"What is the interval of these attacks?" Lauren's inquiry pierced the air, prompting a pause among the gathered officials. Stanley, taken aback by her astute question, collected himself as he prepared to address her inquiry. Before he could respond, another director interjected, redirecting the attention back to him.
"Apologies, Director. The intervals for the attacks vary. There isn't a consistent pattern; it ranges from one body every three days to two bodies in two days. Additionally, there was another assault last night, and the victim's body is currently undergoing autopsy in the morgue," Stanley explained.
"All that being said, which part of the country is projected to be targeted next, as per your analysis?" Anderson sought further clarification.
"Presently, this district has seen twelve fatalities, whereas other districts have remained untouched by the assailant's attacks," Stanley detailed in response.
Offering her own scrutiny, Lauren posed another crucial question, probing for connections amongst the victims. The directors, already impressed by her outstanding record, found themselves further swayed by her adept line of inquiry, gaining new admiration for her shrewd professionalism.
"That's an excellent question, Special Agent Lauren," Director Fernanda interjected, offering a brief nod of acknowledgement to Lauren, who found herself slightly blushing under the unexpected praise from one of her professional mentors.
"In our current investigation, we have yet to establish any clear connections between the victims," Stanley clarified, feeling the weight of the mounting inquiries settle upon him.
"However," Anderson interjected, pointing to the files before them, "all twenty-seven victims share a common factor: they are all AB positive."
The implication of Anderson's assertion reverberated through the room as the gathered officials delved into the files. Soon enough, it became apparent that Anderson's initial observation was indeed correct.
Stanley, in an attempt to downplay the significance, ventured, "Well, I think it's negligible."
Lauren, however, was swift to counter, her tone firm and unwavering, "No piece of information during an investigation is negligible, no matter how small."
"I agree with her," Alex chimed in, offering his support in alignment with Lauren's assertion.
Director Fernanda, pushing the line of inquiry further, pointedly stated, "According to your investigation, you mentioned that the victims were drained of blood. Given the centrality of blood to the assailant's modus operandi, do you still think that knowing the victims' blood group is not important?"
Acknowledging his lapse, Stanley regretfully apologized for the oversight, gracefully stepping down from the podium. Following a period of deliberation, the directors collectively voted to task Lauren with heading the special force team that would take over the case. Stanley assumed the position of second in command. The team was an amalgamation of talents from various agencies: Lauren, Alex, Stephanie, Anderson, Stanley, and one additional agent from his team.
Their first directive from Lauren was to proceed to the morgue to examine the body of the latest victim, retrieve the autopsy report, and then convene back at the agency for further debriefing. Arriving at the morgue within minutes, they were escorted to the location where the victim's remains were preserved to prevent any untimely dissolution.
The doctor had meticulously arranged the dismembered body, assembling the fragments together in a poignant presentation for the awaiting agents, a vivid reminder of the complex and harrowing nature of the case they were about to embark upon.
The team meticulously combed through the evidence, documenting the scene and interviewing the overseeing doctor. Learning of the victim's tragic history, they discovered she was a young mother in her late twenties who had fallen prey to the assailant as she returned from purchasing supplies for her newborn. The somber silence added weight to their determination as they began to grasp the dire consequences of the assailant's actions.
Finding a moment to confer in private, Lauren drew Anderson to one side for a discreet discussion. "Clearly, this points to a vampire attack. Do you have any pertinent information that we might not be aware of?" she inquired, cutting straight to the chase.
"Well, yes, but all of that would be more divulged at Apex Security. It's above the regular informational threshold," Anderson affirmed, culminating his statement with a self-aware chuckle. "I'd be happy to share more after the debriefing. I'll make time for you tonight."
Meanwhile, an undercurrent of unease filled Stanley as he observed Lauren and Anderson slipping into a private conversation. His attempt to approach them was unexpectedly halted by Alex.
"Best to hold off, Stanley. This team's hierarchy is built around sharing what's pertinent. Agent Lauren is the leader of this team while Mr. Anderson is the director of the country's top security firm, so they may have information above the standard clearance level," Alex remarked with a cool demeanor. Stephanie, catching the exchange, raised an eyebrow, absorbing and acknowledging the weight of the confrontation.
Returning to the doctor, Alex inquired about the possibility of obtaining DNA samples from the victim's body.
"Oh yes, I ran some DNA test but just like every other similar cases, the DNA result was corrupted" he said
"What do you mean corrupted?" Anderson asked.
"It means the the DNA doesnt exist" lauren answered.
The doctor's response was disheartening—due to the distorted nature of the DNA results, any genetic traces were effectively unattainable.
"So what's our next move?" Stephanie asked
"That will be discussed at the office, let's go" lauren said and they left with the autopsy and DNA report. the team adjourned the inspection and decided to reconvene at the office to chart their next steps.
Amid escalating uncertainties and simmering questions, the team left the scene, each member carrying the weight of the looming unknowns, contemplating the arduous road ahead.