Chereads / MARVELOUS MULTIVERSE- Part I / Chapter 10 - Getting Ready for Global War Against the Opposite Equivalent

Chapter 10 - Getting Ready for Global War Against the Opposite Equivalent

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A sudden gust of wind catches Séptyma and Phrimea off guard as they are relaxing in their recliners in the house entry hall.

They step outside the house to gaze at the sky above and stop in the midst of the garden, seeing that the rows of clouds, which earlier ran loose and disorderly from the west at a very high speed, now are standing still as if waiting for a command.


The speed of time is slowing down.


No. It has already slowed. She already knows. She's got the Codex grand master key.

Now She would only need to turn the Paradise keys, which are engraved in the palms of Her hands, and speak along with two other words.


Speaking the five-word phrase along with the other two, Gyah Haveh—I AM, She will make it complete and form seven.


She won't do that now. The cloud rows will remain in dormant mode. She must have understood at this point that there is something else in the dark sky of the Codex.

Something unusual and disloyal, like an ace up the sleeve, was placed out there without Our knowing. That is the main reason We are here.

The consul emeritus, Legion, will have a lot to explain this time around. — This is spoken by Séptyma as She transfigures into the archangel form, clad in Her celestial armour.


I knew Our trip wasn't only a ride. I'm really happy to be by your side.


There is something in the dark of the Codex We still don't know what it is. The light can't penetrate. As if dark and evil has its own master key.

It seemed like in the new testament there wouldn't be anything worse than Redemtione, the Legion's demonic directive. But I was mistaken. We must investigate.


On another hill, at Vanesscenzza's roofless lounge.

To add drama to his words, Legion does enlarge his eyes while slanting his head.


Unless there is a miracle, the World shall stay with what it already knows, or believes that it knows: the Bible the exact way it was presented to them.

Practically every nation, Vatican, and Europe certify and attest to its credibility.


Never believe in what they say.

— She laughs — You are hilarious. How come the greatest actor, the father of the beliefs and lies, come up with a so charlatan performance?

Performances are now postponed. Séptyma is here.


O My Star bright, after so long a time You look prettier, and even younger.


You look prettier too. And younger, in gold blonde.

As far as I can see, your visit to the Codex is due to a clause of the eternal righteousness.


I'm still running the data tracking on what We got from the Greek job. You know Our justice system is the most cautious of the multiverse.

We have made backups of the Codex in case there might be some unauthorised disassembling.

Our surrogate version of the bible is dated back to awhile ago when Susie, the architect, came and made the valley a so much more beautiful and fancy place, with fresh air, like a cosy elegant district in western Europe.

We know the motivation of each word in the bible. Because We must know.

However, something is not defined yet. We're tracking something We still don't know what it is.


What You're looking to track down cannot be identified by the means You are using.

Because it doesn't belong in your World nor in Paradise Third Heaven either.

The opposite equivalent stands where it ought not. But it will not be taken in vain.

What makes connection with the dark world is everywhere in what they call 'the new testament'.

It's the only thing that cannot be done in the light. Because it is the opposite to the Word which is the name above all names.


What you mean? What do you know about the dark world?


The dark world is a refinement of the evil. Something which is necessary for the religious needs of the Humans.

Because 'believing' is something they cannot do in the light, as it is said in Veritate Splendour: In the light there's no gloomy, there's no need to believe.

Around us, there is too much light. This interview will continue later. — Legion departs, appearing to go for a stroll.


Can you translate what he said? What is the opposite equivalent?


Take a walk with Me. I can lead You through all the way from the start.

Except for the fact that You underestimated Legion, by secretly sealing the Codex of the Bible with a master key, there is nothing about the Codex Vaticano that I did not already know.

— Whispering voice — Unintentionally You contributed, much beyond You could ever realise, for people in the World to feed this dark.

Because, back when You were in Greece supervising the Holy Bible at the time it was written;

The master key that had never been used before is a formula that Legion learned and secretly replicated in reverse, without your knowing, giving rise to a second grand master key, a reversed one called 'Opposite Equivalent'.

— Whispery voice — A custom-made exteriorization kit with coffin and burial, and the reservation is made, for whosoever becomes a referential to what is external; in such a manner that no truth is left inside him any more, neither light emanating of itself;

Whenever they take as if it were true, or idolise, whatsoever refers to religion and belongs in the eternal dark;

Where the opposite equivalent to I AM THAT I AM, and something that in no way has a place in the light, is precisely 'believing'.


I'd not disassemble the Codex without a clear understanding.

How come the Word I AM THAT I AM is the opposite to believing?


Just as the truth is contrary to the lie, in the same way, BEING WHAT ONE IS is the exact opposite to: Taking it as if it is.

To believe is take as if it were true, which means lying to yourself, whenever they apply 'believing' to light and spirit.

The five-word grand master key named There's only one actual truth consists on displaying the truth only once;

In the same way, the opposite of a single time is as many times as it is possible. That is the amount of times Legion had placed 'believing', as if it were sacred, in what they call the new testament.

You cannot deceive anyone without making him believe. In likewise, it's not possible that someone has been deceived without him having taken as true, or taken as if it is, which means lying to yourself.

That is why 'believing' is of the devil, whenever it is applied to light and spirit.

For, the beliefs belong to the demon and to everything that transgresses the second and first commandment as spoken by Alta Gyahaveh:

1st. — You'll not have before Me what is called god or belief.

2nd — You shall not allow nor consent to all that is done to worship a god inside your region, country, and whatsoever territories that I'll give You for You to occupy.

As the light shines in darkness in the Holy Bible, as for the dark side, Legion gave rise to a second grand master key, the opposite equivalent, which drives the light a far away from the idolaters, believers, and keepers of the gloom.


Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies, light and gloomy, good and evil; eclipsing and turning it out into a dark perspective, the puzzling nature of re-Legion's game.


I know your mission was to sanctify, setting apart the name that is above all names, and placing it as far away as possible from what they call the new testament.

You gave order that the name Gyahaveh/Yahweh should be seen only once in the Bible, in the book of Exodus.

And You did the same with the abbreviated form JAH, so that it should appear only once in the Bible, causing it to stay almost hidden in the book of Psalms.

You did it, so that the name would not be spoken in vain since the new testament should be left to the nations.

Besides, calling upon the name makes connection between two worlds. For, everyone who calls upon the name of Gyahaveh will be saved.

Just as the word I AM WHAT I AM must not be called upon in vain since the name makes a connection between the World and Paradise Third Heaven;

In the same way, the opposite equivalent should also not be pronounced in vain, as if they could do it and, at the same time, not drive the light away since they are making a connection between the World and what is external;

Until the point of ceasing any glittering light from emanating of their spirits along with any truth left in them.

There is no longer any doubt that the opposite equivalent, 'believing', is a grand master key which opens a portal heading for the eternal dark whenever it is applied to light and spirit.


I started changing My opinion on the disassembling of the Codex. The New Testament needs to be changed immediately.


I'd change the colour of the sky only, along with some features of the place We are, the Codex region, and leave the Holy Bible as it is. No changes needed.


What You mean? That doesn't make much sense.


There's a much better way for the World to get ready for the global war against the opposite equivalent.

Me and Vanesscenzza found out something. We've got some good news to show You.


A little over 2000 years ago. Walking along the south eastern outskirts of Gy'erusalaym, a living miracle called Lamed, the Human lamb who has 7 eyes and 7 horns like a new lamb;

And having in His forehead the name of the one who sent Him , Yhwh / Gyahaveh / Yahweh, meets Celidonius, a man who has been blind since birth; and while speaking these words, his eyes are opened.


Shortly before the light shone on this World, I said: I AM the light that shines upon them All.


After a while, He sees again the man who has been blind since birth and asks him a question.


Do you see with your eyes a candle that shines the light that I AM?


Where is this candle that I might see it?


The candle is seven times before you.

I, the Word, Am come into this World having seven eyes, like a Menorah, a seven lamps candelabrum; in order that those who do not see may see; and those who are believers, that they are seeing, may have no reason to keep on being blind.

— Then some believers asked this question — Are we blind also?


If hearing and seeing the word are not enough for you to see then is that not being blind twice?

And if you admit that you do not see anything when you work up a strong 'believing' then you would start seeing. But because you say: 'Believing it, we see!', that is where your blindness increases.

— Opposite equivalent: … because ye say: We see; therefore your sin remains.

No one has the completeness of a word that I AM addressed to a belief; in likewise, the truth does not abide in someone by the means of believing. You really ought to know Her.

— Opposite equivalent: And ye have not his word abiding in you: for … ye believe not


Codex region, present time.


Seeing both master keys side by side, Séptyma's key Vs the opposite equivalent, brought Me back so much more remembrance.

All realities are gradually converging to a time before evil existed.

There's no enmity between good and evil. Because the All came out of One.

That is why the new testament was written in a manner so that there is a distinguished and pacifistic confrontation between the two grand master keys.


In other words, We've been dealing with something unavoidable.

If the opposite equivalent were not in Our own territory where We make the rules, i.e. in the Holy Bible, then it would be outside of it anyway, given the right to choice and free will, in some other codebook;

And that would do more harm than good since it would not officially stay in Our terms, nor would it have the word through the Lamb to counterattack and defeat the lies.


The way both master keys stand, Séptyma's and Legion's, it is a pacifistic and yet an intriguing and interesting war.

And the Lamb vanquishes the lies, in His battle against the dark world's doorway, by exposing the key of Legion.


Would You like to continue the interview?


I also prefer the term interview since We do not force anyone into anything. We only advise on the consequences that entail certain choices.

We politely inform people through dreams and visions. And We'll always give them answers and insights, mercifully enlightening them in dreams.


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