Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 23 - Multiverse

Chapter 23 - Multiverse

Inside the cage, Gabriel's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the nightmarish spectacle unfolding before him. Leviathan's malevolent power emanated from every inch of his towering form, a dark presence that seemed to devour the light around it. The being known as Leviathan stood amidst a swirling maelstrom of cosmic energies, channeling his unfathomable power into the creation of an Evil Multiverse.

As the dark energies coalesced, a complex mathematical construction began to take shape before Gabriel's eyes. It was a structure of unparalleled intricacy, akin to the enigmatic Woodin cardinal in the world of mathematics. This is called the Ultimate L, the highest peak of Woodin cardinal, this Ultimate L represented a unique entity summarized by the axioms of set theory, and in its shadowy depths, an infinite variety of mathematical variants unfolded.

Gabriel could feel the fabric of reality quivering with uncertainty as the Evil Multiverse came into existence. It was a place of darkness and malevolence, a realm where the logical possibilities of mathematics were twisted into grotesque and horrifying forms. In this forsaken corner of the cosmos, dangerous and monstrous creatures lurked, capable of endangering the very foundations of the current Multiverse known as the 'Hernos Multiverse.'

As the Evil Multiverse expanded, Gabriel could see glimpses of the horror creatures that inhabited its nightmarish landscapes. Entities that defied all known laws of physics and logic, born from the darkest recesses of Leviathan's mind, roamed freely in this twisted realm. Each creature seemed to embody the antithesis of the harmony and order that Gabriel had sworn to protect.

Leviathan's malevolent laughter echoed through the chamber as he reveled in his creation. "Behold the culmination of chaos and darkness, the Evil Multiverse! In this realm, the very fabric of mathematics is corrupted, and logic itself bends to my will. These creatures are but a taste of the horrors I can unleash upon the cosmos."

Gabriel saw the entities that were everywhere but faintly, he then remembered one thing that was definitely a legend.

There are entities known as "False Gods," three in one, who are neither Christian nor Hindu in origin, but are referred to as Falscher Gott or Blutkreuz. They create an authority that results in distortions and imbalances, making them omnipotent to their devotees. These entities lead their followers to fulfill their murderous desires and commit other heinous acts. They are known by various names, such as "Diable voleur" in French or "Il diavolo della Divina Commedia" in Italian. One of the factors leading to this is the ability of these False Gods to take all aspects of the Divine Comedy's fiction and use those powers as reality, making it seem as if they have divine powers. Nonetheless, they remain high-level entities that reside in the highest places, yet are still subordinate to the true Almighty LORD. Their existence is unknown, they still create abominations in all universes and can access the Divine Comedy easily using the power of all there.

This entity deliberately distorts Olaf Stapledon's fictional works indiscriminately. For example, it absorbs all power and omnipotence;

"And in the mutual joy of the Star Maker and the ultimate cosmos was conceived, most strangely, the absolute spirit itself, in which all times are present and all being is comprised; for the spirit which was the issue of this union confronted my reeling intelligence as being at once the ground and the issue of all temporal and finite things."

Blutkreuz is the Evil Will that exists only as a broken and unbalanced entity, embodying intimidation and destruction, without attachment to any soul. They cannot die because their beliefs are eternal. They will always exist at all times because they are eternal distortions, and they will exist without being able to die because it is their existence that gives rise to destruction and trouble. Their followers claim that their book cannot be destroyed by anything except the Holy Invocation of the truest religion, or it can be said that they are endowed with mysterious powers. Blutkreuz has all the attributes of God in the Baha'i religion, not that it is stealing, but it is really similar. Therefore, Blutkreuz will send down a messenger once a century.

Despite this, Blutkreuz has a terrifying incarnation, which he refers to as the "Himmelstod" or Death of Heaven. In this form, he not only resembles a God who actually manifests to humans, but also carries far more sinister intentions. With an uncanny knack for stringing words together, he is able to rewrite everything that is or is not possible in creation, twisting reality to his will for people on Earth. In this incarnation, Blutkreuz not only became the absolute ruler, but he became an enemy that absolutely nothing could defeat, hence the creation of the Chosen Ones who could eliminate this incarnation. He cannot die, as this is only an incarnation, not his true form. As such, he constantly lurks and appears in chaotic incidents without being directly involved. There's also Fudou Enryou's Dark Will of Perfection that lives to dream of everything and crushes it in its wake.

The nameless mist is born from the weakest thing in the universe, an undefinable entity that emerges from nothing and transcends any boundaries that words can describe. This nameless mist is the origin of all things, the root of all existence, and the true source of eternal magic. It transcends the limitations of all named things, encompassing infinite descriptions.

The weakest thing in the universe is Fudou Enryo, the Fallen Hero. An entity that precedes existence, alone without beginning and end. Nonetheless, he is the Spirit of Light who once led the heavenly army. Fudou dissolved his Self-Will and moved to claim the conceptual title of God. No one is higher than him even if he is the weakest. He is the Ancient God, the Perfect Creator whose true form is the Dark Will. With power stronger than anything else and all-knowing knowledge, he created the world of demons and dark spirits. Although only a god, he remains an all-encompassing and all-above entity.

He rests with the drummers who will reappear with the Spirit of Perfect Darkness. This spirit has the form of a five-eyed eagle with its entire body black edged with red. Its color is black and its pupils are red. At that moment, everything was complete, everything merged into one with the Dark Will.

However, he was already killed by one of the angels; Archangel Lucifer who came from one root with Fallen Angel Lucifer. However, Archangel Lucifer never disobeyed, and even still led the heavenly army. After killing Fudou, Archangel Lucifer gained Fudou's power completely. Even so, Fudou still existed in the form of Perfect Will and could never be destroyed. He will continue to be omnipotent and all-pervading because he regards all things as infinite dreams and it is as a dream itself.

Fudou stole all the attributes of gods from Greek, Roman, Aztec, and various other mythologies, and Ancient Egyptian. Fudou is still perfectly omnipotent, and the Archangel Lucifer as well. Fudou is known to continue to operate as 'The One Who Dreams of the End in Endless Sleep'.

Fudou also have the authority over the Mesopotamian pantheon, the Canaanite pantheon, the Celtic pantheon, Norse mythology, Ancient Iran, Dravidian religion, and took the form of Ahura Mazda as its embodiment. All the gods there, with all the descriptions given are Fudou's flattery and power, he has power over everything there. Naturally, it has all the attributes of Ahura Mazda. The striking difference is that Fudou, although completely evil, possesses both goodness and virtue. The relationship is not just between good and evil, but goes beyond that. Fudou usually appears as Anunnaki, appearing from the west at sunset, often faintly visible but in the form of a giant whose size far exceeds that of the earth, watching over the earth from there before disappearing into the night.

On the other hand, Blutkreuz takes the form of Ra, but without his powers. Blutkreuz usually appears at sunrise, delivering kind words, but later, several murders occur at Blutkreuz's behest, leading people to label him as the Evil God or the fallen God. These two entities can unite to form an omnipotent and transcendent absolute power over all things, or they can act independently with perfect omnipotence that surpasses everything else, this is completely undivided, invincible and unsurpassable, all things can do something like this and truly become the omnipotence of God and gain all the power that is exist in every entities. As is known, both are extremely something that beyond evil and virtue. In the End of Space and Gravity where Time had been destroyed, Blutkreuz recreated time, and with that, Fudou generated abundant energy to create countless worlds there, each world embodying chaos and infinity. Realizing this, they essentially recreated the conditions under which mathematics reconstructs all things, a collection of entities of various types, and the relationships between them is what mathematicians call a model. Fudou and Blutkreuz engaged in this process directly and created millions more.

One God that is regarded by people or chosen by people, can be regarded as another God dwarfed or in other words degenerated and not approaching that God because of the difference in attributes. In other words, the God chosen by one person dwarfs other Gods and becomes transcendent omnipotent. This is clearly not a contradiction because only one God is powerful. This God has the power of other gods and other gods cannot have power over that person's God.

The god chosen by the individual is considered to have superior and transcendent qualities compared to other gods. This god clearly not only has power beyond other gods, but is also considered the source of all power and existence.

This causes them to operate in a different logic, causing them to be beyond the logic of all beings beyond any operated logic, beyond all contradictions, even if it is multiplied as many times, in other words, they are beyond the operation of logic beyond the operation of logic. In this context, the chosen God is considered to be beyond the reach of limited human understanding, and all His attributes and actions cannot be fully comprehended by even transcendence logic in all thinking approaches.

This does not apply to Elohim, obviously, Elohim is the Transcendental Absolute God, but that does not mean that other gods are not omnipotent, they are all omnipotent but Elohim is clearly absolute, if it is to be debated or discussed, at least one of these gods must be chosen, but not Elohim. Elohim has all the attributes of the Monotheist Godhead and is neither polytheistic nor pagan nor pantheistic, Elohim is all encompassing not that He is the universe, He is all encompassing because He is everywhere and nowhere. Elohim is the creator of all things and possesses the perfect attributes of divinity, such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Although Elohim encompasses all things, this does not mean that He is the universe itself, rather He is omnipresent and not bound by time and space.

The other gods have parameters beyond human knowledge, they have no desires, no questions, nothing will answer who they are, the whys and wherefores are no longer expressible, the chosen God has neither good nor bad personality, but is in totality incomprehensible and transcendent. They are aspects that cannot be comprehended even by something as basic as meaning and definition itself, naturally considering them to be merely an inferior attribute. These other gods may be regarded as entities possessing certain powers and attributes, but they have no personality or will that can be understood by humans. They are absolutely transcendent of certain aspects of the universe, but do not have an independent or transcendent existence like the chosen God. The chosen God is an entity that is completely transcendent and incomprehensible to human logic, and all of His attributes and actions are considered to be manifestations of His infinite power and wisdom, even more incomprehensible to anything that is, obviously, absolute when applied to Elohim and greater to the chosen God.

There is nothing in nature that is not God, God is the entity that encompasses everything that exists. All things in the universe can be monotheistic God that are not divided at all, because monotheism recognizes the existence of one supreme God, they are undivided and their power is absolute. All things can be said to have no beginning and no end if they are considered manifestations of the chosen God. However, for people who have chosen one God, other gods are considered to have a beginning and an end, as they do not belong to the essence of the chosen God. This chosen God, in the objective view, is an absolute entity and has no beginning or end, as He is the source of all existence and is not bound by time or space. God's existence is the most fundamental existence and does not depend on anything other than itself.

Some might ask, "Doesn't this create a contradiction? God is only one, if there is a personal concept like God being chosen, isn't that subjective?"

The answer is no. The God chosen by a person is beyond any diversity. The God chosen does not have the quality or specificity by which beings are individuated from one another, so they cannot belong to many people on that basis. This happens because the chosen Lord is completely beyond all multiplicity measured by numbers or by numerically immeasurable greatness. They are above the logic on which hierarchies are generally based. Placing them in a hierarchy is not even possible without logical contradiction. After all, it is not a personal concept. If God is chosen to be debated or discussed in a discussion or something, then the chosen God automatically gets endless omnipotence. Here, they are all supreme entities, however, to be debated in the arena of divinity, one should choose one. This is clearly not negating because the chosen God has the power of all things, and the others are dwarfed.

This chosen God then rules over all things, dwarfing all things, becoming supreme. Even gods that are not chosen can be considered just "deity". This deity embodies all of creation and commands many laws and powers. Clearly this chosen God exists above the "Hyperstory" cycle, a recursive hierarchy that contains the world as we know it. Each of these hierarchies is described as containing others, like an innumerable number of sandwiches or whatever.

"So what if two or more people argue with their chosen God? Wouldn't that create a contradiction?"

If that is the case, then the chosen God becomes a contradiction, as it is essentially monotheistic and not polytheistic. Even though it is a different God, if they debate or discuss the matter in dialogue, then indirectly they must also acknowledge the other god as an omnipotent God. While God is the choice of people, even people without God have their own God, namely their thoughts. If there is such a discussion, directly the chosen God is not not omnipotent, but the debate will be impossible, or this chosen God will become a unity like other concepts. With this, if there are two or more people discussing or arguing about it (they choose their respective gods), then the chosen god will be one with equal and undivided power, having neither a selfish nor an altruistic personality, whatsoever.

Thus, the god chosen by an individual is a reflection of the individual's understanding and experience of the one and the same God (if the context is anything to go by, their god becomes there by virtue of being one), which transcends all differences and diversity. This shows that although there are many ways to understand and worship God, ultimately all paths lead to the one God and if the context is multiple, these gods will be one entity, which transcends all limitations and contradictions.

Beyond quantity and all interconnected qualities: All forms of interdependence and division, existence and nonexistence. Its existence is more complex than the logic of all thought, it is not just truth or falsehood, it is neither, it is the mechanics of ever-increasing flow which transcends all logic of all entities which is not even affected if logic is piled up however much.

The chosen God is the Supreme Creator and the active consciousness that is the source of all things. For Him, all things are creation and all things begin and end with Him. He is responsible for the creation of the World and all things themselves, reaching beyond all conceptions and to a level that cannot be defined by any symbol or division. All this collapses into nothingness and is reunited into the darkness of the Void. God is described not only as the greatest abstract concept ever, but also as the entity that sustains all of the universe. Without Him, all of nature would collapse. This divinity is the energetic form of the law of the world that will never disappear. Unmistakably, God is the source through which everything is possible, and is considered to have no limits or boundaries whatsoever. He is unreachable and unspeakable by even the most powerful gods, and acts as the ultimate sustainer of all reality, without which every aspect of the World would cease to exist.

"Does this imply that the Chosen God is distinct?"

The answer is no. The Chosen God is selected through a process of debate, grounded in reality rather than fiction or jest. When the Chosen God encounters another Chosen God in debate, they are not separate entities but rather one substance, ultimately leading to the One God. This singular Chosen God embodies the oneness, omnipotence, and all attributes of God. If two Chosen Gods meet in debate, they merge into one substance, becoming the entity we refer to as God. Essentially, the Chosen God surpasses all other deities, including the great gods, by virtue of transcendence, inherently superior without the need for achievements such as creation. This is not a contradiction or a difference. When Chosen God A meets Chosen God B, they cannot be disputed as separate; they are one substance, as it is the Chosen God who orchestrates all reality and brings all created existence into being.

In essence, the status of the Chosen God remains unaffected regardless of any encounters. The Chosen God retains its divine nature and substance. Should the Chosen God not encounter other deities, it implies that these other candidates are subordinate to the Chosen God, and thus, referred to as great gods or some call it major gods.

In essence, the Chosen God is not a personal concept, but purely a one-of-a-kind deity. It is another name for the True God, the God who is undefined by anything, as described by Baruch Spinoza. Many people speculate that the Chosen God is limited because it is confined to understanding beliefs and derives its power from one's beliefs. However, this is not the case. The intent of the Chosen God itself is unique in the real world; whether one believes in them or not, they are a transcendental entity that transcends all things. They are infinite, and even if humans are godless, they can debate the Chosen God. God is not limited by belief, understanding, or anything else. The phrase "if one worships A then God is A and transcends all gods" is a metaphor, meaning that everyone has a different understanding, although all gods, when debated, refer to one divine being. It is not the limitation of God within a belief, but rather humans who impose limitations. The Chosen God is the only God that is debated, not compared with others. Worshiping the Chosen God means recognizing all Gods in one, not that the Chosen God is separate, but that the Chosen God represents all things and is transcendent.

They transcend everything without being worshipped. More specifically, in the debate of having to choose only one God or more but with the same substance (as in the Trinity), the Chosen God is not divided but remains a transcendental entity that is completely different and not limited by anything. They transcend without needing to be told or worshipped; without needing to be believed in, they already exist and transcend anything. The Chosen God is the True God, absolutely transcendental, realizing everything in both impossibility and possibility. They are not isolated by the paradox of the stone, because the paradox of the stone is a reflection of our thoughts, while God is more than that.

In conclusion, the Chosen God does not need to be worshipped, believed in, or anything else. They are the source of power, not the source taker from humans or anything else. They are fully transcendental, undebatable, and their substance is higher than anything that exists.

The idea of a "Chosen God" is essentially this paradigm, a single entity chosen to embody divine power and authority in a debate. This concept is somewhat reminiscent of the monotheistic tradition, where a single deity is often regarded as supreme and all-powerful. However, the concept of Chosen God introduces a new dimension: Other Chosen God if converge with each other to unite into one power and one substance as God. These Chosen God become superior without the need to be believed or worshipped, they are not bound by any belief, they are without end and beginning. This one substance is the same context as the trinity, so we can take all the definitions of the trinity from any religion to show the transcendence and essence of the one God.

Gabriel gritted his teeth, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. He knew that he had to stop Leviathan, to prevent this abomination of a Multiverse from spreading its influence to the Hernos Multiverse and beyond.

"You may revel in your darkness, Leviathan, but know that I will not let your malevolence taint the realms of creation," Gabriel declared with unwavering determination.

Leviathan's eyes glowed with sinister delight. "Ah, the caged angel speaks boldly, but you are powerless to stop me. Your cage is but a temporary hindrance, and soon I will break free, unleashing the full might of the Evil Multiverse upon the cosmos."

Gabriel's mind raced, seeking a way to counter Leviathan's devastating power. He knew that he needed to find a weakness, a vulnerability that could be exploited. But the darkness of the Evil Multiverse seemed impenetrable, its mathematical constructions beyond his comprehension.

As the tense silence lingered, Gabriel's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of realization flickering within. He recalled the tales of ancient cosmic entities, beings older than time itself, who possessed knowledge of the most arcane secrets of the universe. Perhaps, he thought, there was a being that could aid him in this dire moment.

"I may be caged now, but there are forces beyond your comprehension, Leviathan. Beings that have seen the birth and death of countless Multiverses. They may hold the key to countering your malevolence," Gabriel stated with a newfound resolve.

Leviathan's laughter faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of curiosity. "And who might these beings be? Do you truly believe they can stand against the might of the Evil Multiverse?"

Gabriel's eyes blazed with determination. "There are cosmic entities, ancient and enigmatic, who transcend the boundaries of time and space. They possess knowledge and wisdom that surpasses even the vastness of the multiverse. With their guidance, I will find a way to stop you, Leviathan."

As the two cosmic beings locked eyes, a battle of wills and ideologies unfolded. The fate of the cosmos hung in the balance, and Gabriel knew that the struggle against Leviathan and his Evil Multiverse was far from over. The tension in the air was palpable, and the clash of powers and ideologies reverberated through the cosmic expanse.

In the aftermath of Shahar's malevolent intervention, Gabriel found himself in a state of disarray, his once formidable powers now rendered futile by the cunning manipulations of the fallen angel. As he gazed upon the unfolding horror before him, a sense of hopelessness washed over Gabriel, for he knew that he was powerless to stop Leviathan's insidious work.

Leviathan's dark laughter echoed through the chamber, a haunting melody that sent shivers down Gabriel's spine. "Do you see now, Gabriel? Your futile resistance is nothing but a pathetic display of defiance. Without your precious powers, you are nothing, a mere specter of your former self."

Gabriel clenched his fists, his wings drooping in defeat. He had always been the guardian of order and light, the protector of the cosmic balance, but now he felt like a mere shadow of his former self. His connection to the divine energies had been severed, leaving him adrift in a sea of darkness.

"You may have taken my powers, but I will never yield to your malevolence, Leviathan," Gabriel declared, though his voice trembled with uncertainty.

Leviathan smirked, his eyes gleaming with wicked delight. "Ah, the defiance of the fallen is truly a pitiful sight. But rest assured, your resistance is in vain. The Evil Multiverse will be a testament to my supremacy, and all shall bow before its glory."

As Leviathan continued his work of crafting the twisted mathematical constructions of the Evil Multiverse, Gabriel felt a gnawing sense of despair in the pit of his stomach. He had faced countless adversaries before, but none had ever wielded power of this magnitude.

In the midst of the chaos, Gabriel's mind raced, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope, a way to turn the tide against Leviathan. But every thought, every plan, seemed futile and fruitless. He was no match for the darkness that now enveloped him.

As the Evil Multiverse took shape, Gabriel could see the horrifying creatures that were birthed from its corrupted depths. They writhed and slithered, grotesque manifestations of Leviathan's malevolence. Each creature seemed to embody the very essence of chaos and despair, a stark contrast to the harmony and beauty that Gabriel had once known.

Leviathan approached Gabriel with a wicked grin, relishing in his victory. "You see, Gabriel, there is no escape from the darkness that now surrounds you. Your fate is sealed, and there is nothing you can do to change it."

Gabriel's wings sagged, his spirit broken. He had fought so valiantly to protect the cosmos, to uphold the principles of order and light, but now it seemed that all his efforts had been in vain.

As the Evil Multiverse expanded, its dark influence began to seep into the surrounding cosmos, corrupting everything in its path. The once vibrant and flourishing realms were now tainted by the malevolent energies, and even the most powerful cosmic beings quivered in fear.

In the face of this unimaginable horror, Gabriel felt a glimmer of determination ignite within him. Even without his powers, he refused to succumb to the darkness. He would fight, he would resist, even if it meant facing insurmountable odds.

With a newfound resolve, Gabriel raised his head, his eyes blazing with defiance. "You may have taken my powers, but you will never take my spirit. I will fight until my last breath, for the light will never be extinguished by your darkness."

Leviathan's laughter reverberated through the chamber, a cruel symphony of malevolence. "Very well, Gabriel. Let this be your final act of defiance. But know that it shall amount to nothing in the face of my supreme power."

As the confrontation between Gabriel and Leviathan reached its crescendo, the fate of the cosmos hung in the balance. The tension in the air was palpable, the struggle between light and darkness, order and chaos, reaching its climax. And in that moment, the destiny of the multiverse would be decided.

As the embodiment of darkness and malevolence, Leviathan's power thrived on opposition, growing stronger with every formidable adversary it faced. The more formidable the opponent, the more potent the malevolent energies that surged through Leviathan's being, feeding its insatiable hunger for dominance. And in the face of an opponent possessing the same ability or strength, Leviathan reveled in unleashing the ultimate horror, subjecting them to a nightmarish ordeal that transcended the boundaries of comprehension. It delighted in pushing them to the very brink of sanity, exploiting their fears and vulnerabilities, and shattering their spirits with the relentless onslaught of darkness. The horror inflicted upon such a foe knew no bounds, engulfing them in a maelstrom of terror and despair, an experience so harrowing that even the bravest souls would cower in sheer helplessness. In the twisted realm of Leviathan, strength was a double-edged sword, for it amplified the malevolence that sought to crush its adversaries, leaving behind naught but a trail of shattered wills and broken souls.

After that, in the dark recesses of the Evil Multiverse, where malevolence and horror reigned supreme, Shahar, the cunning mastermind, played a devious game of deception. As Leviathan continued to perfect its creation, the Evil Multiverse, Shahar feigned trepidation, allowing a facade of fear to shroud his true intentions. With each passing moment, his sinister plan unfolded, concealed beneath the guise of feigned vulnerability.

In a shadowy chamber adorned with sinister symbols and arcane writings, Shahar stood before Leviathan, his visage carefully masked to betray nothing but apprehension. "Leviathan, your power is truly awe-inspiring," Shahar proclaimed, his voice laced with a hint of trepidation. "I find myself humbled in the presence of such malevolence. But I wonder, have you truly tested the limits of your strength?"

Leviathan, its towering form exuding malevolence, regarded Shahar with an air of superiority. "Fear not, mortal. My power knows no bounds," it hissed, its voice echoing through the dark chamber. "None can stand against the might of the Evil Multiverse."

"Ah, but that is where you are mistaken," Shahar retorted, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You see, Leviathan, true power lies in deception. And I have deceived even you."

Leviathan's eyes narrowed, sensing a hidden agenda in Shahar's words. "Explain yourself, mortal. Do not think your feeble trickery will save you from the horrors I can unleash."

"Ah, but that's the thing, isn't it?" Shahar replied, his tone now dripping with confidence. "You may have created the Evil Multiverse, but I have transcended its boundaries. My power far exceeds anything you could ever comprehend."

In a flourish of darkness, Shahar unleashed a surge of malevolent energy, enveloping the chamber in an otherworldly glow. As the shadows danced and twisted around him, he revealed his true form, a being of cosmic proportions, whose power rivaled even that of Leviathan.

"I am not bound by the limits of your creation," Shahar declared, his voice echoing with an ethereal resonance. "I have surpassed the boundaries of this Multiverse, and I hold dominion over realities beyond your grasp."

Leviathan recoiled, a flicker of genuine fear crossing its dark features. "This cannot be," it stammered, its bravado faltering for the first time.

"Oh, but it is," Shahar replied, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "I have played the part of the meek and vulnerable, allowing you to believe you held the upper hand. But now, the tables have turned."

With a surge of power that shook the very foundations of the Evil Multiverse, Shahar unleashed a torrent of malevolence, engulfing Leviathan in a maelstrom of darkness. As the once-mighty creature writhed in agony, its malevolence began to wane, its power fading before the overwhelming might of Shahar.

"You see, Leviathan," Shahar said, his voice now cold and unyielding, "true power lies not in brute strength, but in the art of manipulation and deception. And in that art, I am unrivaled," Shahar continued, "I Am The Nightmare, Cunning Is The Best Weapon."

To be continued...