Unknown pov
My tail swishes in the wind. Something buffets above my head and I duck. Illusory paws take hold of the ledge and pull me up. The city stands in ruins. Cracks and other such destruction having taken its toll.
But I smirk.
The wind ruffles my ears and I leap down. Paw after paw. The memory is clear in my mind.
"Get the gem, and it's yours."
The guy, garbed in jewels and silks, nodded his head and took my deal. A snicker overcomes me and I find myself outside of their little dimension.
It was quite amusing.
Oh so amusing.
The entrance is easy to break into. My tail swishes and a scent enters my nose.
I blink.
Huh- Is that…
My mind goes blank and I find myself entranced.
'Was I not the last?'