The Viltrum sky was dark yet clear, most of Viltrums moons bright and visible on this beautiful night. On the ground however were two boys, both of them in a hurry unable to appreciate the sight above them, too busy trying to escape something they've done.
"Hurry up Nolan we're gonna get in so much freaking trouble!" The boy in the front says jumping over a half wall as they both cut through the suburbs of Viltrum, he was big but the boy behind him was bigger; however he was built and sculpted more like stone than muscle as is bled through his Viltrumite battle garb. They were both wearing it, it was what everyone wore, a symbol of unity and strength but both of theirs's were dirtied covered in mud and slop and a few specks of blood splotched in a few places.
"Yeah! I told you this from the beginning, I knew we shouldn't have gone to the arena it was a terrible idea! I honestly can't think of a worse idea actually!" They both slink behind a dumpster as a pair of aliens walk by.
"It's too late now, just focus on making it back." The smaller boy whispers. A moment later they continue on their journey sliding through yards, jumping fences and overall avoiding any other sentient life on their journey. Or so they think.
Up high in the sparse clouds was a woman floating calmly. She's been following these two since they left the arena her face not changing expressions for even a moment. The entire time she was thinking about what she was going to do to punish these two trouble makers, Weather they were pureblood or not there is no excuse for disobeying orders. She licks her lips in anticipation as she waits for them to return to the training grounds.
They both hold their breaths in anticipation. They've made it to the main entrance now all they need to do is get to their rooms. Most of the adrenaline and worry has melted off the closer they got and now they were as cool as cucumbers. Although flying was disallowed for non-active warriors inside the city the only way to sneak in was to fly over the walls. "Okay all we have to do is float over and land, if anyone catches us after that the most they can say is we're out after curfew." The first boy says already preparing to do a quick flight assisted jump over the wall.
Nolan, the bigger boy speaks up, "But what about our uniforms? They're all dirty plus you even got blood on yours how are you going to explain that huh?"
"i'll uhh, make it up as I go. It'll be fine trust me." He says with a smile.
"I doubt it." Nolan says.
"Alright on three we do a quick jump over try to pad your landing too. On 3, 1... 2...3" They both jump over the wall quickly getting over and then slowly landing on the ground showcasing the finesses with which they can use their flight.
"Well look who we have here. Nolan... and Nathaniel, who could've guessed you drag Nolan down with you, again." It was Thula, the Viltrumite in charge of training the younger generations. She was a short, strong looking woman but was built like a bull, her whole body radiated war her nails sharpened into knives and her long blueish grey hair tied into a long braid all the way down her back where a nasty looking sword was attached.
This wasn't the first time Nathaniel had broken rules and usually he was the only one punished as he was normally alone; however more and more recently Nolan had been joining him. Meaning that he has defected as well.
"Ah, well you see ma'am we were just-" A bang rings out in the empty dark courtyard. In an instant his body was smashed into the wall they had just jumped over the sturdy material holding strong as he bounced off it onto the ground, his face bloody and most of his teeth missing. Yet he was not unconscious.
"Stay down Marcus don't pretend you're strong enough to beat her!" Nolan says with a hushed tone.
"Nolan!" Thula says in an angry tone her face a scowl. If you do not wish to join the disobedient Nathaniel here, on the ground covered in his own blood then I suggest you stay silent." Her pony tail swishes in anger.
Nolan looks at him struggling to stand then back at Thula indecisive on what to do. Thula noticing this becomes even angrier.
"Both of you will be severely punished for this, and perhaps afterward you will do what is needed of you! You are Viltrumites! You have a duty to uphold and both of you being purebloods yours is even greater! I will not let you rot!" With a gush of wind, she was upon both of them Nolan being rocked into the same wall as Nathaniel who had barely managed to stop his head from spinning. A few moments pass and she seems to calm down seeing them both groan in pain.
Thula continues, "Your fights in the Arenas show great promise, you both showcase the ruthlessness and brutality needed from Viltrumites and is only a good thing in my eyes. However, the fact that you have energy remaining after training to do such things proves that I have been inadequate. I will remedy that, right, now."