Ashvarohi –Horseman. One Ashvarohi =12 Infantrymen.
Gaja – Soldier on an Elephant. One Gaja =12 Ashvarohi.
ArdhaRathi –A soldier on a chariot who is considered equal to one Gaja.
Rathi-A warrior who is considered equal to 12 Ardharathis
AtiRathi–A warrior who is considered equal to 12 Rathis
Maharathi–A warrior who is considered equal to 12 Atirathis
Ati-Maharathi–A warrior who is considered equal to 12 Maharathis.
Mahamaharathis– A warrior who is considered equal to 24Ati-Maharathis.
The above ranks are not just a reflection of skill or mastery of a weapon. It also includes knowledge of battle formations, strategic skill set, tactical knowledge, past experience, ability to crack"battle traps" and so on.Simply because an archer rode a chariot did not make him a Rathi – the warrior needed to have some fearsome reputation and class battle experience too.