Shen Dong watched the two women joining forces and knew they were scheming against him. He couldn't help but shake his head helplessly and directly drank the bowl of sobering soup on the table. As expected, after drinking the soup, he felt much better. He let the two women play their double act, no longer willing to accompany them in this charade.
Listening to the two women talking, he felt his head swell. He guessed both of them wanted to take a vacation. But recently, it was impossible to take any time off due to the backlog of work. So, he tapped Tang Yuchan on the head and said:
"I approved a lot of vacations for you recently, and now you're telling me you're tired? I didn't even complain when you went out to have fun. Seeing all your posts on your Penguin Space, people who don't know any better might think you're really carefree, gallivanting around on a hefty public expense. I've even assigned you the easiest tasks, but you can't take it easy anymore.