Chereads / Don't personal / Chapter 34 - Chapter 2: Ned Part II.

Chapter 34 - Chapter 2: Ned Part II.

Chapter Text

The Dragonborn

Chapter II.


Ned's POV cont.

"Ned!" The Greatjon's voice boomed out upon sighting his liege.

Ned had somewhat managed to cool down his ire. While a very large part of him truly meant every word he said to Robert as he was thoroughly disgusted by the lack of justice as well as Robert's rewarding of the foul act's, part of the display had also been for show. For what he had in mind to work, their needed to be a visible split between Ned and his so-called 'allies'.

"Jon, order the men to make ready. I would have you lead the host back to the Riverlands. Make for Riverrun for the moment. I have to go find my sister. I'll rejoin you as soon as I am able." Ned informed the Lord of Last Hearth.

The Greatjon nodded his head.

"You can count on me, My Lord. I'll keep the men under control. Best of luck in finding Lady Lya. Would you....what I mean to say is....Well, would you let Lady Lya know that she has been greatly missed at home, My Lord?" The Umber finally managed to awkwardly get out.

Ned was touched by the concern his bannerman held for his little sister. Of course, it was not that surprising. Lyanna had lived her whole life in the North; unlike him. He well knew she was greatly beloved by almost all that knew her. Ned would readily admit, Lyanna certainly had a charm about her; as wild as the North itself and as beautiful as the blue winter roses she was so fond of.

"Thank you, Jon. I'll let her know." Ned told the Umber Lord with a slight smile as he felt his mood lift..

The Greatjon nodded his head and left to carry out Ned's orders.

Now, Ned needed to gather the men he would have need of. Howland would be meeting him of course. He'd decided to bring Ser Mark Ryswell, Lord Willam Dustin, Theo Wull, Martyn Cassel, and Ethan Glover. He trusted them implicitly. They'd also be very well placed when the time came to help assure things went in their favor in the future. He asked each one of them to accompany him privately. He warned them that they may see things that might be shocking or surprising, but that he would need their word that they'd never speak to any of it outside his presence or without his leave. Every one of them gave him their word's unequivocally even though Ned suspected at least some of them may already have guessed the reason such an oath had been necessary. Ned would always be grateful for such loyalty. The god's only knew he'd likely have great need of it in the future to come; whatever may lie in store for them.

The future was an unknown quantity.

Only time would tell just what their fate's may be.


He was preparing his horse to leave Kings Landing the next morning. He actually slept better in the tent he had set up with his men just outside the city wall's. He didn't think he could bring himself to sleep inside the Red Keep so soon after all the horror's that had so recently unfolded within; not to mention it being the very place his father and eldest brother were murdered.

He was surprised to see that he had a visitor before he would be allowed to take his leave; Lord Jon Arryn.

Ned was still unsure of what he should even think of Lord Jon. He liked the man personally of course. He had half raised him after all. He even respected him- a great deal in fact. He could not help but wonder though at the near indoctrination he had given Ned during his studies and upbringing into his vision of Westeros, because Ned could now see that was exactly what it had been. What all was in it for him he wondered? Whatever the case, he was now far more wary of the Valelord. Ned had never been this....this cynical....he supposed was the only word for it before. If the war had taught him anything though, it was that everyone had their own motive's.

While Ned had never been so jaded in the past, he knew a part of it was inevitable. Part of it was having the blindfold of childhood removed and simply growing up. As much as he might wish it, Ned knew he would never be able to escape the game's those southron's played with each other; the Game of Thrones. So much had happened to his family though, that Ned was beginning to believe he preferred things this way. If he questioned everyone's motives, at least he could be somewhat prepared for the hell's men were capable of unleashing upon one another. The god's knew he himself had felt like unleashing some of his own hell on Robert and Tywin.

The elder lord had walked up to Ned by then.

"Hello, Ned." Lord Arryn greeted.

"Lord Jon." Ned said with a respectful nod of greeting.

Let it never be said that Lord Eddard Stark was one to forget his courtesies; even if he was the only one of his sibling's that had ever really bothered with such things.

"Bad business in the Keep yesterday past it was. I understand where you were coming from, Ned. Truly, I do. What happened to the Princess and her babes was awful, but....we cannot let that tear everything we've worked so hard towards apart. If we are to survive, we must stay united. We are the only thing holding Westeros together at the moment." Jon said; no doubt trying to get Ned to mend his fences with Robert. He would lend no support to a man that condoned child-killing.

The Seven Hell's would freeze over first.

"It wasn't awful, My Lord. It was an atrocity; a vile act of rape and murder of a princess and royal children." Ned said as calmly as he was able.

Inside, he was anything but.

Jon Arryn let out a weary sigh as he ran a hand through his thinning grey hair that still bore a few brown fleck's from the youthful color it once held.

"Aye, it was, but Robert....Robert is in a difficult place, Ned. We must stay united and stand by him if we are to maintain everything we've all worked so hard towards...." Lord Arryn said before Ned interjected and cut off whatever sorrowful bullshit about Baratheon he was about to spill.

Ned was most assuredly not in the mood to listen to anything about Robert's 'delicate sensibilities'.

"That's not what this was about. Not for me anyway. It never was! I certainly did not spill good Northern blood merely to give that oaf a crown! This was never about that. You made him king, not I. Oh, don't worry." Ned said when he saw Lord Arryn's mounting look of fear at what he thought Ned was getting at.

"I'll not be causing any trouble for Robert. However, I have clearly seen what some had long since warned me of about him; even mine own family. I never would listen before, but they were right. I'll not be rebelling, but neither will I lend mine and the North's might to prop him up. My people suffered more losses in this damned farce of a war than....any....other....kingdom. They did not die to make Robert Baratheon a king! They died to avenge their lord and his heir. They died to remove a tyrant and a madman from the throne. They died to bring back the only daughter of Winterfell! No one even asked my opinion about crowning him. I am going to find my sister. If she still wants to marry Robert Baratheon, then she will, but I will never force her after everything she and the rest of us have been through. No more of my pack will be forced apart." Ned said sternly.

"Afterwards, I will return to Winterfell, and see about healing my own realm. I was never trained for the position, but my duty is now to the people of the North. They and my family are the only things I shall be focusing on. I have bled, and given all I could. Ask no more of me, for you shall receive no more; at least not until he corrects the wrongs he's done. Do not presume to pressure me on the matter Lord Arryn, for I am not feeling charitable. In time, I have hope that things....that he....shall improve." Ned explained in an iron tone of voice; though admittedly he was lying through his teeth at the end when he said he had hope's for Baratheon's improvement.

He knew perfectly well Robert would not be changing, and frankly he had no desire for a rapprochement. For his own peace of mind, he had to sever ties. It was for the best. He would not allow his conscience to be pulled in multiple direction's. He would support his blood....and only his blood.

Jon Arryn stared at him long and hard. What he was looking for, Ned knew not, nor did he particularly care in that moment. He only wished to leave. The old Vale Lord eventually sighed again. He always was a patient man. Ned was certain he would need every ounce of his patience dealing with a Robert Baratheon with a crown on his head.

"I understand, Ned. I'll try to work with him, and I have hope that he'll come around. Especially about what you told him in regards to the Dornish." Lord Arryn said with a sigh as he looked towards the heaven's above; thinking what- Ned knew not.

"You were very much correct in that regard, and I shall endeavor to make him see reason. He'll come around once he's cooled down, especially if he has our Lyanna by his side. I don't suppose you'd reconsider ending the siege at Storm's End would you?" Lord Arryn added with an all-around too hopeful tone throughout his words.

'When mammoth's fly!' Ned thought silently.

Robert would not be changing his stance on anything. It would not surprise Ned to see him reward that butcher Tywin even further! Nor would Ned be risking the life of a single one of his Northmen in Robert Baratheon's name again. Those days were long over. The Tyrell's could still cause a mighty amount of trouble should they and any of the Dornish wish to.

"I'm sorry, Jon. I can't. I have to find my sister....I....I have a bad feeling that won't go away. I cannot waste anymore time." Ned said and he was not lying then.

He did have a very bad feeling. He had to make sure Lyanna and her babe were safe. He could not....he would not....lose them too. Too many had already been taken. He would not lose his baby sister as well, nor her child.

"Alright, Ned. I wish you safe travels and good luck. I have hope you shall find your sister hale and hearty; at least with your appearance by her side once more. Also, tell Lyanna and Benjen their old uncle would not mind a visit sometime in the future. At the moment, Benjen and Lyanna are the only true Arryn-blooded heir's of an age I've got left; though I have hopes yet that Lysa may grant me a son before I'm in the ground. " Jon Arryn told him with a good-natured pat to his shoulder.

"Be safe, My Lord, and I wish you the best of luck as well." Ned said.

The god's knew Jon Arryn was certainly going to need all the luck he could get.

Ned mounted his horse and rode to join the small group that would be travelling with him. There was a ship that awaited him at Duskendale. Word had been sent to him from Howland Reed. He was going ahead and taking the Crown Prince the short sail to Dragonstone after they had learned of the Sack and its aftermath. When it dropped them off, it would be returned to Duskendale and waiting on him and his men. Ned could not imagine what his good-brother must now be going through.

Ned did not look back to the Red Keep and the sacked city surrounding it as they rode further into the Crownlands.


The ride through the Crownlands had gone quicker than Ned had thought it might; at least he felt like it had. The lands in this kingdom had not been hit as hard by the war as places like the Riverlands. Though, they were missing a good number of their lords and men. Ned was unsurprised to see so many Targaryen Dragon banner's still flying proudly. He did not doubt where their loyalty still resided. No doubt they would bring the banners down soon enough, but it was enough to know that Robert would never truly be able to count upon most of them for any real support.

The five of his chosen men and Ned himself had boarded one of Lord Manderly's ships that was awaiting him just as Lord Reed had said it would be. He was lucky to have such men that he could actually rely upon in his service. The short voyage to Dragonstone was an interesting affair for Ned. He'd never been much for sea voyages. None of his siblings were particularly fond of them. Direwolves and water did not mix well in general. That was part of the reason the North had not bothered with much in the way of a navy in centuries. That, and the fact that after Torrhen bent the knee to Aegon the Dragon, they'd not had much need for one. He had plan's to change that though because whether he liked ships or not, the North had need of them now; possibly more than ever before. Time's were most assuredly changing, and he had no way to divine what the future could hold.

As he sat on the deck, he was alone with his thought's for the moment. His men were all still asleep down below. He actually found himself fond of watching the sun rise across the deep blue waters that were such a dark shade of blue as to appear almost black. With the new ray's of the dawn upon them it was a most breathtaking sight watching the water's of the Narrow Sea reflect the rising pink and yellow hue's of the new day

He felt a sense of inner peace and calm wash over him as he absorbed the dawn's early light.

Ned let his thought's wander to the plans for the future that were slowly beginning to form within the confine's of his mind. If Lyanna bore Rhaegar a son, they would become all the more imperative. At least he had gotten away with not having to actually swear fealty to Robert. By the time he had brought the Northern army out of the Neck and into the Riverlands, Jon Arryn had already proclaimed Robert 'king'. As he was the new 'kings'.... 'best friend'....he knew most thought that he had already given his fealty or perhaps that it was an understood thing. Regardless, he was glad no one had ever thought to bring it up. His own honor was in no way bound to Robert Baratheon. It allowed his conscience to be clear as he helped to plot what his so-called allies would undoubtedly view as 'treason'.

So far, his plans revolved around a few projects he had in mind. For one, he was now determined that the North must have a strong fleet. With Moat Cailin properly repaired and garrisoned, the only way any unwanted armies could enter the North would be by sea. A proper naval force could at least greatly slow such an event down. They also needed a real port on their western shore's. Not only were the Lannister's too close for comfort there, but he did not trust the Greyjoy's as far as he could throw them. He knew that Balon Greyjoy was nothing like his more realistic and sensible father, and was a firm proponent of the 'Old Way' of the Ironborn; rapists and thieves the lot of them in Ned's opinion. He despised them.

He would also like to restart the efforts his father had made to build a new canal to link the eastern shore near White Harbor to Moat Cailin and the Fever River which would grant access to the Blazewater. Not only could it bring untold amount's of wealth to the North by cutting down the shipping time by over half in many cases, but it would also be imperative for the defense of their western coast. It did not hurt that properly patrolled and garrisoned correctly; the canal had the potential to be another large barrier of defense- a massive moat if used as a defensive weapon. The note's his father left behind were invaluable. It was also an ingenius idea that according to his father's writings, had originally been proposed to him by Queen Rhaella herself.

Apparently, the North had intrigued the Queen, and she had studied considerably about the North itself as well as its people. The idea's of the canal even dated from well before Lyanna became involved with the Targaryen's. He would have been hard pressed to ever consider what Lord Rickard and the Queen had conjured in their plans, let alone come up with the idea. To cross to the other side of the Wall, and work with the Wildlings (the Free-Folk, his father had called them) to gain the use and support of the giant's and the mammoth's. His father had thought to offer them fertile land south of the wall for the more....civilized.... of the 'Free-Folk' to govern themselves as long as they did not disturb other lord's lands. He wrote how he hoped that in time they would become assimilated with the rest of the North as they were the same blood and worshipped the same god's. They were both the blood of the First Men after all, only the Wildling's had been unlucky enough to be on the wrong side when the Bran the Builder built the Wall. The god's only knew they had plenty of unsettled lands too that he could easily grant for their use.

If he actually managed to gain a few giants and mammoths, what would have otherwise taken decades to complete, would likely only take a few years. If it was remotely possible to pull it off, he would see it done. It would take massive amounts of investment capital to pull off though, and Ned was not sure that even with the right investor's they'd be able to accumulate enough of the needed gold to actually begin and finish such a mammoth-sized project.

Another idea he'd discovered was to send for miners and explorers to scour their own mountain ranges. He did not hold any delusions about finding any gold veins, but silver on the other hand was definitely not out of the realm of possibility as it was known to be found in some area's of the North. Also, he had access to massive and mostly untouched forests. With some few exception's in the more recent generation's, they'd never bothered to export any of their rather vast amount's of natural resources on a very large scale besides their fur trading; at least not in mass quantities. However, he knew there was a large demand for timber in both the south of Westeros as well as parts of Essos. Exporting good Northern timber was something they had in abundance that could yield the North a large amount of gold. They would need every bit of an asset they could get their hands on in the times to come.

Using the funds new venture's such as those would grant them would not only pay for a large fleet, it would also pay for the possibility of both sell sword's as well as properly training and arming the North's full strength.

And hadn't that just been quite the shock to the system!

When he returned to Winterfell after his father and Brandon's murders, it had fallen to Benjen to properly explain the numbers he was seeing from their father's notes.

Apparently, House Stark had not reported an accurate census to the capital since the time Cregan Stark went south during the Dance of the Dragon's!

All his sibling's (bar him apparently) had been aware of the truth though. Benjen had explained that Father had not informed Ned because he did not wish for Robert Baratheon or Jon Arryn to know just what the North was really capable of. Most often, in times of war when the Crown called upon the banner's of House Stark, only a certain number of their more well-known lord's and their real strength were ever sent south.

Whereas the rest of the world believed the North capable of fielding twenty-five to perhaps thirty thousand men, in truth; they could call on many....many....more. All told, the North was capable of marshalling around sixty thousand men; a truly massive army if they ever had real need of such a force.

Supposedly, such things were for the North's rainy day; along with the fund's he now knew existed in the name of House Stark within the vault's of the Iron Bank of Braavos. Since the days of his grandfather Edwyle Stark, every son or daughter of Winterfell held a vault with their own inheritance from House Stark's steadily increasing wealth. Even now, Ned was still unaware of the full extent of their holding's and business venture's as he'd simply not had enough time to learn all he needed to know. It had been intended for each child of the Warden of the North to establish their own branch of House Stark in the effort to establish and further Stark rule and interest's throughout the various region's of the expansive North (and large dowry's in the case of the daughter's of Winterfell).

Ned suspected they would most assuredly have real need of every last drop of support they could muster if he was ever to see his sister or her children sat upon the Iron Throne. Ned was well aware that was the only way they'd ever know even a measure of safety. Otherwise, his so-called 'best friend' or his likely-to-be Lannister bred heir's would hunt them for the remainder of their day's, and that was a state of things Ned would never allow.


He was distracted from his pondering thought's by the arrival of Ser Mark Ryswell.

He liked Ser Mark. He had been friends with Brandon all his life; him and Lord Willam Dustin, but he had grown close to them all throughout the war. He knew the rage the two of them especially felt surrounding Brandon's execution. If he was being honest though, he liked Ser Mark the best with the exception of Howland Reed. The man was smart, and he was honorable to a fault. He was a quiet and soft spoken young man with a good heart and ever ready with a kind smile. Few men ever really lived up to the idea's of chivalry the way Ser Mark did.

The Ryswell knight nodded in greeting.

"Good Morning, My Lord." The young man said; smiling out at the water as they slowly crept closer to the Targaryen ancestral castle.

"Good morning to you too, Ser Mark; and I told you it's just Ned unless we're in a formal setting." Ned returned with an easy smile.

These men were loyal and true, and he felt much more comfortable around them than the southron's he was usually surrounded by.

Ser Mark grinned at him.

"Aye, My Lord Ned." Mark said smartly.

Ned rolled his eyes.

"Might I ask you a question, Ned?" Ser Mark asked; a slight hint of hesitation could be heard in his tone.

Ned had a feeling he knew what was about to be discussed, but he had already put his trust in these select men. He didn't mind. If he couldn't trust them, he could not trust anyone, and that was something he was not prepared to accept nor believe.

He still had hope, especially where his own Northmen were concerned.

"Ask what you will, Ser Mark. I trust you all. I'll answer any questions you may have as honestly as I can." Ned replied.

"We are headed to Dragonstone, correct?" Mark inquired.

"Yes." Ned replied instantly.

"Targaryen-held....Dragonstone. You already know the Lady Lyanna to be there, obviously. After I actually served with our new....'King'....and knowing Lady Lyanna all my life as I have, do you really believe she was abducted?" Mark asked quietly.

The sound of waves gently crashing against the ship and the call of the sea gulls surrounding them soothed Ned as he decided to be honest with the truth of the matter.

"I know she was not taken against her will Mark. This entire war has been nothing but a lie. Lyanna was never kidnapped, she left with Rhaegar willingly because she is his wife. I have learned much of late; including the truth my father died to protect." Ned began.

"You see, Princess Elia could not have any more children after the birth of the Princess Rhaenys. If Aerys, who held little love for the Dornish Princess had known, I think you can imagine what he would have had done with her. Prince Rhaegar and the Queen helped her to fake a pregnancy. 'Prince Aegon' was a Velaryon bastard of the Driftmark; a set of twins apparently. The Prince wished to overthrow his father, but he needed a real heir to gather the full support of the lord's. He and Lyanna met at the Tourney of Harrenhal and fell for one another. The Prince went to my father to ask for his permission to wed Lyanna. After explaining everything, and I expect realizing it would be his grandson that would one day sit the Iron Throne, my father gave them his blessing for them to wed. Lyanna became Rhaegar's second wife. In Winterfell I found where Father had even already written the letter to break Lyanna and Robert's betrothal (that never had the chance to be sent), only none of them informed Brandon or myself of what they had planned. We still don't know exactly who told Brandon that Lyanna had been 'kidnapped' by the Prince." Ned explained the basics of what had occurred; his thought's still swirling with suspicion's concerning who exactly was the culprit that lit the metaphorical keg of wildfire.

Ser Mark was silent as he thought over everything he'd been told. Ned noticed he did not seem overly shocked by anything he'd been informed of. He was sure anyone who had really known Lya had already had suspicion's about her so-called 'abduction'.

"So the....Princess....has been on Dragonstone all this time?" Mark asked curiously.

"No, they were there in the beginning, but then they went to a remote tower in the Red Mountains of Dorne for some time. Ser Gerold Hightower, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Arthur Dayne were stationed with her as she's carrying the Prince's child. If Rhaegar lost at the Trident, they were to bring her under the Queen's protection on Dragonstone." Ned answered.

"Lyanna's with child?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, she should be due any time now I believe." Ned said with a smile.

He was rather looking forward to being an uncle.

"If that child is a boy, he'd be the rightful king, Ned!" Ser Mark said in realization of just what that could mean.

Ned was silent for a moment before deciding he'll likely soon see the proof anyway, he may as well tell him the full truth.

"Not exactly. Even if she's delivered of a boy; the babe's father is still alive...." Ned began before Ser Mark interrupted him with a gasp

"Prince Rhaegar's alive? But....I saw Baratheon...." Mark trailed off unsure.

Ned nodded in agreement.

"We all saw that, and it did in fact happen. However, he survived." Ned said.

After some thought, he decided that a small lie was better than sounding insane by telling him that Rhaegar's funeral pyre somehow magically healed the Prince.

"He wasn't injured as badly as was thought; merely unconscious." Ned settled on saying.

Not....exactly....the full truth. Not a lie either.

"That's....that's alot to take in." Ser Mark finally said.

Ned snorted at that.

"Aye, that it is." Ned agreed.

Ser Mark looked thoughtful.

"No doubt the Tyrell's would have already bent the knee. Even if the Dornish wanted to, they don't have the means to battle Robert Baratheon and his allies together. Our own army is more exhausted than any other. They'll have to go into exile, will they not?" He asked.

Ned bowed his head.

"That is the only option I believe is plausible. They'll have to hide, and bide their time; hopefully while growing a force in Essos to help them return." Ned said wearily.

He dearly wished there was any other option than his little sister having to leave Westeros altogether, but for the time being, he knew it was the only real choice.

"Lord Stark." Mark said addressing him formally.

Ned lifted an inquiring brow.

"Ser Mark?" He asked in return.

"If you would allow it, I would depart with the Royal Family. If you'd allow me, I'd watch over and serve your sister in any way I'm able as if she were mine own sister. I have known the Lady Lya all my life, and I've always been very fond of her. I owe it to her and Brandon to help them in anyway I'd be able. Now that I know the Crown Prince is not a mad kidnapper, I know he'd make a much better monarch than the Baratheon could ever hope to be. Baratheon's recent action's; well, they have not exactly impressed me in his favor at all....and that business in the Throne Room...." He said; trailing off with an uncharacteristic look of disgust gracing his usually kind feature's.

"With the Prince and your sister on the Iron Throne, Westeros as a whole would have a much greater chance of unity and healing. Robert Baratheon truly had no real right to usurp the crown, and I would gladly protect and serve the rightful sovereign's. One day, we would then have a king with the blood of the First Men; a Stark King seating the Iron Throne. I would be honored to help make that a reality." The Ryswell knight swore loyally.

Ned was surprised by the young knight's declaration to say the least. He was also very impressed with the man. Besides, his sister and her new family would need every bit of loyal help they could get. Few would serve as a better protector than Ser Mark, who was loyal to them beyond any doubt.

Ned knew he could not refuse such ardent and steadfast loyalty. The part of Ned that was still the ever-honorable Eddard Stark....the small part of Ned's belief in the goodness of people that remained to him that even the war and it's aftermath had not managed to erase completely....that part of Ned was happy and in a way felt vindicated to know men of honor such as Ser Mark still existed in their corrupt world.

"As long as they have no problem with it, than I would be most thankful to have a Northman as loyal and kind as you to help protect my sister and her family. You are a true knight, Ser Mark." Ned told him with a smile.

The man next to him grinned in response and steeled his resolve.

Ned could tell he was adamant that he would always live up to his Warden of the North's faith in him.

"Speaking of knight's, My Lord; would you mind explaining to me why exactly it is that Ser Jaime Lannister's on this ship posing as a particularly inept, yet remarkably well-groomed deckhand?" Mark asked bewildered.

He could not help the laughter that burst through at his friend's words.

Ned was surprised he recognized the boy, though going by Ser Mark's....colorful....description of the boy, perhaps he should not have been. With his hair cut and dressed as he was, he looked nothing like shining young Kingsguard everyone now associated with the name Jaime Lannister, at least he hadn't to Ned.

"That boy is full of surprises. I had thought he was just like his father and most other Lannister's, but I learned differently. He took his vow to serve House Targaryen seriously. He was utterly disgusted by the action's of Robert Baratheon and especially his own father. He apparently knew of what really occurred with the Crown Prince and Lyanna; yet he told no one- not even his family. Right before we boarded the ship after the ride to Duskendale he showed up. I admit I was quite surprised. He'd followed us out of the capital you see. He wanted to protect the Queen and Rhaegar's last child. Eventually I confessed to him that the Prince was still alive, and he begged me to bring him with us. Had I not seen his true nature for myself, I never would have risked it, but the boy's more honorable than even he think's he is; mayhaps especially more than he believes." Ned explained to a dumbfounded Ser Mark.

"An honorable Lannister....huh? Will wonder's never cease? Well, I guess anything's possible, though....admittedly, I believed the Seven Hell's would freeze over before I'd ever see an honest Lion." Mark said with a bemused expression gracing his handsome features.

"I was just as surprised as you are honestly, but pleased nonetheless." Ned replied with a smile as he waved a hand in greeting to Theo Wull and Ethan Glover who were just coming up from their cabin's.

"We'll be arriving soon." Mark said as they drew closer to the island and saw the Royal Fleet laying at anchor; dozen's upon dozen's of warships lay in the harbor of Dragonstone and all about the surrounding waters- the last vestige's of Targaryen power in the Seven Kingdoms.

"Aye. That we will." Ned agreed.


As their lone ship approached the harbor of Dragonstone, a large warship bearing the banner's of the Seahorse of House Velaryon closed in on them. Ned ordered a white flag to be hoisted over the Merman of Manderly. At the helm of the approaching vessel stood the Grand Admiral of the Royal Fleet, the Lord Admiral Lucerys Velaryon; Lord of the Tides and Master of the Driftmark and perhaps the staunchest Targaryen loyalist in all the Realm- and most likely a wanted man and named 'traitor' by now. Ned was not under any delusion's that the Admiral would be looking upon him with any kind of favor, but hoped he had at least become aware that he meant no harm to any of Dragonstone's occupants.

Lord Velaryon gave a stiff nod in response to the white flag above, and the two ships dropped anchor long enough for a plank to be run between the two vessels in order for Ned to come aboard the Lord Admiral's ship to speak with him. Once completed, and much to the grumbling suspicion's of his own men, Ned boarded the Velaryon ship alone.

The Admiral was of a middling age; somewhere between the ages of Ned himself and his father's age. His Valyrian feature's showed clearly with his short cropped silver hair and violet eyes. The man's face seemed to be carved from marble so hard was the set of his jaw and piercing eyes.

Eyes, which at that moment, were narrowed at Ned in unyielding suspicion.

Ned had expected no less.

"Lord Admiral Velaryon." Ned greeted with a nod of his head to the elder lord.

"Lord Stark." Was the man's curt reply.

Ned decided to get to the heart of the matter before any more time they did not have was wasted.

"Did you receive had sent to Dragonstone not long ago; a certain young man that bear's a resemblance to yourself, along with a Lord of the Neck?" Ned asked; not wishing to say Rhaegar's name aloud lest any untrustworthy ears happened to be within hearing distance- unlikely as such a thing was aboard a Velaryon vessel.

That, Ned saw, was enough to actually cause the Lord's stern visage to thaw slightly as a brief smile flitted across his refined feature's.

"Indeed I did, Lord Stark- a most welcome as well as a most unexpected surprise. The Queen was....most grateful for the gift you sent; most grateful indeed. In truth, I was as well. It has provided much hope where before little enough had been left to be had. So tell me, why are you here, Lord Stark?" The lord asked; now with an easier grace about him as if something unknown previously had just been confirmed.

Ned stepped closer to the Velaryon Lord so as prevent his next words being overheard by anyone else.

"To see my sister and her husband, Lord Velaryon. I am here to help in any way I am able." Ned told the man.

The Lord of the Tides stared a him for a long moment before nodding his head in a decisive manner. When an actual full smile appeared on the Lord Admiral's face in the next moment, Ned wondered at the cause. Frankly, he did not think there was very much at all to smile about at present.

"There have been two....unexpected addition's....Lord Stark. You are an uncle now, My Lord. Your sister has given us a new prince and heir." Velaryon informed him.

Ned's eyes widened in surprise. Lya has a son! He was an uncle!

Slowly, Ned's own face bore a smile to match the admiral's.

"They are both well, mother and son?" Ned questioned; needing to know that his sister was safe as he was well aware how dangerous childbirth could be for some- both of their own lady mother's being particularly painful reminder's.

"I will not lie, Lord Stark. The Princess had a most difficult time of it, and for a while we thought we would lose her. Then With her heart and her spirit's lifted, the Princess Lyanna rallied. She is well on her way to recovery and our new prince could not be any stronger; a lusty little lad indeed." The Admiral told him so proudly.

The note of pride manifest in the Lord Admiral's voice was great enough that one would have thought him to be the baby's father or grandfather, such was the relation and staunch loyalty between Houses Velaryon and Targaryen.

"You spoke of a second addition Lord Velaryon?" Ned questioned curiously.

"Indeed I did, Lord Stark." The Velaryon Lord spoke, his smile growing even larger for a moment.

"When your sister arrived on Dragonstone, she brought with her a great and most wondrous surprise. Besides the Kingsguard, she was accompanied by the Princess Rhaenys herself!" The admiral surprised him by saying before his expression abruptly shifted to something far uglier.

"After we heard tell of the vile atrocities which happened in the capital...." The Admiral spat disgustedly in reference to the Sack of Kings Landing.

"You can imagine our surprise when your sister showed up with little Rhaenys in tow. Apparently the Princess Elia had her secreted away to where your sister was residing when she heard of their husband's supposed defeat and that the Lannister army was on the move...." The Lord said before Ned interrupted him.

"Rhaenys? But....but how? I saw Tywin lay her murdered corpse in front of Robert with mine own eye's! I saw Ser Jaime weeping over the them right after Clegane and Lorch killed them!" Ned questioned in shock.

"Indeed. I don't know who the little girl butchered in the Red Keep was, but it was not the real princess. Rhaenys told us herself how her mother snuck her out of the capital with the help and collusion of Ser Jaime. Princess Elia sent letter's for several of them with the Princess. One for the Queen, one for each of her brother's, and one for your sister. I know she asked Princess Lyanna to care for, look after, and raise her daughter with her child as she would her own and your sister swore to do just that." Lord Velaryon told him softly; his stern feature's softened with respect for the murdered Princess and grief at her loss.

"Thank the god's! I am very happy to know the little Princess yet lives, Lord Admiral." Ned exclaimed in relief.

He was still being constantly haunted in his dream's at night of the murdered Princess and her babes....well, babe he amended as he knew 'Prince Aegon' was actually the bastard son of the very man that stood before him. He decided not to mention the loss of the man's natural son.

"The men I bring with me are all exceptionally loyal to my house and my sister. I trust them with my life. Also with me is Ser Jaime Lannister. He was thoroughly disgusted by his father and Robert's actions. He followed me in secret to Duskendale before convincing me to allow him to come with us. I trust him, and that trust has been confirmed for me when you told me of his part in helping to save the Princess Rhaenys' life. I told him of the gift I entrusted with Lord Reed, and he desperately seeks an audience. Would you escort us to the keep? I would see my sister and nephew before we are forced to part." Ned explained quietly.

Now, there was no hesitation in the Lord of the Driftmark to be seen.

"Right away, Lord Stark." The Admiral acknowledged, and motioned Ned back towards his own ship.

Ned shook the Lord Admiral's hand firmly before walking briskly back to the vessel; feeling a bit lighter than when he had taken his leave. The news that his little sister had bore the Prince a son and that she was safe and recovering was a balm to Ned's soul. He was immensely thankful that the new little prince would have both of his parent's to be there for him as he grew. Part dragon he may be, but he knew any son of his sister was bound to be every bit as much a Direwolf of the North as he was a Dragon; and undoubtedly wolf-blooded to boot.

That the Princess Rhaenys lived was also sweet relief. His heart had ached terribly after the memory of her broken and bloody body. He was still saddened that someone's little girl had indeed been murdered, but knowing the real Princess yet lived was a surprise blessing indeed. That would also help in many way's, Ned knew; especially with the Dornish. Prince Doran and Prince Oberyn would be much more likely to aid them as much as they could knowing that at least something of their beloved sister remained amongst the living.

Yes, Ned was definitely feeling lighter. His countenance was all the brighter because he now knew the Pack was growing stronger once again. They may have lost his father and eldest brother, but Benjen and their sister still lived- and she had given them a new pup! He imagined that the Lady Ashara had likely given birth to Brandon's daughter as well. A smile flitted across the normally stoic visage of the Warden of the North. These two new pup's would be of an age with his own young son, Robb, who he had recently received word of the birth of. He dearly hoped that in the fullness of time, they too would become close.

The old adage flitted through Ned's mind once more: 'When the cold winds blow and the lone wolf dies- the pack survives.'

When Ned and his men stepped foot onto the soil of Dragonstone Island, he was of a much brighter spirit than he had born upon sailing from Duskendale. Everything was changed now, but the love he held for his family would always remain the same. When he was shown to his sister's chambers and saw her sitting up with a beautiful silver-haired violet eyed babe in her arm's that she was looking upon so lovingly- Ned knew in his heart that all the strife and struggle they had undergone that had brought them to this point might yet be worth the sacrifice's and struggle's they had all endured.

When Ned and his men stepped foot onto the soil of Dragonstone Island, he was of a much brighter spirit than he had born upon sailing from Duskendale. Everything was changed now, but the love he held for his family would always remain the same. When he was shown to his sister's chambers and saw her sitting up with a beautiful silver-haired violet eyed babe in her arm's that she was looking upon so lovingly- Ned knew in his heart that all the strife and struggle they had undergone that had brought them to this point might yet be worth the sacrifice's and struggle's they had all endured.

They still had hope, and hope was the most important and most valuable thing of all.


"Oh, Ned!" Lyanna all but shouted out in excitement upon sighting him.

Time briefly stood still, and for a moment, Ned felt he was but a young boy of ten name day's returning from the Vale as his little sister's bright smile and happy face greeted him in welcome; her silvery grey eye's alight and bright like starlight on a clear Northern night.

Sitting there, holding her new babe, Lyanna looked a vision of beauty. She was a vision of contrast with her dark hair, skin pale as snow, and a healthy rosy glow that was like an inner light lending her radiance from within. She had grown up on him; somehow....someway....his little sister had become an absolutely breathtaking young woman. She had really grown into her features in the last couple of years. While her face still bore the traditional look's of a Stark, it was no longer quite as long and narrow-looking. Her sharp high cheekbones only accentuated her beauty. Her dark eyebrow's were finely arched, and her full lips were lush crimson. At the moment, they were curved into the same warm smile that had welcomed him home every time he returned to her from an extended time away and had never failed to warm his soul and make him feel as if he could take on the world itself.

Ned moved towards the bed Lyanna rested upon.

"Lya." He murmured as he bent down to hug her for the first time in what felt like an age.

He smiled into her wild curly hair. He was so very happy she was safe and alive.

Lyanna was squeezing him with her unoccupied arm for all she was worth as Ned noted the hot tear's beginning to spill from her eye's.

"Ned, I'm so very sorry about Father and Brandon. If any of us had thought....had known...." Her voice trailed off sadly.

He would not allow her to feel such guilt, especially not now after everything he had learned.

"It was not your fault, Lyanna. None of it. I, for one, should never have even suggested a union between you and Baratheon." Ned said; barely even able to speak the man's name any longer without the utter disgust he now felt for his former friend rearing its head. "You can't help whom you love, Lya. Besides, Rhaegar told me of all what happened. You did the right thing by asking for Father's approval instead of just running off. It is in no way your fault that he did not choose to tell Brandon, nor is it your fault somebody lied to our brother which caused him to act so rashly. You have nothing to be sorry about, Lya." Ned told her softly, but firmly.

Of course it was not her fault, she was barely more than a girl still at that time anyway.

"I miss them both so much." Lyanna confessed quietly.

"As do I, Little Wolf; as do I. But we are pack, and when the cold wind's blow and lone wolf dies...." Ned was saying before she finished his words for him.

"The pack survives." Lyanna finished firmly.

"The pack survives." Ned agreed.

"Now, speaking of pack, why don't you introduce me to its newest member?" Ned asked as he finally tore away his eye's from his sister's face and gazed down upon the beautiful babe in her arms.

Lyanna immediately brightened as she bestowed upon Ned a brilliant smile; warming Ned's heart with the love he could clearly see she held for her firstborn.

"Ned, allow me to introduce you to your very first nephew, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone." Lyanna introduced; her motherly pride beaming through her every word and gesture.

"Jaehaerys is a bit of a mouthful, especially for a child to try and pronounce, so I've taken to calling my little one 'Haery' It just feel's....right....for some reason." She added with a smile.

"Haery, meet your Uncle Ned. He rule's all of the North and is from Winterfell, that's where Mama is from." Lyanna told her little babe; though of course he could have no idea what they were actually saying.

Ned observed the child closely as he smiled down at the boy. He had to be the most beautiful babe he had ever laid eye's on; and Ned did not think that only because he was his own nephew. It was just the honest to god's truth. He looked exactly like his father with his fine silver blonde hair and eye's of a deep violet hue. His eye's were truly enchanting. There were small tiny fleck's of the silver-grey of his mother's eyes that looked as if miniature stars resided within. It was a mesmerizing effect. Also, the way they looked at Ned was completely unlike any babe of that age he had ever seen or heard of. Ned could almost swear the boy was examining him right back with uncommon intelligence shining in those Valyrian tinted orbs. Little 'Haery' had a decidedly inquisitive look about him. When the young boy seemed to finish his examination of Ned, the little prince proceeded to grin up at him and give him a big gummy smile that melted Ned's heart right then and there.

He mentally swore he would do all in his power to protect that precious babe and insure he was one day able to take his rightful place in the world.

"Hello, Little Haery. I'm your Uncle Ned. I've got a little boy of almost the same age as you. I hope the two of you can be friends with each other some day." Ned told him and he could almost swear the child somehow understood what he was saying.

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought the boy had nodded his head in agreement!

Ned blinked a moment.

'No, something like that was not possible....he must....he must just be seeing things.' He thought.

Ned blinked that crazy thought away (they were becoming much more frequent since he joined the 'Targaryen camp' he noted idly). Perhaps their family....maladies....were rubbing off on him?

"He's beautiful, Lya. He may look just like his father, but I can easily see you in that little face too." He told her with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother. Oh, and congratulation's on the birth of your boy too! I'm so happy for you, Ned." Lyanna told him.

"Another little wolf. With Brandon's little Elaena, and now your son and mine own, we'll have our pack back again soon, and stronger than ever." Lyanna said.

"Thank you, Lya." Ned told his sister as he walked over to get a chair to sit next to her.

At that moment, two other's entered his sister's room; Rhaegar, and whom Ned thought could only be Queen Rhaella....a heavily pregnant Queen Rhaella.

Ned was certainly surprised by the Queen's state, but did his best to hide it, not wishing to appear rude as he remembered Ser Jaime's words about Aerys and what he had been doing to his sister-wife.

Ned immediately stood up in respect.

"Your Grace's." Ned greeted with a bow for the Prince and the now Dowager Queen.

Rhaegar walked towards him first and two firmly shook hands before Rhaegar went to get two more chairs for himself and his mother.

Queen Rhaella held out her hand to Ned and he bowed over it as he placed a light kiss above the air as custom dictated.

Ned had to admit, he could now see exactly where Rhaegar got his good look's from. His mother had to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his entire life. Her silver blonde hair was done up in an intricate knot, and her regal face gave him a kind smile in welcome.

"Welcome, Lord Stark. I cannot tell you how very grateful I am for what you have done for my family. Seeing my son returned to us alive was greatest gift I have ever received, and I'll never be able to thank you enough. I don't know what I would have done had you not aided him." Queen Rhaella told him sincerely; strong emotion evident in her thankful tone.

"It was my pleasure, Your Grace. We are kin now, and there's nothing I would not do to protect my family." Ned told her humbly.

She graced him with a beautiful smile.

"That we are, and I feel the same. We may have lost much, but I believe we have gained even more. My son and grand-daughter finding their way home, and the birth of my precious grandson have given me new hope when I had thought all hope was lost." The Dowager Queen told him.

Ned just bowed his head in response.

Light refreshments were brought in as they all got situated to discuss the current situation the Royal Family now found itself in.

"Your Grace, have you given any more thought to what you wish to do?" Ned asked Rhaegar; finally tackling the metaphorical elephant in the room.

Rhaegar let out a deep sigh as he took Lyanna's hand in his own.

"We have discussed things, Ned. Also, please; it's just Rhaegar, Good-Brother." He said with a slight smile before returning to the matter at hand.

"All agree on the necessity of temporarily going into exile. After speaking with my mother and Lyanna, I believe I have come up with a plan of sorts. For one thing, at the moment the most important issue is everyone's safety. The safety of my family is my first and foremost priority. In the end, nothing else matter's or is anywhere near as important; especially whilst the children are all so very young. Therefore, I think it will be better for all to think me dead. Lyanna agreed that she believes she too should appear deceased to the rest of the world; especially to Robert Baratheon. I suppose you could send word that she died of complications from a fever or something of the like. Though....we did hear about your rather public falling out with Cousin Robert." Rhaegar said and here he seemed overcome with something.

"Ned, meant a great deal to me that there was at least one man brave enough to stand up to those monster's and call them to account for their evil deed's. When I first heard about the Sack just before we boarded your ship in Duskendale...." Rhaegar trailed off, and Ned could see him struggling hard with his emotion's for the first time since meeting the normally very self-composed Prince.

"When I thought that my little girl had been butchered.....and El...Elia...." It was then that Lyanna wrapped her arm around her husband who was temporarily lost in grief for the woman who had been his wife, the mother of his child, and beyond that....a beautiful friend.

"I am sorry I was not able to beat Tywin Lannister to the capital. I tried to get there as soon as I was able, but frankly; I never suspected it would result in the destruction I witnessed. The Princess Elia was a wonderful woman, and I mourn her loss. I am sorry I failed you, Your Grace." Ned said with his head bowed in submission.

With Lyanna's help, Rhaegar had pulled himself back together from his momentary loss of controlling his emotion's. His eye's hardened when he looked at Ned's bowed head.

"You are in no way to blame, Ned." Rhaegar told his good-brother firmly.

"I know how fast your army reached the capital. It is not possible to have moved even remotely faster with such a large force. No, Tywin Lannister and his mad dog's did not beat you there. They arrived first because they had set out for Kings Landing well before the Battle at the Ruby Ford....and I have little doubt it was with the full intention's of doing exactly as they did. Tywin had longed for revenge against my house for years now, and he finally succeeded; at least partially. No, Ned. I honor you as the only man to raise the cry for justice! The only one to call the vile act's for what they were! In time, Lord Tywin shall be reminded that the Targaryen's are not Reyne's or Tarbeck's.....and the Lannister's are not the only one's who pay their debts....they now owe a debt of such proportion's it can never be fully repaid, but I will see to it that their life's blood is used to pay it back in full." Rhaegar told him with a determined look as un-checked anger ran through him.

Lyanna's gentle touch managed to soon bring him back to his usual sense of self-contained stoicism that he had always been so well known for but a hint of his rage still took a while longer to dissipate.

"I will mourn Elia always, but we survive, and in large part thanks to you, Lord Stark. We must now move forward so that Rhaenys, and Jaehaerys, Viserys, and Mother's babe are always safe and secure. To that end, I believe our first stop should be Braavos. Mother informed me of quite a few things that will make our exile far easier to accommodate than expected, as well as better enable us to prepare for our return; things my father never spoke of and that I too was unaware of." Rhaegar said; beginning to outline the plan they had recently begun to scrape together.

"Aerys never bothered with our foreign holding's, but my father and grandfather left me well schooled in that area. I have since maintained as much of it as possible by myself without Aerys' knowledge. I was not as blind to the possible consequences of Aerys' madness as some would like to think, and the further he declined, the further I grew and developed our Essosi holding's. Since before the time of the Dance, there has been what we called a 'Keeper' that maintained our foreign economic power and estates; as well as our good relation's with quite a few noble families in Essos. It was never the current monarch, and many times, the reigning king's were not even aware of our asset's existence." The Queen began to explain.

"For one thing, House Targaryen posses' several suitable residence's in Essos, and we have under various name of course, large tracts of land that we own. We have manses in Braavos, Pentos, Lys, Volantis, as well as the hill country between Pentos and Norvos that no one except us are aware exist; some of our holding's are even as distant as Qohor. We shall not lack for homes, nor for location's to begin to grow our might militarily. Also, House Targaryen maintained two account's with the Iron Bank. One, was in the name of the Seven Kingdom's themselves, and I know for a fact that both Tywin and Cousin Robert are well aware of the gold in that particular account's existence. What they do not know is the fact that the gold in that account was always merely a cover....a smoke-screen if you will. Each year, several percent of the Crown's total revenue was sent to the Iron Bank. Only about ten percent of that gold was placed into the vault they are aware of. The vast majority of the funds were placed into a vault that was solely in the name of House Targaryen; and at the moment, my name in particular. My ancestor's knew that anything was possible; especially after the loss of the dragon's. This was set up as a means to help us reclaim our home's if something like the current rebellion ever occurred." Queen Rhaella shocked him by informing him.

The shock's did not end there either.

Rhaegar chuckled.

"Mother is far shrewder than most anyone could have ever conceived." Rhaegar told him proudly.

It was easy to tell just how much the Queen meant to her firstborn son.

"Robert and Tywin will also both be in for a great round of disappointment's when they make to find and secure the Treasury. One would not think that such a thing would be of any consequence to the Lord of the Rock, but what almost everyone is unaware of is the small fact that large portion's of the mines of Casterly Rock have begun to run dry after all these millennia of continuous mining." Rhaegar shocked them all by informing them.

"They are by no means broke of course, but they do not have the amount of gold everyone is under the impression they possess. What's worse for them, is that the Lannister's penchant for excess and overly-lavish living has meant that they did not put away much of their gold, and instead spent what was mined with little worry or concern of it ever running out. In my opinion, that was the true reason for the annihilation of House Reyne as that gave the Lannister's possession of the mine's of Castamere which I believe to be their main source of income at present. Again, the number's of people in Westeros whom are aware of that is insignificant and a closely-guarded secret; something Lord Tywin hold's very close to his chest." Rhaegar informed him with an almost shark-like grin.

"His late wife was my dearest friend all her life though, and we always shared everything with one another. Tywin has no idea just how much I am aware of his internal family affairs; some of which even Lord Varys was never able to successfully ferret out the truth of. That was, I believe, a large part of the reason for Lord Tywin's mad dash to reach the capital before anyone else. Unfortunately for the Lord Lion, he's sure to suffer grave disappointment on that particular front. As it happens, when I left Kings Landing for Dragonstone, I brought almost the entire contents of the Royal Treasury with me!" The Queen informed them with a beautiful smile gracing her fine features.

"So, the Crown is now broke? Robert usurped a bankrupt throne?" Ned asked; actually laughing out loud at the thought.

It was especially unfortunate for Robert as he knew for a fact that the revenue's of Storm's End were less than stellar and not near enough to even begin to maintain anything approaching a royal court.

Lyanna's grin too was all teeth.

"Indeed, he did, Brother. Indeed he did." She confirmed with a chuckle.

"We also still have the fleet, which is far larger than most are aware of as when I came to Dragonstone, I brought almost half the warship's that were stationed in Kings Landing with me as my 'escort'. They just never went back. Around half of the entire navy was already docked at Dragonstone and the Driftmark anyway, and not long ago a large squadron of ships that had been part of the Royal Fleet at Gulltown finally arrived. All total, we have control of about three-quarters of the entire contents of the whole Royal Navy." Queen Rhaella explained with a very self-satisfied smile.

That was a lot of naval power- far more than anyone else in Westeros possessed. For a brief moment, Ned almost even considered using the armada to retake the capital from Robert and continue the fight, but then his better sense kicked in. It was not with power over the seas that Robert won the throne. That would not benefit them.

It could greatly benefit them later however.

"We plan on releasing the men whom will wish to remain in Westeros. The ships with as small a crew as possible are going to be sent in squadron's to various ports in the Free Cities after striking our banner's. Once there, I intend to hire sell-sail's to bring the ships back up to full crew's. For the moment, the fleet will be divided up in to four separate squadron's. Three of them will sail to Braavos, Pentos, and Lys and begin operation's as separate companies with no apparent outside ties to us, or to each other. Using them as mercenary fleet's for hire is about the only way to not only keep the men active, but also bring in more gold to keep the fleet maintained in good repair and numbers. If we are exposed, they can be brought back together quickly enough as one entity." Rhaegar explained.

That was an extremely good plan for the fleet. Not only would the fleet be maintained with experienced crew's, but the funds earned would enable them to replace and keep up-to-date any ships lost at sea and most likely even expand the size of the fleet.

'Yes, very thorough indeed.' Ned thought.

"I also intend to send two detachment's of the fleet to Northern water's if you'll have them. Some of the larger transport ships and cogs can be used to export Northern product to sell in Essosi port's. As the North at present has no real fleet of much standing besides the small fleet kept by Lord Manderly, a squadron of warship's will also be sent to defend the newly-turned merchant fleet. Would that be acceptable, Ned?" Rhaegar asked his good-brother.

Ned's reply was quite swift as he had already begun thinking of doing exactly the same.

"Indeed, it is more than acceptable. I was already planning to develop a Northern Fleet. This will be a large boon for us to get started with. I have several plan's of mine own that that my father had been working towards that I believe shall be able to bring a large amount of benefit's to both yourselves as well the North itself." Ned answered.

Lyanna raised an impressed eyebrow, but it was the widening of the Queen's eyes that Ned focused on.

"Did you find the note's Lord Rickard and I had compiled, Lord Stark? About the canal?" Rhaella asked curiously.

Ned had a large smile on his face then, which given his solemn nature was surprising.

"Yes, Your Grace. Before I left Winterfell, I studied the plan the two of you put together, and I must say, I found it to be absolute genius. As soon as I return to the North, I intend to begin to implement the beginnings of the plan. The possibilities are truly endless and the potential for phenomenal benefits are near limitless. I have no idea exactly how I will be able to convince those needed to help begin the project, but I will do anything necessary to see it done." Ned replied.

"You and Lord Rickard had a plan about something? What's this about, Mother?" Rhaegar asked curiously as he had obviously never heard of what they were speaking of.

"Year's ago, I had taken quite a lot of interest in the possibilities of economic expansion in the North. They have near-unlimited amount's of many natural resources that would be in very high demand not only in the south, but in Essos as well; especially Essos in fact. It had the potential to not only greatly benefit the North, but to bring about a greater amount of prosperity to the entire continent. The problem's with shipping Northern product however, were vast and many. For one thing, White Harbor was the only large port. They also did not have much in the way of a navy to protect a merchant fleet. Also, much of the good's would originate on the Western shore of the North which has virtually no ports at all. The distances between everything was also seen as nearly a insurmountable problem." Rhaella said as she began to explain to a curious Rhaegar and Lyanna.

They were unaware that the baby in the room was soaking up all the information like a sponge as he was learning so much about this strange new world he found himself in.

She continued on.

"Now, geographically speaking, there was an obvious; yet at the same time, highly difficult solution to all those problem's: a canal." Rhaella surprised them by saying.

"If a canal was built from near Moat Cailin on the Fever River (which is accessible to the Blazewater and the Sunset Sea), and dug along to a point on either the Eastern shore and the Narrow Sea or possibly the White Knife and White Harbor....almost all of those previous problems are solved. Transport time would be cut in half or more in many cases, and one could go by sea from say Casterly Rock to Gull Town or even Pentos without having to circumnavigate the entirety of Westeros. The amount of gold to be made on such a venture is near limitless." Rhaella elaborated to her now wide-eyed son and good-daughter.

"How could a man even build such a structure though? I mean I could possibly have seen the Valyrian's of old because they had dragon's, magick's and science's we're ignorant of even now, but in this day and age?" Rhaegar asked curiously.

Lyanna wondered the same thing, though the images of certain beast's popped into her mind that most in the south probably did not even believe existed.

"That's what the problem of conceiving such a venture has always been: how to build it? From everything I studied though, I believe that if they could somehow be convinced to help, the....being's....on the other side of the Wall would be ideally suited to such a monumental task." Rhaella said.

Rhaegar was unaware of what his mother could be referring to, but Lyanna immediately understood.

"The giant's and the mammoth's....and maybe the wildling's with some of their warg's, right?" Lyanna deduced questioningly.

"Exactly, My Girl! That is exactly what we had in mind, and your father was going to travel to some of the more advanced Wildling settlement's and see about gaining their aid. In return, they'd be given their own more desirable lands south of the Wall, and be able to govern themselves like always, so long as they did not encroach or disturb other lord's lands." Rhaella said; finishing her succinct explanation of the idea.

It was a truly brilliant idea if it could be made remotely feasible.

However, even if he were to be successful in gaining the aide of the Wildling's, Giant's and their Mammoth's; that still left the problem of the amount's of gold needed that even the combined wealth of the Stark's would still be lacking for.

"I will be planning an expedition to the far north as soon as possible upon my return, but that still leaves me with a large problem. Even if I am successful in gaining the support needed for the labor of such a herculean task, even using Lyanna and Brandon's inheritances, I'd still not have near enough gold to properly finance the venture despite the massive gains it would bring." Ned said.

Queen Rhaella did not miss a beat.

"Have no fear, Lord Stark. If you would accept, I would be more than pleased to finance the entire project as a joint venture of Houses Stark and Targaryen. This is something that could aide all of us greatly and even help in our restoration. If we divided the profit's made when the canal open's, it would also provide a permanent investment and return for both my family's future as well as your own." The Queen offered.

Ned did not need to be asked twice about that. This actually made such a thing possible. Now, all he had to do was to....somehow....manage to convince the people they have warred with and that have hated them for millennia to help.

'No trouble at all.' He thought sardonically to himself but was determined to do his best to see it done.

Ned smiled at the Queen.

"I would be more than thankful for the help Your Grace. I gladly accept that proposal. This could easily turn in to the most profitable venture my family ever even contemplated." He replied to a now thoroughly pleased Queen Dowager.

She may just yet live to see her brain-child born and the changed world it would bring with it.

They continued on discussing the amounts of gold needed as well as planning out the logistics of such a massive undertaking, and then Lyanna posed a question of interest to all in the room.

"Ned, do you believe Jon Arryn will actually be producing any children with that new young Tully wife of his?" She inquired.

Rhaegar and the Queen looked dumbfounded as to the reasoning of her asking such a seemingly random question, but Ned immediately understood the reasoning behind Lyanna's curiosity.

" a difficult question to answer, Sister. As you well know, none of his previous union's went as he had hoped. With the age disparity now....well....who can say? He's already well past his sixtieth name day, and producing children certainly does not get any easier at such an advanced age. Lysa herself....there were rumors that she had lost a child already before her marriage to Lord Arryn. Honestly, I would be rather shocked if after all this time (and on his third wife), he actually managed to reproduce." Ned replied.

"Why the curiosity, Lya?" Rhaegar asked.

The Queen appeared highly curious as well.

"Well, if Lord Arryn does not have a child with the Lady Lysa, then the next in line to the succession of the Vale would be either my brother Benjen, or even mine own son. You remember my mother was the eldest surviving daughter of Alys Arryn and Elys Waynwood, Sharra Arryn. With the death's of my cousin Jasper, and then Denys and his son, my mother's line is the eldest surviving branch of the Main Arryn bloodline. Most think that Hardyng boy is heir to the Vale, but Benjen is the true heir." Lyanna explained.

It appeared as if that particular little tidbit of information had escaped the knowledge of both the Prince and the Queen.

"That's right! Your lady mother was the second wife of Lord Rickard. She passed giving birth to your younger brother Benjen, correct?" The Queen asked.

"Yes, Father lost both Brandon and Ned's mother, my aunt Lyarra Stark, as well as mine and Benjen's mother, Sharra, to childbed fever." Lyanna elaborated.

That both of their mother's had died prematurely had always affected the four Stark sibling's, but it had at least had the effect that their mutual losses so early in life drew the four of them much closer to each other as besides their father, they were really all each other had.

If Lyanna's brother was the actual heir of the Vale, along with her other brother being the Lord of Winterfell....that had the potential to turn the tides in their favor in any future conflict.

Ned could see the wheel's turning in the two Targaryen's minds. The Vale could field fourty thousand men easily; possibly five to ten thousand more. Added together with the true strength of the North, the might of Dorne, and all the Targaryen loyalist's; those were some very impressive numbers indeed.

Conversation evolved from there, until Ned asked a question he himself had been curious about.

"Have you spoken with Ser Jaime, Rhaegar?" Ned asked.

Rhaegar let out a tired sigh.

"Yes, I spoke with him as soon as you arrived. Elia's letter and what Rhaenys herself told me are enough for me to know that the boy acted as honorably as he could. He say's he wishes to continue to serve us, but I am reluctant." Rhaegar began.

Lyanna and the Queen both appeared curious about the young lion.

"Reluctant why?" Rhaella asked.

"The greatest concern I have is that I believe Tywin Lannister would hunt him to the ends of the world. He still thinks of Ser Jaime as his heir, despite his status as a member of the Kingsguard. If he were to go with us, I'm not sure we'd be able to hide near as effectively. On the other hand, he appears totally disgusted with his father and Cousin Robert. He could be a valuable asset. Not only is he loyal, but he's one of the finest sword arm's in Westeros. When the time is right, I admit it would be much easier to deal with the Westerlands if we had a legitimate Lannister heir to replace Lord Tywin with. I believe he's an issue that's going to require much further thought weighing the pro's and con's of allowing him to depart with us." Rhaegar explained.

No one had a response to that as it was really the Prince's call to make regarding the future of the Young Lion.

Eventually the discussion devolved into more pleasant topics and Ned was given the chance to re-connect with sister as well as observe the highly interesting dynamic between Lyanna and her husband. He was pleased to see his little sister so happy and in love. He knew she was where she belonged now. He'd never seen Lyanna so utterly content as she was with her son in her arm's and her beloved by her side. It pleased Ned greatly and he knew that whatever else the future may bring them, the most important thing for Ned would always remain the same- she would never lack for love. That made everything all the more worth it in his eye's, because at the end of the day- that was the most important thing in life.