Once again, I was successful in gaining more and more attention. I was the center of gossip, and I cared less. I didn't dare to think about Scott's next move. If I analyzed him properly, he wouldn't fire me for sure, but try to get back to me by making me work overtime, which was an old concept. As an ordinary person, when I did something totally out of the box, he was CEO. What might be his next move? I mean, it's quite terrifying to think about. He has the power to destroy my career completely.
Everyone started showing cold shoulders towards me, not only from my department but from different departments too, and no one bothered to know what happened. I mean, with one hand, can anyone clap? He went overboard by not paying the shopping amount and even implemented new rules that stopped me from qualifying for the bonus. I had a bloody responsibility to take care of my bills; I didn't have anyone to rely on. If I went overboard, yes, I went, but alone, I am not responsible for my action; he was not sparing me from Day 1. I was protecting my pride, which I kept doing from the day I came out as gay and left my hometown. I have survived alone in this dam city, suffered so many days without food by just drinking water, and slept on dam street when I didn't get shelter from any social service agency. I never got supporting words or hands from anyone. I went through so many rough times and never had a shoulder to rely on. I came to this level on my own when it came to my pride, which I didn't lose no matter what they expected me to keep quiet like hell.
It was almost 15 days after that incident. I was not getting any more work than usual, which was strange and made me worried about my future in this company.
One fine day I received mail from Scott stating that I needed to accompany him on a business trip to France, which I was expecting, but I never thought it would be so soon. He also mentioned the necessary details, plus he stated that expenses related to the previous and current trips would be settled after we got back from our business trip.
Wow, I was really confused, about what the hell I was going to do now. I mean he was going to pay me back, which was tempting but on a business trip again. Those two trips were far from the worst; this time, he will bloody show me hell if, by God's grace, I survive. He will bring me back, or else he will dig a hole and burry me with no regrets and ironically, no one gives a shit if I am alive or not. My presence barely matters, not even to my parents.
What the hell? In a confused state, I stood outside company. A strong wind blew on my face for a few seconds, making me forget everything.
When a person is born, he will enjoy his life age-wise. At a particular age, he is meant to enjoy that particular life but the same was not the case for me. When I turned 12, everyone forcefully made me fight. Turning gay, fighting against my surroundings, and moving to the city for a better life, but in return, I was struggling for survival. To become something, I started working again for survival within the company. I had to go through so many battles. After I went through all these, I was not eligible to be called a 'HERO' and my title was quite opposite in everyone's eyes.
I knew he was just playing by not sending the amount, but my financial condition was not ready to play along, and I did not want to explain to him regarding the same. I bet he would hardly give a dam about what I was trying to say.
As far as I know, he is not a shameless person; it's been 15 days since the incident took place in the meeting room; he didn't bother to repay me for all of a sudden business trip plus paying back; he does have a catch over here; he is just making sure that I would accompany him no matter what, which is not great for me; it is a pre-planned; he started playing his card; this business trip is not going to end well; somewhere I am feeling this.