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The Throne of Thorns

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You are the newly coronated Queen of the magical kingdom Yuueii who finds more than just safety and refuge in the arms of your faithful Royal Knight, Izuku Midoriya. Always busy, your queenly duties keep you from addressing the ever growing stack of marriage proposals piling up on your desk. Although a few members of the Royal Court suspect that your heart already belongs to the lowborn Knight sworn to be your shield— and only your shield. The whispered rumors of your closeness were highly taboo, and the planted seed quickly sprouts into growing dissent. A commoner serving as the Head of the Royal Guard gives the nobility plenty to gossip about as it is. Yet you can’t help but feel a certain attachment to your devoted right hand. However you have much more pressing matters to attend to when your peaceful kingdom falls under siege by a Warlord driven mad by unseen dark forces. Royal/Medieval/Fantasy AU Commoner!Knight!Izuku x Queen!Reader ~based on the CYOA interactive fiction: Siege of Treboulain~

Chapter 1 - The Princess and the Squire

You were… a mischievous little princess.

Admittedly, it was absolutely adorable when you were small, bounding around with a swish of your puffy skirts as you raced through the pristine palace halls giggling wildly. The King and Queen had tried for many, many years to conceive a child and thanked the Cultivator daily for the gift of your birth. They were unable to bear you any siblings, so it was only natural that you'd rope the servants into your silly games and harmless pranks.

However by the time your tenth windy season came around, your playful nature had begun to take its toll on your aging parents. They were quick to admonish you for any behavior not befitting of a future ruler, but you knew how to sweet talk your way back into their good graces. A smile here, a heartfelt compliment there; perhaps you were paying attention during your etiquette and congeniality lessons after all.

Still, by your fifteenth year, you had earned a reputation around the castle for being a rebellious troublemaker. More often than not, you could be found skipping out on your drab princess duties in favor of roaming (and hiding within) the expansive hedge maze that sprawled across the lush manicured lawn. You'd spent so much time in the centuries old garden labyrinth that you could maneuver through it easily even on the darkest of nights. Marble statues, bubbling fountains, and flowering bushes decorated the cobbled path.

It was your favorite part of the palace grounds, second only to the view from your balcony in one of the highest castle spires. From there, you could see across your entire sprawling kingdom. Clay-tiled roofs, lush gardens, and tree-lined streets rolled away into the distance. Every inch of Yuueii was covered in vines, flowers, and other plants— even the poorer districts like the Gristle. Before the palace, the Pearl Boulevard stretched in an unbroken line to connect with the city gate several miles away.

The kingdom of Yuueii was built on a peninsula, surrounded by ocean on every other side. Beyond the towering siege wall was a vast expanse of rolling green fields of grass with a smattering of forest in the far distance. Beyond that? You'd seen maps and charts, spoken to foreign ambassadors (and their snobby kids), but you've yet to venture out passed the borders of Yuueii.

One day, you will.


During your fifteenth rainy season, the Head of the Royal Guard returned to the castle after fighting on the front lines in the Battle at Shiketsu. Sir All Might was always the first to volunteer even for small scrimmages, and he was no doubt the most formidable warrior in your army. The tales of his legendary broadsword One For All spread far and wide. Constantly protecting the prosperity of your kingdom, Sir All Might was truly a Symbol of Peace for your people. You loved to greet the war hero when he returned safe and sound back to the palace, especially since he often brought you a gift from his travels.

But never before had he brought you a boy.

The moment you burst into the candlelit War Council room, Sir All Might erupted with booming laughter. "Impeccable timing as always, Young Majesty! Allow me to introduce you to my new Squire!"

That certainly piqued your interest. The Symbol of Peace had never taken on a Squire, despite the many capable warriors who'd offered to pledge themselves to him over the years. It was no secret that whoever Sir All Might chose would surely be groomed to be the next Head of the Royal Guard. This new recruit must be something special indeed. You eagerly craned your neck to see as Sir All Might stepped aside.

Hiding behind his hulking suit of armor was a nervous looking boy about your age and height. A single glance at his shrinking posture told you he was a commoner— nobility would've long since hammered such timidity out of him. The lad's clothes were simple; a loose, white cotton tunic and plain brown trousers. A light dusting of freckles dotted along his nose and the apples of his round, rosy cheeks. Your curious gaze locked with a pair of deep forest pools before the boy quickly averted his gaze to the floor. He bowed, stiff and low, and his verdant curls shook like that of a rustling shrub in the windy season.

"Y-Y-Your H-Highness!" The boy squeaked with a slightly foreign accent. "I- um, it's a p-pleasure to m-make your acquaintance!"

Your expression morphed from curiosity to utter confusion. This was who the greatest warrior in your kingdom's recorded history had chosen to take under his wing?? You've seen smoked pigs bigger than this scrawny boy! You circled the trembling greenette, eyes roaming over every inch of his form appraisingly as he flushed under your intense scrutiny.

Sir All Might only chuckled. "Princess, this is Izuku Midoriya. He may not look like much now, but he has a truly heroic heart! I have every intention on turning him into a Knight worthy of the Royal Guard."

You smiled fondly at the Symbol of Peace before addressing the boy. "Please, be at ease, Squire."

Izuku straightened up but kept his gaze lowered, although you were unsure if that was due to your differing status or simply his own shyness. Right after you told him your name, the large wooden doors to the War Council room opened up. The King and Queen blew into the space looking quite severe, and you had to wonder what it is you've done now. However your parents turned to Sir All Might after taking their seats at the large round table in the center of the room. A war map was laid out across it, scattered with tiny multicolored flags and held down by daggers in each corner.

"Your Majesties!" Sir All Might bowed, quickly shoving his shaky Squire into a similar position. You only snickered, not required to prostrate yourself in such a manner. "There is much to discuss of Shiketsu."

"So this is the Squire?" The Queen raised a perfectly arched brow skeptically before sharply calling your name. She was one of only two people in all the land who could address you with such informality and never tired of exercising the privilege. "Help the poor thing to the barracks, won't you, dear?"

It wasn't a request, really. "Yes, Mother."

Surely this was a task for a servant , you thought as you left with the mousy boy stumbling after you.

You watched him discreetly as Izuku gaped in shock and awe at his surroundings. You'd grown accustomed to the palace's shining marble columns, ornate tapestries, and lush greenery, but Izuku took it all in with fresh eyes and unabashed wonderment. The Squire made no effort whatsoever to conceal his amazement until he noticed you peering closely at him. Then he flushed a bright shade of red, nervously fiddling with his thumbs.

What an amusing little fellow; how could you possibly resist the urge to toy with him?

You gathered your skirts into your fists and took a sudden sharp turn, the skittish boy hurrying after you. You ducked underneath servants carrying silver trays piled high with goods, giggling when your pursuer nearly sent it all clattering to the floor with a string of apologies. Your stride hastened when you turned around the next corner, increasing progressively until Izuku was chasing behind just to maintain sight of you.

The Squire was surprised by how swiftly you could move in such elaborate dress. You were just as surprised that someone of his size and stature could keep pace.

Izuku hesitated briefly when you barreled through a seemingly hidden door, popping up outside of the castle where he stumbled after you. He spotted the fabric of your gown bounding around a neatly trimmed hedge corner, leading him into the maze. After that it was only glimpses of you as the Squire struggled to keep up with the confusing twists and turns. He heard the pleasant tinkle of your laughter carried by the breeze and caught the glint of your tiara in the waning sunlight.

It was a mistake for Izuku to glance up at the rapidly darkening sky, especially when he could already smell the impending rain in the atmosphere. In the short time he looked away, you'd vanished within the labyrinth of foliage, and the panicked Squire darted forward without a second thought, worried shouts of "P-Princess! Please, s-slow down, Princess!" leaving his lips.

It became painfully obvious to the lad that this couldn't be the way to the soldiers' quarters. Were you seriously trying to get him in trouble on his very first day?! It was just his luck to get saddled with a bratty princess who liked to play tricks on people! Izuku felt a whine bubbling up in his throat as he traveled deeper into the maze, getting more lost and disoriented with each step.

"Oh, squeaky Squire~" you sang, honeyed voice bouncing off the shrubbery. "Where… are… youuu~??"

"Princess?" Izuku struggled to pinpoint your location. "I-I'm here, Your Majesty!"

One by one, fat droplets of rainwater began to fall from the sky. As the downpour increased, so did your amused laughter. Rainy season hydrated the flora, making it even easier to reach out and access the power of the plants around you. They bent to your will, thick green vines and a lone branch elongating and lashing out to bind your target. One, two, three, four, five bands of foliage made contact; you could sense their resistant tugs against his slim body. Truly, you had no real intention to hurt the boy, only to scare him a little for a bit of fun— perhaps even make him cry.

Because for you see, the reason that the kingdom of Yuueii has stood impenetrable for so many generations was the wellspring of arborturgic magic that flows from the heavens and blesses a special few in your land.

Plant magic is a skill few are granted and even fewer still are permitted to utilize in your realm. The long recorded history of Yuueii believes arborturgy comes from the Cultivator, and so only devout priests are allowed to study and practice the sacred art. Only those who committed themselves to the goddess were granted the right to use arborturgy freely— well, and you of course as a prominent member of the royal family. One of the many special privileges of being born into the highest circle of nobility.

You giggled, stepping out from your hiding spot as you spoke. "Aww, squeaky Squire~! How can you expect to protect the crown when you can't even…" Your voice trailed off the moment you saw him.

Someway , somehow Izuku had managed to stop each one of the vines. Two stomped securely under his leather bound feet, one grasped firmly in each twitching hand, and— miraculously his teeth clenched down hard against the thin wriggling branch that you'd aimed around his neck. He must've been unbelievably agile to dodge all those plants at once.

There weren't a great deal of folks able to defend against your arborturgy so efficiently— and bare handed at that! Your five fingered attack should've completely immobilized this scrawny boy, and yet he still had a secure hold against the struggling plant tendrils. For a moment, you were completely mesmerized by the display of strength and skill in such a small form.

You were still in a state of shock when the green haired Squire spotted you. Rain beat down steadily, dampening his curls and soaking through his thin clothing. The unexpectedly fierce look in Izuku's eyes, their bright emerald hue practically glowing to life rendered you utterly speechless. The shy and blushing lad you'd just met was nowhere to be found. It was as though he was a completely different person— nay, a feral beast.

"Princess, please… stay back," Izuku managed to say through his gritted teeth.

The sound of his voice shook you from your reverie. With a wave of your hands and a bit of instruction from the forefront of your mind, the vines and branches retreated from his form. The boy was confused, surprised, then dumbstruck when he realized it was you who was commanding the vegetation. Then his grassy gaze widened with shiny sparkles, and words flew from his lips with unbridled excitement.

"Y-You really can use arborturgy?!" Izuku gasped. "H-How amazing! It's quite rare where I'm from, but I have heard tales of the kingdom blessed by the Cultivator!"

It was your turn to grow enthusiastic. He really was from beyond the wall.

"I bid you, tell me of your land and of your people?"

He seemed stunned by your genuine inquiry. "I hail from the tribe of Musutafu, Your Grace. We are a nomadic people, who move around the globe in alignment with the changing seasons."

"How fascinating!" You beamed. "Surely that means you've traveled all over and seen so much. Please tell me more!"

Izuku looked you over curiously. You didn't seem to care about the muddied hem of your expensive dress or the wet strands of hair that clung to your face. You were… strange , certainly not what he expected of a Princess.

The Squire's features softened, and he extended his palm. "I don't mind sharing such things with you, but we should escape from this weather at once, Your Majesty. I would hate for you to fall ill."

You accepted his hand and led him out of the maze asking questions excitedly.

You wished to know everything about the places he'd traveled, and Izuku was a truly splendid storyteller. Foreign noblemen you'd met had a tendency to be braggadocios, talking at length of their nations' bountiful resources and overflowing coffers. But Izuku? He told you of the rarest trees and their many colors, exotic creatures that sounded like something out of a fairytale, the subtle differences in the skies between this land and the next— he described the varying landscapes with a sense of devotion that could make the Cultivator herself envious. It was clear the boy saw true beauty in nature, and when he spoke so passionately, you found yourself seeing beauty in him too.

The Princess and the Squire were feverish and bedridden for the next few days, but you wouldn't change a thing.

After all, it was the first of many moments in which you would interlock your fingers with his and happily tug him along after you. From that point on, you had a companion of your very own. Whenever he wasn't training with Sir All Might and the other soldiers, Squire Izuku was by your side. It took many moons for him to actually relax in your presence, but you were just as patient as you were persistent.

Always reminding him with a disarmingly sweet smile that he needn't address you so formally, especially when it was just the two of you alone. In moments when you'd lay in the wildflowers with your heads close together, or when you'd scour the beaches for seashells, and even the times when you'd subtly observe him as he furiously scribbled into a leather bound notebook (although you should've been studying too). You blamed the loneliness of childhood for your quick and deep seeded attachment to him, but that didn't stop you from getting the boy into trouble constantly.

Izuku would squawk and wave his arms in protest whenever you'd simply propose the idea of sneaking out of the castle at night to mingle with the common folk.

Unfortunately for him, you were an unrelenting force, and he'd inevitably give in when it was clear that you'd make the trek down the Pearl Boulevard regardless. Izuku reasoned it was better for him to act as your escort and keep a watchful eye on you. He'd pout, puffing out his cute freckled cheeks as he complained that you were a veritable magnet for trouble.

The Squire would never admit to anyone but himself that some of his fondest memories were of your mischievous grin when the two of you would creep out of the palace scaling a vine, your animated expression when you would enter a nondescript tavern, your pensive gaze when you would settle into a quiet corner with a tankard of cheap cider to observe the people that you would one day rule over.

Even while shrouded in a hooded cloak and peasant garb to obscure your identity, Izuku was enraptured by your beauty, your very presence. The brush of your fingertips against his, your lips whispering in his ear to be heard over the tavern ruckus; everything you did made his heart beat faster in his chest. It clouded his judgment to the point that one evening the two of you were cornered in an abandoned alley on your way back to the palace in your sixteenth year.

A group of common thugs surrounded the two of you as you leaned into the Squire's protective hold. The light of the moon reflected off their blades menacingly.

"Comrades~! There's no reason to brandish your weapons," you had slurred, intoxicated.

Izuku knew he shouldn't have let you finish that last tankard of ale before making your departure. You always became loose with your words and your coin purse when you got like this. Although even in your inebriated state, you could never forget the way your Squire's fingers twitched with anticipation to reach for his sword.

Izuku attempted to position you behind him, but you shoved past him drunkenly. "You lot must be desperate to - hic - accost a young woman and her companion under the cover of night. What is it that you require? Money for food or rent perhaps?"

The assailants stiffened as you reached into the folds of your traveler's cloak, but you only chuckled lightheartedly. "Be at ease~! I have sufficient funding. Those landlords are truly nothing but vultures, yes? Although you must promise not to - hic - lurk in the streets frightening young ladies from this point on! It's rather unbecoming."

After tossing a hefty sack of coins to the ruffians, they scurried off into the darkness. You were quite pleased with yourself to have resolved the situation without any unnecessary bloodshed, but your Squire was less than thrilled.

"Must you always place yourself in such a precarious position, Your Majesty?" Izuku had asked in exasperation. "Buying the hoodlums off will only encourage them."

"Crime is typically the result of poverty," you argued, pushing yourself in the general direction of the palace. "But being impoverished should not - hic - be treated as a crime."

Izuku sighed, hooking his arm with yours to steady and guide you along. "I still fear that I indulge you far too often."

"But you must," you relented with an uncharacteristically solemn tone, "for I am the Princess." The teasing lilt that always pervaded your voice was gone, replaced with a sobering sincerity that had Izuku grasping onto your words as closely as he held you.

"Whatever it is that I desire happens into my possession," you ruminated bitterly. "Because when I am Queen, - hic - my life ceases to be my own. When that day comes, my duty is solely to my people. So for the time being… please continue to humor me, my squeaky Squire."

Izuku had only peered down at you with a thoughtful expression, saying nothing. He had helped you make it back to your bedchambers in the castle safe and sound, undiscovered beneath the cloak of night, as he had done so many times before. The only difference was the soft, chaste kiss that he placed on the crown of your head after tucking you lovingly into your silk bedsheets.


You see, the Squire was always looking out for you.

When you danced with the nobility during the countless banquets held within the castle walls, when you sparred together in the flattened ground of the soldiers' training area (he always won which was infuriating!), when you smiled with a feigned look of interest at whatever poured from the mouth of another young nobleman vying for your attention. Izuku was always there, standing dutifully at Sir All Might's side, yet staring longingly at you. You could always feel the weight of his gaze, but never more so than when you received your first marriage proposal at the tender age of seventeen.

You were still a blossoming flower, growing more and more beautiful with each revolution of the earth around the sun. It should not have been such a surprise when a messenger arrived with the carefully sealed scroll and intimately wrapped gift nestled underneath his arm. And yet when the Queen read aloud the proposition of union between you and Prince Neito, Izuku felt his world shattering to pieces. Her Majesty was overwhelmed with joy, but you appeared mildly disgusted.

"Why would I wish to align myself with such a man?" You had asked with poorly masked disdain. "His only noteworthy achievement is being born into nobility, and that was no consequence of his own."

"Prince Neito comes from a long line of royalty," the Queen had argued. "His lineage can be traced back longer than our entire kingdom's history—"

"I don't care if the Cultivator herself blessed this union," you'd fired back. "I've seen the way he looks down on his own people. I would sooner gouge out my own eye than be betrothed to him!"

The exchange led to a heated shouting match between the two royal ladies until (heroic as always) Sir All Might elegantly carted the Queen away, ordering his Squire to escort the Princess to her chambers. Izuku had never witnessed such explosive ire between noblewomen but obeyed his Knight nonetheless. You'd retrieved the bottle of amber liquid that you kept hidden in your chambers, ignoring Izuku's soft, "Princess, the sun is still climbing. You shouldn't," as you downed the dark liquor.

"Of all people…" Your face twisted in a grimace. "Maddening woman— she knows I've despised him since we were small."

The Squire simply held you, listening attentively as you ranted and raved about the Queen, spouting things that only someone from your high position could proclaim without being tried for high treason against the crown. You were a royal mess, but Izuku was always the gentlest when he was tending to you in this way. Wiping your tears and stroking your hair as he softly cooed words of comfort. He did not believe you when you drunkenly whispered how hopeless you'd be without him, but a part of him desperately wanted to.


A full year later, you finalized your preparations to leave the palace in order to continue your arborturgical studies with the great sorceress Chiyo Shuzenji in the heart of the Infyrm Jungle. The advanced teachings would last a total of five years, and you were set to depart the following day. At the ripe age of eighteen, you were more than eager to escape the confines of the castle to enrich both your botanical magic and your life.

"I cannot wait to leave the kingdom's walls and explore what lies beyond for myself," you sighed wistfully. The pure white fabric of your nightgown swallowed the moonlight, giving you an almost ethereal glow.

"It will surely be a grand adventure!" Izuku buzzed from his seat in the plush chaise lounge by the hearth in your bedchambers. The scratching of his quill against the page of his notebook didn't cease even as he spoke to you animatedly. "You will get to experience all the joys of life on the road— such as relieving yourself wherever you please!"

You stood on the balcony puffing on a pipe filled with honeysmoke, quirking a brow in his direction with amusement. "You are quite the jester in your leisure time, Squire. I am ever so grateful that you will be here to keep the palace lively in my absence."

The utterly devastated look on his face gave you pause. "W-What ever do you mean, Princess? Of course, I will be accompanying you… o-or am I mistaken?"

You gaped back at him, tendrils of smoke curling from your open mouth. "Has no one informed you? How cruel… Izuku, darling, arbortugical studies are an extremely private affair. You will not be joining me."

A myriad of emotions flashed across his countenance, but the Squire was only able to stutter out a broken, "Oh, I see."

Had it not been for the light of the crackling fire, you would have missed the way his jade eyes shined with the telltale sign of impending tears. Izuku had grown taller and wider and fuller from his intensive training, but you needn't be a scholar to see that inside he was still the soft hearted boy who first graced the palace walls. The Squire's sudden interest in exotic flora and fauna, the hours spent poring over dusty tomes, his frequent trips into the marketplace— it all made sense to you now. No doubt Izuku's burlap knapsack was filled to bursting and ready to go in his tiny Squire's quarters.

All this time, he'd thought that he was going to be journeying with you.

You felt your heart breaking a little as you drew closer, bending behind where Izuku sat to wrap your arms around his neck. "My apologies, Squire. I thought you knew."

"Only three years together and now five apart," Izuku murmured distantly. "The Cultivator gives, but I often forget that she takes just as willingly."

"Izuku," you sighed into his verdant curls before perching by his side. He was a pious young man, so hearing him even alluding to ill thoughts of the goddess was troubling. "Don't look so glum. The time will surely fly by, and I promise to write you often! Focus on your own training with Sir All Might, and I will return before you know it."

The pitcher of mulberry mead you'd set out for him had sat untouched thus far, but now Izuku was grateful for the drink to alleviate his rapidly constricting throat. He gazed into the fireplace for a while, sipping until his freckled cheeks flushed with color. You sat close by, pondering his somber expression, memorizing his soft features. Although the last thing you wanted was to remember your sweet Squire looking so miserable.

"Seeing your face daily gives me the power to swing my blade," Izuku choked out into the quiet night. "Hearing your voice drowns out the cruel whispers from the courtiers. Without you, Princess, I-I fear I won't be strong enough."

"You are strong enough," you reassured him, placing a delicate hand on his firm chest. "But even more treasured is your kind heart… And I'm leaving you here alone in a den of vipers ," your own eyes grew misty with the sudden realization. "Izuku, you mustn't allow the nobility to break your spirit. You must continue to smile, even when they bare their fangs."

You wiped his tears with the same loving care that he'd done for you over the years before leaning to place a soft kiss on his freckled cheek. It wasn't the first time that you'd done so in private, but never before had you both been overcome with such swirling emotions. Your actions that evening held a certain unspoken weight. The Squire sat still, almost obediently so, eyes fluttering closed as you peppered sweet kisses along his jawline. When your lips brushed against his, Izuku inhaled sharply but didn't pull away. You pressed your lips against his firmer this time, and his only response was a shuddering sigh.

"It would not be a crime for you to return my affections," you whispered between tender kisses to his neck. "If that is what you wish."

Izuku swallowed thickly. "But I am only… and you are… we cannot, Your Majesty."

You huffed a laugh into his warm skin. "You always say that. When we sneak out of the castle… when we steal pastries from the kitchen before supper time. How is this any different?"

His hands clenched in his lap. "But I'm still just… I-I don't deserve—" A pitched, broken moan cut off his words as you bit down on his neck. You'd only intended to silence his self depreciation, but what a heavenly sound filled your ears instead.

"Do you want me to stop?" You asked, laving your tongue over the bite mark.

Perhaps it was the warmth from the mead in his belly, or the heady sensation of your mouth on his neck, or the painful knowledge that by this time tomorrow you would be long gone . But for once, the Squire was unable to summon the willpower needed to deny himself that which he craved more than anything. You departed tomorrow, but for tonight Izuku wished to be as close to you as he possibly dared.

"I-I want," Izuku stuttered breathlessly, "I want to be of service to you."

He pulled away and sank to his knees on the marble floor at your feet. You were a bit confused at first; was he pledging himself to you? Then his rough hands found their way to your ankles, sliding up at an agonizingly slow pace, drawing up the hem of your nightgown as he did so. Your heart sped up with excitement when his dark eyes landed on your bare, glistening cunt illuminated by the crackling fireplace at his back. His fingers dug into the plush of your thighs, firm but gentle as always, spreading your legs wider.

Izuku murmured a string of curses in his native tongue to himself before diving forward, allowing the long skirt of your nightdress to cover his head from view. You had no idea what he was planning, but the thrill of trying something new was a sensation you never shied away from. And besides, this was your Squire. You trusted him with your life, surely you could trust him to handle your body with the same care.

"Don't worry, Princess," Izuku breathed into your core, making you clench eagerly. "I just want to water your pretty little flower."

Before you could ponder the meaning behind his words, you felt a big wet glob land on your most intimate place, making you gasp into the night. Did he just spit on your—?


Izuku's tongue! So warm and thick! It was swirling around, drawing intricate patterns along your folds, spreading the wetness all over in a way that had you sinking into the cushions. He moaned contentedly at your taste, and the vibrations that shot up your core had your mind going blank to anything that wasn't him, him, him . Izuku was suckling on your sensitive bundle of nerves like he was trying to extract your very soul. Perhaps he was, because before long you felt as though you were levitating from the way he eagerly slurped you up.

Pleasure! Pleasure like you'd never felt before, never thought possible was building up inside of you. Your ragged breaths, his groans into your cunt, the lewd wet sounds pouring out from where the two of you were connected, it was all too much!

"Izuku," you gasped, trying to warn him of an impending storm that you knew not the name of. "Something… I, I, oh goddess!"

"Mmm, s'alright, Princess," he hummed against you. "Lemme take care of you while I still can."

He always did take care of you, didn't he? Your thighs shook, hips bucking up into his face, back arching off the chaise as a stuttering gasp escaped your lungs. Your eyes rolled back into your head as your orgasm racked through your entire body, gushing out of you. Izuku lapped up your release happily, trying his best not to spill a single drop.

"Taste s'good," Izuku praised, sounding somehow even more desperate than you. "Gimme more. Please? Need it."

You tried to catch your breath, but it was difficult when he continued to lick fat stripes up your weeping slit. Weak, whiny noises unbefitting of a princess poured from your lips. Your squeaky Squire had just brought you to highs that honeysmoke and ale never could, yet he was still unsatisfied, still hungry for more of the sweet nectar that leaked endlessly from you. You bit down on your fist to try to swallow your increasingly loud moans. Soon you were twitching and trembling, Izuku tightening his grip on your thighs as he sent you barreling into a second climax.

"Gonna miss you so bad," Izuku confessed between open mouth kisses to your sopping cunt. "Gonna miss this."

He still wasn't stopping!! You tried to push him away from your sensitive center, but your arms felt like limp vines. There was no strength left in your body, and you just had to lay there and take it as he devoured you. Drinking and slurping you up messily like you were the only thing that could satisfy his unquenchable thirst.

His tongue dove inside you over and over, as deep as he could fit into your fluttering hole, before latching his plump lips to your swollen clit and sucking hard. You cried out into the still night as you came undone for the third time. A sudden knocking at your door startled you, pulling you from the haze of your peak, heart hammering in your chest.

"Your Highness?" The guard posted outside of your door called in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Answer them," Izuku growled in agitation. When you didn't immediately obey, he nibbled on your tender clit, making you yelp. How could he expect you to form a coherent thought right now?!

"I-I'm quite alright!" You slurred dizzily. "Just a little slip, is all!"

The guard chuckled, knowing how you enjoyed your drink (although you hadn't a swig this night). "Very well, but it's getting late. You should retire to bed soon, Your Majesty, you have a big day tomorrow."

This made Izuku whine and sniffle into your wet heat. "Leaving me. My Princess is leaving me."

"I w-will -mmh!- return," you managed to choke out as he increased his ministrations, making you tear up as well. "I-I swear it."

"Crying, Princess? Good, cry for me," he sobbed. "Cry with me."

And you did. By your fourth and fifth climax you were a shaking, sobbing mess, only able to utter his name as tears streamed down your face. Izuku made you cum for each year you'd be apart from him, abusing your poor little pussy with his tongue, his lips, his teeth. He didn't dare touch your royal cunt with his lowborn hands, but your arousal smeared across your thighs, dripped down his chin, and pooled on the marble floor. When he was done, he smacked his lips like he'd just enjoyed a sweet, honeyed treat.

You were delirious, boneless, in another plane of existence from sheer ecstasy. Through bleary eyes, you watched as his fluffy hair popped up from under your dress, flushed freckled face stained with tears, drool, and your slick. You didn't have the strength nor the energy to feel embarrassed, but your chest fluttered with something that's for certain. Izuku scooped you into his strong arms and laid you in your four poster bed. He did not clean your messy thighs, the wetness between your legs serving as a reminder, a promise to return.

You had the best damn night's sleep of your life thus far.


The next morning, you stood outside the castle dressed in practical scholar's robes.

The King and Queen, the Head of the Royal Guard, and the Squire were all there to see you off. Your parents urged you to focus on your studies and not embarrass the crown, to which you barely managed to resist rolling your eyes. Sir All Might flashed you his signature grin and ensured that he would keep the kingdom safeguarded while you were away.

Izuku didn't seem to recall the events from the previous evening— perhaps he was more intoxicated than you'd thought. Although when you glance at his lips, the image of them coated in your essence is burned into your retinas. Standing before you in the light of day, he appeared misty eyed, but the young man was clearly trying to keep it together for your sake. He brought his hands from behind his back, revealing a small bunny figurine crafted from rosewood.

"For you, Princess," Izuku said softly, for your ears only. "So you don't forget me."

As you plucked the token from his hands, you noticed the fresh bandages around his fingers. He must've stayed up all night whittling the parting gift for you, slicing his own fingertips in his haste. Still, it was a truly beautiful and lovingly crafted piece. That strange fluttery feeling in your chest returned tenfold.

"Thank you, Squire," you said genuinely. "I have something for you as well." The royal couple scoffed as you removed your priceless tiara and handed it over to the commoner with a smile. "You are the only one I trust to keep this safe in my absence. Hopefully it will bring you as much comfort as this bunny will surely bring me."

Izuku held your tiara delicately. "I will guard it until your return to the palace, my liege."

The Queen groaned, clearly displeased by the affectionate display. "Alright, enough with the sentiments. You must depart if you are to reach the Infyrm Jungle on schedule. Chiyo is not one to be kept waiting. May the goddess guide you."

You bid your small family farewell, sparing one last glance at the only place you've ever called home before entering the horse drawn carriage. The driver snapped his reigns, and the wheels of the carriage turned with the sound of hooves clopping on cobblestone. The carriage rumbled down the Pearl Boulevard, and the royal couple headed back into the castle, Sir All Might following behind.

The Symbol of Peace turned to see his Squire still standing in the same spot, watching as the carriage grew smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared from sight beyond the city gate. Izuku clutched your tiara in his bandaged hands, shaking with the weight of an active volcano. It wasn't until his mentor, the closest thing he had to a father figure, took him into his arms that he erupted in anguish.

It would be a long five years.