Alan's Pov
Portugal, one month ago
I was coming from the central library reading a horror story, It was afternoon and the sun was shinning too bright and I was on the long staircase going to banks of the river. Suddenly I saw a man running from someone, he was terribly bruised probably didn't bathe from several days. He was screaming for help. First I thought just to ignore it but then something inside me didn't let me to.
I went to near the person and offer him some water. He drank and said," Can you hide me somewhere for new minutes."
"Yes, we can complain to the police and they will save ..."I said
"Listen young boy, I have put alot of people in trouble. I don't want to risk your life too. The police and the higher authorities are in their favor. They will catch me eventually. I have been running alot and I have no more strength to keep on running. Can we please hide somewhere for sometimes." He said
I had no idea what the hell was going on. I didn't wanted to be involved in anything like that. But my heart, my intuition as well as my logic told me to help this man. I saw a blue car nearby and we Sat there hiddingly.
The man starteld inhaling and exhaling
"Maybe we should...." As I was about to say something
"Listen, young man. I don't have much time and whatever I'm going to tell you is no joke. This thing can change up the world." He said
As he Said that I started wondering that was he mentally ill.
"Do you believe in supernatural?" He asked
"Yes" I said because I really did
"Have you heard abt the curse book existing on the planet?" He said
"Yes there are many.... like the devil's Bible?" I said
"Yeah, Have you heard about the 'valley to the hell book?' He asked
* to the reader the reference was taken by the Grand Grimoire book the name is changed so that no sentiments of people couldnot be hurt*
"Valley of the hell?" I asked
"Yes, I'm Benjamin Hamsler, and archeologists and a history scholar. Few years ago. I and my team were researching about the most Curse book on this planet that does it really exist and if they really exist then what are their powers. After years of research we found the original copy of many books. 2-3 years we found the original copy of the 'valley to the hell' book too. That book was one of the most powerful books. Just ask me what you can't do with that book?" He said
"What is the book about?" I asked
"The book was written in 16 century they said. It's believed that it was written by a man who Satan himself had possess. The book is divided into two parts one in which, the demons like Lucifer and Mammon could be brought on this planet. It could unlock the doors on the hell on this planet. Making it a peice of cake for the demons to posses humans. The second part is about controlling souls, winning lottery and stuff. When we had found that book, some people from our group for few million dollars betrayed us and told the secret society about us having the book." He took a breathe in
"Who is the secret society." I asked
"The evil ones who are behind me. Who wants to use black magic to gain power and destroy humanity. They are the one behind me. The got the second part of the book in the Vatican city, even after hiding it too properly. The first part is in New York. That has to be destroyed before they find it too. If the both the parts are together, they would be finally able to perform one of the biggest satanic ritual, which might... I have no idea about how dangerous the consequences can be." He said
"So I Need to destroy the first part?"I asked
"Yes" Benjamin said
"Where exactly I going to get the first part?" I asked
He removed a letter from his bag and gaved to me.
"Please give it to my niece Serena, the address is written. Please be careful when you give it to her. People are watching our family." He said
We heard footsteps of people
"Go now" He said
"How can I leaving you alone?" I asked
"You need to for the betterment of the world." He said
I had no options but to run from there. As I was running I heard a gun shooting voice and uncle Ben's scream.