In an unprecedented turn of events, Eleanor, who had never sought her mother's assistance since her birth or even since ascending to the throne, stood before the queen's chamber with a request.
"I did this to help you, Mother," Eleanor began, her hands gently cradling her stomach as she stepped inside the chamber. Her tone carried an air of determination as she continued, "So, now, I need your help."
Queen Emma masked her surprise and offered a gracious welcome and gestured for Eleanor to take a seat.
While the queen remained uncertain about the nature of her daughter's plea, she reasoned that her ladies-in-waiting had already borne witness to many of her secrets. One more clandestine matter, she believed, would hardly make a difference at this point.
But it was Eleanor herself who held a different perspective on the matter. Her gaze firm, she declared, "Leave." Her directive was directed at Zara and the two ladies-in-waiting.