Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 266 - Inquisitory Division (3)

Chapter 266 - Inquisitory Division (3)

Vivian was walking down a street with her eyes mostly focused on the ground.


What other mistakes have I done…?


How were they able to figure that out…?


Have I underestimated the people in this world too much…?


"Keep your friends closer, but keep your enemies closer…" she said under her breath.


If I continue being a Priestess, I'll have to do Holy Crusades and also continue being in the Inquisitory Division…


If I quit being a Priestess, not only will I lose a lot of social power but I will also be hounded by people left and right…


There's also the Class Magic spells…


I need [Halo] for unlimited mana…


The Bard has one as well…


I think it was [Hymn]…?


But I will have to learn it…


The Necromancer has [Dark Halo]…


But I would have a target on my back…


And I can no longer stay here in the Northern Continent…


Vivian stopped walking and closed her eyes.




If only there was someone I could ask advice for…


Or if there was just the internet that I could look up things…


What should I do…?


What can I do…?


Her eyes suddenly opened and turned to slits.


"What the fuck are you whining about, you stupid bitch? We continue sticking with the plan as always -- train and train until you can slap anyone out of existence if they annoy you."




Let's stick with the script…


She resumed walking. She then noticed two White Cloak Priests who looked like they were somewhere between their early and mid-20s wearing full-masks with a brown-colored sun on their forehead heading in the opposite direction.




It's the first week of the month…


It's the time for the new recruits…


Every first week of the month, the training for new recruits would start. 

Those who are participating in the Holy Crusade for the first time would have to undergo 2 weeks of Basic Training at the Training Camp in the Holy City. And after that, they would then have to spend another 3 weeks for the Training Course at the headquarters of the Division that they are applying for.


Meanwhile, those who have already participated in the Holy Crusade in the past and wanted to switch to another Division didn't have to go through Basic Training and would directly be sent to the headquarters of the Division that they are applying for. However, they would still need to pass all of the required tests or exams within 3 weeks or they would be marked as failed. And if they failed, they would be sent back to their former Division.


When the two new recruits got close to Vivian, they stopped and saluted.


"Good afternoon, Sister Sergeant Inquisitor!"


Vivian stopped and her eyes blinked a couple of times.




Sister Sergeant Inquisitor…?


It was then her gaze landed on her left chest.




She quickly returned her attention to the two Priests.


"Brothers," she said and nodded.




When she was already a few meters away, she immediately removed the Officer Pin on her chest using her full speed.


Oh fuck…!


So embarrassing…!


Please kill me now…!


They must've thought that I'm such a try-hard idiot weakling…!


Walking around with a Sergeant rank…!


The lowest officer rank…!


And Inquisitors are supposed to be secretive…!


Please really kill me now…!


She let out a sigh.


Sister Chapter Master Monad…


I think I like the ring of that…


Sister Chapter Master…


Honored Priestess Chapter Master…


She shook her head.


I don't think I would ever be referr--…




I can be referred to that if I'm on the other Divisions…


They don't need to hide their identity after all…






A door opened and Blanch stepped inside. His gaze landed on the female assistant sitting behind her desk and wearing a full-mask without a sun symbol on the forehead.


"Nina, is Brother Pen at his office?"


The assistant got up from her seat and bowed.


"Yes, Honored Priest Blanch," she said and then moved to the side of her desk. "I'll inform him of your arrival."


"I'll do it myself," Blanch said and then headed for the private office door without waiting for a reply.








He knocked twice before opening the door and he saw Pen sitting behind his desk reviewing some documents.


"Brother, forgive me for the intrusion," he said as he made his way in front of Pen's desk.


"Brother Blanch."


"Brother, I've read the Field Mission Report that Sister Monad submitted. She murdered an Aristocratic Noble?"


"Yes, there was that incident."


"Brother, what's your assessment of her?"


"Please take a seat first, brother."


Blanch sat down at one of the chairs in front of the desk and didn't say anything.


"My assessment of her is that more than half of what you said about her is true."


"More than half? So you agree that she's guilty?"


"There's not enough evidence."


"Brother, she killed an Aristocratic Noble. We can use this to pressure her through the DG International Laws and then use [Halo] on her to find out the truth."


"High Brother Zacharias and Brother Caleb also assaulted Aristocratic Nobles."


"But there's a difference between physical assault and murder."


"But they're not True Death."


"Wasn't the goal in sending her was for you to make an assessment about her?"


Pen nodded.


"That is true. Only an assessment."


"But isn't this also a chance? Why not take it? Although High Brother Zacharias and Brother Caleb will take a hit, it won't be that bad. And for the Marbleam Kingdom, it would just be politics as usual."


"And if it turns out she's innocent?"


"You said it yourself, more than half of the things I said about her are true."


Pen drummed his fingers on his desk for a moment and then answered.


"Brother, you're one of the best Inquisitors here in the Inquisitory Division and you have the track record to prove it so I highly respect your skills. However, in this case, I think you're getting too emotional."


"I'm not, I just want to know the truth. There's just something about her that puts me off. I can't pinpoint exactly what or why but it's there."


"You mean she reminds you of what happened at the Azatea Kingdom 12 years ago."


Blanch became silent for a moment before replying.


"What about you, brother?"


Pen leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk.


"The current Light Saint is retiring. If we go with your plan and it turns out that she is indeed guilty of the crimes you accused her of, then great, more power to us. However, if it turns out she isn't, considering someone of her talents, the Inquisitory Division will lose a lot of bargaining power in High Brother Joseph's faction. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even be surprised if they decide to kick us out of their faction. And once the new Light Saint and set of Cardinals are elected, the Inquisitory Division will have less political power during their reign and it will take another 4-5 decades for the next election before we can reverse the damages.


"I'm very sorry, brother, but I won't risk all the progress that my predecessors and all of the Inquisitors have worked, bled and died for under the current political climate unless we have clear-cut evidence. If this was after the election, then I would've been on board with your idea."


A serious expression flashed across Blanch's face behind his full-mask.


"By clear-cut evidence, you mean catching her in the act of committing True Death? What if she kills another of our brothers and sisters?"


Pen leaned back on his chair.


"That won't happen. I plan to continue monitoring her by sending her on Field Missions with our allies."


Blanch's eyes became wide.




"Brother, have you heard of the saying: Keep your friends closer, but keep your enemies closer?"


"I've never heard of such saying but we've used such tactics before."


"Then you understand."


"But brother, I've heard that she filed a restraining order to prevent anyone from bothering her during her Basic Training. Although you have His Holiness' blessing through Brother Cardinal Val to send her to Field Missions, what are the chances she won't do something similar to that?"


"That also won't be a problem."




"I've already told you so much about my plan so I can't tell you any more. If someone uses [Halo] on either of us or uses other tactics to extract information, they wouldn't be able to get that much."






5:01 p.m.


Temple of Priest building, Luxen City, Luxen Kingdom.


Joshua was walking down a hallway and carrying three folders on his hand. He turned to the windows and saw the thick rain covering the view of the streets along with the occasional roars of thunder from a distance.


"Good afternoon, Brother Joshua," a White Cloak Priestess in her late 20s passing him by said and smiled.


"Good afternoon, Sister Lesirei," he said and smiled. "Going home already?"


Lesirei stopped walking and turned to him so he also decided to stop.


"Once the rain slows down. I'll be at the cafeteria with the others in the meantime."


"Okay, save some snacks for me there."


"I will!"


Lesirei turned around and resumed walking.


Joshua resumed walking as well and didn't stop until he finally stopped in front of a door.




He placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door. Upon entering, he found himself inside a large office space. There were two desks, a private office and several extra seats on the side. His gaze landed on one of the desks where a White Cloak Priestess in her early 30s sitting behind it and there were stacks of papers in front of her.


"Almost done, Sister Nese?"


Nese slowly raised her head and looked like she was about to cry.


"Brother Joshua… help me… it's too much…"


Joshua stood straight and held out his hand.


"May the God of Light continue to watch over you," he said and then immediately headed for the private office room there.


Nese stretched out her hand.




Joshua stopped and turned to her with a smile.


"Just kidding," he said and then held out the folders on his hand. "I just finished reviewing these documents from Brother Ezekiel. If High Sister doesn't give me any follow-up work, I'll help you."


Nese's pink and soft lips quivered as a single tear ran down her cheek.


"Brother Joshua, I love you…"


"Yes, yes, I know, I love you too, sister. Where is Brother Matel?"


A dark expression suddenly flashed across Nese's face.


"He was sent out by High Sister around 3:00 p.m. and has yet to return. If I were to make a guess, he's deliberately taking his sweet time because he knows tons of paperwork and waiting for him here. Ugh!" she said and ruffled her hair. "I can just imagine him drinking hot tea and eating a cake in a fancy restaurant with a smile on his face while watching the rain pouring down out of the window and demanding for two tall, dark and handsome Marbleamean waiters to accompany him! I swear to the God of Light!"


Joshua let out a small chuckle.


"You know what? I think I can imagine Brother Matel doing that. But not this time."




Nese laid her face down on her desk.


"Why did Sister Jasmine take a vacation…?"


"It's been a while since Sister Jasmine took a vacation so she definitely needs it for her health," Joshua said with a concerned tone.


"But why now…?"


"Anyhow, I've got to deliver these to High Sister," he said and waved the folders on his hand. "Don't fall asleep on the documents. You know how High Sister hates it if the paper is crumpled or wet." 


Nese weakly stretched out her hand.


"Brother, don't go…"


Joshua reached the door of Grana's private office.








He knocked twice before opening it.


"Please excuse me," he said as he entered and then closed the door behind him.


Grana was sitting behind her desk and signing multiple documents. Joshua made his way to her and then placed the two folders on the side of the desk.


"Here is the report for today's applicants. There were no potential applicants today. And here are the compilation reports from Brother Ezekiel that you asked me to review and make some follow-ups. I slipped in some notes about the discrepancies I've found."


Grana put down her pen and raised her head.




"High Sister," Joshua said and smiled.


"Sit down."


He sat at one of the chairs in front of the desk.


"How many times have you spoken to Sister Vivian?" Grana asked.


Joshua thought about it for a moment.


"Three times."


"Have you noticed any difference between her and the reports?"


"Yes, it's there on the notes I've --"


"I want to hear it directly from you."


"Based on Brother Ezekiel, Sister Annabelle, Sister Criselle, Sister Lorei, Sister Melissa, Sister Lily, Sister Airie and also my testimony, it matches with the people we interviewed here in Luxen City. However, compared to the people we interviewed at Siera Village and also based on the records during her stay there, that's where a few discrepancies."


"And what are they?"


Joshua recalled his memory.


"First off is her Magic Art Affinities.


"According to the records of the Temple of Thieves, she was registered as someone with only two Magic Art Affinities: Fire and Poison. And then when she became part of our Temple, she mentioned to Sister Criselle that she has Light, Fire and Wind. However, when she joined the Holy Crusade, at her Basic Training, she revealed to have Light, Lightning, Wind and Poison.


"And as for the records of the Branch Chapter Temple at Siera Village, although it is confirmed that Sister Vivian was born and raised there, her name wasn't recorded as one of the people who has Light Affinity, not even on the False Light Affinity list. She didn't even attract the attention of anyone.


"With this, I like to believe that our brothers and sisters at the Branch Chapter Temple in Siera Village are innocent -- at least with that part."


"And the other discrepancies?" Grana asked.


"There was also about how the people here in Luxen City and Siera Village describe Sister Vivian.


"First off, she didn't show any outstanding qualities, whether it was her fighting abilities or intelligence --"


Grana held out her hand.


"I want to know if you're fully aware of Vivian's background. Give me a short review so that I know we're in the same boat."


Joshua nodded.


"Yes, High Sister.


"Sister Vivian's father, Drake, was a 42-year-old commoner with blue hair, no last name, he was part of the Temple of Hunters, and had True Poison Affinity and False Fire Affinity. He worked as an Adventurer at 15 years old and then quit at 18 with the Silver I Rank. He then worked as a porter for various shops in the Market District of Seira Village. 


"Sister Vivian's mother, Ferna, was a 40-year-old commoner with purple hair, no last name, wasn't part of any Temple, and she had False Dark Affinity. Before meeting Drake, Sister Vivian's father, she used to work as a waitress at an alehouse called The Drinker's Kiss from 13 to 16 years old. She married Drake at the age of 16, quit her job and then gave birth to Sister Vivian.


"Sister Vivian only has one sibling, a young brother named Dirk. He was 21 years old, he had purple hair, he was part of the Temple of Warriors, he had True Fire Affinity and False Dark Affinity, and he was part of the Luxen Knights Chapter where he worked as a Guard in Siera Village. He wasn't married but there was a prostitute named Tana who worked at a brothel named Maiden's Lounge at Siera Village that he was supposedly pursuing.


"Sister Vivian's husband, Treant, was a 28-year-old Siera Village native with black hair, he was part of the Temple of Hunters and had True Fire and Earth Affinity. He worked as a Mercenary and was part of a Mercenary group called Widow's Wail. There is nothing special about this group, their Physical and Magic Force was only Mithril.


"Sister Vivian met Treant when she was 16 years old and he was 20 years old. She was working as a waitress at a tavern called Molly's Tavern and Sister Vivian only worked there for 3 months. Before working at that tavern, she used to work in different alehouses since she was 13 years old. But after marrying Treant, she quit her job and became a housewife.


"And as for Sister Vivian's children, her eldest was an 8-year-old boy with black hair named Vern who had the Fire and Poison Affinities, while her youngest was a 6-year-old boy with purple hair named Tren who had the Dark Affinity. It's unsure if they're True or False, none of them were reported to have the Light Affinity, and they didn't showcase anything remarkable that would attract the attention of people.


"Sister Vivian's family appears not to have any outstanding qualities. Even her other relatives, both alive and deceased, are the same. However, upon checking private records, the closest powerful family that Sister Vivian is related to is Countess Karsten and her family from the Iron Kingdom, but that was at least 10 generations ago. So whatever Lore Magic blood she had from Countess Karsten's family has already been thoroughly diluted."


Grana nodded.


"Okay, tell me more."


Joshua cleared his throat.


"As I mentioned earlier, back when Sister Vivian was in Siera Village, she didn't show any special traits that would make her stand out, like having the Light Affinity, number of Magic Art Affinities or even her intelligence. In fact, the people who knew her when she was still at Siera Village that we were able to interview would describe her as someone who loves drama, to gossip, and could barely read and write. She also knew how to count but just with simple numbers."


There was no official public school system in this world. So for the commoners, those who would learn to read and write are Merchants, Adventurers, Mercenaries, Guards, and people, mostly from rich commoner families, aiming to hold a position that requires reading and writing. Only the Royalty, Aristocratic Nobles and Nobles would invest by default in teaching their children how to read and write.


"The only thing that made Sister Vivian stand out was her looks which allowed her to land a waitressing job at the age of 13 at an alehouse called Lofty Dreams where only good-looking women are allowed to become waitresses. However, she only lasted for a year there before getting fired. According to the records, she got into a physical altercation with a fellow waitress after she was accused of seducing her fellow waitress' lover. She then worked for different alehouses until she finally landed a waitress job at a tavern called Molly's Tavern at the age of 16 where she met her husband, Treant.


"There was also an incident when she was 21 years old. She worked as one of the shopkeepers for a boutique shop but only lasted there for 3 months. She was accused by a female Noble customer of trying to seduce her husband. Based on the records and the follow-up interview done with the husband and wife through [Halo], there's a 90% chance that Sister Vivian did seduce the husband. But nothing physically intimate happened because one of Sister Vivian's co-workers tipped off the wife immediately. And the next day, the wife rushed over to the shop to confront Sister Vivian."


"Are there any other discrepancies?" Grana asked.


Joshua thought about it for a moment.


"There is one more but I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning."


"Say it."


"The people who knew Sister Vivian from Siera Village and Bridge Town described her as someone with purple hair. No one has described her as someone with purple hair with red highlights. I tried to confirm if she likes to color her hair or if she bought any hair-coloring products, but I couldn't find any."


"And what's your assessment?"


Joshua cast his gaze down on the floor and a hesitant expression flashed across his face for a moment before he returned his gaze to Grana.


"I listed two.


"The first one, Sister Vivian was so traumatized by what happened to her family in Sierra Village that she decided to change. It's a common occurrence for people who have faced great tragedies. In fact, during the three occasions that I conversed with her, she looked quite healthy when I first met her. But each time I see her, she only got thinner and paler.


"My second assessment, Sister Vivian is not the Vivian from Siera Village."


Grana raised an eyebrow.


"Oh? Explain."


Joshua gathered his thoughts for a moment before answering.


"The part where the people who knew her from Siera Village and Bridge Town described her as someone who loves drama, to gossip, and could barely read and write, and also her hair color, it can be dismissed with my first assessment.


"But for the Magic Art Affinities, this is where it made me formulate the second assessment.


"Prior to joining the Temple of Priests, Sister Vivian was known to have the Fire and Poison Affinity. Prior to joining the Temple of Priests, he mentioned to Sister Criselle and Brother Isaac that she only had Light, Fire and Wind. But when she joined the Holy Crusade, she had Light, Lightning, Wind and Poison.


"Although very rare, people from the commoner class born with 4 Magic Art Affinities can happen. A great example of that would be Brother Samuel. And I can understand if she chose not to reveal it because a life of someone with more than 3 Magic Art Affinities comes with its struggle.


"And even if we say she had a change of heart after what happened to her family, if you remember last time, we speculated that one of the reasons why she didn't join the Temple of Priests right away and instead joined the Temple of Thieves and became an Adventurer is because maybe she holds a grudge against the authorities for what happened to her family in Siera Village. However, with the new information we have about her personality, the logic starts to crack a little bit. Forgive me for saying this, and I don't mean any disrespect, but she doesn't seem to be the type who would choose to live a normal and humble life.


"And to add more cracks on the logic, in the three occasions that I interacted with her, even when I first met her, she never struck me as someone from a very humble background. Just the way she carries herself, her mannerisms, even the way she speaks -- although she seems strange sometimes -- was definitely not someone from a humble background. However, she also didn't strike me as someone from the nobility. In fact, I remember finding my first encounter with her a bit refreshing because it's been a while since I've spoken to someone normally outside the Temple of Priests without any of the subtle social cues."


Grana knitted her brows.


"So even you noticed that. I wasn't sure at first because I only met her once and it was only a brief interaction. But after reading about this information, it made me recall my impression of her. When she saw my Red Cloak, I didn't see any of the usual fear or reverence that people would give me. All I saw were annoyance as if I was being a nuisance and curiosity."


Joshua didn't say anything.


Grana leaned back in her seat and an amused smile appeared on her face.


"But I'm surprised by your assessments. Didn't you give a speech last time about legendary heroes with humble beginnings? How authors like to paint this image to the public that as long as someone is hard working, no matter what their background is, they will eventually rise up while deliberately hiding the fact that those supposedly legendary heroes with humble beginnings had a natural-born talent or gift to begin with?"


Joshua nodded.


"It was a rash and foolish mistake on my part. I let my pride get the best of me. Please forgive for that mistake, High Sister. "


"Any chance she's from a long-forgotten Priest family, an Aristocratic Noble or perhaps Royalty?"


Joshua shook his head.


"The closest Priest family she's related to, I can't remember all of the details. But from her paternal side, it's Brother Luder's family. Meanwhile, on her maternal side, she's related to Brother Ezekiel.


"Brother Luder was born and raised in Siera Village, a White Cloak, 2 Magic Art Affinities, is one of the brothers assigned at the Branch Chapter Temple in Siera Village, and Sister Vivian is related to him for about 9 generations. However, he's from a normal Priest family.


"As for Brother Ezekiel, well, you know him, White Cloak, he has 3 Magic Art Affinities and is the brother assigned to the Holy Mission Room at the Temple's compound. However, she's related to him for about 16 generations.


"In regards to Royalty, I have no idea. All I know, the closest Aristocratic Noble she's related to is Countess Karsten of the Iron Kingdom. And that was 12 generations from her maternal side. Meanwhile, on her paternal side, she's related to the Aristocratic Nobles of the Count Faction here in the Luxen Kingdom, but they are at least 25 generations apart.


"But if Sister Vivian is indeed someone from the Royalty or an Aristocratic Noble, between you and me, High Sister, I believe you are the one who could tell immediately because you're from a powerful Priest family that has ties to the Aristocratic Noble families here in the kingdom."


"What about Ronaldo?" Grana asked.


"You mean if she's like the former Supreme Captain Ronaldo?" Joshua said and then thought about it for a moment. "I will admit, Ronaldo is one of those people who is kissed by the Elemental Gods. But it's not like his background was completely humble. However, to have two people kissed by the Elemental Gods born in the same generation and at the same kingdom -- not to mention, a fresh and young kingdom -- it's hard to believe."


Out of all of the subsidiary kingdoms under the Holy Kingdom and Twin Kingdom, the Luxen Kingdom was the newly established.


"Think about it this way, brother, what if Sister Vivian was born to counter Ronaldo?"


"You mean this is the God of Light's doing?"


Grana shrugged.


"Who knows? The Elemental Gods have always been unpredictable. The God of Light blesses our enemies with His element and all of Elemental Gods also give them Lore Magic."


A grave expression appeared on Joshua's face.


"High Sister, if someone heard you say that, it would lead to a lot of problems."


Grana scoffed.


"What about the Count Forrest and his family?"


"Based on the information I've read on the folder, I agree that there's a slight possibility that the Count and his family may have played a hand during the monster attack in Siera Village.


"And as for our brothers and sisters of the Branch Chapter Temple there, I still believe that they're innocent when it comes to them not spotting Sister Vivian of possessing the Light Affinity. But when it comes to the monster attack, not only have they neglected their duties to prevent it from happening, but they also chose not to do a proper investigation in the aftermath."


"Assuming that is true, how do you think the Count and his family were able to evade all of our suspicion?" Grana asked.


Joshua shook his head.


"I'm sorry, High Sister. That's where I'm also lost.


"Just as stated in the reports of the Investigate Unit we sent, the Holy Kingdom's Holy Crusade, the Twin Kingdom's Special Investigate Unit, and the Adventurer's Guild, they all point to the Noble who used a special Summoning Ritual and also a special potion to let those monsters loose under the guidance of an unknown Necromancer.


"I agree with the details of the potion. But when it comes to the Summoning Ritual, I only have the basic knowledge about Summoning Rituals so I can't make a full or accurate assessment with that topic. Perhaps if we could at least identify the Necromancer, the answers would be clearer. For now, all we could do is to continue pursuing the angle of the slight possibility that the Count and his family may have played a hand in the monster attack."




Octus 9, 3023 A.M., day of Monar, 8:56 a.m.


Inquisitory Division Headquarters, Holy City, Holy Kingdom.


The next day.




Vivian entered a private office room and turned her gaze to Pen who was wearing his Inquisitor Full-Mask and Gold Cloak and sitting behind his desk. She made her way to him and then saluted.


"Brother Inquisitor Pen!"


Pen nodded.


"At ease, sister, and please take a seat."


Vivian sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk.


"Before I make my decision, can we go about the final details?"


"About that," Pen said and took out a piece of paper from one of his drawers before handing it over to her. "Here's a list of the things we talked about yesterday. Feel free to review it."


Reminds of that time I made a deal with Pana…


"Do I have to sign this, have witnesses and also touch a Magic Crystal?"


"No need to do that any of that. We are Inquisitors, we work in the shadows. That's just something so that we have a clear understanding on the things we agreed upon. You can burn it, keep it, whatever. It's up to you. But I suggest you destroy that and keep the details inside your head."


Vivian read the paper on her hand.




Okay, that's good…




I guess that's fair…






And okay…


She flipped the paper and checked the back.




It was blank.


She put down the paper.


"I agree with these terms. But what happens if one of us betrays one another?"


"You would betray the Inquisitory Division?"


"No, I just don't like to blindly trust anyone."


Pen nodded.


"That's a helpful tool in our profession," Pen said and nodded. "About your question, truthfully, there's really nothing I can do. At least for me, as long as you adhere to our agreement, I will never betray you. And even if you betray me, I still won't send any brother or sister to a suicide mission. That is an oath I have always kept ever since I became a Priest."


Vivian hesitated for a moment before finally answering.


"Okay, I agree," she said and then got up on her seat.


"Sister, wait. Before you go, I still have one more thing to discuss with you."


Her brows knitted together and she returned to her seat.


"About what?"


"Are you aware of the DG International Laws?"


"Just the basics or at least the one taught me to during the Training Course."


"Are you aware that once a person's Physical and Magic Force reaches Spirit Steel, they must register their name on the DG International Laws' database?"




"Is your name listed on the DG International Laws' database?"


Vivian hesitated once more before finally answering.




"Just as I expected."


"Is there a problem?"


"Considering your strength, you should be careful in using it, sister."


Vivian's brows knitted tighter.


"What do you mean? Didn't you say yesterday that you won't be sending me to ordinary Field Missions because it's pointless? So you're just going to send me to do investigative work? Or am I not allowed to use my strength?"


"If you're facing demons, demon-kins, and the Cult of Infinity, you can use your full strength without any restraints. However, when it comes to heretics, that is where you should be careful.


"If you're dealing with a normal heretic, then no problem. But if the heretic happens to be a Priest or Priestess, a Knight, an Aristocratic Noble or Royalty, as much as possible, try to arrest them without killing them. Because, sister, given your strength is already at least Spirit Steel, the victim or the family of the victim could file a case against you under the DG International Laws. And if they find out that your name isn't listed on the DG International Laws' database, you're going to face a lot of problems.


"As a matter of fact, what you did at Plano Town with Lord Ferdino was very dangerous. Although Lord Ferdino and Lord Alejandro were definitely at fault, it's always best to avoid killing an Aristocratic Noble, especially if it's from an independent kingdom."


Vivian raised an eyebrow.


"Huh? So what do you want me to do, wait until the last second before they lay their hands on me? And when they finally laid their hands on me, I'll just push them away and beg them to stop?"


"Sister, remember the lessons you've learned in the Training Course of the Inquisitory Division. Learn how to use words, tactics and diversions. If you're smart enough to pass with an above-average score, you're smart enough to figure things out without using your fists."


"What if I just register my name in the DG International Laws?"


"You can. But considering your Magic Art Affinities and the Physical and Magic Force you achieved at your age, your Chapter Temple would want to make a spectacle out of it."


"What about you? Wasn't our agreement you would protect me from anyone who tries to contact me, regardless if they have good or bad intentions because the Inquisitory Division is supposedly the best place for me to hide or keep a low-profile? However, not only are you telling me to not use my strength, but you're also going to send me to Field Missions that aren't ordinary. So what's the point of all of this then?"


"Sister, what I'm telling you is not to rely on your fists too much. Be better than those from the Infantry Division who only knows how to throw a punch. I believe in your talents and what you're capable of, that is why I'm doing all of this. Or did I overestimate your abilities?"


"You did."


Pen coughed while Vivian didn't say anything.


He cleared his throat.


"Anyhow, by the end of your contract, you're free to register your name in the DG International Laws' database if you want. But for now, take this current situation to learn."


Vivian squinted her eyes and then answered.






Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


I would like to thank these Top 5 Immortal Power Voters:

• First Seat: DaoistL27fr7

• Second Seat: Higime142

• Third Seat: DaoistowxxrO

• Fourth Seat: Leitor_Morto

• Fifth Seat: Immortal_Shades (I don't even know why I'm #5 when I don't even vote and it doesn't even add-up on the daily tally)

And in case you really like what I do and want to support me even further, do consider joining my Patreon group for $1 a month because this novel would never have a chance to get a contract. 

With that being said, I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Immortal Patron(s):


• The orc warrior 261


I also created social media accounts for Vivian:

• Instagram: vivian_lightstorm

• Facebook: Vivian Vivian

• TikTok: vivian.lightstorm

On these socials, I will be posting extra details about Vivian and the world she inhabits that I couldn't post here in WebNovel because it would break the story's immersion and other reasons such as the limitations of the WebNovel site.

Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter :)


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