Chereads / The Novel's Worst Healer / Chapter 8 - Private tutor

Chapter 8 - Private tutor


Name: Tami Hanabira

Race: half elf

Age: 16

Class 1: [Assassin]

Class 2: [Spirit Whisperer]


Strength: 2.624 [17.5 / 20]

Defense: 1.102 [11.1 / 20]

Agility: 4.81 [19.1 / 20]

Mana: 1.410 [16.5 / 20]

Spirit: 3.812 [19.4 / 20]

Intelligence: 0.904 [10.4 / 20]

Perception: 1.221[12.3 / 20]

Dexterity: 2.561 [17.8 / 20]

Charisma: 2.635 [18.5 / 20]

(from now on, potential will be displayed next to normal stats to take less space.)


Class skills:


[Conceal]-LV4-54% : hide your presence.

[Ambush]-LV2-67% : surprise attack become more powerful and more precise.

[Dagger Mastery]-LV5-1% : you understand how to use a dagger with more ease.


----------[Spirit Whisperer]-----------

[Spirits Whisper]-LV1-52% : whisper to Spirits and the Spirits will listen.



Tami Hanabira, the sister of Manami Hanabira, and one of the main characters of 'Records Of Heroes'.


A hot-tempered brat that will eventually become the best assassin in the world.

And unlike her sister, she doesn't convey the clan master position, knowing she wasn't fit to be a leader, she instead chooses to support Manami as a shadow doing all the dirty work.


But what I want to know, is how in the nine circle of hell did the situation turn out like this.


Right now, siting to my left was Tami with an open book on the table in front of her, she was clearly bored.

Pointing at a line in the book and looking my way she asked as if not even interested in what she was pointing at.


"Yo, what does this one mean?"


'At least pretend to care, you brat!' is what I wanted to say, but I refrained from doing so and explained the best I could.


Going back in time a bit to when she woke me up.


"Hello, my name is Th-"


"Theodore Lettore rank 600, [Healer] and [Alchemist], I know." she said rather pissed off.


'Just what did I do to make her mad. (TヮT) '

"Y-yea that, so what I can do you for?"


"TSK~'' instead of answering, she just clicked her tong, and spoke under her breath a few word I didn't quite hear. ~Why did it have to be such a weakling?~


Before I could guess what was going on, Manami came entered the room and exclaimed.


"Ah, great! You met each others, this should make things easier."


"What exactly are you talking about?"


"Oh right, I forgot to tell you, from now on you will be helping Tami here with her studies. I don't want my sister's grade to fall behind, so please do your best."she said with a bright smile.


I was slightly taken aback by suddenly having to babysit without my consent.

"Wait, what about my opinion, and why me in the first place? Wouldn't it be better to hire a tutor for that?"


"Well, I was going to hire a private tutor, but then you came to mind. You who somehow managed to get a perfect score on the written exam without special backing that could help you get info on the exam subject."

"I'll be honest, if I was in your shoes, it would be impossible for me to get similar results. And don't worry, I'm not asking you to do this for free either."


As she said that last part, she pulled out her phone, Tipped Tapped a little, when I received a notification.




Pulling my phone, I froze slightly.


[15,000 AU : have been transferred to your account]

AU being this world universal currency, it has about the same value as the dollar back in my world.


I slowly looked back at Manami, as she was smiling innocently.

'This isn't something I can say no to.' I was about to say something, but she just continued.


"That was just a down payment, you'll be receiving your pay every two weeks from now on."




I was speechless, in less time that it took me to blink I received what I made in a year of work back in my world.

And she said I'd be receiving this every two week? Not every month?

Looking down at my phone, the only thing that could come of my mouth was…

"Rich people are scary!"




This brings us back to where we left off.

Tami was leaning on the table, with her head rested on her arm, she was reluctantly reading a book.


In the same motion as she did multiple time prior, she would point at a line and ask, clearly uninterested.


"What does this one mean?"


She was starting to piss me off.

Keeping my cool as not to lose a good source of money, I did my best to explain.


You might be wondering why would I, someone who read and reread this world's story multiple time out of pure passion, would hate being in the presence of one of the main characters?


Well that's because right now she doesn't even qualify as a main character, the character I grew to love, had matured as the story had progressed.

Right now she's nothing but a rich arrogant brat who has yet to face anything remotely dangerous.


In any case, this charade continued for a while and right as I was about to snap, she asked an actual good question, which brought me back to my senses.


"Why is it that some people's classes evolve, while others just keep the same forever?"


This being the first actual question she asked got me excited to answer and without thinking much I blurted out.


"It's actually quite simple to evolve your class."

(↑ Saying at the same time ↓)

"No one really knows why." Manami said.


At that instant, I looked Manami dead in the eyes as she was making an expression that mixed surprise, confusion, and curiosity.


After a moment of silence, she asked.


"You know how to make a class evolve?"


At this point, everyone in the room was looking my direction, stopping whatever they were doing to listen to what I had to say.


I had made a huge blunder, while the technology to analyze what stats one has existed, in the beginning of the story they had yet to discover how to know what class and skills the person had.

The only way to know the classes of a person was to ask them directly what they selected, and people just instinctively knew what skill they had after awakening.


Why is that important, you ask? That's because to evolve your class, you need to reach level 10 proficiency for each skill.


The discovery of how to evolve your class would be made four months from now by the founder of Avalon Technologies, he would then improve the CT scan looking machine we used at the entrance exam.


I was so used to seeing my classes and skills that I blurted out something without thinking.


"Well, I don't know per se, it's more of a theory." coming up with a lie on the spot hoping they would get disinterested.


It almost worked but Manami said with excitement.


"OH, tell me more, it has to be good for you to believe in it with so much confidence."


'WHY DO YOU TRUST MY OPINION SO MUCH?!' is what I wanted to say, but I had to say something now, and couldn't just talk about level and such.

Using [Reader] to try to remember anything that could help me. I took a deep breath and started to explain.


"The theory goes like this, we know every class give you certain abilities and the more you train those abilities the more powerful they get."


Turning towards Chloe, I asked...

"Chloe, do you know what the leading theory about class evolution is?"


"T-the leading theory? Isn't it that you must reach the peak of that class?" she said shyly.


"Yes, that's the one. But what does peak of your class means? Let's take one of my class for example. What would being the peak of the [healer] class mean?" I said, pointing at Tami.


Surprised by her sudden involvement, she responded urgently.

"Being the best at healing, I guess."


"Good guess, but you see [healers] do more than just [heal], they can also provide [buffs] and create [shields]." I said, as I made a [shield] appear. "The same goes for other classes."


"I see I get it now." said Manami. "To reach the peak of a class, one must reach the peak of all the abilities the class has."


Seeing as she got where I was going made me happy, but I had to correct her a bit.


"Yes, but not quite, if all you had to do was reach the peak of your abilities you would focus on one until you reach its peak then go onto the next one."

"But there is no evidence of a peak existing, so instead I believe one must reach a certain threshold instead."


Seeing as everyone was satisfied with my explanation, I heaved a sigh of relief.


"If it's that easy to evolve your class, why do most people just stay like they are."

Tami then decided to surprised me yet again by asking an actual question, could it be she's actually learning?


"Well, just like your assumption that a good [healer] just needs to be good at healing, most people choose one ability to rely on and end up neglecting the others."

"But as I said, it's just a theory, so don't think of it as actual facts and more of a good reminder not to solely rely on one ability."


I could see Manami wanting to ask more question. But I wasn't ready to let that happen.


"Oh my, would you look at the time! I have to go."

Bolting out of there, I headed straight to the training ground, in the distance I could faintly hear her saying something.


"~But there's still five minutes left~"




Manami was walking towards the training ground right after ending today's study group session.


What Theo just explained lingered in her mind, it wasn't groundbreaking by any mean, but it did make her pounder, she still had many question for him, like 'what about subclass evolutions?'.

Though, she was confused as to why he left in such a hurry.


Arriving at the training ground, she was surprised to see Theo there, he didn't seem to notice her as he was concentrating on working out.

She was about to go ask him more about his theory, but she stopped herself. It was bad manner to bother someone mid-training, and the person himself seemed reluctant to answer more question about it.


Going to the area where the long range was located, she focused on her own training.


As she shot arrow after arrow, she grew more conscious about the strength gap between each of her abilities.

Had she not heard his explanation, she wouldn't have thought much of it, this made her resolute to put more effort into balancing her training.




Her phone alarm snapped her out of focus, without her realizing it was already 7 pm, she had been so immersed in training that she failed to see the time go by.


Arranging her stuff neatly inside a duffel bag, she took out a vial filled with a green liquid inside, the vial itself was covered in a metal casing to protect it.

Manami proceeded to drink the vial content in one fell swoop, then made a displeased face, exclaiming.


"Urg, bitter!"


What she drank was a type of recovery potion specially made to aid in stats growth, a product that very few people could afford to use on a monthly basis, let alone a daily one.

Yet she was able to, thanks to her family clan's high standing, she was able to strike a deal with a well known Japanese chemist guild.


Many people doubted the safety of using such methods to grow stronger, some even calling it doping, while she agreed with their opinion, she didn't have the luxury of a choice.

She needed to grow strong and fast, all for the sake of protecting the Hanabira clan.


Manami and Tami were the twin daughters born from the union between the family head Akane Hanabira their mother and an Elven man called Nasir Caihice.

Their mother unfortunately died giving birth to the both of them, leaving the position of family head to her husband until the two daughters came of age.

At which point a vote would be held by the elders to decide which of the two would be the next head.


It was all well until an older step-brother from her father's side she didn't know anything about showed up one day, claiming the position of head, his.

What's worse was, even though he was a pure elf without an ounce of Hanabira blood in him, the elders seemed in favor of him. She somehow by miracle managed to make those old coots wait until her coming of age to choose the next heir.




Thinking about this bad stuff made her rather hungry.


And so she head towards her dorm, not to the cafeteria, being in the top 100 gave her special privileges such as custom meals made with dietary needs in mind, and were of overall better quality and taste.


Time flows faster for those who concentrate and for Manami it did just that, before she realized a month and a half had passed, during which she trained and learned hard for today.


[28/October/2109] today was the day to prove herself as a hero in learning, she and every other first year students would participate in a dungeon dive to kill goblins and bring proof of subjugation.


It might not seem like it, but the crossroad academy was very tight-lipped when it came to such info, but thanks to her position and private information networks she managed to get info ahead of time.


Patting herself on the back, she took pride in her initiative to gather info.

She had intensely studied dungeons and monsters for the past three weeks, so there shouldn't be anything that would surprise her.


Looking at her surroundings, she could see every student forming a line to enter the school Gate, the coordinates of the Gate were set to Italy as this was where the dungeon they would be entering was.


When it was finally her turn to enter, the scenery before her changed completely, she and all the students that went before her were in a small meadow surrounded by mountains.

A group of teachers were making sure that no one caused trouble.


In the corner of her vision, she noticed a small cave entrance without any distinct features, it looked like any ordinary cave you would find in any mountain.

But she knew this was the dungeon she would be going into.


Dungeons were common existence to this world ever since the Rupture, space where the inside may be many times larger than the outside. With an entrance that cannot be seen, and often time filed with monster when they appear.

And if left alone for too long, the monsters inside would breed so much that they would start to overflow outside the dungeons.

The only two ways to know if a dungeon is there is either by having someone randomly walk inside one and report it or having someone with extreme Mana sensitivity to try to spot it.


Though dungeons don't only carry misery, they're also full of rare resources, once all the monster inside are killed all that's left is a treasure trove without an expiry date.

Thought the resources themselves are finite, the space itself could be reused as long as you didn't destroy the entrance.


For example, this very dungeon was one that had been run dry of all its resources and had been reused as a goblin breeding ground to train and help heroes in the making to gain real field experience.


By now most student had arrived in the meadow, most if not all of them were wearing custom gear and had custom weapons.

She herself had brought her personal bow and clothes, as it was allowed by the teacher's saying that. "It's also a heroes job to procure their own equipment!", and that they would only provide the bare minimum for those who didn't have personal weapons already.


Though they said they would provide for those who didn't have any, this rule was well known to be a reminder to the students to always be prepared ahead of time.


She herself thought no one was dumb enough to not at least have one good weapon ready. That is, until she saw a certain dark brown haired boy being scolded by one of the teachers.


"Theodore Lettore, what's in the bag?"


"Potions, bandage, food, and all sort of stuff useful in case of emergency sir!"


"Sigh~~I know it's good to be prepared, but don't you have your priorities backwards?"

"You didn't even bring proper protection with you."


He was only wearing a simple hoodie over his school uniform, had a hiking bag on his back and the only weapon he had was a basic training staff provided by the school.

The words he exchanged with the teacher made all those who were close enough to ear sneer at him.



This scene made Manami question Theo's sanity.


"Did I misjudge him because of his grade during the entrance exam?"


Before she could get lost into thoughts, Malgath Friana gathered everyone's attention, using wind spirits to make sure his voice was heard by everyone.


"Students, I will now explain what you will be doing in today's excursion!"