Chereads / Heart's Odyssey / Chapter 3 - The dance

Chapter 3 - The dance

As the final song of the evening was about to commence, Lysandra found herself unable to approach the Duke for a dance, as he was fully engrossed in a conversation with the other gentlemen in attendance at the ball.

"Lysandra, has your Prince Charming arrived yet, or must I claim your final dance?" teased her brother as he hung his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, brother! I had not noticed you were here." Lysandra replied.

"We greet the Crown Prince of the Empire." Estelle and Penelope respectfully curtsied and he waved back.

"That shall not be necessary, brother, as I intend to ask him myself. However, I appreciate the thought." she smiled and went over to the Duke.

"There she goes again on her own." The brother sighed but self-consciously smiled.

"Well, would you do me the honor of this dance then, Lady Penelope?"

Both of them were flabbergasted and looked at each other, trying to communicate in silence.

Penelope responded with a tone of graciousness and extended out her hand. "It would be an honor for me as well, Your Highness."

The Prince, exhibiting a sophisticated air, interjected, "If I may, Lady Estelle has arrived with her escort as well. I eagerly anticipate the last dance." The brother replied in a refined manner.

"Indeed, Your Highness. Until then, Penelope, I will see you at the dance." Saying this, they parted ways.

On the other side, Lysandra approached the Duke from behind, still engrossed in their conversation. She meant not to eavesdrop. However, the distance made it not possible to evade.

The man expressed his thoughts, "As I was saying, the import business from the North has been stable, but we can never be sure about those northern traders."

The Duke responded, "We can address that later. As spring turns to monsoon, and rain is inevitable, thus we must reinforce the walls for the dams that may break, flooding the entire village located on the west side of the palace."

The man, showing a cruel disregard, retorted, "Who cares about that area? It's only inhabited by fleas and peasants. We need not concern ourselves with such a matter.

"It is better if they were taken away by the flood as there would be lesser mouths for the kingdom to look after." Another continued.

Lysandra, troubled by his words, pondered. "Is it not rather gruesome to speak in such a manner?"

The Duke, angered by their words, glared down at them, making them grow silent. Vexed by the obstinacy of the nobles, he let out a sigh. "Today is a day of celebration. Therefore, let us not dwell on this matter anymore and instead discuss it officially at a later time. I shall take my leave now."

With that, he turned to depart, but not before the Princess caught everyone's attention by making her presence known.

"Greetings to the Princess of the Florence Empire." they all greeted the Princess in unison.

"Please rise, and I offer my apologies in advance if my forthcoming comments and interference happen to displease anyone. However, His Majesty has expressed his preference to invest in a young lad who looks after his cattle rather than focusing on ways to profit from them." The Princess addressed the nobles with a sense of humility and sincerity.

They were left dumbfounded, but the Duke could only be astounded by her comment making him curious.

"Your Highness, congratulations on your debutante, and thank you for your kind words. It's been years since we last met," the Duke said politely.

"Thank you for your wishes, Your Grace. It's been a while since we last spoke. How have you been?" Lysandra asked.

"I've been well, thank you for asking. May I be of assistance to you in any way, Your Highness?" the Duke inquired.

"Indeed, Duke Alasdair, would you do me the honor of sharing the last dance of my debutante with me?" Lysandra requested confidently, extending her hand. The Duke was taken aback, as it was traditionally the responsibility of men to ask women to dance. However, she knew that she could not let this moment pass, as she would regret it forever if someone else took the opportunity to dance with him.

"It was quite an unexpected request, Your Highness, but I would be honored to accept." the Duke replied, taking Lysandra's hand and kissing it gently, reminding her of the first time they met.

As the ball began, the music played merrily, and every young maiden gracefully danced to the song. The Duke took to the dance floor with the Princess below the painted ceiling and the brightly lit chandeliers. They took each other's hands and began to move to the music, there was an air of uncertainty between them, and it was evident to all in attendance that they were still getting to know each other. As they danced, he found himself drawn to her, but he was not yet sure if it was attraction or simply just interesting to be with. The Princess, on the other hand, was grateful for the opportunity to dance with him and hoped that he would fall in love with her, but she knew that it would take time.

"Your grace, do you frequently attend social events hosted by the nobility?" she inquired.

"I cannot say that I am a frequent attendee, but I do attend as needed." he replied.

"Did you have any official obligations to fulfill at this evening's ball?" she continued.

"Am I required to divulge that information?" he asked, with a smile.

"Certainly not," she replied.

"In that case, I shall opt to remain silent." he said, as he twirled her around and then resumed his hold on her waist. They continued to dance, their movements both graceful and fluid, and they appeared to be enjoying each other's company.

The dance was now over and the little time spent with him was now coming to an end.

"I enjoyed the dance today, Your Highness, and I hope that we shall have the opportunity to partake in such revelries again in the future."

Lysandra's countenance was alight with surprise and a spark of delight in her eyes. She inquired with intrigue, with prospects of meeting again. "Do you intend to be present at the forthcoming spring royale parade to be held next month?"

"I haven't thought that far yet as I may be occupied with work. Until then Princess, it has been a wonderful evening."

"Yes until then, Your Grace." dejected but optimistic she bade him farewell and they both parted ways. She gazed at his back as she watched him go further unknown to her when she would meet him again.

"Well? How was it!?" she was approached by Estelle and bought into a shoulder embrace.

"oh my stelle it was wonderful, it was worth the three years wait!" she clasped both hands to her cheeks. "But wait, where is Penelope?"

"She's with your brother."

"My brother? why would he?" she asked flabbergasted.

"I know right, even Penny was shocked but I guess he noticed her partner was not present. That was so gentlemanly of him." Estelle said but Lysandra refused to believe.

"I think he just could not stand being partnerless for the last dance but anyways I am glad it turned out well for her. Let's go!"

And thus the long ball concluded after achieving her objective, even just a little. Slowly but surely win the Duke's heart.