Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 209 - Training Course Graduation

Chapter 209 - Training Course Graduation

Septus 4, 3023 A.M., day of Monar, 9:13 a.m.


Main Office building.


Vivian entered an office room and found that there were more than 10 trainees there as well.


She even recognized a few.


There was Crusader Tristan who was actually Turd.


There was Crusader Sandmaster who was actually Xander.


And there was Crusader Blade whom Vivian partnered with during the Final Practical Exam.


Blade got up from his seat and approached Vivian.


"Sister Crusader, good morning. Are you here to get your exam results?" he said with a jolly tone.


Vivian stared at him and didn't say anything.


"It's me, Brother Crusader Blade."


I know…




"If I get a passing score, I'm going to finally graduate the Training Course."


"I see. May the God of Light give you a passing score."


"May the God of Light give you a passing score as well," Blade said and then gestured to his seat. "Please have my seat."


Vivian thought about it for a moment.


"Okay, thank you," she said and then went over to the seat that Blade previously occupied.


It's warm…


Vivian has no idea if it was because she used to be a 24-year-old man in her original world. But she never liked sitting on freshly used seats.


I mean…


I was a man back there…


People don't give me their seats when I enter…


I guess this is the privilege of being a woman…


Sitting at warm seats…


But I still prefer cold seats…


Tristan and Sandmaster or Turd and Xander, who were standing on the side together, glanced at Vivian and Blade and were genuinely surprised to see them talk to one another.


Both Turd and Xander were from the same Chapter Temple, Heisen Chapter Temple to be specific. Although Turd was the first one to propose that he, Xander and Vivian shouldn't talk to each other unless it was important or an emergency to avoid getting any deduction from the other ongoing practical exam where all trainees must keep their identity hidden, in the end, when they started taking the final exams and there was now one weekend left, both men became somewhat casual again. 


However, they weren't sure if Vivian, who was from the Luxen Chapter Temple, a 4-Magic-Art being, a woman, their former Platoon Leader, the strongest fresh recruit for this month's Basic Training batch and also known to be a huge snob to the fresh recruits outside of her platoon that she even filed a restraining order to keep anyone from approaching her unless it was official Temple of Priests business and still gave outsiders the cold shoulder during the Graduation Ball, would feel and do the same. As far as they know, she's been going solo these past 2 weeks and hasn't attended classes last week so they had no idea what she has been up to the point that they even considered the possibility that she must've dropped out of the Training Course already or something.




A couple of minutes later.


Vivian entered the Blanch's office and she immediately saluted.


"Brother Inquisitor Blanch!"


"Crusader Heliza, please have a seat."


Given that Blanch was now quite familiar with Vivian, he didn't bother to ask her to show him her Identity Papers to confirm her identity and told her to take a seat right away as he searched for her exam results on his desk.


Nevertheless, Vivian still prepared her Identity Papers because her score would be recorded there.


Blanch finally found Vivian's exam results and gave it to her.


Her brows knitted together behind her mask.


80 over 100…?


Unfortunately, she and Blade missed two pieces of evidence.


Had Vivian done a proper search of Juiles' room, she would've found a diary that talks about the growing resentment of the innkeeper towards him.


Blade, on the other hand, had he asked the homeless man lying down on the street with a liquor beside him near the inn, he would've found out that he saw Juiles' being pushed out of his room window by Pearl.


"You received a passing score for the Final Practical Exam. If you're not satisfied with your score, you can retake it. You still have one weekend left. But if you are satisfied, I can record them on your Identity Papers right now. And once that's done, you can never change it."


"What about the results of the other ongoing practical exam?"


"The results will only be available once you've taken all Final Exams and registered all 3 scores on your Identity Papers."


With all 3 exams combined…


I have a total score of 280 points…


More than enough for me to pass the 250-point cut-off…




She shook her head mentally.




If I keep overthinking things I wouldn't be able to get anything done and be stuck…


I have to push…


And plus, even if I fail and would most likely be sent to the Infantry Division, I don't have to worry that much about my blue blood…


As long as I eat any living being with a blue-colored nervous system, my blood will turn to red…


"Brother Inquisitor, I'm satisfied with this score and would like to record it on my Identity Papers," Vivian said and presented her Identity Papers.


"Okay," Blanch said and received the papers. 


As Blanch was busy recording and signing, Vivian stared at him and her eyes turned to slits.


I wonder if this human is still suspecting me…


She shook her head mentally.


Of course, he is…


Why wouldn't he…?


There's so much evidence that even a blind man could see it…


And once someone more powerful than me uses [Halo], that's it…


So why…?


What is he waiting for…?


Is he perhaps an idiot…?


Or is he waiting for something…?


Like striking at the opportune moment…?


Blanch was finally done recording and signing Vivian's Identity Papers and he gave it back to her.


"Come back here around 1:00 p.m. for your score for the ongoing practical exam."


"Yes, Brother Inquisitor."


Vivian got up and left.




Septus 5, 3023 A.M., day of Tuar, 10:33 a.m.


Vivian and two other trainees entered a dimly-lit room that was only lit by several candles and they stood in the middle.


There were ten other people already inside waiting and were dressed like them -- a mask to cover their faces and a hooded cloak draped over their bodies and covering their hair.


The only difference between them and the trainees was the color of the sun symbol on their masks.


One of the hooded figures in the middle spoke.


"Crusader Trainees, I am Brother Inquisitor Pen.


"It is my honor to serve in the Holy Crusade under the holy light of the God of Light to fight all of the evils in this world, both within and outside the Temple of Priests.


"You three have passed the Training Course for the Inquisitory Division and have yet to take your final oaths.


"Kneel down."


Vivian and the two trainees knelt down on one knee.


"Do you swear to destroy the demons, the demon-kins, the Cult of Infinity?"


"I swear."


"Do you swear to eradicate the demon-worshipers and heretics inside and outside the Temple of Priests?"


"I swear."


"Do you swear to uphold and spread the teachings of the God of Light, the first Priest and first Light Saint His Holiness N'eua, and the Temple of Priests?"


"I swear."


One of the hooded figures took out two rods attached with an Affinity Crystal from their cloak and stepped forward near Vivian and the two trainees.


"Swear through your actions."


The hooded figure holding the two rods pointed them at a male trainee.


He touched the Affinity Crystals which were imbued with Chaos and Lesser Chaos Affinities and they both didn't shine.


The hooded figure then moved to the next trainee until all three trainees were done before returning to his original position.


Three hooded figures stepped forward and each of them was carrying a pillow with a mask on top of it that had a gold-colored sun symbol on the forehead.


They all stood in front of the trainees and placed them down before returning to their original position.


"Know that once you take off your mask and wear the mask in front of you, you will be forever bound to the oaths you've made and breaking your oath will only mean True Death," said Pen.


The trainees took off their masks and replaced them with the masks in front of them.


"You may now rise and state your Inquisitor name along with your oaths."


The male trainee got up first.


"I am Brother Inquisitor Blade and I vow to eradicate the demons, demon-kins, the Cult of Infinity, and the heretics within and outside the Temple of Priests."


A female trainee got up next.


"I am Sister Inquisitor Ice and I vow to eradicate the demons, demon-kins, the Cult of Infinity, and the heretics within and outside the Temple of Priests."


Vivian finally got up.


"I am Sister Inquisitor Monad and I vow to eradicate the demons, demon-kins, the Cult of Infinity, and the heretics within and outside the Temple of Priests."


"By the power vested on me by the Temple of Priests and the Holy Crusade's Inquisitory Division, we all acknowledge your oaths, Brother Inquisitor Blade, Sister Inquisitor Ice and Sister Inquisitor Monad. May the God of Light watch over you," said Pen.


The lights inside the room suddenly turned on, revealing all of the masked Inquisitors and there was a round of applause.




"Welcome to the Inquisitory Division!"


Vivian swept her gaze around and was even able to recognize a few Inquisitors -- Mila, Blanch, Song, Freed, Croissant and Craft.


However, there was one "Inquisitor" that caught her eye.


There was an Inquisitor wearing a gold-colored robe and mask that covered every inch of his/her body and sitting in the middle beside the Inquisitor named Pen.


The golden robe looked similar to what a Gold Cloak Priest or Priestess would wear with its hood pulled up. But instead of a cloak, it was a robe.


Meanwhile, for the mask, it looked like an Inquisitor's Full-Mask which had a gold-colored sun on the forehead. However, it was also engraved with runes.


But his appearance wasn't the only thing that caught Vivian's attention. There was an air, demeanor or presence surrounding him.


It wasn't like the authoritative feeling when she met Grana, a Red Cloak, during the aftermath of the former Supreme Captain Ronaldo's attack at the Royal Palace in Luxen City. 


It also wasn't like the suffocating feeling that reeked of death when she met Gustav, a Gray Cloak, during the time she was on her way to participate in the Basic Training's Capture The Flag Tournament.


The feeling she felt, the closest word she could describe it was awe, a sense of awe.




This person…


Whoever this is…


I can feel it in my bones…


He's powerful…


Very powerful…


The golden robe Inquisitor raised his hand and everyone became silent.


He turned to the new Inquisitors.


"I am Brother Cardinal Val."


To the new Inquisitors' surprise, the voice was a combination of young and old, male and female that no one could tell his true gender and age.


"I want to meet each of you one by one."


Blade and Ice's eyes became wide and sparkled behind their mask. 


Vivian, on the other hand, her eyes also became wide but there was no sparkle. Instead, beads of sweat target to appear on her forehead.


What the fuck…?!


Is this it…?!


My end…?!




I got caught up by the celebratory air…!


Pen turned to Blade.


"Brother Inquisitor Blade, you go first."


Blade approached Val and knelt down on one knee.


"Show me your hand," said Val.


Blade presented his hand and Val clasped it.


He paused for a moment before finally speaking.


"Such a kind heart. My child, it's important to remember and learn from the past, but it's also important not to be trapped by it." 


Blade's eyes blinked a couple of times behind his mask, surprised by what Val said.


"Yes, Brother Cardinal Val," he said and bowed.


Val let go of his hand.


"May the God of Light watch over you, my child."


Blade bowed once more.


"May the God of Light watch over you as well, Brother Cardinal Val."


He stepped away and was replaced by Ice.


Just like Blade, Ice knelt down on one knee and presented her hand and Val clasped it.


"Hmm… My child, you must learn how to open up and appreciate all of the things around you, no matter how mundane and simple they may be."


"Yes, Brother Cardinal Val," Ice said and bowed


Val let go of her hand.


"May the God of Light watch over you, my child."


She bowed once more.


"May the God of Light watch over you as well, Brother Cardinal Val."


She stepped away and was finally Vivian's turn.


As she walked toward Val as calmly as possible, her body was sweating despite the shiver running down her spine, her knees felt weak that it felt like they would just suddenly crumble, and she had butterflies in her stomach that she just wanted to run away.


A Physical Art increases an attack Physical Force by 1 grade or 30 points…


[Greater Origin Enchant] boosts any skill or spell by x4…


So assuming that my Physical Force is 150 points…


One [Power Fist] would make my attack a total Physical Force of 180 points…


And if I combine it with [Greater Origin Enchant], that 30 points would be multiplied by 4, making it 120 points…


So my total damage would be a Physical Force of 270 points…


She shook her head mentally.


No, [Lightning Arrow] would be better…


Although it would only be 240 points, it comes with an electrocuting effect…


Vivian finally reached Val.


She knelt down and presented her hand which was covered in gloves because her blood already turned blue long ago. She even painted her exposed skin with makeup to make it look somewhat normal.




"Hmm… My child, pride and humility are both important. One cannot live without the other, just like light and dark, hot and cold. The important thing is to find the right balance."


"Yes, Brother Cardinal Val," Vivian said and bowed.


Val released her hand.


"May the God of Light watch over you, my child."


She bowed once again.


"May the God of Light watch over you as well, Brother Cardinal Val."


After she stepped away, Val got up from his seat and was escorted outside of the room by two Gold Cloak Inquisitors -- Pen and someone that Vivian had no idea who it was. And once they left, the rest of the Inquisitors congratulated Blade, Ice and Vivian once again.


Even Blanch congratulated Vivian.





Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 273-277 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:




Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.