Chereads / The CEO and his FLORIST / Chapter 1 - The Affair

The CEO and his FLORIST

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Chapter 1 - The Affair


Every little girl's dream, a woman's goal in life. At least it had been that way for Rose Adamos. The first wedding she could remember attending had been a family friend's. And Rose, all of five years old at the time, had been star struck.

She'd been planning her own ever since. Scrap books filled with childish drawings. As she'd grown the drawings had become photos and later on the photos had been stored away in folders on her phone. Always on hand in case she was inspired or saw something she liked. Every single detail, from the flowers, to the placement of the center pieces was perfect.

And at thirty, after a year of dating, Rose had finally found the man to complete the picture. The fiancé who would become her groom, and then later, her husband. She hadn't shut up about it since the day, Rex had proposed. All her social media friends and their grandmothers knew.

Rose's wedding. September 12.

Rose's wedding. September 12.

Rose's wedding. September 12.

She'd set up the notification. A daily reminder sent out so that no one forgot that the wedding was almost upon them. Set on an auspicious day, where absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Rose had been so proud, the date surrounded by little hearts. She even kissed her calendar every morning, blushing each time she did so.

Pity she had forgotten that all days were not as lucky as the day picked for her wedding. Like today for instance. Exactly eleven days before her wedding, and here she was at a hotel, banging on the door as she waited for the panicked hotel staff to open the door.

"Rex! Open the door! Open this door right now!" She stepped back, throwing her small frame against the door. As expected, it didn't budge, but she kept trying. Hitting the door three more times before going back to pounding it with her fists.

It was strange though, when the manager finally came, key card in hand, Rose wanted to stop her. To throw herself against the door and keep it closed. Rex was cheating on her. That much she knew. His friends had told her by accident. Giving up his location after she'd threatened them. But it was one thing to be told and another to see it with your own eyes.

So long as the door remained closed, she could keep the pieces of her breaking heart together. But the moment the door opened, her heart would shatter. There was no going back from seeing your man with another woman.

Looking over at the manager, Rose was met with an understanding look. The other woman silently asking if she wanted to continue. It would've been so easy to step back. To pretend like the night had never happened and go home. But standing in that hallway, her face a red mess, warm tears ruining her makeup. Rose remembered her father's words to her.

"The Adamos family are not cowards, we face our problems," Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and nodded at the hotel manager. The older woman nodded back, and then she raised her hand, the door opening silently.

The three steps it took to enter the room were longest of Rose's life. The people walking in with her fading into the background. Her sole focus on the half clothed couple next to the bed. Their hair standing in all angles. Their lips swollen from kissing. Mouth shaped bruises on the woman's neck. On Rex's half turned back, Rose could see a track of raised lines, the kind only nails could make. Add to that the smell of sex in the room, and there was no denying what she was seeing.

Rex was cheating on her.

Rex, who had asked her to be his girlfriend using flower arrangement, knowing that Rose, being a florist, would be moved. The same Rex who'd proposed to her using a thousand candles, with the sound of the sea as their music and full moon as their witness.


A sharp pained tore through her heart, salty tears stinging her eyes once more.

"Rose, it's not what you think," Rex said, coming towards her. Arms raised as though to hug her, and Rose ducked beneath him.

"Not what I think?" The words were calm, showing nothing of the rage coming to life within her.

Rex, the fool, took her calmness to mean she was actually listening to what he was saying.

"Yes, yes, I was just helping her out, she was attacked, and I defended her!" Wow, the man really thought she was an idiot. Apparently the other woman thought the same thing because she snorted, failing to hide her laughter. And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The tight hold that Rose had on her temper snapping.

She grabbed a nearby vase, and threw it at Rex, the man dodging at the last second and turning to look at her with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy?!"

He wanted crazy. She'd show him crazy. On the corner of the bed, she spotted his belt. The leather one she'd bought him on his birthday, and dashed for it. He realized too late what her intention was, and by then she already had it in her hands.

He rushed to take it from her but she was faster. In a matter of seconds, she had both him and his mistress backed against a corner, whipping at their ankles. The horrified hotel staff trying to take the belt from her.

Their panicked yells mixing with the pained cries of the cheaters and Rose's own enraged screams. It carried on like that for a while, until the mistress broke free and managed to toss the belt away. She threw herself at Rose, a catfight breaking out as they tussled. Exchanging hot slaps and pulling each other hair.

Despite the other woman being taller than her ( built like a supermodel). Rose managed to get the upper hand, and had just pinned her when Rex grabbed her. He pulled her off the other woman like she was a feather.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Her legs kicked at the air as she tried to break free. Eyes on the mistress, the other woman also trying to break free from the hotel staff. No longer able to fight physically, the fight turned verbal. The three of them trading insults while the workers tried to calm them down.

"Melanie," The voice, deep, yet surprisingly soft, cut through all the noise. All eyes instantly turned to the newcomer. Tall with bronze skin, sharp cheekbones, and stormy grey eyes. The man oozed power and money, from custom made suit all the way to the watch that clearly cost more than Rose made in a year. He looked like he belonged on a magazine cover.

In fact, he looked like he belonged with the other woman, Melanie. The two of them one of those insanely good looking couples attending prestigious events. He wore an engagement ring, a ring that matched to one on Melanie's finger. Melanie, who'd shaken off the workers and was looking at the man. She bit her bottom lip, the previously snake like eyes now looking like they belonged to an innocent deer.

"Honey…" She began, and that was all she managed. The man, radiating coldness, cast his eyes about the room, gave a slight nod then turned and walked away. Melanie, picking up the rest of her clothes, desperately called after him as she got dressed.

"Nate! Nate! Nathaniel, wait! "

With the other woman no longer there, all the fight went out of Rose. Rex, thinking she was calm enough to talk, let her go. Face heating with shame, Rose walked out before he could open his mouth. She paused at the door, taking off her engagement ring and tossing it over her shoulder.

"Goodbye, Rex," She did not look back to see it land. Did not look back to see his face. Her feet carrying her aching heart out of the hotel. Rose's wedding, was well and truly off.