Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 250 - Plano Town (6)

Chapter 250 - Plano Town (6)

7:01 p.m


Castillo de Plano, Marbleam Kingdom.


Inside a large and luxurious medieval room.


Alejandro lay down naked on a king-sized bed with a semi-bored look on his face. On top of him was a long black-haired and tanned skin naked woman in her late teens straddling her hips in ecstasy.


An image of a masked Priestess wearing a White Cloak flashed inside his head.


She must be as beautiful…


His gaze landed on the woman's hair.


Her hair was short, brown and straight…


Not long, black and wavy…


The woman's full and firm breasts swayed as she expertly grinned her hips.


I think they have the same breast size…


The woman made eye contact with him.


Her eyes were red…


Not brown…


"Your hands…!" the woman said breathlessly in Marbleamean.


Alejandro lazily raised his right hand and the woman greedily latched onto it and then pressed it against her chest.


Her skin was pale…


Like someone from the Iron Kingdom…


"Hold me…!" the woman commanded.


Hearing her command, Alejandro simply rested his hand on the woman's chest.


Her accent seems to be someone from the Luxen King--…


"YOU BASTARD!!!" the woman said as she shoved his hand away and then moved to his side.


Pah! Pah! Bam! Bam!


"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!!!!" she screamed as she punched and kicked him with her full Physical Force which was Rainbow Steel-Spirit Steel.


Alejandro immediately curled into a ball and defended his side using his left arm and leg.


"Ouch! Hey, stop it! Ouch! That hurts! Nina, stop!"


Hearing him say her name, the woman gritted her teeth and activated a Physical Art.


[Power Leg].




"AHH!" Alejandro cried out as a huge chunk of his skin on his left shoulder was torn to shreds.


Chud! Chud!


He lunged over her and held onto her wrists, pinning Nina on the bed.




Nina was about to knee him on the groin but then decided to calm down when she saw the intense expression on his face.


Her lips broke out into a smile.


"You're finally looking at me," she said and then raised her head to kiss him.


A million scenarios ran inside Alejandro's head as he pursed his lips for a moment before he finally decided to meet her halfway.


They shared a passionate kiss that lasted for almost a minute until they parted ways.

Nina glanced at Alejandro's lower half and noticed that it was only half-erect.


"It's not you, it's me," he said hurriedly.


She looked away.


"Release me," she said with a tired look on her face.


Alejandro thought about it for a moment before finally releasing her. He went over to the nightstand and opened a drawer to take out a Healing Potion.


"Either you've grown tired of sleeping with me or something is bothering you. Which is it? Does it have anything to do with your upcoming engagement?"


Alejandro drank the Healing Potion and the wound on his left shoulder was healed.


"What was her name again? Was it Julietta? I believe Capulio mentioned that she only has 3 Magic Arts Affinities. She will be your third wife, right?"


Alejandro didn't answer.


Nina placed her feet on his back and then began shoving him lightly back and forth.


"Answer me!"


"Neither. I just had enough of celebration this week."


Nina stopped shoving Alejandro with her feet but rested it on his back as she stared at the ceiling.


"To be fair, forcing ourselves to celebrate because it's the Feugo Festival seems dull," she said and then got up from the bed. "I guess celebrating is only nice when it's unplanned or unexpected."


Alejandro hesitated for a moment before replying.


"I agree."


She pulled her feet and sat up.


"I know, right?!" she said excitedly.




She turned into a blur and appeared next to a cabinet.


"Let me borrow one of your robes."


Once she was done picking one and wearing it, she returned to attention to him.


"I think I should spend the remaining days with my dear beloved husband or with Capulio. Or perhaps someone unexpected? That's unplanned, unexpected."


"It is."


"If I spend the remaining days with my dear beloved husband, do you want to join us? I promise to make him keep his hands off your butt."


"I'll kill him if he tries to touch my butt again and I don't care if it sparks a war between our family and the Duke's family."


An amused smile appeared on Nina's face as she made her way to him and then sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face close to his they could feel each other's breath.


"Why are you boys so scared of having something inserted in your bodies? It's just a hole."


"You'll never understand because you're a girl."




Nina planted a small kiss on his lips.


"You boys and your fragile little egos."


She got up and headed for the door. She placed her hand on the doorknob and turned to him one last time.


"Since you pissed me off, I won't let you touch me unless you let me play with your butt."


"Fine by me."


Nina let out a snort.


"We'll see about that!"




She opened the door and then left.


Alone, Alejandro stared at the window which showcased a vast plain called the Orasan Fields and beyond that were the Orasan Bridge, Lasan River and Lasan Mountains.


Aside from every Aristocratic Noble family having their own Town and Village, they also have their own Estate. Now, whether the family would choose to have a castle, a mansion, an underground base or they would choose to live in the town or village as their Estate, that depends on them. And for Viscount Lozario and his family, they chose to live in a castle near the Orasan Fields and sandwiched between Plano Town and Tapa Village.


Alejandro turned to his left shoulder and moved it.


"I can still feel some pain…" he said under his breath.


He opened the drawer of the nightstand once again and took out another Healing Potion.




After drinking the potion, he felt a refreshing feeling wash over his body.


"That crazy bitch."




The door of the room suddenly opened and it was a chubby man in his late teens with red hair and his left eye was an amethyst or violet gem.


"They're finally here!" the young man said.


"Ferdino? Nina just went out to look for you."


"Ah yes, my dear beloved wife, she's at the hall with Capulio," Ferdino said and then finally noticed that Alejandro was naked.


The hairs of Alejandro stood and he quickly grabbed a pillow to cover his mid-section.

Ferdino let out a snort.


"Why are you so defensive?"


"I haven't forgotten what you tried to do last time!"


Ferdino shrugged his shoulders.


"I don't know what you're talking about. I was drunk. And plus, why are you so caught up with such things? I don't even say anything about you sleeping with my wife who also happens to be your own cousin."


"We're all related in one way or another," Alejandro said with a deadpan expression.


"But you and her are first cousins," Ferdino said and waved his hand nonchalantly. "So are you coming or not? Tonight's slaves look very promising. There's even a new Verin."


Alejandro looked away and then let out a sigh.


"I'm not in the mood right now. Leave me alone."


Ferdino took a step back and wore a dramatic shock expression.


"You would rather have us spend time here with each other alone than join the rest?! How bold!"


Alejandro returned his gaze to him and his eyes narrowed.


"I said I'm not in the mood right now," he said with thin lips.


"So by right now, means later --" Ferdino suddenly stopped when he saw a future through his amethyst or violet gem left eye.


Just like Alejandro and Nina, Ferdino was also an Aristocratic Noble. However, he was from Duke Freca's family or the Cortez family of the Marbleam Kingdom's Duke Faction. And his left eye was his family's Lore Magic which allows him to see a second or few seconds in the future.


One Magic Art Affinity allows the owner to see 1 second into the future, two Magic Art Affinities allow the owner to see 2 seconds, and so on and so forth.


So in Duke Freca's case, since he was the current Duke of the Marbleam Kingdom so he had 5 Magic Art Affinities, he could see 5 seconds into the future.


And as for the future that Ferdino saw, he saw Alejandro summoning a [Fire Spear] and then hurling it towards him.


"You people of the Plano Family are so hot-headed…! I really don't know how any of your spouses could even survive…!" he said dramatic way as if he was in pain.


"Aren't you married to Nina?"


Ferdino crossed his arms between his chests and leaned on the side of the door as a serious expression flashed across his face.


"So what's bothering you? You've been not yourself since yesterday afternoon."


Alejandro looked away but didn't say anything.


"Come on, tell me. You know you can tell me whatever it is."


"I just had enough celebration."


"Hey, let me remind you that Capulio, Nina and I are guests while you are the host. And right now, you're being a very, very poor host."


Alejandro let out a sigh.


"I met a Priestess yesterday morning."


Ferdino raised an eyebrow.


"A Priestess?"


"I believe she's an Inquisitor, she was wearing a mask."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, I heard about the members of the Temple of Priests having to participate in their Holy Crusade and one of the Divisions they can be part of is the Inquisitory Division which would make them an Inquisitor and they're like someone from the Surveillance Enforcer unit. Is she like that?"


Alejandro nodded.


"Yes, but this Inquisitor is different."


Ferdino's brown knitted together.


"How so?"


"She reminds me of Nina but colder."


"Colder? You know... I like to think that you and Nina are just hot-blooded or with explosive tempers because of your Lore Magic. But sometimes, I can't help but wonder if you just have a thing for female murderers. Too bad you don't yet have a thing for male murderers. But we could test that theory if you like, just to make sure," Ferdino said and then winked.


Alejandro turned to him.


"If I let you meet this female Inquisitor, can you look into the future and tell me what her face looks like?"


"You're not seriously considering kidnapping a Priestess, are you? And this is an Inquisitor we're talking about. You would be inviting a lot of eyes, not to mention they have that pesky [Halo] Class Magic spell."


"If you do this for me, I'll let you suck my cock."


Ferdino licked his lips.


"Well, with that kind of offer on the table, I won't lie, I'm now seriously interested. But unfortunately, my Lore Magic doesn't work that way. Although I can see 4 seconds into the future, it's based on the present actions. I can't see any hypothetical future."


"So basically, you will have to really attempt to pull her mask, not just imagine it?"




"What if you like fake-attempt to pull her mask?"


Ferdino shook his head.


"That still won't work. I really have to do it."


"Then what is the point of you seeing into the future if you have to do it?"


Ferdino looked at him with a deadpan expression.


"My Lore Magic is more like a defensive measure, not an offensive one. Like when someone tries to attack me, I will immediately see it."


Alejandro began biting his nails.


If only I could learn her true identity, it would be easier to move…


Yesterday, after Vivian beheaded the thief and introduced herself to him, she immediately left with Caleb so Alejandro wasn't able properly think things through. Nevertheless, after parting ways, he ordered his subordinates to gather information about Vivian. But unfortunately, they couldn't find any right away and they need more time.


If she's from a low-class family, even if she rejects me, there won't be that many issues if I kidnapped her…


And once I have her, I can just drown her with all the sexual pleasures I could think of until she falls in love with me…


Meanwhile, if she's from a high-class family…


I would have no choice but to put some effort into actually courting her…


But just to be sure, I still kidnap her and then drown her with all the sexual pleasures…


"What happened to the previous girl you kidnapped?" Fergino asked.


Alejandro returned his focus to him.


"Which one?"


"The Gold Rank Adventurer with white hair."


A frown appeared on Alejandro's forehead as he tried to recall his memory.


"I believe Nina killed her. I'm still pissed about it, to be quite honest. She was good at massaging."


Ferdino let out a small chuckle.


"Why am I not surprised?"




Someone threw a punch behind Ferdino's head but he easily avoided it.


"What's taking you all so long?!" Nina asked.


Ferdino walked a few steps inside the room and then turned to her.


"Well, hello there, my dear beloved wife, nice to see you as caring as always!" he said and then bowed. "Alejandro and I were having a heart-to-heart talk and then were on our way to have a bed-to-bed talk."


Nina rolled her eyes.


"Come on, let's go already! Capulio is so funny!"




Alejandro, Ferdino and Nina entered a large hall decorated with priceless antiques from paintings and vases to simple furniture like chairs, sofas and coffee tables. In addition to that, there were Knights standing on guard, chefs preparing food, and butlers and maids waiting on standby.


Nina pointed in the middle of the hall.


"Look at Capulio! Isn't that funny?!" she said and then let out a hearty laugh as she approached closer.


Capulio was an impossibly cute young man in his mid-teens with dark blonde hair and tanned skin. He was completely naked and was thrusting his hips on top of a naked female Monkeigh who had a metal collar around her neck engraved with Runes, had her arms and legs held down by four Knights, and was crying.


"Dae-Stop…! Dae-Get dae-off dae-me…! Dae-please…!" the female Monkeigh begged as tears ran down her cheeks.


"I understand the part where it's not fun when the slave is too drugged out of its mind. But to completely remove the drug? The slave becomes too noisy. I can't stand it," Ferdino said.


Alejandro focused on the Monkeigh that Capulio was ravaging with glee.


Although the female Monkeigh had monkey-like features, she had strong human features that would make her quite beautiful even by human standards. In addition to that, the female Monkeigh had a curvy body oozing with sexy appeal and was well-endowed both in the front and back. Just with the front alone, her breasts were like D-Cup. Furthermore, whether this was a blessing or a curse, she looked like she was only 15 years old, but Alejandro wasn't sure if that was her real age.


According to what he knows, all naturally-born demon-kins have a chance to be born with the Lesser Chaos Affinity. And once a living being has the Lesser Chaos Affinity, their lifespan would increase by 3. And if they're lucky enough to summon a Greater Demon through a Summoning Ritual and receive a Chaos Affinity, their lifespan would increase by 6.


But even if a demon-kin wasn't born with a Lesser Chaos Affinity, they can still ask to be blessed with one from other beings who has the Lesser Chaos. However, they have to be very careful of who they would receive it from.


If the one who is giving them Lesser Chaos has Chaos, it will form a master-slave relationship.


Meanwhile, if the one who is giving them Lesser Chaos also has Lesser Chaos but has a master who has Chaos, they will both end up having a master-slave relationship with the one who has the Chaos.


Furthermore, whether someone was born with Lesser Chaos, or already has Lesser Chaos or Chaos, it can be overwritten by someone who has Chaos, forming a master-slave relationship.


"But I have to say, she has a nice pair of breasts. Reminds me of my Aunt Mariana," Ferdino said and then turned to Alejandro. "Haven't you slept with her already? She was the second woman I've slept with. And as an 11-year-old child at that time, I was completely smitten by her, especially by those tricks she did with her breasts. We should do her together one of these days."


Alejandro didn't say anything and simply observed Capulio who was ravaging the female Monkeigh with glee despite her pleas and cries.


Just like Ferdino, Nina and him, Capulio was also an Aristocratic Noble. But he was from Baron Ricardo's family or the Estana Family of the Marbleam Kingdom's Duke Faction. And unfortunately, he has yet to master a Magic Art Affinity in order for his family's Lore Magic to manifest.


Ferdino pointed at another demon-kin.


"Look, that's the Verin I mentioned earlier. Too flat for my taste, but still not bad, right?"


Alejandro glanced at the Verin.


The Verin was a humanoid demon-kin with green sparkling hair, purple-colored eyes, had vertical purple gems etched on her face -- a thick one on her forehead and 3 thin ones of each side of her cheeks -- and its kind was blessed with the Wind Affinity. And whether it has the Lesser Chaos Affinity or not, she at least looked to be around 17 years old and was quite skinny or had a natural thin frame. Furthermore, just like the female Monkeigh who was being held down by four Knights and crying while being ravaged by Capulio, there was a metal collar engraved with Runes around her neck and was naked. However, the Verin was drugged out of their mind.


Ferdino pointed at another demon-kin.


"That Waruk's penis has a nice girth," he said and then turned to Alejandro with a mischievous smile. "But I think yours is more perfect."


The Waruk looked like a bipedal walrus and was blessed with the Ice Affinity. They were at least 2 meters tall, have 2 protruding tusks facing forward on their faces and the length indicates their age, they have brown wrinkled thick skin, and were usually fat


Technically, there were 7 demon-kins such as Verin, Monkeigh, Waruk and Larker and 3 humans. All of them had a metal collar engraved with runes on their necks and were naked, and all of them had the appearance of between 13 to 18 years old.


In the Marbleam Kingdom, although human slaves were legal, demon-kin slaves were illegal for many reasons -- one of the biggest concerns was the fear of them spreading the Lesser Chaos Affinity among the people. But in Plano Town and Tapa Village, for the annual celebration of the Feugo Festival, demon-kin slaves would be legal. However, once the Feugo Festival was over, all demon-kin slaves would return to being illegal and would have to be disposed. Anyone caught with a demon-kin slave would be "punished" because it depends on who the culprit is.


And as to what a Larker looks like, they looked generally human. The only differences is that they have white hair, their skin is dark-red and they have sharp teeth. Moreover, they're blessed with the Dark Affinity.


"My dear husband and dear cousin, aren't you guys going to pick one?" Nina asked and she had a male Larker who looked like 13 years old and a female Larker who looked like they were 14 years old on her arms.


Ferdino returned his gaze to Alejandro.


"Let's play --" before he could even finish his sentence, Alejandro was already walking away and on his way to one of the sofas.


Ferdino let out a sigh and shook his head.


"What a very poor host," he said and then turned to Nina. "I'll join you, my dear beloved wife. But let's not kill them right away, okay?"


Nina tightened her hold around the two young Larkers in her arms and pouted her lips.


"These are mine! Gets yours!"


Ferdino let out a sigh.


"What a selfish wife," he said then whispered under his breath. "I can only feel pity for our children for having a mother like you."


"What did you say?!"


"I said I love you and I'm going to pick the Verin because Alejandro is being such a poor and boring host," he said and smiled.




Alejandro sat down at one of the sofas.




Less than 5 seconds later, a maid went over to him and offered him a glass of wine.

He picked it up and took a sip.


Every year it's just the same…


Will it always be like this until I die…?


What about when my brother becomes the Viscount…?


Life seems so pointless…


One of the reasons why he, Ferdino, Nina and Capulio would gather like this during events is to build some sort of friendship between their families' generation who are part of the Duke Faction.


To be specific, the four of them are the "second-best grandchildren heirs" of the current Duke, Viscount and Baron in the Marbleam Kingdom's Duke Faction.


A Duke, Marquis and Count must at least have 5 Magic Art Affinities. Meanwhile, a Viscount and Baron must at least have 4 Magic Art Affinities. On top of that, Aristocratic Nobles value their Lore Magic because not only does it give them an edge when it comes to fighting but not everyone a Lore Magic and pass it down from generation to generation to their descendants.


And although Aristocratic Noble families tend to marry each other to preserve the talents and gifts of their families, when it comes to Magic Art Affinities, they can still be affected by the True and False Magic Art Affinities. They can also be affected by other things as well.


In the case of Ferdino who was from Duke Freca's family or the Cortez family, he had 4 True Magic Art Affinities, 1 False Magic Art Affinity, and the Lore Magic of his family, [Ojo de Melinna]. Naturally, he's not eligible to become the next Duke of Cortez Town and Corazon Village because he only has 4 True Magic Art Affinities and a Duke needs at least 5 True Magic Art Affinities to really solidify his rule. But the fact that he has 4 True Magic Art Affinities, 1 False Magic Art Affinity and the Cortez family's Lore Magic, still makes him very valuable.


In the case of Alejandro and Nina, they both had 4 True Magic Art Affinities. However, due to one of the natures of the Plano family's Lore Magic where there can only be one living leader at a time, only Viscount Lozario has the [Progenitor del Fuego] while the rest have the [Hijos del Fuego]. And unfortunately for them, Alejandro's older brother or Nina's cousin was chosen to be the next Viscount of Plano Town and Tapa Village because he was born with 5 True Magic Art Affinities and he's currently being trained in a secret location for his ascension in the future.


And tastly, there was Capulio who was from Baron Ricardo's family or the Estana family. He had 4 Magic Art Affinities and also had his family's Lore Magic [Clon de Sombra]. However, his uncle was next in line to be the Baron of Estana Town and Fredo Village who also had 4 Magic Art Affinities and their family's Lore Magic.


Alejandro took another sip from his glass.


But at least there's that Inquisitor to entertain me for the time being…


I wonder what her voice sounds like when she moans…


An image of Vivian chopping off the head of the thief with her hand without any expression flashed inside his head.


Now that I think about it…


She seems older…


At least a few or couple of years older than me…


I just hope she's not more than 30 years old…


That's already a grandmother…


And if she is, I can just imagine Nina and Ferdino teasing me nonstop for at least a year because of that…


He scoffed and then smiled.




Whoever her man is, I don't think he can measure up to me…


I'm an Aristocratic Noble with a generational Lore Magic who could be a Viscount or Baron if I want to…


There's only a handful of people who could top that…


I wouldn't be surprised if she would beg me to impregnate her…


He took another sip.


"Fruits," he announced and then two maids hurriedly offered him two platters of fruits.

He picked up a piece of fruit that was as large as a grape but pink in color and then popped it inside his mouth.


I wonder what her Physical and Magic Force is…


She is older after all…


He took another sip from his glass.


Assuming she only has 2 or 3 Magic Art Affinities…


And she's also a member of the Temple of Priests so she has healing magic and all those resources…


I would say Orichalcum or Adamantite…


The image of Caleb holding his wrist flashed inside his head.


That guy…


Wrath family, huh…


His family may be related to Light Saints and Cardinals…


But my family is also related to the Royals of the Marbleam Kingdom…!


And I'm the second in line in case my elder brother doesn't become the Viscount…!


Compared to me, he's nothing but a peasant…!


He took another sip from his glass.


But I'll admit…


He's stronger than me…


But that's just because he's an old geezer…


The image of Nina beating him earlier and injuring his left shoulder flashed inside his head.


I have to admit…


I've been neglecting my training…


In regards to why Nina had higher stats compared to him despite her being in her late teens and him in his early 20s and they both have 4 Magic Art Affinities, it was because of their work ethic.


As Aristocratic Nobles, aside from having an above-average number of Magic Art Affinities and Lore Magic, they had a lot of resources and specialized training methods. But despite all that, they were still human beings. Some people simply like to train while others need to be pushed in order to train.


After this Feugo Festival I'll go bac--…


Oh, I can't…


I still have to deal with that Inquisitor…


After I conquer her, that's when I'll go back to training…




Alejandro sat down at one of the sofas.




Less than 5 seconds later, a maid went over to him and offered to him a glass of wine.


He picked it up and took a sip.


Every year it's just the same…


Will it always be like this until I die…?


What about when my brother becomes the Viscount…?


Life seem so pointless…


One of the many reasons why he, Ferdino, Nina and Capulio would gather like this during events is to build some sort of friendship between their families' generation who are part of the Duke Faction.


To be specific, the four of them are the "second-best grandchildren heirs" of the current Duke, Viscount and Baron of the Marbleam Kingdom's Duke Faction.


A Duke, Marquis and Count must at least have 5 Magic Art Affinities. Meanwhile, a Viscount and Baron must at least have 4 Magic Art Affinities. On top of that, Aristocratic Nobles value their Lore Magic because not only does it give them an edge when it comes to fighting but not everyone a Lore Magic and pass it down from generation to generation to their descendants.


And although Aristocratic Noble families would tend to marry each other to preserve the talents and gifts of their families, when it comes to Magic Art Affinities, they can still be affected by the True and False Magic Art Affinities. They can also be affected by other things as well.


In the case of Ferdino from Duke Freca's family or the Cortez family, he had 4 True Magic Art Affinities, 1 False Magic Art Affinity, and the Lore Magic of his family, [Ojo de Melinna].


In the case of Alejandro and Nina, they both had 4 True Magic Art Affinities. However, due to one of the natures of the Plano family's Lore Magic where there can only be one living leader at a time, only Viscount Lozario has the [Progenitor del Fuego] while the rest have the [Hijos del Fuego]. And unfortunately for them, Alejandro's older brother was chosen to be the next Viscount of Plano Town and Tapa Village because he was born with 5 Magic Art Affinities and he's currently being trained in a secret location for his ascension in the future.


Lastly, there was Capulio who was from Baron Ricardo's family or the Estana family. He had 4 Magic Art Affinities and also his family's Lore Magic [Clon de Sombra]. However, his uncle was next in line to be the Baron of Estana Town and Fredo Village who also had 4 Magic Art Affinities and their family's Lore Magic.


Alejandro took another sip from his glass.


But at least there's that Inquisitor to entertain me in the time being…


I wonder what her voice sounds like when she moans…


A image of Vivian chopping off the head of the thief with her hand without any expression flashed inside his head.


He took another sip.


Now that I think about it…


She seems older…


At least a few or couple of years older than me…


I just hope she's not more than 30 years old…


That's already a grandmother…


And if she is, I can just imagine Nina and Ferdino teasing me nonstop for at least a year because of that…


He scoffed and then smiled.




Whoever her man is, I don't think he can measure up to me…


I'm an Aristocratic Noble with a generational Lore Magic who could be a Viscount or Baron if I want to…


There's only a handful of people who could top that…




I wouldn't be surprised if she would beg me to impregnate her…


He took another sip.


"Fruits," he announced and two maids hurriedly offered him two platters of fruits.


He picked up a piece of fruit that was as large as a grape but pink in color and popped it inside his mouth.


I wonder what her Physical and Magic Force is…


She is older after all…


He took another sip from his glass.


Assuming she only has 2 or 3 Magic Art Affinities…


And she's also a member of the Temple of Priests so she has healing magic and all those resources…


I would say Orichalcum or Adamantite…


The image of Caleb holding his wrist flashed inside his head.


That guy…


Wrath family, huh…


His family may be related to Light Saints and Cardinals…


But my family is also related to the Royals of the Marbleam Kingdom…!


And I'm the second in line in case my elder brother doesn't become the Viscount…!


Compared to me, he's nothing but a peasant…!


He took another sip from his glass.


But I'll admit…


He's stronger than me…


But that's just because he's an old geezer


The image of Nina beating him earlier and injuring his left shoulder flashed inside his head.


I've been neglecting my training…


In regards to why Nina had higher stats compared to him despite her being in her late teens and him in his early 20s and they both have 4 Magic Art Affinities, it was because of their work ethic.

As Aristocratic Nobles, aside from the above-average number of their Magic Art Affinities and their Lore Magic, they had a lot of resources and specialized training methods. But despite all that, they were still human beings. Some people just like to train while others need to be pushed in order to train.


After this Feugo Festival I'll go bac--…


Oh, I can't…


I still have to deal with that Inquisitor…


After I conquer her, that's when I'll go back to training…




Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted the drafts of Chapters 278-313 which is up to the end of Volume II for free at my Patreon account. 

Please note that those are just drafts and I didn't even edit them so there will still be changes once I post them here.

I would like to thank these Top 5 Immortal Power Voters:

• First Seat: DaoistL27fr7

• Second Seat: DaoistowxxrO

• Third Seat: Higime142

• Fourth Seat: Leitor_Morto

• Fifth Seat: Immortal_Shades (I don't even know why I'm #5 when I don't even vote and it doesn't even add-up on the daily tally)

And in case you really like what I do and want to support me even further, do consider joining my Patreon group worth $1 a month because this novel would never have a chance to get a contract because of WebNovel's rules and me not having any genuine talent to be a writer (no, I'm not fishing for sympathy or compliments, I'm just stating cold and hard facts). 

With that being said, I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Immortal Patron(s):




I also created social media accounts for Vivian:

Instagram: vivian_lightstorm

Facebook: Vivian Vivian

TikTok: vivian.lightstorm

On these socials, I will be posting extra details about Vivian and the world she inhabits that I couldn't post here in WebNovel because it would break the story's immersion and other reasons such as the limitations of the WebNovel site.

Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter :)












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