Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 205 - Lady Business No. 3

Chapter 205 - Lady Business No. 3

Aurgus 29, 3023 A.M., day of Tuar, 10:04 a.m.


At the Inquisitory Division's headquarters.


Vivian was inside her room at the dormitory.


The single window of her room was covered with two White Cloaks that she bought last time in order to not let any light slip in or out. Meanwhile, the edges of her door were also covered with a blanket and a towel.


Vivian sat on her bed dressed in full gear and and looked completely stressed out.




A green mist exploded on Vivian's body and she felt weak.


I killed everyone there, right…?


I didn't miss anyone, right…?


I'm sure I didn't miss anyone…


I made very sure of it…


No one can definitely trace it back to me…


Last night, after killing Sack and the Priest, she then proceeded to kill and eat everyone else at the Northwest Exit Outpost before quickly returning back here.


And at the moment, she was trying to level up her Magic Art, particularly her [Poison Mastery] in order to prepare for the worst despite the physical ailment that she was currently facing.


I need to learn [Poison Bomb] as soon as possible…


In case I'm attacked by a group, I can easily neutralize them…


Vivian tried to cast another [Poison Strike] but no green water-like aura appeared on her hand.


I ran out of mana…


[Greater Origin Enchant].


A dark red lightning appeared on her hand.




As soon as the golden ring started to manifest on her back, the dark red lightning crawled from her hand to her back and was absorbed by the halo, making it 4 times larger than a normal [Halo].


Vivian waited for her mana to recover.


At the moment, she had 3.5/498 mana points and she was recovering 

1.5 mana points per second.


And once her mana points have fully recovered, she will deactivate [Halo].


But aside from preparing in case Priests would come to her room and arrest her for murdering everyone at the Northwest Exit Outpost, she had another issue as well which was the source of her physical ailment.


Her lower abdomen and back were in pain and she felt like her insides were being scraped.


Her period has arrived and she was experiencing extreme period cramps just like last time.


Vivian thought about transforming into her demonic form in order to escape from the pain but decided not to. She wanted to be ready in the event that Priests would indeed come to her room and arrest her.








"Why did my period come today out of all days…?!"


"Like seriously, why do women have to suffer from periods…?!"


"This is so unfair and inconvenient…!"




2:21 p.m.


Vivian didn't attend the 1:30-2:30 p.m. class and was still inside her room waiting and training.




A green mist exploded on Vivian's body and she felt weak.


Am I allowed to be absent…?


I've already taken and passed the written exams…


The only exam left is the practical exam but I still have to wait until the next weekend…


And right now I'm on my period…


Surely they would give me an exception, right…?


Should I have submitted an excuse letter…?


I really miss having a phone so that I could just send a text or email to the teacher…


Whether the trainees attended the classes or not, the Inquisitory Division could care less about it. What the Division cared about, aside from a trainee passing the exams, was the trainee having their attendance checked in one of the classes to make sure that they didn't escape or go missing.


I don't have any choice…


Vivian got up from her bed and fixed her appearance for a bit before exiting her room.


"I'll fucking throw my bloody napkin on their face and feed it to them if they don't excuse me…!"




2:35 p.m.


Vivian entered the classroom for the 2:30-4:00 p.m. class.


The teacher was already in front of the class and was preparing to discuss a topic.


Vivian went straight to the teacher and saluted.


"Brother Inquisitor Freed."


Freed stopped what he was doing and turned to Vivian.


"What is it, Crusader?"


"Can I speak with you outside? I have a very private matter to discuss with you about and I'm too embarrassed to talk about it here, especially in front of men."


Freed's eyes blinked a couple of times behind his mask before realizing what Vivian was trying to say.


"Okay, let's go outside."


When stepped outside of the room, Vivian spoke first.


"Brother Inquisitor, I've already taken and passed the written exams and currently waiting to take the final practical exam. But right now, I'm suffering from period cramps. Is it possible for you to sign my attendance sheet for the next 3-4 days until I'm fit for duty?"


"Do you have your Identity Papers with you?"




She took out her Identity Papers along with a pen and then gave them to Freed.


He signed her attendance for the next 3 days and then returned it to her.


"Thank you, Brother Inquisitor Freed."


"You're welcome. Rest well."


"Thank you."


Freed nodded.


"I'll be going back to the classroom now."


Vivian nodded.




When Freed finally turned away, Vivian also turned away and began walking.


Her eyes turned to slits behind her mask and she was eyeing her surroundings like a predator.


I've finally solved this…


The only problem left is to power up as much as possible before my arrest…




Vivian arrived back at her room at the dormitory and brought several pies, drinks, napkins, medicine and wipes with her.


She planned to stay in her room for the next 3 days and would only come out to go to the toilet and bathroom. The rest will be spent mostly on Magic Art training and a little bit of sleeping.




Time to eat first…


After that, it's back to training…!




Aurgus 31, 3023 A.M., day of Thura, 1:34 p.m.


It's already the third day since Vivian shut herself inside her room and she was sitting on the floor on top of a black cloth.


Her period cramps lessened and she was currently training her Magic Art.

And as for the color of her blood, it was still relatively red. But anyone attentive enough would notice that there was a slight difference in the hue. Because of that, when it came to her blood-stained napkins, she dipped them in some sort of red sauce from the food she bought to mask the color.


She thought about burning her napkins or flushing them on the toilets but threw the idea away because she didn't want to start a fire drill or clog the toilets.


Note to self: On my next period, I'm definitely going to buy some sort of dye…


She activated a spell.


[Soul Strike].


A white water-like aura appeared on her hand and she touched her thigh.




She felt her [Soul Strike] absorbing her mana. But since she was the owner of the spell, it merely transferred back to her. However, the spell still cost her 20 mana points to activate. It also eats 1 mana point per second to maintain it.


And in order to get experience points, she had to activate it, touch herself, deactivate it, and then repeat the process.




'Unlocked [Soul Mastery] - Level 6!'


Vivian deactivated [Soul Strike].


Status Panel…




Name: Vivian

Class: Priest

Race: Greater Demon Human

Age: 0 (24)



Poison - x1.4 Fire - x1.2 Dagger - x1.2



Str - 11 (+257) Vit - 9 (+232) Agi - 12 (+248) Int - 8 (+254)


Mana: 178/524


Class Magic:


Halo - Boosts mana recovery, Makes the bearer appear more trustworthy



[Dagger Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.2) (Max/16) - Dagger Stab (10 mana points) [Dagger Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.2) (Max/81) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Dagger Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.2) (Max/161) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi [Dagger Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.2) (??/806) [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Poison Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.4) (Max/16) - Poison Strike (20 mana points) [Poison Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.4) (Max/78) - +2 Agi, +2 Int [Poison Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.4) (Max/156) - +1 Str, +1 Vit [Poison Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.4) (Max/781) - +4 Agi, +4 Int [Poison Mastery] - Level 5 (x6.4) (Max/1,563) - +2 Str, +2 Vit [Poison Mastery] - Level 6 (x6.4) (Max/7,813) - Poison Bomb (30 mana points) [Poison Mastery] - Level 7 (x6.4) (??/15, 625) [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (??/10,000) [Leg Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Leg (10 mana points) [Leg Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Leg Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Leg Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Leg Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi, +2 Int [Leg Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Explosive Leg (30 mana points) [Leg Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (Max/20,000) - +4 Str, +4 Vit, +4 Agi [Leg Mastery] - Level 8 (x5) (??/100,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +4 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +2 Vit, +2 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +6 Str, +6 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 8 (x5) (??/50,000) [Savage Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Savage Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Savage Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +2 Int [Savage Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +2 Int [Savage Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - Blood Drinker (50 mana points, 1 mana point) [Savage Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi, +3 Int [Savage Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (??/20,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +4 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +2 Vit, +2 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +6 Str, +6 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 8 (x5) (??/50,000) [Throw Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Throw (10 mana points) [Throw Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Throw Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Throw Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) [Sword Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Slash (10 mana points) [Sword Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Sword Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi [Sword Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Dual Power Slash (10 mana points) [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (??/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Fist Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Fist (10 mana points) [Fist Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Fist Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Fist Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Fist Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi, +2 Int [Fist Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Explosive Fist (30 mana points) [Fist Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (Max/20,000) - +4 Str, +4 Vit, +4 Agi [Fist Mastery] - Level 8 (x5) (??/100,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +4 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +2 Vit, +2 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +6 Str, +6 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 8 (x5) (??/50,000) [Whip Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Whip (10 mana points) [Whip Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Whip Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi [Whip Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Light Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Heal (20 mana points) [Light Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Light Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Light Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +6 Int [Light Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Light Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (??/10,000) - [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (??/5,000) [Fire Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.2) (Max/16) - Fire Arrow (20 mana points) [Fire Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.2) (??/81) - +3 Int [Fire Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.2) (??/161) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agility [Fire Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.2) (??/806) [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Wind Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Wind Arrow (20 mana points) [Wind Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Wind Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agility [Wind Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Axe Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Axe (10 mana points) [Axe Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Axe Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi [Axe Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/500) [Hammer Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Hammer (10 mana points) [Hammer Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Hammer Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (??/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi [Hammer Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) [Spear Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Thrust (10 mana points) [Spear Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int [Spear Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi [Spear Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Lightning Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Lightning Arrow (20 mana points) [Lightning Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Lightning Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Lightning Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +6 Int [Lightning Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Lightning Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (??/10,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (??/10,000) •[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/0) - Greater Origin Enchant (10 mana points)[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/200) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Greater Origin Transformation (?? mana points)[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (??/20,000) [Soul Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Soul Strike (20 mana points, 1 mana point) [Soul Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Soul Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Soul Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +3 Int [Soul Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Soul Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Soul Bomb (30 mana points) [Soul Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (??/20,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Soul Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (??/10,000) [Claw Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Claw (10 mana points) [Claw Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Claw Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Claw Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Claw Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi, +2 Int [Claw Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Explosive Claw (30 mana points) [Claw Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (Max/20,000) - +4 Str, +4 Vit, +4 Agi [Claw Mastery] - Level 8 (x5) (??/100,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +4 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +2 Vit, +2 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +6 Str, +6 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 8 (x5) (??/50,000) [Dark Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Dark Arrow (20 mana points) [Dark Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Dark Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Dark Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Dark Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Dark Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Dark Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Dark Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Earth Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Earth Arrow (20 mana points) [Earth Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Earth Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Earth Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Earth Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Earth Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Earth Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Earth Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Ice Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Ice Arrow (20 mana points) [Ice Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int [Ice Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Ice Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) [Magic Art Mastery] (Ice Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Ice Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi [Magic Art Mastery] (Ice Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int [Magic Art Mastery] (Ice Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) [Tail Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Tail (10 mana points) [Tail Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi [Tail Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int [Tail Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi [Tail Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +3 Str, +3 Vit, +3 Agi, +2 Int [Tail Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (Max/10,000) - Explosive Tail (30 mana points) [Tail Mastery] - Level 7 (x5) (Max/20,000) - +4 Str, +4 Vit, +4 Agi [Tail Mastery] - Level 8 (x5) (??/100,000) [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +4 Vit [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (Max/5,000) - +2 Vit, +2 Int [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 7 (x5) (Max/10,000) - +6 Str, +6 Agi [Body Art Mastery] (Tail Mastery) - Level 8 (x5) (??/50,000)



Earring of Spirit- boosts mana recovery



Village Girl Adventurer Zhey/Zhem Otherworldly - Grants [Growth] - all affinity x5 Nemesis of Beasts - Animals and beasts have a natural aversion to the bearer Devourer Belle of the Training Camp




So [Soul Bomb] is still 30 mana points…


Just like [Poison Bomb]…


Ever since she locked herself inside her room, she managed to level up her [Poison] and [Soul Mastery].


For her [Poison Mastery], she leveled up the Main and Magic Art only once. Meanwhile, for her [Soul Mastery], she managed to level up both the Main and the Magic Art three times.


Even with my x5 boost and near-infinite mana, this is only what I managed to level up…


It's really getting slower…


The best way is to definitely overhunt…


She recalled the time she was accused of overhunting by the Guildmaster at Luxen City.


She also recalled when she was interviewed by an Inquisitor named Jail regarding the attack on the Sarcoise Colony.


But it also comes with so many problems…


Vivian's gaze shifted over to her stats.




At least I've finally reached the 1,000 Points Club…


And my stats are still more or less balanced…


Based on what Vivian knows, once a person's Magic Force reaches two grades greater than their Physical Force, a nerve inside their person's head would rupture and cause death.


However, Vivian had a problem.


Until now, despite taking classes at Basic Training and Training Course, she still wasn't sure if Physical Force was measured by Strength or by both Strength and Vitality. And as far as she knows, no one had a Status Panel and no one differentiates their stats by Strength, Vitality, Agility and Intelligence.


In this world, people differentiate stats by Physical and Magic Force…


They don't even know about the levels...


They only know that once a person unlocks a new Physical or Magic Art, they will learn a skill or spell…


And as they continue using the skill or spell of the said Physical or Magic Art, they would grow stronger and learn more skills and spells…


This was the extent of their knowledge…


But just to be sure, I won't let my Intelligence exceed more than 30 points of my Vitality…


I like to believe that Strength deals with physical attack, while Vitality deals with physical defense…


Vivian closed the Status Panel.


Time to learn [Cleanse]…!






She broke one of her fingers.


[Greater Origin Enchant].


A dark red lightning appeared on her hand.




A faint but larger yellow light enveloped her body and healed her broken finger.






She broke one of her fingers once again and beads of sweat started to appear on her forehead.


[Greater Origin Enchant].


A dark red lightning appeared on her hand.




A faint but larger yellow light enveloped her body once again and healed her broken finger.


Vivian was about to repeat the same process when suddenly she was interrupted.








There was a knock on the door.


She turned her head towards it and her eyes turned to slits.


Are they finally here to arrest me…?





Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 268-272 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:



Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.