It was the last week of November which makes it nearly a month since Dawson came to Benin. In no time, he had combed the whole of the state capital and soon discovered that Benin was no better than Warri. However, with the help of Donatius and his wife, Dawson was thankful that something might be coming his way at last.

It all started one evening, when Donatius took Dawson out on a drive to one of his major customers, a naval officer residing in government quarters along the GRA. When Donatius told him of his friend’s plight, he was all concerns. After thinking for some minutes he said it may be difficult but promise to try and find out what he could do.

‘Just give me tonight to think about it’, he said. He gave his office address to Dawson, and added, ‘come to my office tomorrow morning with your credentials. Did you say you read Animal Science?'

‘Yes sir’ he replied

‘How is your wife? The officer inquired of Donatius

‘She is fine’ he replied.

Later, the visitors rose to go after they had discussed a lot of issues including the present economic state of the country. Dawson, kept quiet all through the discussion between the friends. He was, however, full of thanks and sincerely express them as they said good nights.

Dawson went the following morning to the office of the naval officer in the governor’s office. After some difficulties with armed guards and secretarial barriers, he was finally ushered into the office.

‘You are Mr. Corridon?’ he asked

‘Yes sir’ he replied as soon as he close the office door behind him. He must have forgotten about Dawson for he scrutinized the name and address written on the visitor’s note and after some seconds, apprehension came to his memory.

‘Oh! You are from Mr. Tode? He said more of a statement than a question.

‘Do sit down’, he continued ‘I did think last night and I have decided to try one of my close friends if he could help. I want to let you know that I wouldn’t do it for any other person. Tode and l are like this’ he dovetailed two of his fingers to indicate the tight relationship between them. ‘Let me see your credentials. I am sorry I didn't recognize you at first. I forgets so easily. The nature of my work takes a lot out of my brain.'

After he had examined the documents, he let our a whale of breath from his stomach and nodded his head. He took out a letter-headed paper and wrote down something, which he later placed in an envelope addressed to the permanent secretary in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

‘I wish you goodluck’, he said as he handed the envelope to him. ‘Give it personally to the permanent secretary’, he stressed.

Dawson knelt down in thanks as he took the envelope with two hands from the officer.

As soon as he was outside he hailed to a passing taxi and headed straight for the Federal Ministry of Agric and Natural Resources. Now the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources offices lay on a very big land situated nearly out of town. As soon as he alighted from the taxi, he entered through the gate. A very big ware house lay on the right while the office premises were on the left. Dawson walked the long distance from the gate in less than five minutes. He took another five minutes to pass through the usual office protocol before he was allowed to see the secretary. Dawson handed him the envelope, after he had explained that he was from Navy Captain John Ejemudaro.

The Permanent Secretary read the note carefully allowing time for the information to sink in. When he had finished, he rested his back on the comfort of his executive chair. After sometime, he pressed the button on his desk and when the secretary came, he said,

‘Is Mr. Akede of the personnel department on sit?'

‘Let me find out sir’, she said. She came back two minutes later.

‘He is around sir’

‘Okay’, he said and took a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. This he pinned it on top of the credentials, gave it to Dawson and asked the secretary to take him to the personnel officer.

It was nearly 3:30pm when he was shown the office of the personnel officer, but because he has been directed by the permanent secretary, Dawson got attended to.

After reading the small directive, the officer said,

‘Young man, I have been directed to interview, you. What’s that your name?’

Dawson Corridon’ he replied.

But the officer was busy examining the credentials.

‘Alright’ he said after sometime.

‘You will have to come tomorrow for the interview. And I guess you know what to bring?' he asked.

‘Okay’ he said after Dawson had answered.

It was now seven days since he had been interviewed. Infact he was now on his way to the ministry as he was asked to come for the result of the interview on the last week of November. Before Dawson left the flat, he had prayed as never before that this should be the opportunity he had been waiting for.

When he got to the Ministry the personnel officer was busy so he had to wait. He waited for nearly two hours before he was called in. During this time he didn’t know what to think. He couldn’t think of anything. When he entered the office, the officer was busy looking for something in a file and motioned him to seat down. The officer finally returned to his seat, cracked his throat, and without a change in tone of speaking told him in a flat voice that he had been successful in the interview and took out of one file opened in Dawson’s favour a letter of appointment as an agricultural officer in the Ministry.

“Congratulation on your appointment’ he said as he handed the letter to him.

Dawson took the letter with shaking hands. He did not know what to say. He felt dazed and his reflex refused to work. He just stared. After the first shock had gone, he managed to say thanks to the officer. After he has the left the office, he did not waste time in going to the permanent secretary to thank him for everything he had done.

With so much on his mind, he did not know how he got out of the premises of the ministry, but somehow, he found himself in a taxi heading for the flat. He was overcome with joy.

According to the appointment letter he was to start work next month as he appointment took effect from the first of December. The officer had however told him to be reporting to the office to get acquainted with the general work routine. Dawson was only too happy to agree.

While inside the taxi, he thought about Candida how she must feel to hear the news. He must write her immediately. He was still thinking of Candida when suddenly a thought struck him that nobody would be home at this time. He quickly told the driver to stop. He paid the fare, changed his direction and headed for Donatius office to break the news to him.

Donatius and his wife were most happy for him, because they know Dawson had been thinking seriously since he came to stay with them. That night arrangement were made to visit John Ejemudaro, the naval officer who played the chief role in securing the job for him.

And back in his room that night, Dawson settled down to write Candida about everything.

My dear Candida,

I have a million and more things to say at the same time but I don’t know which to say first.

Well, I now have a job here. I have only this afternoon been given an appointment letter to resume duty as an Agricultural officer with the Federal Ministry of Agric and Natural Resources on the 1st of December.

Are you happy? Well, I don’t need the answer now until I can hold you in my arms,

Candida, I sincerely apologize for slipping away from the estate without telling you . I know I must have caused you a lot of grief by doing so. But you can be sure that I did not do it with my clear mind and I know you wouldn’t be happy to see me in such a state of mind, so I decided to spare you the mental agony you might suffer to see me leave in such a state. I do hope you will understand and forgive me.

You might as well know now that as soon as I left the estate I came to Benin and have been living with a friend of mine, Mr. Tode Donatius. Donatius and his wife are a nice couple. They took very good care of me and without their help, I would not be dreaming today of having this job, any job of any kind. I love them so much.

And now to you. How has been life in the estate? How about your parents? I know you wouldn’t know anything about my parents. But somehow, I guess they would miss me, but I wouldn’t care less. If they missed me, then they deserve what was coming to them.

I miss you Candida. I missed you terribly. How I wish I am with you now. I would have rushed home immediately on receiving the appointment, but I had to be going to the office every morning for orientation as to the nature of the job.

However, as soon as I am fully settled I will come home one of the weekends and make arrangement for the dowry to be paid. Once that is settled we can then settle down to a happy family life.

There are other details I would have liked to share with you, but I will reserve them till we meet.

Darling, I have you in my blood.

I miss you terribly especially those charming eyes of yours. You are great. Without you I wouldn’t have fought the way I did.

Till we meet soon.

Godbless ever yours,
