Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 201 - Training Course Final Written Exams

Chapter 201 - Training Course Final Written Exams

Aurgus 26, 3023 A.M., day of Satur, 9:04 a.m.


Vivian and six other trainees entered a room.


There were several seats spread out across each other and each of the trainees took a seat before preparing the necessary items on top of their desk chair.


A few minutes later, a Gold Cloak female Inquisitor with long blonde hair carrying a folder entered the room and stood in front.


"I am Sister Inquisitor Moon. Before we start the exam, please note that you are not allowed to take a break or go to the toilet once the exam begins. So if anyone here wants to go to the toilet, I suggest you go right now. If anyone here has any other questions, raise your hand."


No one got up or raised their hand to ask a question.


"Also, anyone caught talking or cheating during the exam will immediately be dropped out of the Training Course."


The Inquisitor went over to the trainees and gave them each an exam paper.


Vivian examined the exam paper.




I can definitely score at least 80 points…


The exam she decided to take today was from her 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. class which covers demons, demon-worshipers, the Cult of Affinity, demon-kins and monsters.


The exam was only 100 items. But what made it difficult was because it covered numerous topics and each trainee must at least have a total combined score from taking all 3 Final Exams of at least 250 over 300 points. On top of that, there was also the ongoing practical exam since they got here where they have to keep their real identity hidden which can also affect the total number of their exam scores.


And if a trainee fails the exam, they can retake it, provided that take and pass all exams within their 3-week Training Course.


Vivian already consumed her first week so she still had 2 weekends left to take the exam. However, she was tired of waiting and already wanted to leave the Inquisitory Division's headquarters.


Even if I fail the Inquisitory Division's Training Course, I don't mind joining the Infantry Division anymore…


I now know that my diet is not limited to humans…


As long as I eat blue-colored living beings, I can maintain my red blood…


"You have until 12:00 p.m. to finish it. You may begin," the Inqusitor said before heading over to the side and sitting down behind a desk.


The recruits immediately began answering.




Some time later.


11:35 a.m.


Vivian was still inside the classroom and taking the exam.


And out of the 7 trainees, only 4 were left.


I think this is it…


I've reviewed my answers so many times already and there's nothing I can see worth changing anymore…


But just in case, one last review…


What's the difference between the lifespan of a human, Lesser Demon and Demon…?


1 year Lesser Demon's lifespan is 3 years of a human lifespan…


1 year of a Demon's lifespan is 6 years of a human lifespan…


What are the differences between the demons from the Demon World and the demons here in our world…?


In the Demon World, there are only Greater Demons and Demons…


Meanwhile, in our world, we only have Demons and Lesser Demons. But they're not True Demons like the demons in the Demon World…


What are the ways on how the species of our world can get the Chaos and Lesser Chaos Affinities…?


The first way is to summon a demon through a Summoning Ritual by offering a huge sacrifice…


If the demon is pleased by the sacrifice, they would grant you [Chaos] or [Lesser Chaos Mastery], depending on what kind of demon you summoned…


The second way is to through birth…


Demon-kin offsprings have a chance to be born with the Lesser Chaos Affinity…


She continued reviewing the rest of her answers one by one.


Truth be told, she already finished answering around 10:00 a.m. But just to be sure, she reviewed her answers. She even paused for 10-15 minutes to refresh her mind in order to view her answers in a semi-new light.


When Vivian was done reviewing her answers one last time, she got up from her seat and submitted her exam paper to the Inquisitor.


She then exited the room.




Aurgus 27, 3023 A.M., day of Sunar, 9:02 a.m.


Vivian and 2 other trainees were inside a classroom and each of them was doing last-minute studies.


A White Cloak male Inquisitor carrying a folder walked inside the room and stood in front of them.


"I am Brother Inquisitor Croissant.


"I would like to remind the three of you to go to the toilet before we start the exam. Because once the exam starts, no one is allowed to leave the room until they submit their exam paper.


"Also, talking and cheating is prohibited. Anyone caught doing any of those things will immediately be dropped out of the Training Course.


"So does any want to go to the toilet or have any questions before we start the exam?"


Seeing that none of the trainees wanted to go to the toilet or have any questions, the Inquisitor began to hand each of them an exam paper.


"You have until 12:00 p.m. After that, whether you're done or not, you must submit your exam paper. You may begin answering."


Everyone quickly began answering as the Inquisitor teacher turned away and headed over to the desk to sit down.


Just like the exam from yesterday, this was also a total of 100 items. The only difference is that the topic covers investigation protocols, command structure of the Temple of Priests and other organizations outside the Temple of Priests, Physical Arts, Magic Arts, and the Class Magic of all Classes which was from her class between 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.




Some time later.


11:18 a.m.


Vivian was the only trainee left inside the classroom.


The other two trainees left about 30 minutes ago.


And at the moment, she reviewing her answers.


Okay, that's there…


That's fine…




Good thing I noticed this…


She grabbed an eraser and changed her answer.


The Rankings of the Holy Crusade from top to bottom…


Chapter Master, High Captain, Captain, High Lieutenant, Lieutenant, High Sergeant, Sergeant and Crusader…


The Rankings of the Knights Chapter from top to bottom…


Supreme Commander, Supreme Major, Supreme Captain, Supreme Lieutenant and Supreme Sergeant…


Knight Major, Knight Captain, Knight Lieutenant, Knight Sergeant and Knight…


Guard Captain, Guard Lieutenant, Guard Sergeant and Guard…


She continued reviewing her answers.




What are the metal grades from weakest to strongest…?


Iron, Silver, Mithril, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Rainbow Steel and Spirit Steel…






What are the Magic Art Affinities…?


Fire, Wind, Lightning, Poison, Ice, Light, Dark, Earth, Soul and Chaos…


Yeah, I think this is good…


This one is also good…


1 Magic Art must be balanced with 2 Physical Arts…




A person's Magic Force should not exceed the person's Physical Force by more than 2 grades or they will die so it's impossible to have a Physical Force of Iron and a Magic Force of Orichalcum…








This one is badly written…


Have to rewrite it…


She grabbed her eraser and erased it.


Each City outside the Holy Kingdom can only have 2 Red Cloaks with one of them as the Headmaster…


They can also have 1-2 Gray Cloaks but it's only optional…


Meanwhile, all Towns and Villages must have 2 Red Cloaks and at least 1 Gray Cloak…






When an Inquisitor visits a Chapter Temple or Branch Chapter Temple, although it's not required, it's advisable to meet with one of the Red Cloaks assigned in that Chapter Temple or Branch Chapter Temple as a sign of respect…




Rogue Settlements are settlements that are not recognized by any kingdom. And because they don't pay taxes, the kingdom's laws do not apply to them. They're also not allowed to form their own legal state and must be culled immediately because they are breeding grounds for rebels, demon-worshipers, bandits and or any form of enemy that is a threat to the well-being and safety of humans…




Just like yesterday, she finished answering around 10:00 a.m. But as usual, she wanted to make sure that she could give the best answers she could give.


When Vivian was finally satisfied with her answers, she got up from her seat and went over to the teacher.


And after submitting her exam paper to the teacher, she immediately exited the room.




Vivian stepped outside of the building and swept her gaze around the area.


She let out a sigh.


Fuck going out and training…


My mind is mentally drained…


I'll just rest the whole day inside my room…




At a town located outside of the Holy City on the east near the mountains.


A Red Cloak Priest in his late 30s was sitting inside an office and reading a book.








There was a knock on the door and a White Cloak Priestess entered.


"High Brother Dane, there's been news about excavation, specifically about the Queen," said the Priestess.


Dane closed the book on his hands and put it down on his desk before getting up.




Dane was accompanied by a White Cloak Priest and Priestess and they were walking inside a cave that had been renovated into something like a tomb in order to make it more pleasing to the eyes.


They passed by people who weren't Priests pulling carts that carried bits and pieces of Sarcoise remains floating in a sea of blood and the smell coming out of it was quite foul.


Yesterday, one of the managers came to the site to order a new batch of Sarcoises for some clients because the shop in town was low in supply. However, he was instead told that the workers were struggling to find and catch Sarcoises.


Hearing that, the manager decided to find Sarcoises himself to prove the ridiculous claims of the worker. But when he went deeper inside the cave, what he found was a sight of blood, guts, chunks and pieces of dead Sarcoises blocking the passages.


The manager immediately rushed outside of the cave to inform the upper management about what he discovered and an excavation unit was immediately dispatched to unblock the passages and investigate what happened.


Sarcoises were one of the streams of income of the Temple of Priests and the farm was established here in Arkan Town.


For people without the Light Affinity or healing magic, unlike Physical Arts, training Magic Arts can be quite difficult because they can't do the self-harm Magic Training technique and constantly drinking many Healing and Mana Potions will not only reduce the potency of the potions but also become poisonous to the drinker's body. On top of that, no one wanted to be accused of overhunting because it's prohibited by the law. So those who have the means would purchase monsters to practice their Magic Arts in order to get a leg up.


Sarcoises happened to be one of the best monsters to purchase because they aren't aggressive and are easy to breed as long as they're in the right environment.


The Temple of Priests would also use these Sarcoises as gifts to bribe influential people who didn't have healing magic.


Dane and company continued walking until they finally reached the person in charge of the excavation.


"High Brother Dane," a White Cloak Priest said and bowed. "We finally found the Queen."


Dane glanced at the people excavating before returning his gaze to the Priest.


"Is it dead?"


"Fortunately, no. However, only a handful of its minions are still alive."


"Only a handful? How many are we talking about?"


"Less than a hundred."


Everyone's eyes became wide.


"Less than a hundred?"


Although the Physical and Magic Force of a Sarcoise can only reach up to Adamantite-grade, they had other advantages.


The first one is that a Queen Sarcoise is somewhat intelligent and can control other Sarcoises, allowing it to launch an organized attack. However, it doesn't have any Magic Art.


The second one is that a few of the Sarcoises can use a spell similar to [Soul Strike].


And the third one is that they're quick to breed and grow as long as they're in the right environment.


"Yes, High Brother."


"And what was the cause of their deaths?"


"That part, we're still investigating. But we've already more or less formulated a few angles based on the evidence we've seen. 


"One of the angles we're looking at is that another Queen may have appeared which sparked a war between the two. But so far, we haven't found the other Queen yet.


Although Sarcoises weren't aggressive, there could only be one Queen per colony.


"Another angle is that some people may have sneaked in and attacked the Sarcoise colony. 


"A group of people sneaked in?"


The Priest nodded.


"We found the area where most of the Sarcoises were slaughtered. Above it was one of the abandoned bases from the secret tunnels that completely collapsed, forming a cavern that was about 30-40 meters high. And based on the wounds of the Sarcoise corpses, most of them died from Physical Arts."


Dane didn't say anything and simply nodded.


"There's also another problem," said the Priest.


"What is it?"


"The Queen Sarcoise seems to be in great distress and would order the Sarcoises under its command to attack anyone who dares to come close. If this continues, there's a possibility that the Queen would stop breeding and could possibly die from stress."


"Continue the excavation and the search for clues for the time being. I will also request for more backup to quicken the investigation."


"Yes, High Brother," the Priest said and bowed.






Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 268-272 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:




Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.