "I know the difficulties you face, the obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. But, Alex, life is about growing and conquering challenges. It's about finding your purpose in the world, connecting with others, and discovering your own talents and passions."

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about his words. There was a part of me that wanted to change, to escape from the shackles of isolation and insecurity. But fear stopped me, whispering doubts and worries in my ear.

"Dad, it's just… I don't know if I can do it," I admitted, my voice shaking with vulnerability.

He rubbed my shoulder, giving me unwavering support. "I have faith in you, Alex. You have so much potential inside you, so much to give to the world. It's normal to feel scared and unsure, but you won't discover what you're truly capable of until you take that first step."

His words broke through the barriers I had erected around myself, stirring a flicker of resolve within me. Maybe it was time to face the unknown, to step out of my comfort zone and tackle the challenges that awaited.

"But what if I fail, Dad?" I muttered, the fear of rejection and disappointment eating away at my determination.

He looked into my eyes, his gaze firm and steady. "Failure is not the end, Alex. It's a stepping stone on the path to success. It teaches us valuable lessons, builds our resilience, and ultimately brings us closer to our goals. Don't be afraid to stumble, because every stumble is an opportunity to rise higher."

I breathed deeply, taking in his words of wisdom and courage. A new determination began to grow within me, nourished by the unwavering support of my dad.

"Okay, Dad," I said, my voice filled with a new determination. "I'll try it. I'll face my fears and enter the real world with an open mind."

A warm smile lit up my dad's face, his eyes sparkling with pride. "That's my boy," he said, his voice overflowing with encouragement. "I'll be here for you every step of the way and I promise you won't face it alone."with that he left the room.

With my dad's reassurance and love surrounding me, a spark of excitement flared within my heart. I realized that starting this new chapter of my life didn't have to be a lonely endeavor. I could make friends.

I smiled at Whiskers, grateful for his silent encouragement. With his unwavering support, I felt a renewed sense of determination and courage welling up inside me.

"I will do my best, Whiskers," I said, my voice filled with conviction. "I won't let fear hold me back anymore. It's time to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await me."

{Here's the pic of Whiskers}

Whiskers blinked his eyes and meowed softly, as if acknowledging my commitment. It was as though he understood the weight of my words and believed in my ability to face the unknown.


The next morning, I woke up feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. Today was the first day of my third year of high school, and I was starting at a new school. It was a big change for me, and I hoped I would fit in and make some friends.

I got dressed in my school uniform, grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Whiskers was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, his tail wagging in anticipation.

"Good morning, buddy," I said, bending down to pet him. "Are you ready for our big day?"

Whiskers rubbed his head against my leg, purring loudly. He seemed to sense my nervousness and wanted to comfort me.

"Thanks, pal," I said, smiling. "You always know how to cheer me up."

I walked into the kitchen, where my dad was making breakfast. He greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning, son," he said, his voice warm and proud. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling good, Dad," I said, trying to sound confident. "A little nervous, but mostly excited."

"That's normal, Alex," he said, handing me a plate of pancakes and bacon. "It's your first day at a new school, after all. But I'm sure you'll do great. You're smart, kind, and friendly. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend."

I thanked him for his kind words and ate my breakfast, feeling a surge of gratitude for his support. He had always been there for me, encouraging me to pursue my dreams and overcome my fears.

After finishing our meal, we got into his car and drove to the school. It was a short drive, but it felt like an eternity. I kept rehearsing what I would say to my classmates and teachers, hoping I wouldn't mess up or say something stupid.

We arrived at the school, which was a large modern building with a sign that read "Westwood High School". It looked impressive and intimidating, with hundreds of students milling around the entrance.

My dad parked the car and turned to me.