Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 170 - Letter & Medal

Chapter 170 - Letter & Medal

Day of Fratur, 8:12 a.m.


Vivian and Kara were waiting inside a room in one of the buildings within the Training Camp.


They weren't alone and had other people with them.


As for Marie and Elena, they already left the Training Camp for the Training Course of the Sea Division.


"Next," a woman in her early 20s sitting behind a desk said.


There was also another woman who was in her mid-20s sitting beside her.


Just like everyone else, they were wearing a white shirt and a pair of brown pants and boots. They also had pins pinned on their shirt which indicated their rank. And based on what Vivian has seen, it indicated that the one who was in charge of writing was a High Sergeant, while the other one was a Lieutenant.


Kara got up from her seat and went over to one of the women.


Meanwhile, Vivian moved to Kara's seat while the woman beside Vivian moved over to Vivian's seat and another woman moved over to the seat of the woman who took over Vivian's seat.




"Kara H. Weathart, Sister High Sergeant."


The High Sergeant began writing.




"18 years old."


"Civil status?"




"The name or names of people we should contact in case of emergency?"


"Karl D. Weathart and Raine H. Weathart."


"And what's your relationship with these people?"


"They are my parents."


"Your Chapter Temple and Class Magic?"


"Luxen Chapter Temple and my Class Magic are [Halo] and [Greater Heal]."


"Your Magic Art Affinities?"


"Light and Dark."


"Please demonstrate them."


"Yes, Sister High Sergeant." 


Kara placed her hand on her chest and activated a spell.




A faint yellow light enveloped her body.


She then raised her hand and aimed at a metal slab like the one from Graham Lodge House back in Luxen City. However, instead of on the floor, it was plastered on a wall.


She activated a spell.


[Dark Arrow].


A 15-inch-long arrow made of out black aura burst out of her palm and hit the metal slab.


"Please touch the Physical and Magic Force Crystals."


Both the Physical and Magic Force Crystal looked like the Class Crystal, at least when it came to its shiny metal-like texture. The only difference was that it was shaped into a rod about 10 inches long. And between the Physical and Magic Force Crystals, the difference in their appearance was the runes engraved on the bottom end.


Kara picked up the Physical Force Crystal and activated a skill.


[Power Fist].


The crystal emitted a glow.


The High Sergeant turned to her companion.


"Silver grade," said the Lieutenant.


"I think so too," she replied before writing it down.


Kara placed the Physical Force Crystal down, causing it to stop glowing and picked up the Magic Force Crystal.


She activated a spell.




The crystal emitted a glow.


"Silver grade," said the Lieutenant.


After filling up all of the necessary details on the form, the High Sergeant looked at Kara.


"You're done, Crusader."


"Thank you, Sister High Sergeant," she said and smiled before exiting the room.


The High Sergeant placed Kara's form on a pile of paper and took out a blank form.




Vivian, who was wearing a bit of makeup, got up from her seat and went over to the woman.




"Vivian, Sister High Sergeant."


"Last name?"




The High Sergeant began writing.




"24 years old."


"Civil status?"




"The name or names of people we should contact in case of emergency?"






"Everyone I personally know is dead."


"I see. Your Chapter Temple and Class Magic?"


"Luxen Chapter Temple and Class Magic is [Halo]."


"Your Magic Affinities?"


"Light, Lightning, Wind and Poison."


Hearing Vivian's answer, both the Lieutenant and High Sergeant looked at Vivian with a surprised expression.


Even the 2 recruits waiting at the side were surprised.


"You have 4…?" asked the Lieutenant.


"Yes, Sister Lieutenant," replied Vivian.


"Please demonstrate them."


"Yes, Sister Lieutenant." 


Vivian placed her hand on her chest and activated a spell.




A faint yellow light enveloped her body.


She raised her hand and aimed at the metal slab plastered on the wall.


[Lightning Arrow].




A 15-inch-long arrow made out of lightning burst out of her palm and hit the metal slab.


She activated another spell.


[Wind Arrow].




A 15-inch-long arrow made out of a green aura burst out of her palm and hit the metal slab.


Vivian then turned to the women.


"Um… what should I do with [Poison Strike]?"


After all, [Poison Strike] was a touch or melee skill and she doesn't know how to turn it off.


The Lieutenant got up from her seat and went over to Vivian.


"You can cast it on me," she said and offered her hand.


Vivian activated [Poison Strike]. A green water-like aura enveloped her right hand and she reached out for the Lieutenant's hand.






The green water-like aura exploded into a green mist and the Lieutenant fell on one knee.


The High Sergeant immediately got up from her seat.


"Sister Lieutenant, are you okay?!"


"I'm fine…" the Lieutenant mumbled under her breath.


Truth be told, she wasn't expecting to fall on one knee and was only expecting for her knees to feel wobbly because she and Vivian were in the same age range.


She cast a spell on herself.




A green light enveloped her body and she recovered.


"I'm very sorry, Sister Lieutenant!" Vivian said and bowed.


Everyone inside the room turned to Vivian. To be specific, aside from Vivian, there were 4 people inside the room -- 2 were the staff members and 2 were the new recruits.


"It's fine," the Lieutenant said as she dusted off the dirt on her knee.


She really wasn't angry at all.


[Poison Strike] was a spell that doesn't cause any damage at all but puts the opponent in a weakened state which lasts for about 30 seconds. However, the weakening effect solely depends on the Magic Force between the owner of the spell and the target. So the higher the Magic Force of the owner compared to the target, the weaker the target gets that it could even leave them completely immobile. But of course, the higher the Intelligence points of the target compared to the owner of the skill, the weaker the weakening effect would be to the point where it won't even have any effect at all.


"Thank you, Sister Lieutenant," said Vivian.


"Um… Excuse me, please touch the Physical and Magic Force Crystal," said the High Sergeant.


"Okay," Vivian said and went over to the crystals.


Meanwhile, the Lieutenant went back to her seat.


Vivian picked up the Physical Force Crystal and activated a skill.

[Power Fist].


The crystal emitted a glow, causing everyone inside the room to be shocked except for the woman who got poisoned.


"Adamantite grade?!" the High Sergeant said and quickly turned to the Lieutenant.


"Yes," said the Lieutenant.


Meanwhile, the 2 new recruits just stared in awe.


Vivian placed the Physical Force Crystal down, causing it to stop glowing, and then picked up the Magic Force Crystal.


She activated a spell.


[Poison Strike].


The crystal emitted a light.


"Orichalcum-Adamantite…" said the Lieutenant.


"I agree too…" the High Sergeant said before filling up the form.


As the people in charge of recording the background information of the new recruits, when it comes to Physical and Magic Force, there is actually a standard or an average estimation for Priests.


• 15 years old - Iron 


• 16 years old - Iron-Silver 

• 17 years old - Silver 


• 19 years old - Silver- Mithril

• 21 years old - Mithril


• 24 years old - Mithril-Orichalcum 

• 27 years old - Orichalcum 


• 31 years old - Orichalcum-Adamantite

• 35 years old - Adamantite


As for the reason why the standard only counts until 35 years old, that's because just like Adventurers or anyone in the fighting profession, most people around that age would want to retire or slow down and focus on other things such as family and etc., making it hard to get an accurate average estimation pass that age.


And as for the reason why Vivian chose to reveal that she had Light, Lightning, Wind and Poison, there were a couple of reasons.


First off, if she were to say she only had 3 Magic Art Affinities, based on the numbers of her stats, the math wasn't mathing. And although she should say 5 in order for her story to really stick, she figured that she could still stretch it out by saying she only had 4.


The reason why she chose [Light Mastery], it was for her identity as a Priest.


The reason why she chose [Lightning Mastery], she liked the electrifying or stunning effect.


The reason why she chose [Poison Mastery], she liked the weakening effect, making it great for capturing people.


The reason why she chose [Wind Mastery], this is where she struggled.


On one hand, she liked [Wind Mastery] because it cuts clean and there was no additional effects like the burning effect from [Fire Mastery] or the freezing effect of [Ice Mastery].


Meanwhile, on the other hand, she also liked [Dark Mastery] because it had the word "dark" on its name and she liked the color. However, the problem was that it came with a fear effect so it would be harder for her to "interrogate" people properly with it. And since she already had [Halo] which acts like a charm effect, having [Dark Mastery] would only be redundant.


As for [Earth Mastery] and [Soul Mastery], she was never interested in them.


When it came to [Earth Mastery], she didn't like the color and it was dirt. So as far as she was concerned, there was nothing aesthetically pleasing about it.


It was simply an "ick".


Meanwhile, for [Soul Mastery], it was no different from [Poison Mastery]. The only difference between them was their effect. On top of that, the mana absorption effect wasn't instant, but gradual, and she had no interest in holding hands with her opponent throughout the fight so that she could absorb their mana little by little.


So it was also an "ick".


"Excuse me, Sister Lieutenant and Sister High Sergeant," said Vivian.


Both of the officers looked at her and she took out a medal and letter from her pocket.


"Before I left Luxen City, a sister by the name of Sister Annabelle from the Luxen Chapter Temple gave me these. She didn't specifically say to whom I should submit these, only that I should present these when I get to the Holy City and join the Holy Crusade."


When the 2 officers saw the medal, their eyes became wide.


They knew what that medal meant. It meant that Vivian was a member highly valued by her Chapter Temple because of her future potential. And whatever special orders were placed on her, only the Saint can overturn it.


"Unfortunately, our task here is to only list down your name, age, Chapter Temple, Class Magic and Affinities. Our rank is not high enough to open that letter," said the Lieutenant. "However, we will inform Sister High Lieutenant Julia right away."


"Thank you, Sister Lieutenant," Vivian said and smiled.


The Lieutenant got up and exited the room.


"Please sit down for a moment, Sister Vivian," said the High Sergeant.


Hearing what the High Sergeant said, the new recruits moved back to their original seats.


"Thank you," Vivian said and smiled at her fellow new recruits before sitting down.


A few seconds later, the Lieutenant returned and brought Julia with her.


"Officer on board!"


Everyone stood in attention.


"At ease," said Julia. "Who among you is Crusader Vivian?"


"That would be me, Sister High Lieutenant," said Vivian.


"Let me see the medal and letter."


Vivian handed over the medal and letter.


Julia checked the medal first before opening the letter. And after reading the letter, she returned her gaze to Vivian.


"A future administrator, huh."


"Yes, Sister High Lieutenant."


She returned the medal and letter.


"Keep those things with you. I will inform Brother High Captain Marshall about it later."


"Yes, Sister High Lieutenant."


"Carry on," Julia said before leaving the room and both the women officers saluted except for Vivian and the new recruits.


In Vivian's head, since she hadn't been trained yet on how to properly salute, she didn't dare to do any.


As for the new recruits, only God knew why they didn't.




Vivian exited the room and saw Kara waiting for her.


"Sister Vivian, everything alright?" she asked, her face painted with worry.


"Everything's fine."


"You were next when I left. So when I saw the officer leave and come back with Sister High Lieutenant Julia, I was worried something bad might've happened."


"Everything is fine. So after this, we have to get our daily schedules, right?"


"Yes, at the main office. And then at 10:00 a.m., we have to be at the gym for the orientation."




Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 236-241 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:


• GrimV


Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.