A knight's journey.
practice but practice is tiring. A knight is a defender of the people and the best defense isn't always an unyielding border but can be a fluid attack, that's why we need the ability to protect, without magic, a knight should always hold a weapon. Like a shield, a sword, a strong mind, a strong spirit, or strong abilities, in the end, I may need all. a sword can defend like a shield and a shield can attack like a sword. each advantage is a new limit, better yet a new path perfect with all its imperfections. someone skilled in everything is a jack of all trades and a master of none, everything I suppose but a fool. should I put down weapons and practice like a person without anything, how we grew, or should I realize with a new world new skills are needed? a weapon can be lost but so can my hands. another look and my heart turns to why. These weird animals hold such importance to the survival of their selves and species for what reason? why we fight it is all so senseless but I'm here and it's kind of fun, whatever fun is, to participate in others' illusions or out of my own. going out into the world and fighting to learn I suppose is best for me.