A day later, and Midas found himself among twenty people who gazed at him with all sorts of heated gazes. There was gratitude, appreciation, happiness, excitement, battle fever… all sorts of emotions, all sorts of feelings.
Midas had checked their cultivations using Eye of Truth and after some checking, he realised that they were all partially Awakened in all Roots which was good and meant they were strong. Perfect.
It seemed Tatenda was able to separate Julio from Maria's body long enough to have him put together some of his old buddies and DIvision Members. Apparently, Julio wanted to come along, but Midas foisted him with a vice leader position and told him that when Midas was not around, Julio would be Clan Leader, giving him a headache and a half.
Well, as long as the head that was aching was the one above his waist, this fucking sex fiend!