"And that's about all, control over the people and their tax rates and other bureaucratic stuff like that. Super simple with all of the help your little 'system' gives me."
I nod and sit my back against her breasts, my head against her chest. After I had teased her enough, she had finally gotten to the part of her explaining what her manager job did.
And as she had just said it was pretty simple. Lily had control over domestic things, such as where people would be housed, what would be rationed to them, businesses that they made, and other stuff like that.
It was a bunch of red tape bullshit, things that I would rather not have to deal with but in order for this whole city, my territory, to flourish she would need to take control over everything.
And apparently it was quite easy to do that. She would be given access to my summons and some other bookkeeping things in order to streamline the process.