Chereads / Reincarnated with a Fusion System / Chapter 31 - Return - 1

Chapter 31 - Return - 1

It sat next to me, sheathed in a cloud of tarnished leathers and straps. Fashioned with as much care as one could within that frosty cold. 

Yet when my hand reached the warm night air, a true contrast to the dire cold of the caves we had ventured through. For that single moment, my hand amongst the hilt of that same sword.

As I felt the power flood through my veins, a circle created of my own power.

I merely looked towards the sky.

"The moon…" I muttered, focused on that ghostly glow that it held towards the ground. Towards the roar and rage of infernal vehicles who made their way through distances unknown. Trains that blew their horn with reckless abandon.

A light that illuminated the golden hair that sat against my shoulders, as I raised a slightly clenched hand. With claws reached so heavily.

"So bright…" 

I turned and smiled. A true smile amongst my features as that same hand of mine grabbed Emilia's. Her face - although I had not noticed it - turned red, a contrast to the pale skin she sported.

"Yes… yes it is." Emilia echoed, her own gaze focused amongst the stars. The moon that seemed to show some visage of the future. Of a brightly hued sky.

Another breath left my mouth, as I was dragged. Pulled into a car that had waited for us. Into the back where she snuggled against me. 

"We- ther-" I struggled to say anything, merely basked in the frail touch she ghosted upon my skin. A breath that reached to my ear.

"It's late, just…" She muttered. That closeness, the distance between us. It had disappeared, replaced with such intimate gestures.

I had… had no idea what to do, rather there was nothing I could do. All my mind supplied was such a frozen gesture, a body that let her snuggle closer and closer. 

And a pure snow, white hair who veiled my vision with visages of pure and utter affection

Until the night lights - the constant shift of red, yellow, and green - Lights that hindered and sped our trip.

The parking lot that had us dropped at the front door, and soon after. A realization. For when I tried to return to that room of mine. Exhausted beyond measure, there was none.

I was forced within her bed - and in a mimicry of that cramped carriage - our backs entwined, hands that rubbed against the other in search of the warmth they provided.

Only to bunch within opulent blankets. To find their time seemingly washed away by the glare of the sun. Morning had come before either of us had even the time to think.

A sunday… or was it monday.

I checked my pocket, desperate for the device. To find the date. But my mind supplied it rather easily.

"Monday…" I grumbled. Found myself within the bath and ready moments later. Clothes miraculously prepared for me, despite the fact that I distinctly remembered never having given even a warning that I was to stay with her.

I turned my head - curiously - towards Emilia, but she only smiled. Her eyes roamed my wet hair, that droplets of water fell from, over my still barely clothed body.

Silently I turned and placed the rest over my head, the shirt and jacket, and finally the pants. Only then did I sigh in relief… to look back over at Emilia.

Her hair was frazzled, and her eyes had a stroke of mirth in them. But… there was something else as she took languid steps towards me. Her hand adjusted my collar and then stepped past me. 

Utterly assured. Of what, I knew not.

The days seemed to pass by in such a monotonic way. A ride to school, lectures and tests that I aced. And practice matches that grew me in both skill and power. 

Of course I still fused those drinks, used them to gather any and all mana that I could. To try and eke out just that much more mana. And maybe… just maybe impart some special quality onto my veins.

But it was for naught. For the only thing I was able to do was slightly increase my reserves. If before it was a one then it would have only made a 0.1 increase. Barely anything.

Yet for the time period that it occurred within, a miracle. But finally… finally the day had come. I had saved my materials for this. Eked out what tiny amounts of money that I could make.

All behind Emilia's back. Even if I knew that she would provide for me. It was a matter of pride. Pride. 

My eyes, so sharp, glared at the ceiling. At the opulent chandeliers and lights that lit the room with such bright light. 

Pride. A matter of pure and personal pride.

I would not, could not freeload.

And so a theory was born, amongst my own mind, loosely connected after days of experiments. Of death and power. Mutations beyond the limit of humane experiments.

The body could be improved. Talent lurked deep within our souls. Expressed in the veins that ran along our shoulders, down our chest and within every speck of our being.

Maybe the pathways within me could be given greater depth, a greater talent. And for that…

I grasped the sword within my hand. Turned my head around. Even if I knew the arena was empty as I had made sure of.

Emilia was out on errands. Whatever it was - I truly had no idea what it was - only that it had caused a rare smile for whatever reason.

Still I turned my attention back to that hilt of mine, held onto an absolute sword. Whose blade; buried within ice of absolute cold. Particles froze. Movement was not allowed. Such was the depths of its cold.

I had improved it dozens upon dozens of times. All with the subtle help of Emilia.

And so I gazed upon it, let the information flood my mind with a seemingly endless edge.


[A name bestowed by the very essence that it conveyed. Fused from the cold itself, from the efforts of a devoted trainee, given life from that very frost. An ordinary sword it may have started out as. But through their combined efforts Frost has obtained its name. Rightfully.]