Chapter 287 - Bring It On

A while after waiting in front of the rampart with Somni and Tetle, we confirmed the figure of Aldebaran sprinting on the

marshland heading to this city.

「Looking at them calmly, those guys really look like band of perverts.」

Hearing my honest impression about the current appearance of the demon king Aldebaran,

「Yeah, looking at them running while doing that disordered dance really creeps me out.」

Somni had also agreed with me.

「Indeed. They kinda remind me of mollusk, or Beelzebub-sama.」

Somni's face twitched upon hearing Tetle's remark.

「Tetle, you seriously have to stop saying something like that! That Personage is the only one I don't want to think about!」

And shouted to the top of his lungs.

「That Beelzebub-sama is Kai-sama's subordinate, right?」

「Yes, when Your Highness is working with Shifu later on, make sure you avoid Beelzebub-sama at all cost.」

Hearing Tetle's desperate warning,


I had no chice but to nod at him.

「Oi, they're about to arrive. But then, what is this black mist?」


「This is GIrimekhala-sama's barrier. Aldebaran and Co are like rats in a trap. They might be our enemy but man, I can't help

but pity them. I mean, they ended up facing the second worst subordinate of Kai-sama who was only topped by Beelzebubsama.」


While Tetle and Somni were having such an incomprehensible conversation, Aldebaran arrived before us.

Strangely enough, he didn't seem to be a threat compared to before.

Aldebaran revealed a faint smile,

『Some nerve you got there to ambush me.』

And spat an extremely cliche remark.

「He~, so this is the demon king Aldebaran that you cannot defeat huh? Seriously, bro, he is even weaker than Battaman-san


Said Somni with a somewhat disappointed look on his face, the same went for Tetle who stood beside him and,

「Hey, it's rude to compare this small fry with Battaman-san! Rather, they're definitely going to explode from anger if they

hear you say something like that! Spare me from your mess dude!」

Tetle got flustered for a moment alas, he still cussed Somni for his slip of tongue.

「Don't be that scaredy cat, Tetle, it's not like Battaman-san is he――AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!?」

Hearing Tetle cursing him, Somni replied squinting his eyes, looking at our surroundings but, he suddenly raised a scream

when a humanoid monster that looked like a bipedal locust stood behind us.

『Gigigigugigi(We and Foul Feeder received an order from Our Master to watch over you lots).』

Though the voice that came out from the monster's mouth sounded like some sort of noise, the meaning of their words had

somehow resounded in my head.

「F-F-Foul Feeder… Sama?」

Tetle who also heard the locust monster's words lowered his line of sight while moving his feet like broken puppets,

「Foul Feeder-sama~~~!」

And raised his voice upon finding the figure of a small white rat.

Ignoring the comical reaction of the duo, the small white rat quickly hopped on the locust monster's right shoulder,

『Kyu~ki! Kyuu! Kyuukyuu!(Another ten years of training from me(kyuu) if you get even one scratch from that trash)』

And purred while raising their right hand.

「Another ten years of training for scratch!? Spare me from that hell dude!」

Somni took a stance while whining like that, completely ignoring Aldebaran.

Tetle had also unsheathed two jet black short sword from their sheath while facing the opposite to Somni, pointing the tip of

his short swords to that direction, 


「Those damn fish are coming!」

「Come out already you damn fish, this place is a slaughterhouse for you!」

And shouted at them in a loud voice.

「Oh my~, not bad for managing to sniff our presence~」

「Know your place, lowly worm! I'm gonna tear that cheeky mouth of yours!」

The sea bream headed, Urokonu and the blowfish headed, Fuguo appeared from their hiding place.

Their power was simple, far beyond the likes of Aldebaran. In short, only Kai-sama or his subordinates could handle them.

And though that locust man didn't seem to be that powerful, he was sent to this place by Kai-sama as insurance for us. He

definitely had the power to slaughter both Urokonu and Fuguo.

I mean, even if they were trained by Kai-sama, both Somni and Tetle were just normal humans. They wouldn't be able to fight

those two otherworldly beings from the front. The reason why Kai-sama gave his permission to Somni and Tetle to fight

Urokonu and Fuguo was because the locust man was going to assist them.

「Spare me from another training session with Foul Feeder-sama. You lots, all of you are going to die here. Oi, GIl, you go and

kill Aldebaran! The current you should be able to handle that small fry, right?」

Somni spoke quickly as he stepped forward, taking out a bright red spear, and rushed toward Urokonu.

The reason why I asked for their cooperation was to handle Aldebaran's subordinates. I mean, I couldn't win against

Aldebaran by myself.

「W-Wait a minute, So――」

When I tried to call Somni back,

「Indeed. We will be troubled if Your Highness can't even beat that small fry by himself.」

Said Tetle who had already grabbed a dagger in both of his hands.

「Guys, the reason I ask for Kai-sama's assistance is because I can't win against Aldebaran on my own—」

In the end, I unsheathed Flame from its sheath, taking a stance while mumbling on myself as I got placed in this

incomprehensible situation.

Oh well, this guy did force me to taste numerous defeats in the hundreds of lives before I arrived at the current result. I guess I

had to at least beat the crap of him on my own this time.

「Don't look down on meee!」

Aldebaran's enraged voice resounded as we clashed

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