Chereads / Blind Villain become Master of Big villains / Chapter 63 - 62. Meeting between Upper God’s

Chapter 63 - 62. Meeting between Upper God’s

Half month ago

In God's Realm

After Teleport himself another place Where room made from God level materials, Clouds of Godly aura in this place, That place looks like meeting room but not like before as most things made from Mythical Gold or High level materials as ever Ancient God's get hard time to break it.

In this room there modern table which big enough and many chairs that made by High level beasts material as to make clear that few hundred high level gods going to attend the meeting.

To make glow of light in room there roof open and outside of it entire three Universe can see. In this room many people… sorry, high gods already taken their sits as in end of table of meeting had big monitor screen as down side had three more Luxurious sits different then others but that sits empty now.

"So, God of Sun, why you take so long as it's already few minutes pass to meeting as you know?" ask Female god in white soot.

" Goodness of light, it's happened as my daughter Altar kill by someone and she doubt on other lower god's as I need to sort out things or she break rule of not killing or harming other god without proof.

Buy the way, meeting already started?"

" No, few upper god's not come unit now and without their presence of we start meeting then it's their insult as meeting not start until now.

And I am feel sorry for her loss as she train by me as we are like close friends. Also did you found any clue as what happened to her Altar and if you know then I can help in exchange for some merits. " Said Goodness of light.

"No need for help as we don't able to find who do that as Altar who die very brutal death but no one touch him or any clue of poison or anything.

Also why did God of rain and thunder mood so sad as last time he was little better and now I am feel someone take his all life force as he looked like now." Ask God of Sun.

" Ignored him, as you not present in god realm few months as last time when he found his wife is having relationship with unknown god son who are in the relationship more than 10 females god as he tried to create problems to that God son.

But later he found that person is Son of higher level God as he became topic of laughing in all god Realm and now his daughter join that God son herms in competition of damage of that God son reputation." Said Goodness of light.

On response God of Sun not said anything as he only look God of rain and thunder with pity as after 'that' incident his reputation and followers start falling just like his life now like merry go round.

Also this kind of thing not new here as few Billions of years ago things started change in heaven as that incident take place and in end of this incident are leave big impact of everyone life and one of the people who face that is front of me' God of rain and thunder'.

" If you say that, but do you know anything about reason for holding such big meeting as it's happened few Billion years to see such meeting.

And what you think as it's some Demons started to build New Empires better than what they create before, someone what to attack on us or someone who not related to us and higher level gods what to go against heaven.

If you know anything as you have good relationship with 'Three sisters of time'."

On his words Goodness of light shook her head and said in annoyed tone.

" What do you think about if I am know that information about what happened as I keep it myself or earn some merits in exchange for it as you know that we need merits for daily life or other things.

Also I don't know anything even though I talk with them but they don't know anything as something big going to happen, so wait before others come and we found what is reason for this meeting."

Hearing her words God of Sun not become angry and not to her as he also known that nothing right in heaven as many gods now busy with their own problems as now this meeting create Panic state in god's.

Other who start coming here as they take their sits and start talking about this matter as all sits now taken by each god's leaving few empty sits and only Three luxurious sits in end of meeting table.

Suddenly there three portals open as which had different types Auras like one had Aura of Distribution as well as Creation, other had Aura of Creation and in last portal had Aura of Preservation as three males come out of portal one by one.

Seeing them entered in room through different portals all God's who sitting on their sits stand up in their respect but in this process they not able to hide fear in their eyes as they know that each one in three of them had power to kill them and after getting nod from three God's they all take their sits.

All of them take their sits as one who old looking in them with long white beard and Gray soot stand up as he said something that shock everyone in that meeting.

"Thanks for coming here on short notice and also meeting going to start in few minutes as if someone not present here then call it quickly as this matter is very important.

Also before start meeting, I want to tell you about what matter as this is related to 'that' Entity as now he is free from that time loop and now his whereabouts is unknown."

" Prime God of Creation, what do you mean by 'that' Entity as who is one you talking about and that Entity is something dangers or what as we need to take High level Gods meeting on urgent notice.

Please, forgive me if I am said anything wrong but without knowing anything it's only rise confusion. So, can you please clear our confusion about Entity are you talking about." ask God which covers in Gold.

Many God's who present there become confused first as person in beard or should we call him God of Creation as they not able find any clue about Entity they talking about.

" Sorry for late, but what I can do as my women's not want to leave me alone."

Young man in Black soot and handsome fetchers enter in room with few other gods as all Gods look him in surprise by his behavior but not say anything as he is related to one of Three God's as God of rain and thunder look him in killing intent because he is reason for his this condition.

As he feels pressure on his body as he retreat his killing intent and understand that he just weak one as curse his decision that he take back then but there no medicine for your regret.

" Okay, now everyone is present here so let's start meeting.

The reason why you all Gods presence in the meeting because big problem arise front of all of us and that is ' That' Entity or I call him 'Karma' got free from his prison which created by three of us Prime Gods as his whereabouts is unknown to us.

Also on more thing happened that we talk about after we come one final decision about this matter." Said God of Creation.

The room fall in silence just by hearing name he said as what he said later not hear anything after that name as many stories about that name and terror enough to make fear in Three Heavens.

Few people who not know anything about this looks others with hope that they tell something but other who knows not say anything as that shock enough to feel that stuck by lightning.

Buy the way, about other two God's who near to God of Creation are God of Destruction and Preservation , who are in Panther skin soot and Silk Fiber soot representatively and with charming fractures now sit calmly on their sits but storm inside as hearing that name.

Other two God's who sit down with him also show some anxiety and guilt in their eyes that not seen by others who now fall in Chaos state.

" God of Creation Who is this KARMA that you talking about ?" ask same god who come late and no one able do anything.

God of Creation take long breath before start telling about Entity that not God, not Demon, not evil or pure as the name he earn in heaven are nothing but Monster.

" He is Entity that born in universe same as us but different from us as he not consider himself God or want to become one as he said that Universe create him to keep balance in Karma of people and even gods.

When he born as he had Mask of Yin and Yang like pattern as body is hidden under Black and white clothes like that Cultivators used.

Later he start learning about things about him and mostly Karmic things that he needs to balance and in this process he meets many Gods who help him in this process in exchange for merits that he had as he said that he do it exchange for favor not merits as we agreed with this.

In exchange for favor we ask him teach us what he knows as he agreed on it and what he knows change many things like concept of world or how to earn merits in better way like apart from create new planets, life forms, galaxies or other things.

Also some time he help to create weapons that fit right to us as his learning capacity is Monasteries as he learns many things in few hundred years that take few thousand or billions years to us as we learn it.

As he tell us helping that beings that we create to develop and give better life as we start try to test theory's, but seeing result we shock us as few god's revels their existence as from prayer of we start growing stronger than before.

Later as some God's in us start growing desire to become powerful as they become arrogant and greedy as they start taking advantage of their followers or do something that sin in heaven eyes as that time we see that Karma's horrible way to deal with them.

Karma, who we thought gentle person becomes Monster as he start torturing all Gods who did bad things with Mortals and when some upper god's also start behaving like arrogant and did sins without fear as Karma also torture them.

For Mortals he keep this process low level as what they did they get that after right time comes. Also after torturing god's he created some Mortals rules that also apply on god's as Mortals beings who prays us start getting arrogant as he keep supporting them as they not do anything bad and as he even support Demons.

Things started fall in Chaos state as some being start climbed to Godhood as but if anyone tried do any Sin then he face that Monster as in this process many Gods try to stop him as in end they face his Anger.

His way to torture them is very horrible as he make them experience there fear, make them experience life of people who they harm by mistake , throw them in Karmic fire, throw them in formation he created for torturing and many more as many gods come for our help.

We not able to see all this as we lock him in heaven prison and that is infinite loop as well as torturing Formations he created we install in that prison but in this process we lost many Gods as not everyone can live without doing any sin as in his attacks he kill most of them even few ancient god's die in this process.

After that Prime God of Preservation make rules of Dharma to keep balance that change after Karma left heaven. And Now he escaped from the prison as it's big problem for all of us."

Just he finished his words as all people now dich in sweat as many forgotten memories now came back and in this memories one Mask person cutting heads of God's In great force as Golden blood spread everywhere in Bloody Battlefield of god's as that Sean send shivers down many of them.

Later they become panic as Chaos state happened in room and after prime gods calm them all as meeting continue to few hours before all things got clear and all lower god's under Prime God are decide to follow instructions to save themselves.

In end of this they found few fallen cursed Gods got disappeared from thin air but not paid attention on it as they found themselves as Monster waiting for them in shadows which thirsty for their blood and going to give them punishment for their Sins that they committed unit now.

End of this meeting words spread in Gods Realm as Monster free from Heaven prison.

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