Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 178 - Training Camp

Chapter 178 - Training Camp

Day of Tuar, 6:37 a.m.


It's been a few days since Vivian has been here in the Training Camp for the Basic Training and every day was basically the same.


Morning exercise at 4:00 a.m.


First meal of the day at 6:00 a.m.


Physical and Magic Art training between 8:00-11:00 a.m.


Class at 1:00 p.m.


Command drills training after the class.


Second meal of the day at 6:00 p.m.


And Bedtime at 9:00 p.m.


At the moment, Vivian and the rest of classmates were at the cafeteria and having their first meal of the day. And the females were gathered around together at a table.


There were several tables inside the cafeteria, and each was long and "supposedly" shared.


It was "supposedly" shared, because right now, Vivian and the rest of her female classmates occupied a single table.


As for the meal, it was the same as usual -- 1 piece of bread, a bowl of bean soup, 1 serving of vegetables, 1 slice of meat and a mug of beer.


Uliah put down her mug.


"Nothing really beats having a meal after exercising! But I'm still hungry," she said and then looked over at Kara. "You're not going to eat that slice of meat?"


"I'm saving it for last," said Kara.


"Just call me if you change your mind!" Uliah said and grinned.


"If you want more food, why don't you take back the food you gave to Sister Platoon Leader or ask your admirers to give you food?"




Uliah wrapped her arm around Kara's neck and pulled her close to her.


"When did you become this snippy, huh?!"


"Aaaahhhh! You're sweating and I'm eating!"


"Weren't you so meek and well-mannered when we first met?!"




"Ehem!" Sally cleared her throat, causing both Uliah and Kara to stop. "Sister Squad Leader Uliah and Sister Crusader Kara, we're at the cafeteria."


Although the cafeteria was loud and noisy from all the people inside, none of them were making a ruckus like Uliah and Kara.


Both of the women separated and sat quietly in their seats.


Uliah grabbed her mug but put it down after realizing it was empty. Meanwhile, Kara continued eating.


As for Vivian, Diane and Samantha, they were more or less done with their food.


Vivian's plate was already empty and picked up her mug of beer.








She placed it down.


I can feel my hunger slowly returning back to a bottomless pit…


The first 24 hours after I ate that person, I felt full that I didn't feel any feel hunger…


However, as the days went on, I felt my hunger returning that yesterday I had to touch some of the food supplies I smuggled here in order to eat 3 meals just to stave off my hunger…


And today, by my estimate, based on the pattern I've observed, I think I'm going to need 4 meals and will have to touch my supplies once again…


She glanced at her arms.


My skin still looks normal…


So my blood is still red…


But there's still a small noticeable difference…


It's nothing compared to when I first at that person…


I really looked healthy back then…


Does this mean my blood will turn back to blue…?


But when…?




2 days later…?


3 days later…?


Everyone was done eating and Sally and Diane were the first ones who got up to deliver their dirty dishes to the counter.


Vivian and the rest followed.


After delivering their empty dishes, they all exited the cafeteria.


Once they stepped outside the cafeteria, they were immediately "greeted" by some people.


And by "they", it was Vivian, Kara and Uliah.


A male recruit from another class whose face was covered in beads of sweat and carrying a small box wrapped with a pink ribbon approached and knelt down on one knee.


"L-L-Lady Sister Kara, I, E-Estevan from the Marbleam Chapter Temple, would like to present this small gift to you and would also like to ask for your permission to allow me to write to you."


"I'm very sorry, Brother Estevan, but I'm not a noble and I already have too many people writing to me," Kara said and bowed.


Another Priest shoved Estevan away.


"You idiot! How dare you approach her when you don't even know how to properly address her!"


He knelt down and presented a gift as well.


"Sister Kara of the Luxen Chapter Temple, I am Brother Gunter from the Verglas Chapter Temple. Please accept this small gift from me and permit me to write to you."


"I'm sorry, Brother Gunter, but I already have too many people writing to me."


Another Priest shoved Gunter away.


"Didn't you hear that she already has so many people writing to her? Listen and stop making her repeat herself, you imbecile!"


The Priest knelt down and presented his gift.


"Sister Kara, my name is Brother Borton from the Twin Chapter Temple. I don't want to ask anything from you except for you to accept my friendship."


A wry smile appeared on Kara's face and she quickly turned to look at her companions. 


Uliah was also approached.


"Lady Sister Uliah, I am Osgold from the Azatea Chapter Temple. I simply want to offer you this gift to you and hope that you will remember my name. And if you want, you can also hit me."


A disgusted look appeared on Uliah's face and she subconsciously took a step back.


"No, thank you…"




Osgold was kicked away by a Priest.


"You pervert! Stay away from Lady Sister Uliah!"


He then knelt down and lowered his head as he offered his hand.


"Lady Sister Uliah, I am Yamir from the Azatea Chapter Temple. I simply want to ask you if you will allow me to be your sparring partner so that we can both train our Physical Arts. I also don't mind if you will use Magic Arts."


Uliah subconsciously took another step back and shielded her chest with her arms before turning to the rest of her companion.


Both Kara and Uliah saw Vivian walking and completely ignoring the people who were trying to talk to her and give her gifts. She was already headed to the female dorm along with Sally, Diane and Samantha behind her.


One of the rules here in the Training Camp is that the new recruits are not allowed to disturb the other classes during class hours. In addition to that, the men aren't allowed to go to the female dorm unless they have official business. The same goes for the females, they can't go to the male dorm unless they have official business.


However, when it came to breakfast and dinner time, everyone was free to interact with each other because all classes ate at the same time.


Uliah rushed over to Kara and pulled her away to catch up to Vivian and the rest.


Vivian, Kara and Uliah were not the only people experiencing this. Attractive people from the other classes were also facing this problem.




At the female dorm.


Vivian and the rest finally arrived at their dorm room.


Kara immediately fell on her bed and buried her face on her pillow, her energy completely lost.


Uliah, on the other hand, sat down on her bed.


"Thank God we've finally arrived here!"


Along the way, they were "greeted" by a few women who also wanted to be associated with them.


However, it wasn't as aggressive back in the cafeteria.


Fortunately, those women were respectful enough not to barge into their dorm room just because they were the same gender and living in the same dorm building.


"Looks like you guys really have become popular," Sally said with a smile on her face and was undressing in order to go to the bathroom and take a bath.


"Must be nice being popular…" Samantha said softly to herself.


"Trust me, you don't," Uliah said with an exasperated voice.


Kara moved her head to the side and looked at Vivian who was also undressing in order to go to the bathroom and take a bath.


"Sister Platoon Leader, you seem to be taking it quite well."


"Just ignore them and only talk to them if it's official business. Eventually, they will learn to leave you alone. Because if you continue giving them attention that's outside of official business, they will take that as a sign to pursue you even harder," said Vivian.


"You're used to dealing with such attention?"


Vivian recalled her experience as an Adventurer back in Luxen City.


"More or less," she said and shrugged.


Kara turned to Uliah.


"And how come you're not used to it? I thought you were used to being pursued before you joined the Temple of Priests?"


Uliah was like Vivian who joined the Temple of Priests a bit older and was 21 years old.


"I just punched them," she said and scratched her head. "But I don't think I can do that here, can I...?"


Everyone inside the room stared at her with a deadpan expression.


Diane, who had mostly been quiet, decided to speak.


"I believe you can file a restraining order at the Main Office building where no one can approach you unless it's official Temple or Holy Crusade business."


Everyone turned to her.


"Really?!" Kara asked and jumped out of her bed.


"I knew someone who knew someone who suffered from a severe fear of talking to men but had to join the Holy Crusade to increase their Grade Jobs."






There was a knock on the door, causing everyone to turn their heads and see who was it.


It was a Priestess and she was pushing a car stacked with letters and packages.


"I'm here to deliver mail for Crusader Vivian, Crusader Uliah, Crusader Kara, Crusader Sally, Crusader Diane and Crusader Samantha," said the Priestess.


All of the women got up and went over to the woman.

As for Vivian, Sally and Diane who were already half naked covered them with a towel before heading over to the woman.


"Please sign here," the Priestess said as she handed a pen and paper attached to a folder to Sally.


Sally and Diane's bunkbeds were the closest to the door so they got their packages first.


After everyone signed the paper to confirm that they received their packages, the woman left and moved on to the next room.


Sally, Diane and Samantha went back to their respective bunk beds because they didn't receive that much.


In the case of Sally, she received 2 letters and 2 packages from her father and fiance.


Diane received the same as Sally.


Samantha received 2 letters and 1 package from her parents and sister.


Meanwhile, for Kara, Uliah and Vivian, it was a bit different.


The 3 women were rummaging through the letters and packages they received and only choosing the ones they personally knew.


Vivian glanced at all of the letters and packages she received.


Nothing important or from anyone that I personally know…


All of the letters and gifts were from people who wanted to establish a pen pal relationship with her. Some even were from people outside the Training Camp. And in regards to the gifts, they ranged from items to foods.


Vivian began moving all of the letters and gifts she received to the corner that she and her roommates decided.


It was a place where they all decided to put all of the unwanted letters and gifts that they received from strangers.




Ever since I got the [Belle of the Training Camp] Lore, I've been receiving non-stop invitations and gifts…


She glanced at the food and items she received.


Like hell I would touch the food…!


For all I know, it could be laced with poison or some kind of love potion…


As for the items, she also didn't dare to open and use them because in her mind it will only encourage other people to send her more gifts and think they're now entitled to demand to talk to her.


"It's only been a few days since we got here, but it won't be long before we won't have enough space for our room," said Sally.


"Sorry, sister… Huhuhu…" Kara said and made a sad face.


"My bad! Really can't help it!" Uliah said and let out a wry smile as she scratched her head.


Vivian turned to Diane. 


"Sister Diane."


"Sister Platoon Leader?"


"The thing you said earlier, was that true?"


"About the restraining order?"






Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 247-252 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:


• GrimV


Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.

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