Chereads / The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 72 - History of the Temple of Priests

Chapter 72 - History of the Temple of Priests

At the Temple of Priests compound.


Vivian stopped and looked at the cafeteria building.


Still so many people…


There were many people inside the cafeteria that others decided to eat outside by the benches, grass and under the tree.


She recalled last night or her first night here in this compound where the members of the Temple of Priests reside when she saw the cafeteria.


And of course, she also ended up eating outside.


I don't mind eating outside…


But the problem is the waiting…


She thought about it for a moment.




I might as well just practice reading…


But I'm afraid it might close or run out of food…


She headed to the cafeteria.




When Vivian entered the building, she immediately joined the line.


She swept her gaze around.


Although the place was packed with people in brown and white cloaks, there were no faces that she recognized.


She ignored the thought and focused on waiting.


Sometime later…


Vivian finally reached the counter.


"What can I get you, sister?" the Brown Cloak Priest in his teens behind the counter asked.


"I'm here for my second free meal of the day."


The Priest nodded and immediately began preparing her meal.


It took less than a minute and the staff handed her meal on a tray.


"Thank you, brother," Vivian said and then went outside.




Sitting on the grass and under the night sky with lamp posts shining around the area, Vivian ate her meal in silence.


Her meal was the same as her breakfast this morning and also her dinner last night. It consisted of a mug of beer, a bowl of oats, a slice of bread with some spreading, and a small bowl of vegetables with slices of meat.


Does this mean this is the meal they serve every day…?


Fortunately, as an aspiring fitness influencer back in her previous world, she was used to eating the same meal over and over. It would take years before she gets sick of it -- of course, with the help of hot sauce. And because of that, her view of food is nothing but a tool to keep her body moving.


The only time she would eat something "different" or "delicious" is when she's out with coworkers, on a business trip or on a date.


Other than that, it's just the same bland protein-rich food that was solely focused on keeping her body in optimal shape.


After finishing her meal, she got up and headed back to the cafeteria to return her dirty dishes.


Vivian glanced at the dirty dishes left on the side outside of the cafeteria.


Disgusting animals…


Although there seems to be no rule that customers should bring back their dirty dishes to the cafeteria after eating, Vivian couldn't stomach such behavior.


As far as she was concerned, if someone can't even be mindful in a public space, then one can only imagine how they act in private. After all, most people would at least try to put on a presentable facade in a shared public space. It was never the opposite.


And I have to interact and share a room with these people…?


Kill me…!




Vivian arrived at her dorm room.


It was a large room with 10 bunk beds and exclusively for women and it also had lights.


However, Vivian wasn't sure if they were run by electricity.


Aside from Vivian, there were 5 other women -- 3 were chatting in one corner, while the other 2 were just lying down in another corner. They were between the ages of 15 to 20 years old and all of them were Brown Cloaks just like Vivian.


Vivian went to her bunk bed which was located below.


Since her bunk bed was far away from them, she didn't bother to greet them.

She sat down on her bed and pulled out a small book underneath the bed before lying down.


It was a small book that Marie told her to borrow in case she wanted to self-study.


But why is this the topic, though…?


The book was about the creation of the world and how humanity was defending it from the forces of darkness with the Temple of Priests at the forefront.


Although Vivian just learned the alphabet today after being taught by Marie this morning, since she already knew the language and was literate herself back in her previous world, it was easy to piece things together.


Well, whatever… 


I just have to reread it again just for practice…


She opened the book and began reading.


According to the book, when the world was first created, humans didn't have magic and were just living normal lives under the face of nature.


That is until around 3,000 years ago, a dark, powerful and evil demonic force from another realm opened a portal to this world and unleashed unspeakable pain and suffering.


And this phenomenon became known as Waves.


Powerless against the Waves, more than half of the world was already devoured by the demons when suddenly, the Elements awakened and gifted humanity the power to wield them in order to fight back and save not only humanity but also the rest of the world.


With humanity still a novice in wielding magic compared to the demons who were born with magic and have infinite lifespans, it wasn't an easy battle.


But as time went on and humanity gained more experience in wielding the Elements, eventually, heroes started rising, and not only did they help in saving the world but also introduced other forms of magic such as Class and Lore Magic.


And from the Temple of Priests, the first Priest, the first Light Saint, the first person to wield the power to resurrect people, and one of the greatest heroes in human history was a man named N'eua who walked this earth between 682 to 772 A.M. or Age of Magic.


But although humanity has already recovered most of the world from the demons and demon-worshipers, their threat still lingers, both here in this world and from the other realm.


In addition to that, due to the power and might that the Elements wield, some humans became drunk with power and decided to aim it against humanity, such as the Necromancers.


And right now, the Temple of Priests is at the forefront of saving the world from such threats.


Vivian closed the book.


I wonder how much of this story is real…


After all, history is written by the victors…


But to think that they managed to pinpoint the time when the demons and magic came to this world despite being in a medieval-like setting is remarkable…


Which leaves me to wonder…


Why has the technology of this world only gone this far…?


But after trying to think of the answer, Vivian shook her head.


The only reason why the world I came from developed that way was because there was no magic…


And once we conquered nature, we became our own enemies…


Perhaps when the threat of demons no longer exists, this world will be aiming for each other…




I guess that already happened…


The story mentioned about Necromancers after all…


But why though…?


I mean, why is it so cliche…?


What's with Necromancers that they became one of the threats…?


Does it have something to do with immortality…?


Like experimenting on people in order to find the secrets of how to become immortal…?


She thought about the monarchies and infamous dictators back in her original world.




I guess it makes sense then…


But demons, huh…


I want to see one…


I wonder if they looked like how demons are portrayed in my world…


I really want to see a sexy demon with horns and wings…








She stretched out her body and it made some popping sounds.


She then got up and returned the book underneath the bed.


The day isn't over yet…


I still have to try to learn [Fire Mastery]…